I'm new to c++, and I need to use list container for my 3D marker-based watershed function. But I get strange bugs when I use list container. May I know what's wrong with my code?
Thank you so much!
I used a vector of list to save the wait-to-search pixel index.
I declare the variable in this way (GVInt32 is int32_t):
vector<list<GVInt32>> toSearchList;
And I used these two kinds of operations of list:
Add a new wait-to-search index at the end of a list
Remove a searched element at the middle of a list(it is list<GVInt32>::iterator):
it = toSearchList[cnt].erase(it);
But I get two kinds of errors:
malloc(): memory corruption when I do
I get not accessible elements in the end of the list when I inspect the variable in debugger:
[Not accessible elements][1]
The IDE is QT creator 4.15.2
The system is Ubuntu 18.04
The full code
#include "watershed_wz.h"
array<GVInt32, 6> WaterShed_WZ::getNeighbor_WZ(const GVInt32 idx, const GVInt32 width, const GVInt32 height, const GVInt32 thick) {
GVInt32 SLICE = width * height;
GVInt32 z = idx / SLICE;
GVInt32 y = (idx%SLICE) / width;
GVInt32 x = idx % width;
array<GVInt32, 6> nIndex;
nIndex[0] = (x == 0) ? -1 : (idx - 1);
nIndex[1] = ((x + 1) == width) ? -1 : (idx + 1);
nIndex[2] = (y == 0) ? -1 : (idx - width);
nIndex[3] = ((y + 1) == height) ? -1 : (idx + width);
nIndex[4] = (z == 0) ? -1 : (idx - SLICE);
nIndex[5] = ((z + 1) == thick) ? -1 : (idx + SLICE);
return nIndex;
void WaterShed_WZ::Watershed3D_WZ(
const Mat im,
const GVInt32 width,
const GVInt32 height,
const GVInt32 thick,
GVInt32* label,
const vector<vector<GVInt32>> marker)
//<image> the image for watershed
//<width> the width of the image
//<height> the height of the image
//<thick> the thick of the image
//<label> the map to save result. need to allocate memory before use watershed
//<marker> the marker's index
// const GVByte* image=im.data;
auto t0 = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
QTextStream out(stdout);
// const GVInt32 SZ_slice = width * height;
// const GVInt32 SZ = SZ_slice * thick;
const GVInt32 markerNum = marker.size();
// create toSearchList. Saved pixel connected to labeled pixels and wait to search
vector<list<GVInt32>> toSearchList;
// set label to INIT (unsearched)
// ::memset(label, -1, sizeof(GVInt32) * SZ);
// initialize
array<GVInt32, 6> nIdx;
for (size_t i = 0; i < markerNum; i++)
for (GVInt32 idx : marker[i])
// initialize label (which can be considered as a map of pointer to labelBar)
label[idx] = i + 1;
nIdx = getNeighbor_WZ(idx, width, height, thick);
for (GVInt32 newidx : nIdx)
if (newidx != -1)
if (label[newidx] == -1) {
label[newidx] = -2;
GVByte h;
GVInt32 idx;
for (int h_cnt = 0; h_cnt < (1+(int)GV_BYTE_MAX); h_cnt++) // water height
h = (GVByte)h_cnt;
for (GVInt32 cnt = 0; cnt < markerNum; cnt++) { // for each marker
list<GVInt32>::iterator it = toSearchList[cnt].begin();
while (!toSearchList[cnt].empty())
// for each pixel connected to the cnt-th labeled region
idx = *it;
// if this pixel is higher than water, ignore it
if (im.at<unsigned char>(idx) > h)
if(it == toSearchList[cnt].end())
// this pixel is lower than water, assign it
label[idx] = cnt + 1;
// L.at<int>(idx)=cnt + 1;
// add new neighbor
nIdx = getNeighbor_WZ(idx, width, height, thick);
for (GVInt32 newidx : nIdx)
if (newidx != -1)
if (label[newidx]== -1) {
label[newidx] = -2;
// L.at<int>(newidx)=-2;
// erase searched pixel
it = toSearchList[cnt].erase(it);
if(it == toSearchList[cnt].end())
auto t1 = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto dt = 1.e-9 * chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t1 - t0).count();
out << "Watershed used " << dt << " seconds.\n\n" << Qt::endl;
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <list>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> //basic building blocks of opencv
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp> // image io
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> //image display
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
typedef unsigned char GVByte;
typedef int32_t GVInt32;
//typedef uint32_t GVInt32U;
class WaterShed_WZ
static array<GVInt32, 6> getNeighbor_WZ(const GVInt32 idx, const GVInt32 width, const GVInt32 height, const GVInt32 thick);
static void Watershed3D_WZ(
const Mat im,
const GVInt32 width,
const GVInt32 height,
const GVInt32 thick,
GVInt32* label,
const vector<vector<GVInt32>> marker);
#endif // WATERSHED_WZ_H
try delete [cnt] index everywhere like this
toSearchList[cnt].end() --> toSearchList.end()
I am trying to generate a simple, constant sine tone using SDL_audio. I have a small helper class that can be called to turn the tone on/off, change the frequency, and change the wave shape. I have followed some examples I could find on the web and got the following:
#pragma once
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_audio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include "logger.h"
class Beeper {
//Should there be sound right now
bool soundOn = true;
//Type of wave that should be generated
int waveType = 0;
//Tone that the wave will produce (may or may not be applicable based on wave type)
float waveTone = 440;
//Running index for sampling
float samplingIndex = 0;
//These are useful variables that cannot be changed outside of this file:
const Sint16 amplitude = 32000;
//Sampling rate
const int samplingRate = 44100;
//Buffer size
const int bufferSize = 1024;
//Samples a sine wave at a given index
float sampleSine(float index);
//Samples a square wave at a given index
float sampleSquare(float index);
//Initializes SDL audio, audio device, and audio specs
void initializeAudio();
//Function called by SDL audio_callback that fills stream with samples
void generateSamples(short* stream, int length);
//Turn sound on or off
void setSoundOn(bool soundOnOrOff);
//Set timbre of tone produced by beeper
void setWaveType(int waveTypeID);
//Set tone (in Hz) produced by beeper
void setWaveTone(int waveHz);
#include <beeper.h>
void fillBuffer(void* userdata, Uint8* _stream, int len) {
short * stream = reinterpret_cast<short*>(_stream);
int length = len;
Beeper* beeper = (Beeper*)userdata;
beeper->generateSamples(stream, length);
void Beeper::initializeAudio() {
SDL_AudioSpec desired, returned;
SDL_AudioDeviceID devID;
desired.freq = samplingRate;
desired.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; //16-bit audio
desired.channels = 1;
desired.samples = bufferSize;
desired.callback = &fillBuffer;
desired.userdata = this;
devID = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(0,0), 0, &desired, &returned, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(devID, 0);
void Beeper::generateSamples(short *stream, int length) {
int samplesToWrite = length / sizeof(short);
for (int i = 0; i < samplesToWrite; i++) {
if (soundOn) {
if (waveType == 0) {
stream[i] = (short)(amplitude * sampleSine(samplingIndex));
else if (waveType == 1) {
stream[i] = (short)(amplitude * 0.8 * sampleSquare(samplingIndex));
else {
stream[i] = 0;
//INFO << "Sampling index: " << samplingIndex;
samplingIndex += (waveTone * M_PI * 2) / samplingRate;
//INFO << "Stream input: " << stream[i];
if (samplingIndex >= (M_PI*2)) {
samplingIndex -= M_PI * 2;
void Beeper::setSoundOn(bool soundOnOrOff) {
soundOn = soundOnOrOff;
//if (soundOnOrOff) {
// samplingIndex = 0;
void Beeper::setWaveType(int waveTypeID) {
waveType = waveTypeID;
//samplingIndex = 0;
void Beeper::setWaveTone(int waveHz) {
waveTone = waveHz;
//samplingIndex = 0;
float Beeper::sampleSine(float index) {
double result = sin((index));
//INFO << "Sine result: " << result;
return result;
float Beeper::sampleSquare(float index)
int unSquaredSin = sin((index));
if (unSquaredSin >= 0) {
return 1;
else {
return -1;
The callback function is being called and the generateSamples function is loading data into the stream, but I cannot hear anything but a very slight click at irregular periods. I have had a look at the data inside the stream and it follows a pattern that I would expect for a scaled sine wave with a 440 Hz frequency. Is there something obvious that I am missing? I did notice that the size of the stream is double what I put when declaring the SDL_AudioSpec and calling SDL_OpenAudioDevice. Why is that?
Answered my own question! When opening the audio device I used the flag SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE which meant that SDL was actually using a float buffer instead of the short buffer that I expected. This was causing issues in a couple of places that were hard to detect (the stream being double the amount of bytes I was expecting should have tipped me off). I changed that parameter in SDL_OpenAudioDevice() to 0 and it worked as expected!
Recently I've been writing a game engine in OpenGL and have a question. When I generate my BSP file (Quake 3), it generates very odd vertices!! I've checked the vertex vector, heres a screenshot of what it contains (it repeats itself)
I've checked glGetError, and it returns nothing (zero)! I'm really stumped here, and I have no idea what to do.
Here is my code:
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp>
#include <glm/vec3.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include "map.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include "game_manager.h"
std::vector<BSPVerts> vertexes;
bool KikoBSP::load_map(std::string file_name)
this->file.open(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (this->file.is_open())
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->header), sizeof(this->header));
BSPEntities* ents = new BSPEntities;
ents->ents_array = new char[this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::ENTITIES].length];
this->num_textures = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::TEXTURES].length / sizeof(BSPTexture);
this->num_planes = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::PLANES].length / sizeof(BSPPlane);
this->num_textures = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::TEXTURES].length / sizeof(BSPTexture);
this->num_nodes = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::NODES].length / sizeof(BSPNode);
this->num_leafs = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::LEAFS].length / sizeof(BSPLeaf);
this->num_leaf_faces = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::LEAF_FACES].length / sizeof(BSPLeafFace);
this->num_leaf_brushes = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::LEAF_BRUSHES].length / sizeof(BSPLeafBrush);
this->num_models = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::MODELS].length / sizeof(BSPModel);
this->num_brushes = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::BRUSHES].length / sizeof(BSPBrush);
this->num_brush_sides = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::BRUSHSIDES].length / sizeof(BSPBrushSides);
this->num_vertexes = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::VERTEXES].length / sizeof(BSPVerts);
this->num_meshverts = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::MESHVERTS].length / sizeof(BSPMeshVerts);
this->num_effects = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::EFFECTS].length / sizeof(BSPEffects);
this->num_faces = this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::FACES].length / sizeof(BSPFaces);
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_vertexes; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_textures; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_meshverts; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_planes; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_nodes; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_leafs; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_faces; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_leaf_faces; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_leaf_brushes; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_models; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_brushes; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_brush_sides; x++)
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_effects; x++)
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ents->ents_array), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::ENTITIES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(textures.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::TEXTURES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->planes.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::PLANES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->nodes.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::NODES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->leaf.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::LEAFS].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->leaf_faces.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::LEAF_FACES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->leaf_brush.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::LEAF_BRUSHES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->model.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::MODELS].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->brushes.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::BRUSHES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->brush_sides.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::BRUSHSIDES].length);
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_vertexes; x++)
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&vertexes.data()[x]), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::VERTEXES].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->mesh_verts.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::MESHVERTS].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->effect.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::EFFECTS].length);
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this->faces.data()), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::FACES].length);
std::printf("BSP VERSION: '%s'\n", this->header.magic);
if (std::strncmp(this->header.magic, "IBSP", 4) == 0)
std::printf("SUCCESS: VALID BSP FORMAT!\n");
std::printf("ERROR: INVALID BSP FORMAT!\n");
return false;
this->shader.load_shader("shaders/bsp.vs", "shaders/bsp.fs");
/* heres where I try to store the data for the faces vertices */
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_faces; x++)
BSPFaces& face = this->faces[x];
for (int32_t vertices = 0; vertices < this->num_vertexes; vertices++)
BSPVerts* vert = reinterpret_cast<BSPVerts*>(&vertexes[x]);
this->colors.push_back(vert[x].position.x / 0xFF);
this->colors.push_back(vert[x].position.y / 0xFF);
this->colors.push_back(vert[x].position.z / 0xFF);
glGenVertexArrays(1, &this->vao);
glGenBuffers(1, &this->vbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->vertices_vector.size() * sizeof(float), &this->vertices_vector.front(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glGenBuffers(1, &this->color_vbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->color_vbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->colors.size() * sizeof(float), &this->colors.front(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
this->coord3d = glGetAttribLocation(this->shader.program, "coord3d");
this->mvp = glGetUniformLocation(this->shader.program, "mvp");
this->attrib_color = glGetAttribLocation(this->shader.program, "v_color");
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->vbo);
glVertexAttribPointer(this->coord3d, // attribute
3, // number of elements per vertex, here (R,G,B)
GL_FLOAT, // the currentBlock of each element
GL_FALSE, // take our values as-is
0, // no extra data between each position
nullptr // offset of first element
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->color_vbo);
glVertexAttrib3fv(this->attrib_color, reinterpret_cast<float*>(this->colors.data()));
return true;
std::printf("ERROR: COULDN'T OPEN FILE!\n");
return false;
return false;
void KikoBSP::render(glm::vec3 position)
glm::mat4 model = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0), glm::vec3(position.x, position.y, position.z));
glm::mat4 mvp = game_manager->projection * game_manager->view * model;
glUniformMatrix4fv(this->mvp, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(mvp));
glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, this->vertices_vector.size());
void KikoBSP::cleanup_map()
/* delete[] textures;
delete[] planes;
delete[] this->leafs;
delete[] this->nodes;
delete[] this->leaf_this->faces;
delete[] this->models;
delete[] this->brushes;
delete[] this->brush_sides;
delete[] this->vertexes;
delete[] this->mesh_verts;
delete[] this->effects;
delete[] this->this->faces;
(use maybe later?) */
There are no errors in the code, it just draws this:
Which is obviously not the map!
Also, heres my header file if you need that to:
#pragma once
#pragma pack(2)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <glm/vec3.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include "shader.h"
#include <memory>
#include <array>
#define FACE_POLYGON 1
struct BSPLump
int32_t offset; /* offset to start of lump */
int32_t length; /* length of lump, always multiple of 4 */
struct BSPHeader
char magic[4]; /* ALWAYS IBSP */
int32_t version; /* 0x2E for Quake 3 */
BSPLump lumps[BSPLUMPS::MAX_LUMPS]; /* direntries */
struct BSPEntities
char* ents_array;
struct BSPTexture
char name[64];
int32_t flags;
int32_t contents;
struct BSPPlane
glm::vec3 normal;
float distance;
struct BSPNode
int32_t plane;
glm::ivec2 children;
glm::ivec3 mins;
glm::ivec3 maxs;
struct BSPLeaf
int32_t cluster;
int32_t area;
glm::ivec3 mins;
glm::ivec3 maxs;
int32_t leafface;
int32_t num_leaffaces;
int32_t leaf_brush;
int32_t num_leaf_brushes;
struct BSPLeafFace
int32_t face;
struct BSPLeafBrush
int32_t brush;
struct BSPModel
glm::fvec3 mins;
glm::fvec3 maxs;
int32_t face;
int32_t num_faces;
int32_t brush;
int32_t num_brushes;
struct BSPBrush
int32_t brush_side;
int32_t num_brush_sides;
int32_t texture;
struct BSPBrushSides
int32_t plane;
int32_t texture;
struct BSPVerts
glm::vec3 position;
glm::vec2 tex_coord; /* same as float tex_coord[2][2] */
glm::vec2 lm_coord; /* same as float tex_coord[2][2] */
glm::vec3 normal;
char color[4];
struct BSPMeshVerts
int32_t offset;
struct BSPEffects
char name[64];
int32_t brush;
int32_t unk; /* unknown */
struct BSPFaces
int32_t texture;
int32_t effect;
int32_t type;
int32_t vertex;
int32_t num_vertexes;
int32_t meshvert; /* start */
int32_t num_of_meshverts;
int32_t lm_index;
glm::ivec2 lm_start;
glm::ivec2 lm_size;
glm::vec3 lm_origin;
float lm_vecs[2][3];
glm::fvec3 normal;
glm::ivec2 size;
class KikoBSP
bool load_map(std::string);
void render(glm::vec3);
void draw_level();
int32_t get_max();
int32_t get_min();
void get_vert();
void cleanup_map();
Shader shader;
BSPHeader header;
int32_t num_vertexes;
std::ifstream file;
uint32_t vbo;
uint32_t vao;
uint32_t color_vbo;
uint32_t ebo;
int32_t coord3d;
int32_t mvp;
int32_t attrib_color;
BSPFaces* cur_face;
std::vector<float> vertices_vector;
std::vector<float> colors;
std::vector<float> indices;
std::vector<BSPFaces> faces;
std::vector<BSPTexture> textures;
std::vector<BSPPlane> planes;
std::vector<BSPNode> nodes;
std::vector<BSPMeshVerts> mesh_verts;
std::vector<BSPLeaf> leaf;
std::vector<BSPLeafFace> leaf_faces;
std::vector<BSPLeafBrush> leaf_brush;
std::vector<BSPModel> model;
std::vector<BSPBrush> brushes;
std::vector<BSPBrushSides> brush_sides;
std::vector<BSPEffects> effect;
int32_t num_textures;
int32_t num_planes;
int32_t num_nodes;
int32_t num_leafs;
int32_t num_leaf_faces;
int32_t num_leaf_brushes;
int32_t num_models;
int32_t num_brushes;
int32_t num_brush_sides;
int32_t num_meshverts;
int32_t num_effects;
int32_t num_faces;
int32_t num_lightmaps;
int32_t num_lightvols;
I think the problem is the indices or vertices. I believe the problem lies with how I STORE the data for the vertices. Its really buggy.
Thanks! All helps appreciated! :)
Whenever someone says "There are no errors in the code", you know something has already gone terribly wrong!
For example, what is this supposed to be doing?
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_vertexes; x++)
It looks like it's invoking some undefined behavior here. If all you want to do is fill the array up, just do this:
Secondly, the code that reads in the vertexes from the file looks like it has a logic error:
for (int32_t x = 0; x < this->num_vertexes; x++)
this->file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&vertexes.data()[x]), this->header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::VERTEXES].length);
This looks like it's going to read in the entirety of the vertex lump for each vertex, probably resulting in bizarre behavior. You probably just want to do this:
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(vertexes.data()), header.lumps[BSPLUMPS::VERTEXES].length);
Also, a note on your code that's unrelated to your problem: using this-> everywhere hurts readability and adds nothing to the code, remove it.
I did the same BSP renderer a while back, I can't remember what state I left it in, but you can have a look at the code here.
I am trying to compile a project using make command.
I have several occured errors about namespace std::.
I am using Ubuntu and I think I've installed all I need to compile C++ language.
Here's the code:
#include "texture.hpp"
#include "texturefetch.hpp"
#include <png.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
delete[] mPixels;
for (int i=1; i<mlodmax+1; ++i)
delete[] mMipMapLevels[i];
delete[] mMipMapLevels;
bool Texture::getclamp() const
return clamp;
void Texture::setclamp(bool value)
clamp = value;
int Texture::load(std::string filename){
FILE *fp;
png_byte magic[8];
/* open image file */
fp = std::fopen (filename.c_str(), "rb");
if (!fp) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: couldn't open \"%s\"!\n", filename.c_str());
return 0;
/* read magic number */
fread (magic, 1, sizeof (magic), fp);
/* check for valid magic number */
if (!png_check_sig (magic, sizeof (magic))) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: \"%s\" is not a valid PNG image!\n", filename.c_str());
fclose (fp);
return 0;
/* create a png read struct */
png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!png_ptr) {
fclose (fp);
return 0;
/* create a png info struct */
png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct (png_ptr);
if (!info_ptr) {
fclose (fp);
png_destroy_read_struct (&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
/* initialize the setjmp for returning properly after a libpng
error occured */
if (setjmp (png_jmpbuf (png_ptr))) {
fclose (fp);
png_destroy_read_struct (&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
return 0;
/* setup libpng for using standard C fread() function
with our FILE pointer */
png_init_io (png_ptr, fp);
/* tell libpng that we have already read the magic number */
png_set_sig_bytes (png_ptr, sizeof (magic));
/* read png info */
png_read_info (png_ptr, info_ptr);
int bit_depth, color_type;
/* get some usefull information from header */
bit_depth = png_get_bit_depth (png_ptr, info_ptr);
color_type = png_get_color_type (png_ptr, info_ptr);
/* convert index color images to RGB images */
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
png_set_palette_to_rgb (png_ptr);
/* convert 1-2-4 bits grayscale images to 8 bits
grayscale. */
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)
if (png_get_valid (png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
png_set_tRNS_to_alpha (png_ptr);
if (bit_depth == 16)
png_set_strip_16 (png_ptr);
else if (bit_depth < 8)
png_set_packing (png_ptr);
/* update info structure to apply transformations */
png_read_update_info (png_ptr, info_ptr);
/* retrieve updated information */
png_get_IHDR (png_ptr, info_ptr,
&bit_depth, &color_type,
switch (color_type) {
mPixelFormat = 1;
mPixelFormat = 2;
mPixelFormat = 3;
mPixelFormat = 4;
/* Badness */
/* we can now allocate memory for storing pixel data */
mPixels = new unsigned char[mWidth * mHeight * mPixelFormat];
png_bytep *row_pointers;
/* setup a pointer array. Each one points at the begening of a row. */
row_pointers = new png_bytep[mHeight];
for (int i = 0; i < mHeight; ++i) {
row_pointers[i] = (png_bytep)(mPixels +
((mHeight - (i + 1)) * mWidth * mPixelFormat));
/* read pixel data using row pointers */
png_read_image (png_ptr, row_pointers);
/* finish decompression and release memory */
png_read_end (png_ptr, NULL);
png_destroy_read_struct (&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL);
fclose (fp);
/* we don't need row pointers anymore */
delete[] row_pointers;
return 1;
Texture::Texture(std::string filename) : mPixels(NULL), mMipMapLevels(NULL), hasmipmap(false), mSu(1.f), mSv(1.f), clamp(false){
if (!load(filename)) {
std::cerr << "Erreur : impossible de lire le fichier " << filename << std::endl;
} else {
mlodmax = (int)std::floor(std::min(std::log2(mWidth), std::log2(mHeight)));
bool Texture::prefilter(){
hasmipmap = buildmipmaps();
return hasmipmap;
bool Texture::buildmipmaps(){
mMipMapLevels = new unsigned char*[mlodmax+1];
mMipMapLevels[0] = mPixels;
for (int i=1;i<mlodmax+1; ++i)
// Call of the student function
return prefilterTexture(mMipMapLevels, mWidth, mHeight, mPixelFormat, mlodmax+1);
void Texture::setScale(float su, float sv){
mSu = 1.f/su;
mSv = 1.f/sv;
void Texture::getPixel(float u, float v, float lod, Color &color){
if (clamp){
u = (u>0) ? ((u<1) ? u : 1) : 0;
v = (v>0) ? ((v<1) ? v : 1) : 0;
u = mSu*u;
v = mSv*v;
float scaledU = u * (mWidth - 1);
float scaledV = v * (mHeight - 1);
// color = Color(u,v,0);
// return;
int s = ((int)scaledU) % mWidth;
int t = ((int)scaledV) % mHeight;
float ds = scaledU - std::floor(scaledU);
float dt = scaledV - std::floor(scaledV);
if (s<0){
s = s+mWidth;
if (t<0){
t = t+mHeight;
// Nearest
// color = interpolate(mPixels, mWidth, mHeight, s,t, 0.f,0.f);
// return;
// Linear
// color = interpolate(mPixels, mWidth, mHeight, s,t, ds, dt);
// return;
/* Filtrage */
lod = std::min(lod-1, (float)mlodmax);
if (lod > 0) {
// color = Color(0, std::floor(lod), 0);
// return;
int baselod = (int)std::floor(lod);
int pix = (int)(std::pow(2.f,baselod)); // bigger inferior mipmap level
if (hasmipmap){
// Sous-echantillonnage --> filtrage mip-map
Color color1 = integrateMipMap(baselod, ((float)s + ds)/pix, ((float)t + dt)/pix, mWidth/pix, mHeight/pix);
if (baselod < mlodmax){
pix = std::pow(2.f,baselod+1); // smaller superior mipmap level
Color color2 = integrateMipMap(baselod+1, ((float)s + ds)/pix, ((float)t + dt)/pix, mWidth/pix, mHeight/pix);
float dm = lod - std::floor(lod);
color = color1 * (1-dm) + color2 * dm;
} else {
color = color1;
} else {
int cs = pix * (s/pix);
int ct = pix * (t/pix);
Color color1 = integrateExplicit(mMipMapLevels[0], mWidth, mHeight, mPixelFormat, cs, ct, pix, pix);
if (baselod < mlodmax){
pix = std::pow(2.f,baselod+1); // smaller superior mipmap level
cs = pix * (s/pix);
ct = pix * (t/pix);
Color color2 = integrateExplicit(mMipMapLevels[0], mWidth, mHeight, mPixelFormat, cs, ct, pix, pix);
float dm = lod - std::floor(lod);
color = color1 * (1-dm) + color2 * dm;
} else {
color = color1;
} else {
// color = Color(1/*fabsf(lod)*/, 0, 0);
// return;
color = interpolate(mPixels, mWidth, mHeight, s,t, ds,dt);
Color Texture::integrateMipMap(int level, float s, float t, int w, int h){
Color color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
color = interpolate(mMipMapLevels[level], w, h, (int)s, (int)t, s-std::floor(s), t-std::floor(t));
return color;
Color Texture::integrateExplicit(unsigned char *pixels, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int pixelFormat, float s, float t, int w, int h){
#if 0
Color color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
for (int i=0; i<h; i++)
for (int j=0; j<w; j++) {
int k = ((int)(t+i)) % imageHeight;
int l = ((int)(s+j)) % imageWidth;
int linPos = (k*imageWidth + l)*(pixelFormat);
Color centerColor(((float) pixels[linPos])/255.0, ((float) pixels[linPos+1])/255.0, ((float) pixels[linPos+2])/255.0);
color = color + centerColor;
color = color * (1.f/(w*h));
return color;
// Call of the student function
return integrateTexture(pixels, imageWidth, imageHeight, pixelFormat, s, t, w, h);
Color Texture::interpolate(unsigned char *pixels, int w, int h, int s, int t, float ds, float dt){
#if 0
Color color;
// Sur échantillonnage --> interpolation
// nearest texel
int linPos = (t*w + s)*(mPixelFormat);
Color centerColor(((float) pixels[linPos])/255.0, ((float) pixels[linPos+1])/255.0, ((float) pixels[linPos+2])/255.0);
Color rightColor;
int r = std::min(s+1, w-1);
int posds = (t*w + r)*(mPixelFormat);
rightColor = Color(
((float) pixels[posds])/255.0,
((float) pixels[posds+1])/255.0,
((float) pixels[posds+2])/255.0
Color upColor;
int p = std::min(t+1, h-1);
int posdt = (p*w + s)*(mPixelFormat);
upColor = Color (
((float) pixels[posdt])/255.0,
((float) pixels[posdt+1])/255.0,
((float) pixels[posdt+2])/255.0
Color upRightColor;
int posdtds = (p*w + r)*(mPixelFormat);
upRightColor = Color (
((float) pixels[posdtds])/255.0,
((float) pixels[posdtds+1])/255.0,
((float) pixels[posdtds+2])/255.0
rightColor = centerColor*(1-ds) + rightColor*ds;
upColor = upColor*(1-ds) + upRightColor*ds;
color = rightColor*(1-dt) + upColor*dt;
return color;
// Call of the student function
return interpolateTexture(pixels, w, h, mPixelFormat, (float)s+ds, (float)t+dt);
And here's errors in terminal:
In file included from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:1:0:
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.hpp: In member function ‘float Texture::computeMipmapLevel(const Vector3D&, const Vector3D&)’:
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.hpp:55:16: error: ‘log2’ is not a member of ‘std’
return std::log2(std::max(dTdx.norm()*width()*mSu, dTdy.norm()*height()*mSv));
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.hpp:55:16: note: suggested alternative:
In file included from /usr/include/features.h:374:0,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/os_defines.h:39,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/c++config.h:426,
from /usr/include/c++/4.8/cmath:41,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/vector3d.hpp:3,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.hpp:4,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:1:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/math-finite.h:344:15: note: ‘log2’
extern double __REDIRECT_NTH (log2, (double), __log2_finite);
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp: In constructor ‘Texture::Texture(std::string)’:
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:162:44: error: ‘log2’ is not a member of ‘std’
mlodmax = (int)std::floor(std::min(std::log2(mWidth), std::log2(mHeight)));
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:162:44: note: suggested alternative:
In file included from /usr/include/features.h:374:0,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/os_defines.h:39,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/c++config.h:426,
from /usr/include/c++/4.8/cmath:41,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/vector3d.hpp:3,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.hpp:4,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:1:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/math-finite.h:344:15: note: ‘log2’
extern double __REDIRECT_NTH (log2, (double), __log2_finite);
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:162:63: error: ‘log2’ is not a member of ‘std’
mlodmax = (int)std::floor(std::min(std::log2(mWidth), std::log2(mHeight)));
/home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:162:63: note: suggested alternative:
In file included from /usr/include/features.h:374:0,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/os_defines.h:39,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/c++config.h:426,
from /usr/include/c++/4.8/cmath:41,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/vector3d.hpp:3,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.hpp:4,
from /home/celine/OIM-LancerDeRayons-2014/coreraytracer/texture.cpp:1:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/math-finite.h:344:15: note: ‘log2’
extern double __REDIRECT_NTH (log2, (double), __log2_finite);
I took a look on internet and I tried to include and but it's still not working...
log2 is a C99 function. It's not in C++98, and therefore not in the std namespace. Either compile in C++11 mode (C++11 is aligned with C99):
// g++ -std=c++11
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << std::log2(3) << std::endl;
... or get the function from the C header, without the namespace:
// g++ -std=c++98
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
int main()
std::cout << log2(3) << std::endl;