C++ Google Calendar API - c++

Hi All: I am supposed to provide Google calendar support on my C++ application running on Linux machine.
I came to know Google APIs Client Library for C++ is deprecated.So, I would like to know as to how I can provide calendar support in my Cpp application.
What steps should I follow and better if you redirect me to some URL ?

I think you can use google calendar api using REST API.
C++ Google Calendar REST API Examples


Is there any way to connect to google cloud project without using Client Library?

Can we connect to google cloud project, without using Client Library?
What is BigQuery API? Is it similar to bq-command line-tool?
If not, is there any way to convert bq-commandline-tool to API for usage in Python?
It is highly recommended to use the Google Cloud client libraries when available, but if you wish to call a Google Cloud Platform REST API from Python without a client library you can use an HTTP library such as Requests.
One thing client libraries handle for you is authentication. To authenticate to a Google API with Python, I highly recommend the google-auth Python library. Without an authentication library, you would have to implement the OAuth2 spec yourself, which is discouraged.

C++ Support from Firebase Realtime DB

Does Firebase support C++ for Realtime Database? I can't seem to find any documentation about it.
If there is, can you please point me out on the documentation? Please.
Since 2.0 version of Firebase C++ SDK it provides bindings for Realtime Database.
Also, in 2.1 version from (9 dec of 2016) Google adds the Firebase Storage bindings.
It does support C++.
This link has the guidelines for implementation of Firebase Realtime Database in C++:
The Firebase Realtime Database Test Application (testapp) demonstrates Firebase Realtime Database operations with the Firebase Realtime Database C++ SDK. The application has no user interface and simply logs actions it's performing to the console.

Google Apps Calendar Resource API in PHP

I implemented a php application that creates events in google calendar. But i need also to create resources, and i found the documentation for Google Apps Calendar Resource API
My first question is: where can I download the API files.
And second: i can use this in PHP? Because in the examples that they provide, they use only .NET and Python.
Thank you!
This API uses an older Google APIs technology stack called GData. There is a GData PHP client library built into the Zend framework, but it doesn't support OAuth2 and doesn't include support for this particular API. You're only option is to construct the OAuth2 tokens, XML body, and HTTP requests yourself using the documentation as a guide.

Does SOAP api for google Calendar exist?

I am trying to access google calendar from a cloud based application to create / delete / update events on google calendar. The front end will be developed later on.
Unfortunately, I can use webservices with SOAP apis only currently (only this is supported).
I wanted to know if a SOAP api for google Calendar exists? i searched google which did not give me good answers on this.
There is no SOAP API but there is a REST API:
If you could explain your limitation we can possibly discuss workarounds.

google docs + web app

Hi Guys
I am trying to create a web app to share docs with all editor features (just like google docs).
My main requirements for this app are as follows:
1. Should have all editor features (can be done using open office api, google docs api, Microsoft office web apps api)
2. Should be shared between multiple users and can be edited by multiple users and other sync features (can be done using google docs api, Microsoft office web apps)
3. Can save the document created and edited on my own/ custom server addr. (Which api can support this??? I know open office can support this)
Guys can you please suggest me one api which can be used to do all the above. Also please suggest if I am underestimating any API above regarding any functionality that i thing is not supported.
What you are asking for is so complex it takes a Google to make a "in progress" version!
Can't you just use Google API? Its is free. Your only issue would be logging users via OAuth, 1 simple API