QTabWidget Hide and Show tabs - c++

I have some problems with QTabWidget. In case of the missing Hide functionality I have to build my own. According to the documentation I use removeTab and insertTab, but with insert Tab I have a problem to show the Tab page that is removed.
I use to add
RibbonTabContent *ribbonTabContent = new RibbonTabContent;
QTabWidget::addTab(ribbonTabContent, tabIcon, tabName);
To remove is use:
void Ribbon::hideTab(const QString &tabName)
// Find ribbon tab
for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++)
if (tabText(i).toLower() == tabName.toLower())
Both functions are working, pWidget is always null. But now the insert function do not work well. I think there I have a problem, but do not understand my problem.
void Ribbon::showTab(const QString &tabName){
// Find ribbon tab
QWidget* pWidget= QTabWidget::findChild<RibbonTabContent *>(tabName);
QTabWidget::insertTab(2,pWidget, tabName);
Maybe someone can help me out?

If you call QTabWidget::removeTab you remove the tab at the specified index from the children tree of your QTabWidget, the tab instance is not actually deleted though, so when you search for that same tab with QTabWidget::findChild you can't find it because it's not a child of your QTabWidget anymore. From the code you show I think you probably would not find it anyway since findChild searches for a widget with the specified objectName but you never set it for your tab.
A solution would be to store the removed tabs and then restore them when you please.
Assuming m_hiddenTabs is a QHash<QString, QWidget*> or QMap<QString, QWidget*> you could try something like this.
void Ribbon::hideTab(const QString &tabName)
// Find ribbon tab
for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++)
if (tabText(i).toLower() == tabName.toLower())
m_hiddenTabs.insert(tabName.toLower(), QTabWidget::widget(i));
void Ribbon::showTab(const QString &tabName){
// Find ribbon tab
auto tab = m_hiddenTabs.take(tabName.toLower());
QTabWidget::insertTab(2, tab, tabName);

Since Qt 5.15 it is also possible to use setTabVisible:
void QTabWidget::setTabVisible(int index, bool visible)
If visible is true, the page at position index is visible; otherwise the page at position index is hidden. The page's tab is redrawn appropriately.If visible is true, the page at position index is visible; otherwise the page at position index is hidden. The page's tab is redrawn appropriately.

It is unfortunate that QTabBar is unable to 'hide' a tab.
Here is my very easy work-around: mark the tabs 'disabled' instead (e.g. ui->tabWidget->setTabEnabled(tabIndex, false);).
Then, use stylesheets to style the "disabled" tab as entirely invisible and taking up no space:
min-width: 0px;
max-width: 0px;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
This works near-perfectly for me, with the only downside being that you can't have both disabled and "hidden" tabs in the same tabbar. However, usually I want one or the other, not both in the same bar.


Closing Popup and setting button label

I'm writing a C++ wxWidgets calculator application. I want to compress trigonometric function buttons into a single one to save on space, using what's basically a split button. If you left click on it, the current option is used. If you right click, a popup menu is opened, which contains all the buttons; when you click on one of them, it is used and the big button changes.
I've been suggested to use wxComboBox and other stuff for this job, but I preferred using wxPopupTransientWindow because this way I can display the buttons in a grid, making everything - in my opinion - neater.
Problem is, when I choose an option from the menu, the main button's ID changes (because when I reopen the menu the previously clicked button is light up as its ID and the big button's ID match), but the label does not. Furthermore, the popup is supposed to close itself when you left click on one of the buttons, but it does not.
This is the code for the custom button in the popup which is supposed to do all that stuff:
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent();
This is the code for the custom button in the main frame which opens up the popup (temporary setup just to test if the whole thing is working):
void ikeButton::rightClick(wxMouseEvent& evt) // CREA PANNELLO ESTENSIONE
if (flags & EXPANDABLE)
std::vector<expandMenuInfo> buttons;
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"sin", 3001));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"cos", 3002));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"tan", 3003));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arcsin", 3004));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arccos", 3005));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arctan", 3006));
wxPoint p = this->GetScreenPosition();
size_t sz = this->GetSize().GetHeight() / 1.15;
expandMenu* menu = new expandMenu(this, buttons, sz, wxPoint(
p.x, p.y + this->GetSize().GetHeight() + 2));
menu->GetPosition().x - ((menu->GetSize().GetWidth() - this->GetSize().GetWidth()) / 2),
Let me know if I need to show more code.
This is probably a terrible way of doing this, but this is basically the first "serious" application I'm creating using the wxWidgets framework. Any help is appreciated.
when I choose an option from the menu, the main button's ID changes
(because when I reopen the menu the previously clicked button is light
up as its ID and the big button's ID match), but the label does not.
If you're creating the popup menu like in your previous post, you had a popup window with a panel as its child and the buttons were then children of the panel layed out with a sizer.
If that's still the case, this->GetParent() and should be the panel, this->GetParent()->GetParent() should be the popup. So this->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent() should be the trig function button (assuming you created the popup with the trig function button as the parent).
So I think the line wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent(); should be changed to wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent();.
Or slightly shorter wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetGrandParent()->GetParent();;
the popup is supposed to close itself when you left click on one of
the buttons, but it does not.
It looks like wxPopupTransientWindow has a special Dismiss method that is supposed to be used to close it.
So I think the line this->GetParent()->Close(true); should be changed to this->GetGrandParent()->Dismiss(); (Assuming as above that the buttons in the popup are children pf a panel).
Alternately, if you want a solution that will work regardless of the parentage of the controls in the popup window, you could have a utility function to find the popup ancestor which would look something like this:
wxPopupTransientWindow* FindPopup(wxWindow* w)
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = NULL;
while ( w != NULL )
popup = wxDynamicCast(w, wxPopupTransientWindow);
if ( popup )
w = w->GetParent();
return popup;
This uses the wxDynamicCast function which is slightly different from the c++ dynamic_cast expression. wxDynamicCast uses wxWidgets' RTTI system to check if the given pointer can be converted to the given type.
Then the mouseReleased method could use this utility function something like this:
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = FindPopup(this);
if (popup ) {
wxWindow* mBtn = popup->GetParent();
I'm not sure why you're setting trig function button to have a new id, but I assume you have a reason.
To make the SetLabel method work in your custom button class, I think the easist thing is to call the SetLabel() method in the button's constructor. This will store the string passed to the constructor in the button's internal label member.
Based on other questions, I think the ikeButton constructor looks something like this:
ikeButton::ikeButton(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, wxString text,...
this->text = text;
To store the label, you would need to change the line this->text = text; to
And when you draw the button, I think the method you use looks like this:
void ikeButton::render(wxDC& dc)
dc.DrawText(text, ...);
You would need to change, the line dc.DrawText(text, ...); to
dc.DrawText(GetLabel(), ...);
Likewise, any other references to the button's text member should be changed to GetLabel() instead.
Finally, when you set the label in the expandButton::mouseReleased method, it might be a good idea to call button's Refresh() method to force the button to redraw itself. I added that my suggestion for the mouseReleased method above.

How to catch the click event of checkbox which is in a listctrl cell?

Insert checkbox column on a listctrl
I made a list with a checkbox column consulting the answer above.
Now my superior asks me to disable the OK button at first, enable it when at least there is one line is checked.
I looked up seems there is easy way to catch the click event when a checkbox is in a listctrl.
Add LVN_ITEMCHANGED to the message map. This will notify the dialog when changes are made to the list item:
Next, handle the message and respond each time a list item is checked or unchecked. Then you have to go through all the items in the list box and use CListCtrl::GetCheck. Example:
void CMyDialog::OnItemChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT*)
if(pNMListView->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
if(pNMListView->uNewState & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK && pNMListView->iItem >= 0)
BOOL checked_once = FALSE;
for(int i = 0; i < m_list.GetItemCount(); i++)
checked_once = TRUE;
You can add GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); in OnInitDialog so that the OK button is initially disabled.
Side note, your dialog is using the old style look. See this link on using the modern style UI:
Upgraded MFC application still looks old

Stop QTextCursor::insertText() from modifying QTextDocument scrollbar range

I have a QTextEdit that contains a QTextDocument, which is being programatically edited using the QTextCursor interface. The document is being edited with QTextCursor::insertText().
I load the text file being edited in chunks, so the initial size of the QTextDocument might only be 20 lines even though the document is 100,000 lines. However, I want the QTextEdit scrollbar to reflect the full size of the document instead of just the 20 line document it's currently displaying.
The QTextEdit's scrollbar range is set with QScrollBar::setMaximum() which adjusts the scrollbar to the proper size on the initial opening of the file, but when QTextCursor::insertText() is called the QScrollBar's range is recalculated.
I've already tried calling QScrollBar::setMaximum() after each QTextCursor::insertText() event, but it just makes the whole UI jerky and sloppy.
Is there any way to keep the range of the QScrollBar while the QTextDocument is being modified?
Yes. You'd depend on the implementation detail. In QTextEditPrivate::init(), the following connection is made:
control = new QTextEditControl(q);
QObject::connect(control, SIGNAL(documentSizeChanged(QSizeF)), q, SLOT(_q_adjustScrollbars()))
Here, q is of the type QTextEdit* and is the Q-pointer to the API object. Thus, you'd need to disconnect this connection, and manage the scroll bars on your own:
bool isBaseOf(const QByteArray &className, const QMetaObject *mo) {
while (mo) {
if (mo->className() == className)
return true;
mo = mo->superClass();
return false;
bool setScrollbarAdjustmentsEnabled(QTextEdit *ed, bool enable) {
QObject *control = {};
for (auto *ctl : ed->children()) {
if (isBaseOf("QWidgetTextControl", ctl->metaObject()) {
control = ctl;
if (!control)
return false;
if (enable)
return QObject::connect(control, SIGNAL(documentSizeChanged(QSizeF)), ed, SLOT(_q_adjustScrollbars()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
return QObject::disconnect(control, SIGNAL(documentSizeChanged(QSizeF)), ed, SLOT(_q_adjustScrollbars()));
Hopefully, this should be enough to prevent QTextEdit from interfering with you.

QListWidget horizontal scrollbar causes selection to go out of view

I've asked this question previously and a wonderful person lead me to a decent workaround for the issue. However, I am hoping to see if there is a better solution. One that actually prevents any shifting in my QListWidget entirely.
Working demo example
ListDemo zipfile
ListDemo cpp code
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
myListWidget = new QListWidget();
* The signal-slot below is a temporary workaround for the shifting issue.
* This will ensure that the item selected remains in view,
* This is achieved by forcing the item to be in the center of the window;
* however, this has an undesired side-effect of visible 'jumping' as the list
* scrolls to center the item.
//connect (myListWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this,
// SLOT(scrollToItem(QListWidgetItem*)));
for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; ++i)
QListWidgetItem * myItem = new QListWidgetItem(myListWidget);
QString text("");
for (int i = 0; i <= 40; ++i)
myItem->setText(text + QString::number(i));
for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; ++i)
if (i%2)
auto selected = myListWidget->selectedItems();
if (selected.size() == 1)
void MainWindow::scrollToItem(QListWidgetItem * item)
std::cout << "Scrolling to the item." << std::endl;
myListWidget->scrollToItem(item, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter);
The problem:
Whenever I have a QListWidget with horizontal scrollbars and hidden rows present, I get an undesired behaviour that whenever a user clicks on an item, it disappears from view, and the entire list shifts down.
In the example above, I've hidden every other row, to demonstrate this behaviour.
The workaround:
Workaround is having a signal-slot connection that forces the selected item to be scrolled back into view and positioned at the center.
Note, that I have to use PositionAtCenter as EnsureVisible does not work. It thinks the item is visible when it is out of view.
This workaround is acceptable; however, there is visible 'jump' when your selection is forced to be positioned at the center. This is an undesirable side effect.
At this point I am not sure whether this is a QT bug (I don't think having horizontal scrollbar should force your selection out of view) or my code is missing something vital.
The Fix:
As per #G.M.'s comment, all that was missing is myListWidget->setAutoScroll(false);
As mentioned in the comment...
To prevent automatic scrolling on selection disable the autoScroll property. So, in the example code provided do...
Note that this property also has an effect when items are dragged over the list view so if you want your list view to act as a drop site then you will probably want to re-enable this property when you get a QDragEnterEvent.

Hide the checkbox from a QListView item

I wave a QListView that is backed by a QStandardItemModel. Under certain circonstances, the QStandardItem are made checkable. A checkbox gets displayed besides the item's display. At some point, I want to remove hide the QStandardItem checkbox. I set its checkable state to false but it doesn't hide the checkbox (though it cannot be checked anymore).
The only way I have found of hiding the checkbox is to replace the item with a new one. This doesn't seem the proper way to preceed.
This is the code:
MyModel::MyModel(QObject *parent):QStandardItemModel(parent){}
void MyModel::createItem(int row, const QString &text)
setItem(row, new QStandardItem(text));
void MyModel::setCheckable(int row)
item(row)->setCheckable(true); // A checkbox appears besides the text
void MyModel::hideCheckBox(int row)
item(row)->setCheckable(false); // does not work
// I need to completely replace the item for the checkbox to disapear.
// This doesn't seem the proper way to proceed
setItem(row, new QStandardItem(item(row)->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()));
Is there better way to proceed?
When you call setCheckState or setCheckable, the qt will update the data of list item by adding or setting a Qt::CheckStateRole data. If the Qt::CheckStateRole data is existed, the check icon will be shown. So you need remove it from the data map of the list item.
Finally, the code of hideCheckBox should be:
void MyModel::hideCheckBox(int row)
// check the item pointer
QStandardItem* pitem = item(row);
if (pitem == NULL) return;
// find and delete the Qt::CheckStateRole data
QMap<int, QVariant> mdata = itemData(pitem->index());
if (mdata.remove(Qt::CheckStateRole))
setItemData(pitem->index(), mdata);
Hope it useful. :)
I think the presence of the check boxes in items defined by item flags, so that I would write the function in the following way:
void MyModel::hideCheckBox(int row)
// Does not set the Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable flag.
item(row)->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);