AWS-ECS Task Services restart automation - amazon-web-services

Currently we are running application with serverless architecture microservices using AWS ECS, whenever we deployed or update new artifacts on ECR, we need to restart the services by changing the tasks from 0 to 1 vice versa to restart the service and pick-up the new artifacts. As we know this process is very manual and taking some steps to accomplish, I want to automate this, is it possible to use AWS-lambda or cloudwatch? or any configuration as long as to skip the manual process. What kind of code and language and example of automation do I need to achieve this?

Take a look at ecs-deploy script. Basically it will replace an existing service with a latest (or specific) image from ECR. So if you have automation to update ECR with the latest image this script will deploy that image to ECS

A setup which could work if you have a CI/CD pipeline is upon uploading to ECR, trigger a lambda which resets that corresponding service. Supplying any variables to the lambda such as ECR tag to pull or service name.
ECS has an option to restart services with ForceNewDeployment. In Python the call would look like.
updateTrigger = client.update_service(
cluster = myClusterName,
service = serviceToUpdate,
desiredCount = 1,


AWS Batch Trigger a spring boot microservices

I have below 2 requirements can you please help share any suggestion
AWS Batch trigger a ECR Fargate ( On demand )
AWS Batch trigger a Spring App deployed in ECR ( running permanently)
SO here Option 1, I need to start a spring boot app which should start in ECR Fargate. this I understood from AWS batch we can specify the Cluster of the Fargate so that when the AWS batch run the app will get started.
For Option 2, I have a spring boot App deployed in ECR Fargate and it will be running, and inside spring batch is there, Now AWS batch need to trigger the spring batch. it is possible if so can you please share the implementation sample.
Also from my client App or program I need to update the AWS batch, saying the job is success or failure. can you share any sample for those as well.
AWS Batch only executes ECS tasks not ECS services. For option 1 - to launch a container (your app that does the work you want) within ECS Fargate, you would need to specify an AWS Batch compute environment as Fargate, a job queue that references the compute environment, and a job definition of the task (what container to run, what command to send, what CPU and memory resources are required). See the Learn AWS Batch workshop or the AWS Batch Getting Started documentation for more information on this.
For option 2 - AWS Batch and Spring Batch are orthogonal solutions. You should just call the Spring Batch API endpoint directly OR rely on AWS Batch. Using both is not recommended unless this is something you don't have control over.
But to answer your question - calling an non-AWS API endpoint is handled in your container and application code. AWS Batch does not prevent this but you would need to make sure that the container has secure access to the proper credentials to call the Spring boot app. Once your Batch job calls the API you have two choices:
Immediately exit and track the status of the spring batch operations elsewhere (i.e. The Batch job is to call the API and SUCCESS = "able to send the API request successfully, FAIL = "not able to call the API" )
Call the API, then enter a loop where you poll the status of the Spring batch job until it completes successfully or not, exiting the AWS Batch job with the same state as the Spring batch job did.

Deploy to GKE when there is new image in Cloud Repository

I have a very interesting task.
I'm using 5 different triggers to build 5 images on every push in gitbranch.
After they are built I push them to 5 different GCP Container registries.
I want to automate the GKE deployment, so when I have new image in the registry to deploy them to GKE automatically.
How can I achieve that ?
I proposed you something very similar. Instead of use Container Registry, use Artifact registry. Create a Docker registry and use it as you use Container Registry.
Then, activate the audit logs on artifact registry
You only need the write audit logs in this case
Finally, create a Cloud Logging sink to PubSub on this filter:
Now, you only have to listen this event with Cloud Function or Cloud Run and do what you want, deploy a new revision for example.

How can i Update container image with imagedigest parameter in aws fargate cluster with aws cli

I have running my cluster and task is running.
My need is want to update container image in running task in cluster how to do?
My Image is with latest tag and every time any new changes come will push to ecr on latest tag.
Deploying with the tag latest isn't a best practice because you loose a lot of visibility into what you are doing (e.g. scale out events where you deploy more tasks as part of a service will all end up using LATEST but will be effectively running different versions of the code, etc.).
This pontificating aside, you didn't say if you started your task(s) as standalone using the run-task API or if you started your task(s) as part of a service.
If the former, you need to stop your task and run it again. If the latter, you need to redeploy your service using the --force-new-deployment flag.

AWS ECS run latest task definition

I am trying to have run the lastest task definition image built from GitHub deployment (CD). Seems like on AWS it creates a task definition for example "task-api:1", "task-api:2", on was my cluster is still running task-api: 1 even though there is the latest task as a new image has been built. So far I have to manually stop the old one and start a new one . How can I have it automated?
You must wrap your tasks in a service and use rolling updates for automated deployments.
When the rolling update (ECS) deployment type is used for your service, when a new service deployment is started the Amazon ECS service scheduler replaces the currently running tasks with new tasks.
This is DevOps, so you need a CI/CD pipeline that will do the rolling updates for you. Look at CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline (and CodeCommit if you integrate your code repository in AWS with your CI/CD)
This is a complex topic, but it pays off in the end.
Judging from what you have said in the comments:
I created my task via the AWS console, I am running just the task definition on its own without service plus service with task definition launched via the EC2 not target both of them, so in the task definition JSON file on my Github both repositories they are tied to a revision of a task (could that be a problem?).
It's difficult to understand exactly how you have this set up and it'd probably be a good idea for you to go back and understand the services you are using a little better using the guide you are following or AWS documentation. Pushing a new task definition does not automatically update services to use the new definition.
That said, my guess is that you need to update the service in ECS to use the latest task definition. You can do that in many ways:
Through the console (
Through the CLI (
Through the IaC like the CDK (
This can be automated but you would need to set up a process to automate it.
I would recommend reading some guides on how you could automate deployment and updates using the CDK. Amazon provide a good guide to get you started

build and push docker image to AWS ECR using lambda

Is it possible to automate building a docker image from code committed into github (no tests involved) and then push it to AWS ECR using a lambda function?
you cannot do it just with lambda as lambda is not really a suitable execution environment for the docker daemon (necessary to build the images), however you can use lambda + sns to trigger an endpoint that could point to a service you developed, hosted on ec2 that would trigger the docker build command after a git clone (you can use something similar to python's or a framework that allows you to execute server commands).
You sure can extend this idea on perhaps bringing the ec2 build machine up with some ami that automates this, etc....
The big point here is that you don't really have control over what's provisioned in lambda, so you need ec2.