Whenever I try to run my app in Xcode 6 Beta 4 I am getting the error:
The file "" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it.
This error appears no matter what simulator or device I target.
I have tried:
Deleting all Derived Data from Organizer in Xcode
Repairing permissions on my drive
Manually elevating the permissions of the built
Restarting my computer
Has anyone else run into this problem and found a solution?
I use Xcode6 GM. I encountered the same problem. What I did was to go to Build Settings -> Build Options. Then I changed the value of the "Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C" to Default Compiler.
Having the problem on DEVICE too (not just simulator)?
The other solutions only fixed it for me on simulator, not device.
For me this problem occurred (in Xcode 6) when I would try to change the main info.plist properties whilst trying to change my app name.
In info.plist I had changed Executable File name to something other than the default ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}...
I had mistaken this field for the field that changes the name of the app under the icon on the springboard.
In Xcode do the following
Window --> Organiser --> Projects --> The app with the issue --> delete button in Derived Data.
I then cleaned the project and voila
For me, a simple Product -> Clean worked great
I've fixed it by cleaning a build folder. Just went to 'Product' menu and Option+Click 'Clean'. After that a problem was resolved.
There was a problem with the Info.plist of the project. I created a new project with the same name in Xcode 6 beta 4 and then replaced the real project's Info.plist with the new one. The project then built and ran fine.
Look at the diff, it appears like the plist might have somehow gotten mixed up with a playground's plist. The bundle identifier was "" and the executable and bundle names were "iOS" along with some other oddities.
This is the full diff in case anyone needs it for reference:
- <string>iOS</string>
+ <string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string>
- <string></string>
+ <string>com.myCompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}</string>
- <string>iOS</string>
+ <string>${PRODUCT_NAME}</string>
- <string>AAPL</string>
+ <string>APPL</string>
- <key>CFBundleSupportedPlatforms</key>
- <array>
- <string>iPhoneSimulator</string>
- </array>
+ <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+ <string>????</string>
- <key>DTPlatformName</key>
- <string>iphonesimulator</string>
- <key>DTSDKName</key>
- <string>iphonesimulator8.0</string>
- <key>LSBackgroundOnly</key>
- <true/>
+ <key>UIMainStoryboardFile</key>
+ <string>Main</string>
+ <key>UISupportedInterfaceOrientations</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait</string>
+ <string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft</string>
+ <string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight</string>
+ </array>
I've had same this error in Xcode 8.2. The reason I found out for me, another Info.plist is added in my project while adding library (manually copy).
So that Xcode is getting confused for selecting correct Info.plist.
I just removed that Info.plist from the added library.
Then it is working fine without any permission alert.
Please check if you have changed Executable file => $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) to any other name. If you have changed this name then it shows this error. Please replace it with $(EXECUTABLE_NAME).
Product -> Clean (command shift K) fixed it for me
My goodness!! I spent hours to resolve this issue.
On XCode 7.3 I was having project with no issues.
Mistake I did
I just Added physical folders and moved my files into them, problem started.
I tried everything
Default compiler
Clean and build
Reset simulator and reboot simulator, Xcode, iPhone even mac
Updated Info.plist
Deleting Derived Data
Editing the permission on the folder of the project
Checking my architectures
nothing worked :(
How I resolved
I was about create new project and then I just deleted those physical
folders I added, clean build and YESS!!
It works!!
Try "cmd+shift+k" to clean the project and rebuild. At least it worked for me
Sometimes opening old project in new version Xcode will get this message.
Go to Issue navigator and follow the warning hint 'Upate to reconmmented settings'.
Boom, magic!
I had similar issue (xCode 6.2) for sample code downloaded. I tried to set Executable Name to Default in Info.plist but this didn't worked.
Instead change Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C to Default compiler (Apple LLVM 6.0) instead of Unsupported Compiler( for project.
My Application was working fine on XCode 9.4, but when I opened my project in XCode 10 I was experiencing this issue. For me the issue was the build setting. I found the answer in this page
In short go to File > Workspace Settings… > Build System and change it to "Legacy Build System"
1) Go Firstly Build Options.
2) Then changed the value of the "Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C" to Default Compiler.
clean and working :-)
I found that changing my compiler to LLVM 6.0 in the Build Options was enough for me (xcode 6.1)
I got same error on my Xcode 6.1.1 for a project downloaded from gitHub which was committed 4 years ago.
For me, setting Architectures to the default value Standard architectures(armv7,arm64) and Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C to Default Compiler in Building Settings worked.
I had the same issue in my project. Later on found that third-party (fmdb for SQLite) file used in project contained Info.plist.
Simply deleting the Info.plist file worked for me!
I recently meet the same problem for running an old project (initially created in Xcode 4.x) in Xcode 6.0.1.
I fixed the problem by changing the Architectures in Building Settings to the default value, which is "Standard architectures(armv7,arm64)".
Hope this could help anyone who got similar problems :)
I've had this error with a number of my older projects that I am getting out of the cupboard to update. It seems that using Xcode 6 with older code seems to bring this about for some reason.
I have fixed this in all projects that I have done this with by:
Delete Derived Data
in Product: do a clean
go to Build Settings in the project Target and go to Build Options and change the value of the "Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C" to 'Default
I tried all of the listed answers and none of them was useful. The problem was due to existence of an another plist file linked from a submodule via cocoapods. Luckily this was my own module, so I just deleted this plist from the submodule project and reinstalled pods.
Later on I understood that the key of the problem was in the name of that second plist: simply info.plist. You may rename the file and relink it via a sources section of a submodule
That second plist file had a unique name, so Xcode was not supposed to become frustrated. Even my target settings pointed on a main plist, not on a info.plist. Looks like Xcode takes special consideraions about that name
The bug reproduced in Xcode 6.4 and Xcode 7.0
Well in my case, I just rename the Bundle Name and Executable file values in info.plist same as project name. It worked for me.
What I did is here:
I deleted VALIDARCHS from Project
I deleted VALIDARCHS from Target
Build Active Architecture Only = YES (for Debug) Architectures
Standard Architectures $(ARCHS_STANDARD)
Also, File -> Project/Workspace Settings == New Build System
Xcode Version 12.0 (12A7209)
I had this similar problem. Somehow my value for the key Executable File got mixed up. Just change it back to ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} (Under your project > Info). Worked for me!
If you google the text of this error message you will find maybe 20 threads across StackOverflow, Apple dev forums, Reddit, etc. about Xcode failing to be able to run a compiled executable with this error message.
In these threads you will find many people offering various suggestions about how to fix the problem: changing product name to match project name, changing build phase options, something with info.plist, changing compilers to or from Clang, etc. Presumably the suggestions are offered in good faith because they solved the problem for someone, but the answers are so varied that it is clear that the error message is generic and this is an important point if you are receiving it: this error seems to mean that something is wrong with the binary. Ignore its actual text: it may have nothing to do with permissions.
There is no general solution to this error. The error message is totally generic; assume it means "bad binary file". The solution if you are receiving it depends on what you are trying to do, what has changed, why you are seeing this error all of a sudden. Google the specifics of your situation rather than this error message.
In my case, and I have a feeling this is a common case, what I was trying to do was build an old iOS project, nine years old I think, on modern Xcode. The solution was to switch to the legacy build system which led to a compilation error because in the old project there were not modern architecture targets, which could be fixed by manually adding them.
In my case main.m containing the main(...) function was not contained in the list of "Compile Sources" in "Build Phases". To check if this is the case, enter into Build Phases and look, if your main.m appears in the "Compile Sources" list.
Don't know if the problem is related but maybe it can be a solution for anyone pulling the hairs like me.
In my case, I have a project with a lot of targets. Each target is a customisation of that base project which is a Cocoa Touch Static Library and the targets, Applications. Even if the main file is added into the library compilation, but not in each target, that error message appears. So what I did? Manually added the main file to each target in the Compile Sources section and bingo, all fine.
For me the error was in the .plist file at the key CFBundleExecutable.
I had renamed the executable removing a space that was between two words. (Eg: from "Wild Racer" to "WildRacer"). Took 1 day to spot it!!
Xcode is soooo unhelpful in the debugging!
What solved it for me was setting Build Active Architecture Only from No to Yes.
with X-code 6.3.2
[Build Settings] Options.
[All]-[Build Options]-[Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C]-[Default compiler (Apple LLVM 6.1)]
Then rebuild the project, and it runs ok.
I get well known dyld issue on OS X. file:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.23/include /usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/8d/include
LIBS += -L/usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.23/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/8d/lib -ljpeg -lpng -ljpeg -lz
In runtime my application throws:
dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart Referenced from:
Expected in: /usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/8d/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib in
I already got this before and I fixed it using this answer, but now it occurs again and this advice not works. How can I solve this problem?
This is only a QtCreator runtime issue. DanyAlejandro's answer (above) is partially correct.
Go to Projects -> Run -> "Run Environment" (show Details)
I would not recommend Unset, rather you should edit
Add /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Resources: to the beginning for both paths (colon delimited string)
Build project again - this will fix it for good
In my case, this error would only happen in Qt Creator on OSX ElCapitan (Compiling my OpenCV programs with CLion or XCode in OSX would work without doing anything), so I don't think it's correct to say that a change in the system configuration is mandatory (like your link suggests).
What I did, was to link each library file one by one (linking the dylib files one by one, with their full path). This way, I didn't have to mess with my files or do any extra configuration. For example:
LIBS += "/usr/local/lib/libopencv_core.dylib"
LIBS += "/usr/local/lib/libopencv_highgui.dylib"
Provided such files exist.
Edit: Another way to fix this problem (which further proves that this is only Qt Creator related) is to go to Projects -> Run -> "Run Environment" (show Details), select DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and click Unset. After this, your project should compile as expected.
This question provides a screen shot of finding the setting to change:
I was looking everywhere except the correct spot. I'll walk you through it. You can click the images for bigger versions.
Within Qt Creator, there's a toolbar along the left side of the window. Welcome, Edit, Design, etc. One of the choices is Projects. Select that tab.
From there, there's a new navigation area near the left. Under Build and Run, your Desktop, there's a Run section.
That goes to the run settings, and in almost the exact center of that page are the Run settings in a grey box, and one of the items is the checkbox to turn off.
As a C# developer, I have become highly dependent on the automatic formatting in Visual Studio 2008. Specifically, I will use the CTRL + K , D keyboard shortcut to force things back into shape after my sloppy implementation.
I am now trying to learn Objective-C and am missing certain features in Xcode, but probably none are quite as painful as the formatting shortcut. My Google searches have yielded nothing built in, though it seems there are some hacks. Am I missing something or does this feature not exist natively in Xcode?
That's Ctrl + i.
Or for low-tech, cut and then paste. It'll reformat on paste.
Unfortunately, Xcode doesn't have anything nearly as extensive as VS or Jalopy for Eclipse available. There are SOME disparate features, such as Structure > Re-Indent as well as the auto-formatting used when you paste code into your source file. I am totally with you, though; there definitely should be something in there to help with formatting issues.
I'd like to recommend two options worth considering. Both quite new and evolving.
ClangFormat-Xcode (free) - on each cmd+s file is reformatted to specific style and saved, easy to deploy within team
An Xcode plug-in to format your code using Clang's format tools, by
With clang-format you can use Clang to format your code to styles such
as LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit, or your own configuration.
Objective-Clean (paid, didn't try it yet) - app raising build errors if predefined style rules are violated - possibly quite hard to use within the team, so I didn't try it out.
With very minimal setup, you can get Xcode to use our App to enforce
your rules. If you are ever caught violating one of your rules, Xcode
will throw a build error and take you right to the offending line.
In xcode, you can use this shortcut to Re-indent your source code
Go to file, which has indent issues, and follow this :
Cmd + A to select all source codes
Ctrl + I to re-indent
Hope this helps.
My personal fav PrettyC wantabe is uncrustify: It's got a few billion options however so I also suggest you download UniversalIndentGUI_macx, (also on sourceforge) a GUI someone wrote to help set the options the way you like them.
You can then add this custom user script to uncrustify the selected text:
#! /bin/sh
# uncrustify!
echo -n "%%%{PBXSelection}%%%"
/usr/local/bin/uncrustify -q -c /usr/local/share/uncrustify/geo_uncrustify.cfg -l oc+ <&0
echo -n "%%%{PBXSelection}%%%"
You can use Command + A to select all content and next Ctrl + I to format the selected content.
I also feel xcode should have this function.
So I made an extension to do it: Swimat
Simple install by brew cask install swimat
You can give it a try, see for more information.
Cmd A + Ctrl I
Or Cmd A And then Right Click. Goto Structure -> Re-Indent
Consider buying yourself a license for AppCode, an intelligent Objective-C IDE that helps iOS/OS X developers. AppCode is fully compatible with Xcode, but goes beyond Xcode in adding powerful features.
AppCode an Objective-C variant of the Intellij IDEA IDE from JetBrains. They are also authors of popular ReSharper extension to Visual Studio, which main purpose from here seems like a desperate attempt to bring a touch of IDEA experience to a Microsoft product.
AppCode is using its own code analyser which gives close-to-perfect refactoring and code navigation support. There is an ability to re-indent and completely reformat code also (although I still keep missing a couple of formatting settings in hard cases, but mostly it works well).
You might try the trial version, of course.
Swift -
It provides Xcode Extension as well as CLI option.
CTRL + i
that's it.
(no COMMAND + i)
You can also have a look at which is a formatter based on Uncrustify and integrated into Xcode. Works like a charm.
You could try that XCode plugin
Just clone github repository, open plugin project in XCode and run it. It will be installed automatically. Restart Xode before using formatter plugin.
Don't forget to install uncrustify util before. Homebrew, for exmaple
brew install uncrustify
P.S. You can turn on "after save formatting" feature at Edit > Format Code > BBUncrustifyPlugin Preferences > Format On Save
Hope this will be useful for u ;-)
I suggest using ClangFormat. In order to install, please follow these steps:
Install Alcatraz package manager for XCode
Supports Xcode 5+ & OS X 10.9+
After installation restart XCode.
Open XCode -> Window Menu -> Package Manager
Search (find) ClangFormat and install it. After installation again restart XCode.
Now at XCode menu you can use Edit -> Clang Format submenu for formatting.
You can choose different types of formatting. Also by enabling Format On Save you can gain auto-format capability.
If your Xcode version 3.x , you should use "User Script" With Uncrustify , here this a Example:
echo -n "%%%{PBXSelection}%%%"
echo -n "%%%{PBXSelection}%%%"
add above to your Xcode "User Script".
if Xcode version 4.x , I think you should read this blog : Code Formatting in Xcode 4,
In this way , used the "Apple Services" , but it's not good enough , cause too slow experience, does anyone has the same thing ?
why apple drop "user script" .... xD
First, Examine XCode Preferences "Indentation" section. You can customize things quite a bit there...
For more fine grained control, refer to the XCode User Defaults document from apple. (May require a developer login to view). For example, I was able to disable the "indent on paste" by entering the following in terminal:
defaults write PBXIndentOnPaste No
to read back your setting:
defaults read PBXIndentOnPaste
This only works for languages with are not whitespace delineated, but my solution is to remove all whitespace except for spaces, then add a newline after characters that usually delineate EOL (e.g. replace ';' with ';\n') then do the ubiquitous ^+i solution.
I use Python.
Example code, just replace the filenames:
python -c "import re; open(outfile,'w').write(re.sub('[\t\n\r]','',open(infile).read()).replace(';',';\n').replace('{','{\n').replace('}','}\n'))"
It 's not perfect (Example: for loops), but I like it.
We can use Xcode Formatter which uses uncrustify to easily format your source code as your team exactly wants to be!.
The recommended way is to clone GitHub project or download it from and add the CodeFormatter directory in your Xcode project to get :
Xcode shortcut-based code formatting: a shortcut to format modified sources in the current workspace
automatic code formatting: add a build phase to your project to format current sources when application builds
all sources formatting: format all your code with one command line
your formatting rules shared by project: edit and use a same configuration file with your project dev team
1) How to setup the code formatter for your project
Install uncrustify
The simplest way is to use brew:
$ brew install uncrustify
To install brew:
$ ruby –e “$(curl –fsSkl”
Check that uncrustify is located in /usr/local/bin
$ which uncrustify
If your uncrustify version is lower than 0.60, you might have to install it manually since modern Objective-C syntax has been added recently.
Add CodeFormatter directory beside your .xcodeproj file
Check that your Xcode application is named "Xcode" (default name)
You can see this name in the Applications/ directory (or your custom Xcode installation directory). Be carefull if you have multiple instances of Xcode on your mac: ensure that project's one is actually named "Xcode"!
(Why this ? This name is used to find currently opened Xcode files. See CodeFormatter/Uncrustify_opened_Xcode_sources.workflow appleScript).
Install the automator service Uncrustify_opened_Xcode_sources.workflow
Copy this file to your ~/Library/Services/ folder (create this folder if needed).Be careful : by double-clicking the .workflow file, you will install it but the file will be removed! Be sure to leave a copy of it for other users.
How to format opened files when building the project
Add a build phase "run script" containing the following line:
sh CodeFormatter/scripts/
How to format files in command line
To format currently opened files, use
$sh CodeFormatter/scripts/
To format all files, use
$sh CodeFormatter/scripts/ PATH
PATH must be replaced by your sources path.
E:g; if project name is TestApp then the command will be
$sh CodeFormatter/scripts/ TestApp
it will look for all files in the project and will format all the files as configured in uncrustify_objective_c.cfg file.
How to change formatter’s rules
Edit CodeFormatter/uncrustify_objective_c.cfg open with TextEdit
Well I was searching for an easy way. And find out on medium.
First to copy the json text and validate it on jsonlint or something similar. Then to copy from jsonlint, already the json is formatted. And paste the code on Xcode with preserving the format, shortcut shift + option + command + v
I am using OpenCV 3.0 beta.
I tried to create a face recogniser using createLBPHFaceRecognizer(); class as,
**Ptr <FaceRecognizer> model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer();**
the error I have is
**error: 'createLBPHFaceRecognizer' was not declared in this scope**
I have researched and found that the class exists in contrib module of opencv2
(opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp) in previous versions of OpenCV
But this module is not available in opencv 3.0 beta.
So where are the recogniser classes defined in opencv 3.0?
If they are not defined,how can we add this module in addition to the existing modules?
you will have to download and build the opencv_contrib repo.
after running cmake, make, make install,
#include <opencv2/face.hpp>
// note the additional namespace:
cv::Ptr <cv::face::FaceRecognizer> model = cv::face::createLBPHFaceRecognizer();
// proceed as usual
Start cmake-gui
Select the opencv source code folder and the folder where binaries
will be built (the 2 upper forms of the interface)
Press the configure button. you will see all the opencv build
parameters in the central interface
Browse the parameters and look for the form called
OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH (use the search form to focus rapidly on
Complete this OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH by the proper pathname to
the /modules value using its browse button.
Press the configure button followed by the generate button (the
first time, you will be asked which makefile style to use)
Build the opencv core with the method you chose (make and make
install if you chose Unix makfile at step 6)
To run, linker flags to contrib modules will need to be added to use them in your code/IDE. For example to use the aruco module, "-lopencv_aruco" flag will be added.
On my Debian installation
$ dpkg -l libopencv-contrib-dev
ii libopencv-contrib-dev:amd64 3.2.0+dfsg-6 amd64 development files for libopencv-contrib3.2
enables me to use contributed modules with just an additional include. For example:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/face.hpp>
auto model = cv::face::createLBPHFaceRecognizer();
I am having trouble with very large object files being produced. We are working with VxWorks 5.5.1, but we have a GCC 4.1.2 available.
Our modules are roughly 6.2MB in size, and we are looking for ways to reduce that. The problem seems to be mainly caused by excessive use of templates. When dumping the symbols in the file using nm I get a text-file of 1.8MB. This tells me that almost ⅓ of the file is just the names. Is there any way to reduce the file size?
The following approaches have not worked:
--strip-all seems to have no effect - the output is the same as using --strip-debug
I cannot use --gc-sections, because it is not supported for that platform (the option is simply ignored)
I understand that VxWorks links the code at load time, but all it has to link is the C++ runtime library, and I don't want any symbols to be added to the global symbol table, so there should be a way to strip that information, right?
For reference, here is my linker version:
i386-wrs-vxworks-ld.exe --version
>>> GNU ld (Wind River VxWorks G++ DWARF-EH 4.1-131)
>>> SPR fixes: cq103489 cq111170 cq116027 cq116652 cq118878 cq125145
and my compiler version:
i386-wrs-vxworks-g++.exe --version
>>> i386-wrs-vxworks-g++.exe (GCC) 4.1.2
I see what you mean by wanting to strip the symbols out of the object. But if you were to strip all the symbols, you wouldn't have any symbol to use as the entry point to start your application. But I believe you still have options. Unfortunately VxWorks 5 is known for having a not very effecient C++ compiler.
If you compiled your application into a *.a (archive - aka static library), you would be able to link this into your operating system at build time, and call this from within usrAppInit.c. This should allow for striping out symbols - or at least moving them to an optional downloaded symbol table. From your application build properties, select the Macros tab and add your archive to the LIBS macro.
To make an archive, goto the build properties and select the Rules tab, then select archive from the dropdown box.
To trim the size of your OS (with your application linked in), modify your vxworks settings. Disable as many components as you can. Also be sure to use a downloaded symbol table (development tool components -> symbol table components -> symbol table initialization componts -> selecte symbol table initialization -> downloaded symbol table).
This will strip all the symbols out of the OS, and make a downloadable symbol table, that can be downloaded after boot time to debug.
Good luck!
PS. Make sure you have turned off debug (-g) in your compiler. Maybe we could help more if you post your compiler switches.
The way we have normally handled this is to compress the image. You will also need to build the bootrom so that it will decompress to RAM before running. I believe that there are standard makefile options that will allow you to do this.