WinHttpException when calling a web service - web-services

I'm trying to call any WCF service in code locally which gives me the following exception:
WinHttpException: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
Some code example: await service.ReadMultipleAsync(filters.ToArray(), null, 1);. This might not say anything though. The weird thing is that it worked before updating windows 10. This might be a coincidence, but I have absolutely no code changes.
I can also talk directly to the WFC service through some tooling, so it cannot be some sort of IP blocking or firewall. But doing this through code results in the error, both using Kerstel or IIS Express.
Possible relevant packages:
.Net core - 2.2
System.ServiceModel.... - 4.4.0
I'm currently clueless. Any help would be appreciated!
A more detailed exception:
System.Net.Http.WinHttpException (8007139F, 5023): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation
at System.Threading.Tasks.RendezvousAwaitable`1.GetResult()
at System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler.StartRequest(WinHttpRequestState state)

I did a rollback from windows 10 version 1903 to 1803 and it suddenly started working again. Not really a solution but it works. Still no clue on what's wrong. Might be a bug?


Timeout when starting a Service in Windows

We're currently facing some issues trying to start a Service in Windows, which is an executable file and the output of a compiling process using .NET framework for C++ (Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727).
We are able to compile, start and execute the exact same service in our DEV Environment, which consists of Windows 7 installed in Virtual Box with VisualStudio2005 (it's old software, I know...).
When we do it in our Test environment, we get a timeout error when trying to start the Service (1053: The Service Did Not Respond to the Start or Control Request in a Timely Fashion.). The server is running WindowsServer 2008 R2 Standard. We already tried to change the timeout time, without success. We also compiled the source code using the same Visual Studio 2005 SW and although we were able to compile it successfully we are still getting the same timeout message.
We are currently trying to understand what's objectively causing the different behaviour. The most obvious difference is the windows version, naturally, but since the compilation output appears identical and there are no errors during the compilation process in both environments and both output logs are identical as well we are running low on ideas to identify and validate objective differences. Our latest approach consists in trying to understand if by using Dependency Walker ( we are able to identify any issue regarding DLLs (we also checked if there is any corrupt DLL or system file in the environment and there isn't any, using the windows command for it). We're also checking some of the suggestion made on the following post: Error 1053 the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
Any one faced a similar issues? If so, can you suggest any kind of approach to identify the reason why the service isn't staring, other than the ones here mentioned?
Thanks in advance.
We ended up extending the timeout time regarding Service startup in Windows to 10 minutes followed by the necessary restart and we managed to start the service normally and almost immediately, which makes us think that the timeout time was never really an issue here. Although we haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause we are still inclined to think that it was a Windows/Server related issue.

How to reactivate Windows Error Reporting for my application (cpp)? (Windows 10)

When one of my applications executes _CrtDbgBreak() it just writes a .dmp file and exits. On any other application _CrtDbgBreak() causes the app.exe has stopped working -dialog where I can chose to break into my debugger (VS 2013).
This is my desired behavior.
A few weeks ago I experimented with Windows Error Reporting to find out if/how the WER Dialog could be suppressed. Apparently I succeeded for my application and unfortunately I haven't found the way how to undo this.
In the meantime I have had to deal with a number of other things so that I no longer remember which steps I exactly took at the time. (Should have taken notes, I know.) Since it works for other applications, I am guessing a setting specific to my app needs to be reset.
I turned to the usual suspects on my machine but so far I haven't found anything:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
Policy Editor: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Error Reporting
Policy Editor: User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Error Reporting
WER Service is running
I have even removed all occurrences of my executable's name from my entire registry but this hasn't made any difference. What else am I missing?
One possible reason is your app/exe is added to the WER's exclusion list. See 'ExcludedApplications' at
Check registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\ExcludedApplications
If your app/exe name is found there, remove it.
Maybe you'd set the process error mode, like so
[yes - the question is dated, but it's not marked as answered, and this alternative solution may help future readers]

Why does a MFC application behaves mysteriously in encrypted hard drive environment

I'm working on a bug where I have an MFC application that does weird things when installed in when Sophos Safeguard hard drive encryption is installed. I'm sorry to be so vague here, but I'm writing this away from the office so this is all from my (poor) memory.
Three things I've noticed:
AfxGetResourceHandle() doesn't return a consistent resource handle. There is a single case where we try to load a string resource, and for some reason, the resource handle that we get from this method is different to all the other stings.
Can't construct a CDocumentTemplate. There is a trace error which I cant seem to recall. Will edit and post when I'm in tomorrow.
This behaviour appears to manifest in a Visual Studio 2005 version of the project, but not a Visual Studio 2008 version. Unfortunately moving to the 2008 version is not an option.
The bug is not always reproducable if I step through with a debugger. Also, bringing up debug message boxes changes the behaviuor, which leads me to think that either there is some kind of race condition going on with the way MFC events are being handled, but I'm not sure how I'll ever know for sure, or even what I can do about it if I did.
I think there's some underlying reason that the app is behaving weirdly, but what I've posted are more symptoms. Can anyone think of what I should check for?
I've run Windows update on the test environment to ensure everything was up to date, and I've examined the process in procmon to see if the disk encryption stuff was getting in the way and conflicting with files - it didn't appear to be, but it does appear to be involved in some way as our app accesses Sophos related paths in the temp directory.
If your code is multithreaded (which I assume it is, since you mentioned the possibility of a race condition), then the likelihood is that the decryption delays are exposing concurrency flaws. You might want to try running the application off of a network share or similar slow access device to see if it manifests similar problems.
Turned out that the antivirus software was injecting itself in a way where the antivirus' software's resource handles were overridng the app's resource handles. Yuck!

VDMEnumProcessWOW returns no processes on Vista

I'm trying to use VDMEnumProcessWOW to find all 16 bit host processes on Vista. I call it, and it appears to not find any results even though I do have a 16 bit app running.
I've also tried calling VDMEnumTaskWOWEx with the process id I got for ntvdm.exe from Windows Task Manager, and that also returns no results.
ntvdm.exe has user name joeBlogs, and the application I've written to call VDMEnumProcessWOW is running as a service under the SYSTEM account. Is the problem that I need to have them running in the same session?
EnumProcesses works ok across sessions, but is VDMEnumProcessWOW different, or is there something else I'm missing? The documentation I've seen on this so far is a little sparse.
The VDM does contain the WowExec.exe task that the function's documentation says is required.
You can request the hotfix through this link.
Yes, a colleague just answered this. He ran into this problem before. It appears that VDMEnumProcessWOW does not work across sessions.
Also, Vista has some other problem enumerating 16 bit processes (I'm not exactly sure what they symptom is). There's a Microsoft supplied HotFix that is required to make this work.

Generating PDF with Quick Reports behind a Delphi Web Server

I have a Delphi web server providing some web services*. One of them is supposed to generate and return a PDF report.
The PDF creation is done with a QReport that is then exported into a PDF file with the ExportToFilter procedure.
The routine works fine when called from within an application, but when called behind a TIdTCPServer, it hangs and never finishes. Debugging it, I got tho the hanging point:
(note: I'm home right now and I don't have the source code. I'll try to reproduce quickrpt.pas' source as accurrate as I can remember).
procedure TCustomReport.ExportToFilter(TQRDocumentFilter filter);
AProgress := TQRFormProgress.Create(Application); // Hangs on this line
AProgress.Owner := QReport;
if ShowProgress then AProgress.Show;
QReport.Client := AProgress;
Searching the web, I found in this page (1) the suggestion to set ShowProgress to False, and edit the code so that it does not create the progress form when ShowProgress is set to false (apparently, this is due to QReport not being threadsafe).
So, I edited the code, and now I have this:
procedure TCustomReport.ExportToFilter(TQRDocumentFilter filter);
if ShowProgress then
AProgress := TQRFormProgress.Create(Application);
AProgress.Owner := QReport;
QReport.Client := AProgress
Now, the report comes out. But then the service gets to an Invalid Pointer Exception (which I can't trace). Following calls to the service complete successfully, but when I shut down the service** it starts whining again with Invalid Pointer Exceptions, then the "MyServer has commited an invalid action and must be closed" windows message, then again a couple of times more, then just the pointer exception, then comes to error 216 (which as far as I could find out, is related to Windows access permissions).
Update (jan 5): Thanks Scott W. for your answer. Indeed, after some research, I found another suggestion that only the main thread can access some components. So I set the QR code back to normal and called the main method from a Synchronize call inside a TThread (so that way the main thread would handle it). But I still get the same error.
You mention you were able to generate PDF as a service with QR 4. Maybe that's why it's not working for me, since I'm using QR 3. On the other hand, you don't mention if you're doing that behind a TIdTCPServer (which is my case, providing web services) or if you run it by itself (for instance, during a batch process).
Anybody knows whether my QR version might be the problem? Thanks!
* Running Delphi 7 and QuickReport 3 on a Windows XP SP2. The server is based on Indy.
** I have two versions of the server: a Windows application and a Windows Service. Both call the same inner logic, and the problem occurs with both versions.
Update (mar 8): After all, my problem was that my printing routine was in another dll, and the default memory management module is somewhat crappy. Setting the first uses of my .dpr to be ShareMem overrides the memory management module with Borland's implementation, and solved my problem.
ShareMem, ...
I'm guessing that QReport.Client is used somewhere later in the code, and with your modified code no longer assigning it to AProgress, you end up with an error.
Are you sure that you have to modify the QuickReport source? I have used QuickReport in a Windows Service to generate a PDF file and then attach to email message and all worked fine without having to modify the QR source. I don't recall exactly which settings had to be made, but it was done with Delphi 6 and QR 4.06.