How to Capture control codes in pexpect python module - regex

I am running some commands in pexpect session where it gives the following output in console.
this is the first line output
I am having a regex '\r\n>' to match the prompt '>' at the new line.
From the output I can see there is one control character \u0000 is prefixed before the prompt comes
My code goes like
child = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash')
Because of this control character prefixed before the prompt, the expect is failing. Is there any way to solve this issue.
Logically we can see the prompt came in next line, but literally how we can match along with control character?
Do i need to modify my regex to match "controlchar\r\n>"? or any other way to solve this issue?


TCL Regex Skipping Over a Set of Characters and Matching to a New line

I'm working with expect scripting in order to ssh into a device and pull information off of it. However, I'm facing issues parsing the expect_out(buffer) for the data from the commands I send.
This is the contents of my expect_out(buffer):
"mca-cli-op info\r\n\r\nModel: UAP-AC-Lite\r\nVersion:\r\nMAC Address: 10:9f:5r:20:c5:7e\r\nIP Address:\r\nHostname: UAP-AC-Lite\r\nUptime: 152662 seconds\r\n\r\nStatus: Connected (http://base_controller<url;>/inform)\r\nUAP-AC-Lite-BZ.6.0.21# "
Right now I'm trying to get the Model (UAP-AC-LITE) without the Model tag.
So the regex expression I'm using is,
expect -re {(?=(Model: ))+[.*\$]}
set model "$expect_out(0,string)"
puts $model
The command doesn't work, but my thought process was that I would perform a look ahead for the Model tag, then match only the subsequent characters after it to the new line. I've tried replacing the "$" with \r\n but that doesn't work either. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for the help!
Note: If possible, I wouldn't want to include the newline either, as it might mess up commands that I run which use these variables.
You're close, but the regex is incorrect. Try
expect -re {Model:\s+([^\r]+)}
set model $expect_out(1,string)
The 1 in $expect_out(1,string) means the first set of capturing parentheses.
Regexes are documented at

How to insert a new line after completing a script in vscode on linux?

When working in vscode on Linux how do you insert a newline after running a c++ file in the integrated terminal? In the photo the first run is run as normal and the second run I inserted a newline at the end of the code.
I'd like it so after testing something in the terminal the terminal starts at the next line instead of on top of my code.
I am rewriting the answer by #Tyler:
If you mean making your prompt appear on a new line regardless of
whether your program output ended with a newline character, then
that's a shell-specific thing. Some shells such as fish and (IIRC) zsh
do this by default. If you want to do it for bash, you can probably
Beside this. Some IDE also provide configurabl built-in output panel.

Detecting semicolon as command line argument in linux

I am trying to run a C++ application where I am passing some command line arguments to it as follows:
./startServer -ip tcpip{ldap=no;port=2435}
The application is getting crashed because it is not able to get the correct port. Searching over the web, I found that ";" is treated an end of command character (Semicolon on command line in linux) so everything after that is getting ignored. I also understand the putting it inside the quotes will work fine. However, I do not want to force this restriction of putting the arguments in the quotes on the users. So, I want to know is there a way I can process the ";" character with the argv array?
The semicolon separates two commands so your command line is equivalent to
./startServer -ip tcpip{ldap=no
Your application will never know anything about either the semi colon or the second command, these will be completely handled by the shell. You need to escape the colon with a back slash or enclose it in quotes. Other characters which may cause similar issues include: $,\-#`'":*?()&|
Complex strings are much easier to pass either from a file or through stdin.
You need to quote not only the ; but in the general case also the { and }:
./startServer -ip 'tcpip{ldap=no;port=2435}'
If your users are required to type in that complicated last argument, then they can also be made to quote it.

regex exclude hit if text contains a second string match

I am trying to search thru log files to see if any warnings have appeared so that I can warn in a Jenkins pipeline using Jenkins plug in "Text Finder".
However, I have a case where I do not want hits on the string "CRIT" int he logfile if the string also contains plms.
I have the following text in the log file:
<CRIT> 23-Jun-2014::10:57:13.649 Upgrade committed
<CRIT> 23-Jun-2014::10:57:13.703 no registration found for callpoint plmsView/get_next of type=external
I am not interested in having a warning for the second line, so I have added the following regex to Text Finder in Jenkins:
This should get a hit on CRIT only if the string does not also contain plms, i.e the first line, but I do not get a hit on either line.
I got the code from here: Combine Regexp
Could someone please help me correct this? Thanks!
You should use something like this:
WARN|ERROR|<ERR>|<CRIT>(?!.*?no registration found)
Change the no registration found part to match the <CRIT> message you want to exclude.
This expression matches also for the line:
<INFO> User WARNER registered
so you should consider using something like:
^(WARN|ERROR|<ERR>|<CRIT>(?!.*?no registration found))
that matches only if the tokens are at the beginning of the line (change the tokens accordingly).
This should work for you:
Demo and explanation

Delete all lines upto some regex match

I want to delete everything from start of the document upto some regex match, such as _tmm. I wrote the following custom command:
command! FilterTmm exe 'g/^_tmm\\>/,/^$/mo$' | norm /_tmm<CR> | :0,-1 d
This doesn't work as expected. But when I execute these commands directly using the command line, they work.
Do you have any alternative suggestions to accomplish this job using custom commands?
It seems that you want to remove from beginning to the line above the matched line.
/pattern could have offset option. like /pattern/{offset}, :h / for detail, for your needs, you could do (no matter where your cursor is):
I read your question twice, it seems that you want to do it in a single command line.
Your script has problem, normal doesn't support |, that is, it must be the last command.
try this line, if it works for you:
exe 'norm gg'|/_tmm/-1|0,.d