In OpenGL spec 4.5, section 14.6.5, the formula used to calculate the depth offset is
o = m * factor + r * units.
where m is the magnitude of the gradient.
Why is the magnitude of gradient used instead of fwidth, i.e. |dFdx|+|dFdy|? As I understand it, to find the maximum offset within a pixel, say [0,1]x[0,1], we can find the maximum value of the following function,
With some calculus, we can find out that the maximum value is 0.5(|dFdx|+|dFdy|).
Perhaps my understanding is wrong, could anyone help explain it?
So I have a number of objects inside a circle that I want to color based on its radial angle from the center point. I also would like to be able to pass in the desired section size in angles. So if the section size is 10, then every ten angles would be a different color. So far, I have a way to figure out a color given the angle but, it doesn't really restrict it at all. Essentially, every angle is a different color.
R = 256 * Cos(angleValue);
G = 256 * Cos(angleValue + 120);
B = 256 * Cos(angleValue - 120);
I was wondering if anyone would have an idea on how to divide the color wheel into different sections? It would be a bonus but not a requirement if neighboring colors were easily distinguishable. (i.e. red next to blue or something similar)
Or if I am going about this a totally wrong way please feel free to provide any feedback. It would be appreciated.
I'm trying to find the focal length, position and orientation of a camera in world space.
Because I need this to be resolution-independent, I normalized my image coordinates to be in the range [-1, 1] for x, and a somewhat smaller range for y (depending on aspect ratio). So (0, 0) is the center of the image. I've already corrected for lens distortion (using k1 and k2 coefficients), so this does not enter the picture, except sometimes throwing x or y slightly out of the [-1, 1] range.
As a given, I have a planar, fixed rectangle in world space of known dimensions (in millimeters). The four corners of the rectangle are guaranteed to be visible, and are manually marked in the image. For example:
std::vector<cv::Point3f> worldPoints = {
cv::Point3f(0, 0, 0),
cv::Point3f(2000, 0, 0),
cv::Point3f(0, 3000, 0),
cv::Point3f(2000, 3000, 0),
std::vector<cv::Point2f> imagePoints = {
cv::Point2f(-0.958707, -0.219624),
cv::Point2f(-1.22234, 0.577061),
cv::Point2f(0.0837469, -0.1783),
cv::Point2f(0.205473, 0.428184),
Effectively, the equation I think I'm trying to solve is (see the equivalent in the OpenCV documentation):
/ xi \ / fx 0 \ / tx \ / Xi \
s | yi | = | fy 0 | | Rxyz ty | | Yi |
\ 1 / \ 1 / \ tz / | Zi |
\ 1 /
i is 1, 2, 3, 4
xi, yi is the location of point i in the image (between -1 and 1)
fx, fy are the focal lengths of the camera in x and y direction
Rxyz is the 3x3 rotation matrix of the camera (has only 3 degrees of freedom)
tx, ty, tz is the translation of the camera
Xi, Yi, Zi is the location of point i in world space (millimeters)
So I have 8 equations (4 points of 2 coordinates each), and I have 8 unknowns (fx, fy, Rxyz, tx, ty, tz). Therefore, I conclude (barring pathological cases) that a unique solution must exist.
However, I can't seem to figure out how to compute this solution using OpenCV.
I have looked at the imgproc module:
getPerspectiveTransform works, but gives me a 3x3 matrix only (from 2D points to 2D points). If I could somehow extract the needed parameters from this matrix, that would be great.
I have also looked at the calib3d module, which contains a few promising functions that do almost, but not quite, what I need:
initCameraMatrix2D sounds almost perfect, but when I pass it my four points like this:
cv::Mat cameraMatrix = cv::initCameraMatrix2D(
cv::Size2f(2, 2), -1);
it returns me a camera matrix that has fx, fy set to -inf, inf.
calibrateCamera seems to use a complicated solver to deal with overdetermined systems and outliers. I tried it anyway, but all I can get from it are assertion failures like this:
OpenCV(3.4.1) Error: Assertion failed (0 <= i && i < (int)vv.size()) in getMat_, file /build/opencv/src/opencv-3.4.1/modules/core/src/matrix_wrap.cpp, line 79
Is there a way to entice OpenCV to do what I need? And if not, how could I do it by hand?
3x3 rotation matrices have 9 elements but, as you said, only 3 degrees of freedom. One subtlety is that exploiting this property makes the equation non-linear in the angles you want to estimate, and non-linear equations are harder to solve than linear ones.
This kind of equations are usually solved by:
considering that the P=K.[R | t] matrix has 12 degrees of freedom and solving the resulting linear equation using the SVD decomposition (see Section 7.1 of 'Multiple View Geometry' by Hartley & Zisserman for more details)
decomposing this intermediate result into an initial approximate solution to your non-linear equation (see for example cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix)
refining the approximate solution using an iterative solver which is able to deal with non-linear equations and with the reduced degrees of freedom of the rotation matrix (e.g. Levenberg-Marquard algorithm). I am not sure if there is a generic implementation of this in OpenCV, however it is not too complicated to implement one yourself using the Ceres Solver library.
However, your case is a bit particular because you do not have enough point matches to solve the linear formulation (i.e. step 1) reliably. This means that, as you stated it, you have no way to initialize an iterative refining algorithm to get an accurate solution to your problem.
Here are a few work-arounds that you can try:
somehow get 2 additional point matches, leading to a total of 6 matches hence 12 constraints on your linear equation, allowing you to solve the problem using the steps 1, 2, 3 above.
somehow guess manually an initial estimate for your 8 parameters (2 focal lengths, 3 angles & 3 translations), and directly refine them using an iterative solver. Be aware that the iterative process might converge to a wrong solution if your initial estimate is too far off.
reduce the number of unknowns in your model. For instance, if you manage to fix two of the three angles (e.g. roll & pitch) the equations might simplify a lot. Also, the two focal lengths are probably related via the aspect ratio, so if you know it and if your pixels are square, then you actually have a single unknown there.
if all else fails, there might be a way to extract approximated values from the rectifying homography estimated by cv::getPerspectiveTransform.
Regarding the last bullet point, the opposite of what you want is clearly possible. Indeed, the rectifying homography can be expressed analytically knowing the parameters you want to estimate. See for instance this post and this post. There is also a full chapter on this in the Hartley & Zisserman book (chapter 13).
In your case, you want to go the other way around, i.e. to extract the intrinsic & extrinsic parameters from the homography. There is a somewhat related function in OpenCV (cv::decomposeHomographyMat), but it assumes the K matrix is known and it outputs 4 candidate solutions.
In the general case, this would be tricky. But maybe in your case you can guess a reasonable estimate for the focal length, hence for K, and use the point correspondences to select the good solution to your problem. You might also implement a custom optimization algorithm, testing many focal length values and keeping the solution leading to the lowest reprojection error.
I am trying to implement this SAO algorithm.
I am getting the following result :
I can't figure out why I have the nose on top of the walls, it seems to be a z-buffer issue.
Here are my input values :
const float projScale = 100.0;
const float radius = 0.9;
const float bias = 0.0005;
const float intensityDivR6 = pow(radius, 6);
I am using the original shader without modifications, except that I disable the usage of mipmaps of the depth buffer.
My depth buffer (on different scene, sorry) :
It should be an issue with the zbuffer linearization or it's not between -1 and 1.
Thank you Bruno, I finally figure out what were the issues.
The first was that I didn't transform my Z correctly, they use a specific pre-pass to make the Z linear and put it between -1 and 1. I was using an incompatible method to do it.
I also had to negate my near and far planes values directly in the projection matrix to compute correctly some uniforms.
Result :
I had a similar problem, having visual wrong occlusion, linked to the near/far, so I decided to give you what I've done to fix it.
The problem I had is discribed in a previous comment. I was getting self occlusion, when the camera was close to an object or when the radius was really too big.
If you take a closer look at the conversion from depth buffer value to camera-space value (the reconstructCSZ function from the g3d engine), you will see that replacing the depth by 0 will give you the near plane if you work with positive near/far. So, what it means is that every time you will get a tap outside the model, you will get a z component equals to near, which will give you wrong occlusion for fragments having a z close to 0.
You basically have to discard each taps that are located on the near plane, to avoid them being taken into account when comptuing the full contribution.
I have a set of images of the same scene but shot with different exposures. These images have no EXIF data so there is no way to extract useful info like f-stop, shutter speed etc.
What I'm trying to do is to determine the difference in stops between the images i.e. Image1 is +1.3 stops of Image0.
My current approach is to first calculate luminance from the image's RGB values using the equation
L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
I've seen different numbers being used in the equation but generally it should not affect the end result L too much.
After that I derive the log-average luminance of the image.
exp(avg of log(luminance of image))
But somehow the log-avg luminance doesn't seem to give much indication on exposure difference btw the images.
Any ideas on how to determine exposure difference?
edit: on c/c++
You have to generally solve two problems:
1. Linearize your image data
(In case it's not obvious what is meant: two times more light collected by your pixel shall result in two times the intensity value in your linearized image.)
Your image input might be (sufficiently) linearized already -> you may skip to part 2. If your content came from a camera and it's a JPEG, then this will most certainly not be the case.
The real 'solution' to this problem is finding the camera response function, which you want to invert and apply to your image data to get linear intensity values. This is by no means a trivial task. The EMoR model is widely used in all sorts of software (Photoshop, PTGui, Photomatix, etc.) to describe camera response functions. Some open source software solving this problem (but using a different model iirc) is PFScalibrate.
Having that said, you may get away with a simple inverse gamma application. A rough 'gestimation' for the right gamma value might be found by doing this:
capture an evenly lit, static scene with two exposure times e and e/2
apply a couple of inverse gamma transforms (e.g. for 1.8 to 2.4 in 0.1 steps) on both images
multiply all the short exposure images with 2.0 and subtract them from the respective long exposure images
pick the gamma that lead to the smallest overall difference
2. Find the actual difference of irradiation in stops, i.e. log2(scale factor)
Presuming the scene was static (no moving objects or camera), this is relatively easy:
sum1 = sum2 = 0
foreach pixel pair (p1,p2) from the two images:
if p1 or p2 is close to 0 or 255:
skip this pair
sum1 += p1 and sum2 += p2
return log2(sum1 / sum2)
On large images this will certainly work just as well and a lot faster if you sub-sample the images.
If the camera was static but the scene was not (moving objects), this starts to work less well. I produced acceptable results in this case by simply repeating the above procedure several times and use the output of the previous run as an estimate for the correct scale factor and then discard pixel pairs who's quotient is too far away from the current estimate. So basically replacing the above if line with the following:
if <see above> or if abs(log2(p1/p2) - estimate) > 0.5:
I'd stop the repetition after a fixed number of iterations or if two consecutive estimates are sufficiently close to each other.
EDIT: A note about conversion to luminance
You don't need to do that at all (as Tony D mentioned already) and if you insist, then do it after the linearization step (as Mark Ransom noted). In a perfect setting (static scene, no noise, no de-mosaicing, no quantization) every channel of every pixel would have the same ratio p1/p2 (if neither is saturated). Therefore the relative weighting of the different channels is irrelevant. You may sum over all pixels/channels (weighing R, G and B equally) or maybe only use the green channel.
I have an audio file and I am iterating through the file and taking 512 samples at each step and then passing them through an FFT.
I have the data out as a block 514 floats long (Using IPP's ippsFFTFwd_RToCCS_32f_I) with real and imaginary components interleaved.
My problem is what do I do with these complex numbers once i have them? At the moment I'm doing for each value
const float realValue = buffer[(y * 2) + 0];
const float imagValue = buffer[(y * 2) + 1];
const float value = sqrt( (realValue * realValue) + (imagValue * imagValue) );
This gives something slightly usable but I'd rather some way of getting the values out in the range 0 to 1. The problem with he above is that the peaks end up coming back as around 9 or more. This means things get viciously saturated and then there are other parts of the spectrogram that barely shows up despite the fact that they appear to be quite strong when I run the audio through audition's spectrogram. I fully admit I'm not 100% sure what the data returned by the FFT is (Other than that it represents the frequency values of the 512 sample long block I'm passing in). Especially my understanding is lacking on what exactly the compex number represents.
Any advice and help would be much appreciated!
Edit: Just to clarify. My big problem is that the FFT values returned are meaningless without some idea of what the scale is. Can someone point me towards working out that scale?
Edit2: I get really nice looking results by doing the following:
size_t count2 = 0;
size_t max2 = kFFTSize + 2;
while( count2 < max2 )
const float realValue = buffer[(count2) + 0];
const float imagValue = buffer[(count2) + 1];
const float value = (log10f( sqrtf( (realValue * realValue) + (imagValue * imagValue) ) * rcpVerticalZoom ) + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
buffer[count2 >> 1] = value;
count2 += 2;
To my eye this even looks better than most other spectrogram implementations I have looked at.
Is there anything MAJORLY wrong with what I'm doing?
The usual thing to do to get all of an FFT visible is to take the logarithm of the magnitude.
So, the position of the output buffer tells you what frequency was detected. The magnitude (L2 norm) of the complex number tells you how strong the detected frequency was, and the phase (arctangent) gives you information that is a lot more important in image space than audio space. Because the FFT is discrete, the frequencies run from 0 to the nyquist frequency. In images, the first term (DC) is usually the largest, and so a good candidate for use in normalization if that is your aim. I don't know if that is also true for audio (I doubt it)
For each window of 512 sample, you compute the magnitude of the FFT as you did. Each value represents the magnitude of the corresponding frequency present in the signal.
| ! !
| ! ! !
+--!---!----!----!---!--> freq
0 Fs/2 Fs
Now we need to figure out the frequencies.
Since the input signal is of real values, the FFT is symmetric around the middle (Nyquist component) with the first term being the DC component. Knowing the signal sampling frequency Fs, the Nyquist frequency is Fs/2. And therefore for the index k, the corresponding frequency is k*Fs/512
So for each window of length 512, we get the magnitudes at specified frequency. The group of those over consecutive windows form the spectrogram.
Just so people know I've done a LOT of work on this whole problem. The main thing I've discovered is that the FFT requires normalisation after doing it.
To do this you average all the values of your window vector together to get a value somewhat less than 1 (or 1 if you are using a rectangular window). You then divide that number by the number of frequency bins you have post the FFT transform.
Finally you divide the actual number returned by the FFT by the normalisation number. Your amplitude values should now be in the -Inf to 1 range. Log, etc, as you please. You will still be working with a known range.
There are a few things that I think you will find helpful.
The forward FT will tend to give larger numbers in the output than in the input. You can think of it as all of the intensity at a certain frequency being displayed at one place rather than being distributed through the dataset. Does this matter? Probably not because you can always scale the data to fit your needs. I once wrote an integer based FFT/IFFT pair and each pass required rescaling to prevent integer overflow.
The real data that are your input are converted into something that is almost complex. As it turns out buffer[0] and buffer[n/2] are real and independent. There is a good discussion of it here.
The input data are sound intensity values taken over time, equally spaced. They are said to be, appropriately enough, in the time domain. The output of the FT is said to be in the frequency domain because the horizontal axis is frequency. The vertical scale remains intensity. Although it isn't obvious from the input data, there is phase information in the input as well. Although all of the sound is sinusoidal, there is nothing that fixes the phases of the sine waves. This phase information appears in the frequency domain as the phases of the individual complex numbers, but often we don't care about it (and often we do too!). It just depends upon what you are doing. The calculation
const float value = sqrt((realValue * realValue) + (imagValue * imagValue));
retrieves the intensity information but discards the phase information. Taking the logarithm essentially just dampens the big peaks.
Hope this is helpful.
If you are getting strange results then one thing to check is the documentation for the FFT library to see how the output is packed. Some routines use a packed format where real/imaginary values are interleaved, or they may begin at the N/2 element and wrap around.
For a sanity check I would suggest creating sample data with known characteristics, eg Fs/2, Fs/4 (Fs = sample frequency) and compare the output of the FFT routine with what you'd expect. Try creating both a sine and cosine at the same frequency, as these should have the same magnitude in the spectrum, but have different phases (ie the realValue/imagValue will differ, but the sum of squares should be the same.
If you're intending on using the FFT though then you really need to know how it works mathematically, otherwise you're likely to encounter other strange problems such as aliasing.