Creating a pointer in an unusual way - c++

I was looking for implementation of SCC algorithm in C++ and there's one weird line which is clearly beyond my comprehension.
Graph<V,E> gt(SIZE(g)), res(SIZE(g)), *tab[] = {this,&gt};
I don't understand *tab[] = {this,&gt};
I assume it is a pointer but still don't get it at all so I'd be glad If someone could explain it to me. I've been using C++ for almost 6 years and I've never seen this kind of pointer before.

This appears to be three different declarations:
Graph<V,E> gt(SIZE(g));
Graph<V,E> res(SIZE(g));
Graph<V,E> *tab[] = {this,&gt};
It's probably someone's idea of making the code more minimal, but it arguably impacts readability in a pretty severe way.
Why tab even exists I don't know, it depends on how it's used in other parts of the code. Is this some kind of bizarro linked list?

tab is an array of pointers to Graph<V, E>, and is initialized with two elements: pointer this, and a pointer to newly created gt.


Refactor int to array, safely

Disclaimer: I'm unsure if this questions fits this forum, but it might.
Preamble: This question is about a project in C++98 and has mixed C and C++ sources. It also has global variables, and a lot of bad code.
I have a large code base (an old one) with an int theVar[] variable which represents a property of an object which is a collection. The model used to have only one instance of "the object". A new requirement came along which called for having more than one instance of the object, so I had to refactor this int[] into an int[][], where the first index specified the instance of the object. Changing the type of the variable in the declaration allows the compiler to warn me of places in the code in need of updating, but it misses things such as:
if (theVar[i]) ...
And more.
How can I perform this refactoring in the safest way?
There is some really good advice in the comments, I appreciate it, this question might not have a best answer, but the comments have given me some good directions to follow.

What kind of pointer should I use here?

I'm working on an old large code base with a colleague. The codebase uses a significant number of std::shared_ptr and previous developers had a fondness for long property names (m_first_username for example).
Some methods in our code access a number of those properties so our code tends to be very verbose:
if (m_first_username->isSomethingOrOther() || m_second_username->isOtherOrSomething()...
So to make the code more readable my colleague wants to use more std::shared_ptr & with local scope:
const std::shared_ptr<...> &tmp = m_first_username->returnsASharedPtr()
Something I disagree with because of the shared pointer use count.
What is the best way to make this code more readable? Keeping using constant references to shared_ptr, use std::weak_ptr or live with the long lines of code?
As per #nwp's comment -the proper way to alias a variable name locally would be:
auto& v1 = m_first_user_name;
If you want to go the route of the "returnAsSharedPointer" you posted in the question, what you'd want to use in the classes of m_first_user_name and m_second user_name is the standard C++ enable_shared_from_this.
On the whole, though it's primarily opinion-based, I believe you'll find that most experienced C++ developers will find the new code less readable than the old code. There is nothing wrong with long, descriptive variable names.

How to assign dispatch_queue_t to variable in a structure

I'm still relatively new to Objective C and easily confused by the various types. I am using code from the SquareCam sample project, incorporated into a larger project. It works fine, but now I want to save the videoDataOutputQueue, which is of type dispatch_queue_t so that I can use it elsewhere in the project. It has to pass through some C++ code before finally ending up back in Objective C code. Therefore I am trying to add it to a structure that I already have, as a void * (void *videoDataOutputQueue;)
However, I have not found the right way to assign it without getting a EXC_BAD_ACCESS runtime error. Since dispatch_queue_t is a C++ object, can't I just use it's address?
declared in the interface for squarecamviewcontroller:
#interface SquareCamViewController : UIViewController <UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate,UIActionSheetDelegate>
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer *previewLayer;
AVCaptureVideoDataOutput *dataOutput;
AVCaptureVideoDataOutput *videoDataOutput;
dispatch_queue_t videoDataOutputQueue;
<other stuff>
later in the code:
- (void)setupAVCapture
<other stuff from the sample code>
MYSTRUCT myStruct = (MYSTRUCT)struct; // make a pointer to the structure
myStruct->videoDataOutputQueue = (void *)videoDataOutputQueue; <<<- bad access here at runtime
<other stuff>
Clearly this is not the right way and I don't understand what I am doing. I have some hints from other posts but I'm missing something.
You have made your question unnecessarily difficult to understand because the "code" you've presented has syntax errors. It's clearly not your real code, so we can't guess what's really supposed to be happening. For example, you use the struct reserved keyword as though it were a value.
Given where you say the bad access occurs, this has nothing to do with the dispatch queue. It looks like your myStruct variable is supposed to be a pointer to a structure of some kind but is just a garbage pointer. So, the attempt to assign a value to one of its fields ends up writing to an invalid memory address. It doesn't really matter what the nature of the field is.
The problem is apparently exactly in the code you omitted as "<other stuff from the sample code>". So, you need to show that. Indeed, you need to show your real code.
Beyond that, dispatch_queue_t is a C type. It's not specific to Objective-C. Therefore, you can use it across all C-based languages. There's no need to use a void*.
A dispatch queue, like all dispatch objects, is reference counted. If you're keeping a long-term reference to it, you need to make sure it stays alive. So, you need to retain it with dispatch_retain(). Likewise, you need to release it when you're done with it using dispatch_release(). (Don't forget to release the old value when you replace a reference you're keeping with another.)

Naming confusion? Is having objects named FlowerGroup and FlowerGroups confusing?

I'm writing a program and I seem to be creating alot of objects where one object will be the singular form and then the collection is the plural form. eg
Is this confusing for other programmers to read my code?
should not be confusing, in fact I find it pretty informative and clear; unless you have multiple kinds of collections (lame example: suppose you have an array but also a map of SalesGroup, then SalesGroups would not be the best choice but you'd rather pick SalesGroupArray, SalesGroupMap etc.)
I think that makes perfect sense. Not specifying the type of collection means you're at liberty to change the implementation later, and clients can't rely on a particular implementation.
While it's not confusing, I think it is very easy to miss. If I were doing this, I would use something that stands out more, perhaps SalesGroup and SalesGroupCollection.
seems OK to me. just maintain your coding style throughout all your project.

How to generate C++ Dynamic Objects names?

I'd like to generate a number of objects (in C++) based on the amount/number the user enters.
Now I've somewhere heard that it has to be done using pointer tricks, creating a pointer to an array of the Object type required, and then dynamically increasing the size of array ( at runtime ).
Isn't there a workaround of directly using names like
Object1, Object2..... ObjectX
instead of having
Classname *Object[]
and then using the array index to get the object ?
In either case, it'd be great if someone could clarify on the issue.
Thanks !
If you want dynamically-sized array, then use std::vector. You won't be able to resize a built-in array.
If you want to be able to get an object by string name, then you should use std::map, it has an indexer:
std::map<string, Classname> myMap;
myMap["Object1"] = Classname();
Classname newClassname = myMap["Object1"];
So far no-one has explained why your thinking is flawed. C++ is a compiled language, and it goes to great lengths to turn the source program into efficient machine code. For this reason, the names you give variables are available to the program only at compile time, when you turn it from source into an executable file. Afterwards, when you want to create objects dynamically, those kinds of information are no longer available. The program only knows about the machine addresses where operands to machine instructions are located.
No, there isn't. Moreover, you don't need to; use std::vector.
When I began programming 9 years ago I asked myself the same question. The answer is: you can't.
You can indeed use an array and resize it dynamically, however using an stl vector is much easier (once you learn how to use it).
You can not do that because C++ doesn't have an "environment" (reflection) where variables (and metadata) can reside. Moreover, in C++ all variable names are vanished when the code is compiled.
A way to achieve the effect you want is to use a Map where the keys are strings.