undefined reference to `log2f#GLIBC_2.27' undefined reference to `logf#GLIBC_2.27' - lm

I'am trying to a run a sample code from pardiso website but end up with this error.
I installed the lapack package from http://www.netlib.org/lapack/
gcc pardiso_sym.c -L /home/sree/ -lpardiso600-GNU800-X86-64 -llapack -lgfortran -fopenmp -lm -ldl
/home/sree//libpardiso600-GNU800-X86-64.so: undefined reference to `log2f#GLIBC_2.27'
/home/sree//libpardiso600-GNU800-X86-64.so: undefined reference to `logf#GLIBC_2.27'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I know this question is quite old but anyway:
First of all - the error you are getting is a linker error and is seems like it cannot resolve a reference to a function defined in glibc.
The version given here for glibc (the GNU C library) is 2.27.
I would now suspect that the version used by GCC when trying to compile pardiso_sym.c was lower than the specified version of glibc - thus the error.
You can find a nice thread about checking the version of glibc used by different gcc compilers here.
That said - different gcc compilers might use different versions of glibc for linking. You could now either specifically try and link a proper version of glibc (like described here) or - probably more feasible - try and update your glibc version.
The described pardiso packages were also compiled with gcc 8.0 but there is a pardiso version available compiled using the gcc 7.2. Both versions also link agains different glibc versions and it might already be feasible to use libpardiso600-GNU720-X86-64.so.
In addition I'd also use a gcc version that is higher equal than the one used to compile pardiso so you might want to upgrade gcc too.
Originally Pardiso 6.0 (and, for that matter also 6.2) was deployed as either libpardiso600-GNU720-X86-64.so or libpardiso600-GNU800-X86-64.so both available under its Download-Link.

As promised, here comes the summary of what I learned:
The Pardiso library (like all shared libraries) remembers which glibc version was used when it was compiled. Occasionally glibc may be older on your system than what Pardiso expects, leading to the link errors described by OP. You can check the version of your glibc by running ldd --version.
I applied for a free time-limited academic license, that gave me a personal download link. As #Flusslauf pointed out, one has the choice of 2 versions for the Linux 64-bit platform. As of today (2021-03-03) the two versions available to me were: libpardiso600-GNU720-X86-64.so (note: GNU720 and not GNU729, but that's a minor difference) and libpardiso600-GNU800-X86-64.so. The latter didn't work for me for the reasons explained above. So I compiled one of the little example programs from the Pardiso website in the directory containing the former Pardiso library as follows:
cd /path/to/pardiso
gcc pardiso_sym.c -L/usr/lib64 -L. -lpardiso600-GNU720-X86-64 \
-llapack -lblas -fopenmp -lpthread -lm -ldl -o psym
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/pardiso:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
The -L/usr/lib64 was necessary to find LAPACK and BLAS on the machine I used. The -L. tells GCC to look for the Pardiso library in the current directory (/path/to/pardiso where I compiled the test program). After compilation, add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH the Pardiso library location, ask for 2 OpenMP threads and silence the Pardiso license message.
Oh, one last thing: don't forget to copy your license file to your home directory! :-)


Use compiled LLVM/clang without gcc

I have been trying to compile LLVM/clang from source, both by myself and using this script. I am compiling clang using gcc 11.2, which itself was also built from source, and hence resides in a non-default location on my system (/scratch/opt/gcc-ml-11.2). Note that it only works with a gcc that was compiled with multilib enabled.
The problem is that I can use the compiled clang and clang++ binaries only if I supply the gcc location as follows: --gcc-toolchain=/scratch/opt/gcc-ml-11.2.0. Without that flag, I run into linker errors:
clang test.c -o test
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crtbeginS.o: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_s
I do not understand why a clang compiled binary needs to link against some kind of gcc library and why clang does not supply the crtbeginS.O file.
I have also tried using the LLVM linker as well as the LLVM standard library for C++ test applications, i.e., "-fuse-ld=lld -stdlib=libc++. This did not help either.
While I could just export CXXFLAGS=--gcc-toolchain=/scratch/opt/gcc-ml-11.2.0, I am not sure whether this is the right approach. Shouldn't clang/LLVM be able to function without a gcc installation?
I have also tried using my clang installation with the --gcc-toolchain=/scratch/opt/gcc-ml-11.2.0 flag to compile clang again, but the new binary also requires the gcc-toolchain flag.
Should I just globally export the path to my gcc toolchain? Why is this necessary? Isn't clang a standalone compiler that - if supplied with the option to use its own standard library - does not require gcc?
Thank you very much for your help!

Which part of GCC is still involved when building with Clang++ and LLD?

I built a very simple program using Clang++/LLD:
clang++ -fuse-ld=lld -o test test.cpp
I than ran readelf to confirm that LLD was indeed used as the linker, as mentioned on https://releases.llvm.org/11.0.0/tools/lld/docs/index.html:
$ readelf --string-dump .comment test
String dump of section '.comment':
[ 0] Linker: LLD 7.0.1
[ 12] clang version 7.0.1-8+deb10u2 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
[ 49] GCC: (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0
Very good, the linker used was indeed LDD. But it makes me wonder why GCC is still mentioned there. Maybe because the standard libraries were (presumably) build with GCC? Just wondering.
Depending on how you built libc++, you may still be using libgcc and libsupc++ to provide some routines otherwise provided by libc++abi and libcxxrt (and even then, there may still be some parts of libgcc required to make everything work).
Depending on the platform, there may still be some startup files or libc bits linked in which may or may not contain a string reference to GCC.
On Mac or BSD, for example nothing GCC should be involved anymore.
The Clang driver also (used to) use(s) GCC to infer e.g. library and header search paths, but I think it only does that as a fallback on unknown platforms.

Boost regex: Undefined references when linking

Until some weeks ago, using the boost_regex library I used to compile a C++ file test.cpp using the following command.
g++-4.9 -Wall -O3 -march=native -flto -DNDEBUG -o test \
--std=c++14 test.cpp -lboost_regex -pthread
The compilation was working perfectly. But at some point, I needed to upgrade my OS (more precisely, it was Ubuntu 14.04, now it is Ubuntu 16.04).
I kept my local folders with my data, and I also installed the Boost library again in the new system, including boost_regex.
The Boost version in the new system is 1.58, unfortunately I cannot know which Boost version I was using before because it is now deleted.
I try to compile again the same file in the new system, with the same command as above, and the linker says it cannot find two functions called maybe_assign and construct_init. If I replace the -o test option with just -c (i.e. without linking) then the program is compiled without errors.
More precisely, when I try to do linking I get the following errors (they were extremely long, I hade to shorten using ... dots).
In function `boost::re_detail::perl_matcher<...>::match_match()':
undefined reference to `boost::match_results<...>::maybe_assign(boost::match_results<...> const&)'
In function `bool boost::regex_search<...>(...)':
undefined reference to `boost::re_detail::perl_matcher<...>::construct_init(...)'
In function `boost::re_detail::perl_matcher<...>::match_prefix()':
undefined reference to `boost::match_results<...>::maybe_assign(boost::match_results<...> const&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I really don't know how this is possible, the libraries seem perfectly installed, nothing seems missing, and the compilation was working with a previous OS installation (then I guess older libraries).
At these point my only guess could be that Boost authors removed such functions? (maybe they are obsolete?). But I didn't find any trace of this on internet. If this is the case, how can I know the boost versions in which such functions are available?
Am I doing any mistake? Do you have any suggestions to investigate about this?
TL;DR use gcc5.
Ununtu 16.04 comes with gcc5 by default. Every C++ library in it is compiled with that compiler.
Now there was an incompatible C++ ABI change between gcc4 and gcc5. It made binaries built from C++ sources with gcc4 incompatible by default with binaries built with gcc5. This incompatibility often manifests itself as a bunch of undefined symbols that reference std::string and/or std::list.
The standard library comes built with a dual ABI to support objects built with older compilers. Other libraries like boost, hovever, don't.

Static linking to libcrypto++, with g++

I am trying to compile a program on my system with Debian Wheezy and g++4.7. I want it to be able to run on another system with Debian Squeeze (and no recent g++). I can't compile the program on the Squeeze, because I use certain C++11 features the old g++ does not support, as well as a new Boost version and libcrypto++9.
As far as I understand the usual way to get around this problem is to static link the libraries not supported at the other system, in my case libstdc, boost and crypto++.
My (linking) compiler call right now is
g++-4.7 .obj/btcmirco.o -Wl,-Bstatic -lboost_program_options -lboost_system -lcrypto++ -Wl,-Bdynamic -lcurl -static-libgcc -std=c++11 -o MyProgram
However I seem to have missed something, because it throws a lot of undefined reference errors. It works fine if I dynamic link to crypto++ (and only static link libstdc and boost).
Can anyone tell me whats wrong, or if there is a fundamental error in my approach?
The linker errors I get are (shorted):
`.text._ZN8CryptoPP22BufferedTransformationD2Ev' referenced in section `.text._ZN8CryptoPP22BufferedTransformationD1Ev[_ZN8CryptoPP22BufferedTransformationD1Ev]' of /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../../lib/libcrypto++.a(cryptlib.o): defined in discarded section `.text._ZN8CryptoPP22BufferedTransformationD2Ev[_ZN8CryptoPP22BufferedTransformationD5Ev]' of /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../../lib/libcrypto++.a(cryptlib.o)
`.text._ZN8CryptoPP25MessageAuthenticationCodeD2Ev' referenced in section `.text._ZN8CryptoPP25MessageAuthenticationCodeD1Ev[_ZN8CryptoPP25MessageAuthenticationCodeD1Ev]' of /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../../lib/libcrypto++.a(cryptlib.o): defined in discarded section `.text._ZN8CryptoPP25MessageAuthenticationCodeD2Ev[_ZN8CryptoPP25MessageAuthenticationCodeD5Ev]' of /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../../lib/libcrypto++.a(cryptlib.o)
I experienced the same problem and this has to do with the fact that you are trying to mix code generated by g++-4.7 (your program) with code generated by a previous version of g++ (cryptopp library).
The reason behind this is that when you execute compile the library executing make command, it uses the default version of g++ set up for your system, usually the one that comes with the OS.
In order to solve the issue what you should do is compile cryptopp library with g++-4.7.
For that, compile the library by executing make CXX=g++-4.7. The resulting static library shouldn't give you the error when being linked with your code.

how to port c/c++ applications to legacy linux kernel versions

Ok, this is just a bit of a fun exercise, but it can't be too hard compiling programmes for some older linux systems, or can it?
I have access to a couple of ancient systems all running linux and maybe it'd be interesting to see how they perform under load. Say as an example we want to do some linear algebra using Eigen which is a nice header-only library. Any chance to compile it on the target system?
user#ancient:~ $ uname -a
Linux local 2.2.16 #5 Sat Jul 8 20:36:25 MEST 2000 i586 unknown
user#ancient:~ $ gcc --version
Maybe not... So let's compile it on a current system. Below are my attempts, mainly failed ones. Any more ideas very welcome.
Compile with -m32 -march=i386
user#ancient:~ $ ./a.out
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so: dynamic-link.h: 53: elf_get_dynamic_info: Assertion `! "bad dynamic tag"' failed!
Compile with -m32 -march=i386 -static: Runs on all fairly recent kernel versions but fails if they are slightly older with the well known error message
user#ancient:~ $ ./a.out
FATAL: kernel too old
Segmentation fault
This is a glibc error which has a minimum kernel version it supports, e.g. kernel 2.6.4 on my system:
$ file a.out
a.out: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.4, not stripped
Compile glibc myself with support for the oldest kernel possible. This post describes it in more detail but essentially it goes like this
wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-2.14.tar.bz2
tar -xjf glibc-2.14.tar.bz2
cd glibc-2.14
mkdir build; cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local/glibc_32 \
--enable-kernel=2.0.0 \
--with-cpu=i486 --host=i486-linux-gnu \
CC="gcc -m32 -march=i486" CXX="g++ -m32 -march=i486"
make -j 4
make intall
Not sure if the --with-cpu and --host options do anything, most important is to force the use of compiler flags -m32 -march=i486 for 32-bit builds (unfortunately -march=i386 bails out with errors after a while) and --enable-kernel=2.0.0 to make the library compatible with older kernels. Incidentially, during configure I got the warning
WARNING: minimum kernel version reset to 2.0.10
which is still acceptable, I suppose. For a list of things which change with different kernels see ./sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/kernel-features.h.
Ok, so let's link against the newly compiled glibc library, slightly messy but here it goes:
$ export LIBC_PATH=/usr/local/glibc_32
$ export LIBC_FLAGS=-nostdlib -L${LIBC_PATH} \
${LIBC_PATH}/crt1.o ${LIBC_PATH}/crti.o \
-lm -lc -lgcc -lgcc_eh -lstdc++ -lc \
$ g++ -m32 -static prog.o ${LIBC_FLAGS} -o prog
Since we're doing a static compile the link order is important and may well require some trial and error, but basically we learn from what options gcc gives to the linker:
$ g++ -m32 -static -Wl,-v file.o
Note, crtbeginT.o and crtend.o are also linked against which I didn't need for my programmes so I left them out. The output also includes a line like --start-group -lgcc -lgcc_eh -lc --end-group which indicates inter-dependence between the libraries, see this post. I just mentioned -lc twice in the gcc command line which also solves inter-dependence.
Right, the hard work has paid off and now I get
$ file ./prog
./prog: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.0.10, not stripped
Brilliant I thought, now try it on the old system:
user#ancient:~ $ ./prog
set_thread_area failed when setting up thread-local storage
Segmentation fault
This, again, is a glibc error message from ./nptl/sysdeps/i386/tls.h. I fail to understand the details and give up.
Compile on the new system g++ -c -m32 -march=i386 and link on the old. Wow, that actually works for C and simple C++ programmes (not using C++ objects), at least for the few I've tested. This is not too surprising as all I need from libc is printf (and maybe some maths) of which the interface hasn't changed but the interface to libstdc++ is very different now.
Setup a virtual box with an old linux system and gcc version 2.95. Then compile gcc version 4.x.x ... sorry, but too lazy for that right now ...
Have found the reason for the error message:
user#ancient $ ./prog
set_thread_area failed when setting up thread-local storage
Segmentation fault
It's because glibc makes a system call to a function which is only available since kernel 2.4.20. In a way it can be seen as a bug of glibc as it wrongly claims to be compatible with kernel 2.0.10 when it requires at least kernel 2.4.20.
The details:
/* Install the TLS. */ \
asm volatile (TLS_LOAD_EBX \
"int $0x80\n\t" \
: "=a" (_result), "=m" (_segdescr.desc.entry_number) \
: "0" (__NR_set_thread_area), \
TLS_EBX_ARG (&_segdescr.desc), "m" (_segdescr.desc)); \
_result == 0 ? NULL \
: "set_thread_area failed when setting up thread-local storage\n"; })
The main thing here is, it calls the assembly function int 0x80 which is a system call to the linux kernel which decides what to do based on the value of eax, which is set to
__NR_set_thread_area in this case and is defined in
$ grep __NR_set_thread_area /usr/src/linux-2.4.20/include/asm-i386/unistd.h
#define __NR_set_thread_area 243
but not in any earlier kernel versions.
So the good news is that point "3. Compiling glibc with --enable-kernel=2.0.0" will probably produce executables which run on all linux kernels >= 2.4.20.
The only chance to make this work with older kernels would be to disable tls (thread-local storage) but which is not possible with glibc 2.14, despite the fact it is offered as a configure option.
The reason you can't compile it on the original system likely has nothing to do with kernel version (it could, but 2.2 isn't generally old enough for that to be a stumbling block for most code). The problem is that the toolchain is ancient (at the very least, the compiler). However, nothing stops you from building a newer version of G++ with the egcs that is installed. You may also encounter problems with glibc once you've done that, but you should at least get that far.
What you should do will look something like this:
Build latest GCC with egcs
Rebuild latest GCC with the gcc you just built
Build latest binutils and ld with your new compiler
Now you have a well-built modern compiler and (most of a) toolchain with which to build your sample application. If luck is not on your side you may also need to build a newer version of glibc, but this is your problem - the toolchain - not the kernel.