I'm working through Apple's SwiftUI tutorial on building lists and navigation, and I can't seem to find any documentation for this List initializer, or the identified(by:) method of the Array type:
struct LandmarkList: View {
var body: some View {
List(landmarkData.identified(by: \.id)) { landmark in
When I right-click on the List initializer and click Jump to Definition in Xcode, it takes me to this initializer which isn't right. When I do the same for the identified(by:) method, it takes me to this strange file, which only has 13 lines and no mention of the identified(by:) method:
I know Xcode is in beta, but where can I find the documentation for these mysterious bits of code? The tutorial has been great up to this point, but I'm not certain what this List and Array are doing.
identified is no more in use now. You may try below syntax.
ForEach(landmarkData, id: \.id) { landmark in
I select the systemImage "map" and "person" for the tabItem, but the images are in filled format which must be in hollow format. What's the reason?
struct TestView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
.tabItem {
Label("Map", systemImage: "map")
.tabItem {
Label("Person", systemImage: "person")
Xcode: 13.1
SF Symbols: 3.1
This is standard SwiftUI behaviour in iOS 15, as it implements by default the recommendations from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, which says tab bars should use filled variants of SF Symbols, while sidebars on iPad should use the outline variant.
The effect is achieved by iOS automatically applying the .symbolVariants environment value, as noted in the symbol variants documentation:
SwiftUI sets a variant for you in some environments. For example, SwiftUI automatically applies the fill symbol variant for items that appear in the content closure of the swipeActions(edge:allowsFullSwipe:content:) method, or as the tab bar items of a TabView.
If you absolutely want to get rid of the fill mode, it’s deliberately made tricky but not impossible. You have to override the supplied \.symbolVariants environment variable directly on the Label element, inside your tabItem declaration:
.tabItem {
Label("Map", systemImage: "map")
.environment(\.symbolVariants, .none)
Using the .symbolVariants(.none) modifier, or trying to set the environment value higher up the view graph, won’t work.
Now that you see how to override the effect, I would still advise using the filled forms in the tab bar. Given that the tab bar no longer has a background colour difference from the rest of the page in many cases, the extra visual weight given to tab items by use of the filled variant lends the right amount of visual weight to those elements.
I select the systemImage "map" and "person" for the tabItem, but the images are in filled format which must be in hollow format. What's the reason?
struct TestView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
.tabItem {
Label("Map", systemImage: "map")
.tabItem {
Label("Person", systemImage: "person")
Xcode: 13.1
SF Symbols: 3.1
This is standard SwiftUI behaviour in iOS 15, as it implements by default the recommendations from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, which says tab bars should use filled variants of SF Symbols, while sidebars on iPad should use the outline variant.
The effect is achieved by iOS automatically applying the .symbolVariants environment value, as noted in the symbol variants documentation:
SwiftUI sets a variant for you in some environments. For example, SwiftUI automatically applies the fill symbol variant for items that appear in the content closure of the swipeActions(edge:allowsFullSwipe:content:) method, or as the tab bar items of a TabView.
If you absolutely want to get rid of the fill mode, it’s deliberately made tricky but not impossible. You have to override the supplied \.symbolVariants environment variable directly on the Label element, inside your tabItem declaration:
.tabItem {
Label("Map", systemImage: "map")
.environment(\.symbolVariants, .none)
Using the .symbolVariants(.none) modifier, or trying to set the environment value higher up the view graph, won’t work.
Now that you see how to override the effect, I would still advise using the filled forms in the tab bar. Given that the tab bar no longer has a background colour difference from the rest of the page in many cases, the extra visual weight given to tab items by use of the filled variant lends the right amount of visual weight to those elements.
My problem is SecureField in SwiftUI doesn’t display characters input by the user for any time at all, it just directly shows the '•' symbol for each character as it's typed - whereas in UIKit, UITextField (with isSecureTextEntry = true) shows the latest character for a second before hiding it behind '•'.
UX testers at my company have requested I bring back the "old behaviour" - but this behaviour doesn't seem part of any public API.
Interestingly this goes for UITextField custom classes injected into SwiftUI using UIViewRepresentable too - they behave in the "SwiftUI way" described above. So there's some contextual behaviour modification going on in SwiftUI for all secure UITextField behaviour? I'd have to completely rewrite my SwiftUI form into a full UIViewController to get back the behaviour (modally pushed UIViewControllers with secure UITextFields do exhibit the desired behaviour.)
Is this a sort of sideline bug in SwiftUI? I see the same thing for SwiftUI in both iOS13 and 14. Anyone seen a workaround or solution?
After #Asperi's great explanation below, I noticed that my UITextField custom classes injected into SwiftUI using UIViewRepresentable were forcing this behaviour by unnecessarily setting the text binding in the updateUIView call. Using a Coordinator only to deal with text logic fixed the problem for me when using this method.
The observed effect is due to immediate apply to bound string state and immediate react/rebuild of view.
To bring desired behavior beck we need to postpone somehow state update and thus give a chance for SecuredField/UITextField to update self without synchronisation with state.
Here is a demo of possible direction (it is not ideal, but a way to go). Tested with Xcode 12.1 / iOS 14.1.
struct DemoSecureFieldView: View {
#State private var password = "demo"
var textBinding: Binding<String> {
Binding(get: { password },
set: { value in
// more logic can be added to delay _only_ if new symbol added,
// and force apply if next symbol came fast
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.25) {
password = value
var body: some View {
VStack {
SecureField("Placeholder", text: textBinding)
I have the following code example:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showText = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
if self.showText {
//else {
// EmptyView()
// }
When it runs I get the text showing as normal. However, if I set showText to false it still compiles and runs as normal even though the VStack contains nothing - it just doesn't show anything when run. If I uncomment the else clause the example also runs as expected. If I remove all the contents of the VStack however, the example won't compile as nothing is returned.
So my questions are:
Is SwiftUI silently adding an EmptyView when nothing is in the VStack when showText is false ?
Should I really be adding the else clause and return an EmptyView ?
The question isn't completely academic either as I have a use case where I would prefer the whole view to be more or less 'thrown away' rather than have EmptyViews in the hierarchy, though my understanding of SwiftUI is pretty limited at the moment so it may not matter.
VStack is a function builder so it expects to get some value back from the closure. In the case of the if it invokes the buildEither version of the function builder so that satisfies the condition that its not empty. See the function builder proposal. Any ways you should not worry about the EmptyViews. A SwiftUI.View is just a blue print to build the actual view (as apple calls it a cheap value on the stack). It is not the real view object in memory and on the graphics card, as with a UIView or CALayer. The rendering system is going to translate your EmptyView into a noop. SwiftUI.Views get created and discarded all the time and are designed to be cheap unlike UIViews, and the system diff's the SwiftUI.View tree and only applies the delta to the real views in graphics memory similarl to how Flutter, React, and Android Compose work.
I'm building an Apple Watch app, and there is code I want to run every time the app is brought to the foreground.
Previously, if I wanted to do this in a watchOS with a WKInterfaceController, I would put this code in didAppear().
In SwiftUI, there is onAppear(), but when I call that on watchOS it only seems to be called the first time the app loads up, so it behaves like WKInterfaceController.willActivate() instead. The app has just a single view.
If onAppear() is the equivalent of WKInterfaceController.willActivate(), is there a different SwiftUI function that is the equivalent of WKInterfaceController.didAppear()?
Here's my current example code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello World").font(.footnote)
.onAppear {
print("onAppear called")
In the meantime, I am going to experiment with triggering what I need to do within the ExtensionDelegate, but I'm just trying to learn my way around SwiftUI on WatchOS, so knowing the answer to this would be helpful in the future.