we would like to upgrade from occi 18 to occi because we want to be independent of old MS libraries (MSVCR120.DLL).
But there is the following error while connecting the database:
"Program: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140D.dll
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\INCLUDE\xstring
Line: 1695 Expression: string subscript out of range
For information ..."
When we remove "OCCIUTF16", "OCCIUTF16" in createEnvironment the connection succeeds.
We also recognized, that oci.dll was not loaded in this simple programm using occi 19. With occi 18 oci.dll was loaded.
#include "occi.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace oracle::occi;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, wchar_t * argv[])
try {
// OK
//auto env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::Mode(Environment::OBJECT | Environment::THREADED_MUTEXED));
//auto conn = env->createConnection("SCOTT", "tiger", "ORATEST");
auto env = Environment::createEnvironment("OCCIUTF16", "OCCIUTF16", Environment::Mode(Environment::OBJECT | Environment::THREADED_MUTEXED));
UString user((utext*)L"SCOTT");
UString pwd((utext*)L"tiger");
UString host((utext*)L"ORATEST");
auto conn = env->createConnection(user, pwd, host);
catch (SQLException & ex) {
cout << ex.what();
return 0;
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Compiler Version 15.9.13
Basic Light Package Information
Wed May 29 22:35:38 MDT 2019
Client Shared Library 64-bit -
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Can you provide the complete stack when it fails
The issue you are pointing at MSVCP140D.dll (D - Debug) -> so, I presume you are compiling with ORAOCCIxxD.LIB (Debug version). If you are using debug build, please use all components in debug build.
Yes, OCI.DLL will not be loaded along with ORAOCCI.DLL now.
-P. Venkatraman.
I am trying to use OCCI to connect my program to an oracle database but I am getting an SQLException 32104 when I try the createEnvironment function.
My code:
#include <OpenXLSX.hpp>
#include <occi.h>
#include <string>
using namespace OpenXLSX;
using namespace oracle::occi;
int main() {
std::string user = "";
std::string pass = "";
std::string conn_str = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=";
std::cout << "Initializing Database Connection ......" << std::endl;
try {
Environment* env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
//Connection *conn = env->createConnection(user, pass ,conn_str);
} catch(SQLException &e) {
std::cout << "Error Message: " << e.getErrorCode() << std::endl;
std::cout << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Initializing Database Connection ......";
std::cout << " OK" << std::endl;
XLDocument doc;
auto wks = doc.workbook().worksheet("Extruder Data Log");
int row_number = 4;
char column_letter = 'A';
char column_letter2 = 'A';
std::string loc;
loc = column_letter;
loc += std::to_string(4);
wks.cell(loc).value() = "Hello, OpenXLSX!";
std::cout << "Program Terminated: Press Enter ...";
std::string wait;
std::cin >> wait;
return 0;
I am using CMake to compile:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
# Set the build output location to a common directory
find_package(OpenXLSX REQUIRED)
find_library(OCCI NAMES oraocci21.lib oci.lib oramysql.lib oraocci21d.lib ociw32.lib)
add_executable(Atlas Atlas.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Atlas OpenXLSX::OpenXLSX)
target_link_libraries(Atlas ${OCCI})
I have the dlls in the output directory where the executable and libraries end up outputting to.
I figure that it should run, but I am getting a Microsoft C++ exception: oracle::occi::SQLException
and on debugging it shows that it is message 32104 which I know means that it cannot get the error.
The Debug window show that it loads the oraocci21.dll but not any of the other OCCI dlls.
If anyone can let me know what I'm doing wrong I would be incredibly grateful since I have scoured the internet trying to figure this out.
Figured out this error, I hadn't moved all of the dlls from the instant client. I was only including the dlls that corresponded to the library names.
I included ocijdbc21.dll, orannzsbb.dll, and oraociicus.dll to the folder with my executable and it now runs past the createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT) part.
With this edit, though, I am now running into Error 24960 which says that OCI_ATTR_USERNAME is more than length 255 which it is not.
If anyone can help with that please let me know but I hope that anyone else running across this who needs help sees the part about the dlls.
If it helps to answer my question, I am using instant client base 21_3 and sdk 21_3. I am also using MSVC 16 2019 for compilation with C++17 as the version of C++. My Oracle Database is running on 19c and I can connect to it remotely.
So I figured it out.
I was using this command for cmake:
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Debug
This release config command should work because I have debugged the program:
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
For some reason, I can only assume that OCCI did not like my debugger
version or something like that. If someone could please comment on why this happens I would like to learn.
I am working on Windows and I am trying to write an array into a Ubuntu device using C++ in Visual Studio 2019. Here's a sample of my code:
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs, int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
char pcFolderName[256];
char pcFileName[256];
sprintf(pcFolderName, "%s\\%s",pcSavePath, pcUUTSerialNumber);
sprintf(pcFileName, "%s\\calib_rfclock.conf",pcFolderName);
FILE *pFileW;
pFileW = fopen(pcFileName,"wb");
fwrite(&CalibTable, sizeof(char), CalibTable.hdr.v1.u32Len, pFileW);
return 0;
However, I keep having this pop-up from Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library that says:
Debug Assertion Failed:
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\sefl_x86\crt\src\fwrite.c
Line: 77
Expression: (stream != NULL)
I found this thread and I tried logging in as root on my Ubuntu device. I also tried:
mount -o remount,rw /path/to/parent/directory
chmod 777 /path/to/parent/directory
And I can also create/edit manualy any file in the directory I'm trying to write into with my code, but I get the same error when running it.
Anyone knows what could cause this? I think it could be on the Windows side, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Thanks a lot in advance.
You never check that opening the file succeeds - and it most likely fails, which is why you get the debug pop-up. Your use of \ as directory delimiters may be the only reason why it fails, but you should check to be sure.
I suggest that you use std::filesystem::path (C++17) to build your paths. That makes it easy to create paths in a portable way. You could also make use of a C++ standard std::ofstream to create the file. That way you don't need to close it afterwards. It closes automatically when it goes out of scope.
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs,
int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
// Build std::filesystem::paths:
auto pcFolderName = std::filesystem::path(pcSavePath) / pcUUTSerialNumber;
auto pcFileName = pcFolderName / "calib_rfclock.conf";
// only try to write to the file if opening the file succeeds:
if(std::ofstream pFileW(pcFileName, std::ios::binary); pFileW) {
// Successfully opened the file, now write to it:
pFileW.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&CalibTable),
} else {
// Opening the file failed, print the reason:
std::cerr << pcFileName << ": " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
I am using Xcode 11.4 on MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
I use HomeBrew to install SDL2 by Terminal:
brew install sdl2
and then, I open Xcode, create new project named SDL2Tutorial to test the library.
I changed the header search path to
and added /usr/local/cellar/sdl2/2.0.12_1/lib/libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib to Link Binary With Library
In main.cpp I wrote code like this
#include <iostream>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
std::cout << "Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
and there are a lot of errors appeared including:
2020-04-02 17:03:41.767966+0700 SDL2Tutorial[829:23149] Metal API Validation Enable
2020-04-02 17:03:41.799979+0700 SDL2Tutorial[829:23443] flock failed to lock maps file: errno = 35
2020-04-02 17:03:41.800445+0700 SDL2Tutorial[829:23443] flock failed to lock maps file: errno = 35
2020-04-02 17:03:41.848181+0700 SDL2Tutorial[829:23149] [plugin] AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46
2020-04-02 17:03:41.875838+0700 SDL2Tutorial[829:23149] HALC_ShellDriverPlugIn::Open: Can't get a pointer to the Open routine
2020-04-02 17:03:41.876282+0700 SDL2Tutorial[829:23149] HALC_ShellDriverPlugIn::Open: Can't get a pointer to the Open routine
Did I miss any step of setting up the library and how can I solve all of the errors?
I am building a C++ program that queries against Active Directory using (Apache Directory studio) LDAP . Iam doing it with codeblocks IDE and windows 10. I have the following code sample from the program:
using namespace std;
int main() {
LDAP* testLdapConnection = NULL;
ULONG connectionSuccess = 0;
testLdapConnection = ldap_initA("localhost",389);
cout<<"connection Failed";
When I try to build this sample in codeblocks, the build fails and the line with ldap_init() is underlined in red. When I hover the mouse over the error, it says "Undefined reference to _imp__ldap_initA()."
You have to add Wldap32.lib to list of linked libraries in your project.
I am struggling with an issue regarding running a SQL statement to an Oracle database through C++, using occi. My code is as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include "occi.h"
namespace oc = oracle::occi;
int main() {
std::cout << "Setting up environment...\n";
oc::Environment * env = oc::Environment::createEnvironment();
std::cout << "Setting up connection...\n";
oc::Connection * conn = env->createConnection("user","pass","server");
std::cout << "Creating statement...\n";
//Very simply query...
oc::Statement * stmt = conn->createStatement("SELECT '1' FROM dual");
std::cout << "Executing query...\n";
oc::ResultSet * rs = stmt->executeQuery();
while(rs->next()) {
std::cout << rs->getString(1) << std::endl; //Error is thrown at this line, but after printing since I can see '1' on the console.
return 0;
The error that is shown is:
Unhandled exception at 0x1048ad7a (msvcp100d.dll) in MyDatabaseApp.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xccccccd0.
My program stops inside 'xstring' at the following line of code:
#else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Elem>::other _Alty;
_String_val(_Alty _Al = _Alty())
: _Alval(_Al)
{ // construct allocator from _Al
{ // destroy the object
typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Container_proxy>::other
this->_Orphan_all(); //<----------------------Code stops here
_Dest_val(_Alproxy, this->_Myproxy);
_Alproxy.deallocate(this->_Myproxy, 1);
this->_Myproxy = 0;
#endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
If I change my query to:
oc::Statement * stmt = conn->createStatement("SELECT 1 FROM dual");
and the loop statement to:
std::cout << rs->getInt(1) << std::endl;
It works fine with no errors. I think this is because getting an integer simply returns a primitive, but when an object is being returned it is blowing up (I think on a destructor, but I'm not sure why...)
I have been playing around with this for hours today, and I am pretty stuck.
Some information about my system:
OS - Windows XP
Oracle Version - 10g
IDE - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express C++
My project properties are as follows:
C/C++ - General - Additional Include Directories = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\oci\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
C/C++ - Code Generation - Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)
Linker - General - Additional Library Directories = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\oci\lib\msvc\vc8;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
Linked - Input - Additional Dependencies = oraocci10.lib;oraocci10d.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
I hope I haven't been confusing with too much info... Any help or insight would be great, Thanks in advance!
EDIT If I rewrite my loop, storing the value in a local variable, the error is thrown at the end of the loop:
while(rs->next()) {
std::string s = rs->getString(1); //s is equal to "1" as expected
std::cout << s << std::endl; //This is executed successfully
} //Error is thrown here
Usually such kind of problems come from differences in build environments (IDE) of end user and provider.
Check this.
Related problems:
Unhandled exception at 0x523d14cf (msvcr100d.dll)?
Why does this program crash: passing of std::string between DLLs
First try to use correct lib and dll. If compiled in debug mode then all libs and dlls must be debug. Use VC++ Modules view to be sure that proper DLL loaded.
I was lucky with my application to have all libs compiled for MSVC2010. So I just check debug and release mode DLLs and got working application.
I revisited this issue about a month ago and I found that the MSVC2010 occi library was built for Oracle 11g. We are running Oracle 10g, so I had to use the MSVC2005 library. So I installed the outdated IDE and loaded the Debug library and it worked (for some reason the release version wouldn't work though).
For anyone who is having the same problem I was, if downgrading the IDE from MSVC2010 to MSVC2005 with the appropriate libraries doesn't work, you could try upgrading the Oracle client from 10g to 11g and use the MSVC2010 library, as suggested by harvyS. In retrospect this would've probably been the better solution.