Dynamodb vs Redis - amazon-web-services

We're using AWS, and considering to use DynamoDB or Redis on our new service.
Below is our service's character
Insert/Delete occur over between hundreds and thousands per minute, and will be larger later.
We don't need quick search, only need to find a value with key
Data should not be lost.
There are another data that doesn't have a lot of Insert/Delete unlike 1.
I'm worried about when Redis server down.
When the Redis failure, our data will be removed.
That's why I'm considering to select Amazon DynamoDB.
Because DynamoDB is NoSQL, so Insert/Delete is so fast(slower than Redis, but we don't need to that much speed), and store data permanently.
But I'm not sure that my thinking is right or not.
If I'm thinking wrong or don't think another important point, I'm going appreciate when you guys teach me.

There are two type of Redis deployment in AWS ElastiCache service:
Multi-AZ cluster
With standalone installation it is possible to turn on persistence for a Redis instance, so service can recover data after reboot. But in some cases, like underlying hardware degradation, AWS can migrate Redis to another instance and lose persistent log.
In Multi-AZ cluster installation it is not possible to enable persistence, only replication is occur. In case of failure it takes a time to promote replica to master state. Another way is to use master and slave endpoints in the application directly, which is complicated. In case of failure which cause a restart both Redis node at time it is possible to lose all data of the cluster configuration too.
So, in general, Redis doesn't provide high durability of the data, while gives you very good performance.
DynamoDB is highly available and durable storage of you data. Internally it replicates data into several availability zones, so it is highly available by default. It is also fully managed AWS service, so you don't need to care about Clusters, Nodes, Monitoring ... etc, which is considering as a right cloud way.
Dynamo DB is charging by R/W operation (on-demand or reserved capacity model) and amount of stored data. In may be really cheap for testing of the service, but much more expensive under the heavy load. You should carefully analyze you workload and calculate total service costs.
As for performance: DynamoDB is a SSD Database comparing to Redis in-memory store, but it is possible to use DAX - in-memory cache read replica for DynamoDB as accelerator on heavy load. So you won't be strictly limited with the DynamoDB performance.
Here is the link to DynamoDB pricing calculator which one of the most complicated part of service usage: https://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/pricing/


HA Cloud SQL writes low latency despite synchronous replication across multiple DCs

I have just read Google's Cloud SQL's high availability documentation.
From what I understood in order for Google to:
Guarantee no data loss in case of primary node failure.
Allow clients to use standby node as read replica with strong consistency.
Google has to replicate writes in a synchronous way across multiple zones.
This seems like a very costly operation that should affect write transactions' latency. I however personally have not observed any significant latency differences between HA and non-HA version of GCP's Postgres.
How is it possible?
Not a definitive answer, but i hope it helps anyway.
The technology used here is the same that is used for regional persistent disks, which are highly optimized for these kind of multi-zone write scenarios. This basically means that the operation is costly but not as costly as you seem to expect. However even Google itself acknowledges the fact that there will be increased write latency. From a page directly linked from the documentation you shared:
Regional persistent disks are an option when write performance is less critical than data redundancy across multiple zones.
You're confusing Read Replicas, HA and Legacy HA.
Cloud SQL some time ago was using Legacy HA which uses an explicit instance that replicates from the primary instance (in some way it is a read replica). In this particular case there could be replication lag because as you mention, the writes are synchronous and the performance could be impacted.
Legacy HA it is only available for MySQL.
In the case of Postgres it is expect you do not see a difference between HA and non-HA because in fact Postgres does not use this Legacy HA and uses the current HA schema which uses a single Regional Disk. non-HA also uses a single disk, the difference is that the disk is Zonal.
In other words, both (HA and non-HA) use a single disk, what changes is the scope of the disk (Regional or Zonal).
Finally since it is only a disk, there's no need to replicate like in a Read Replica or Legacy HA.

AWS containerised apps and database on same Redshift cluster

I a simple question for someone with experience with AWS but I am getting a little confused with the terminology and know how to proceed with which node to purchase.
At my company we currently have a a postgres db that we insert into continuously.
We probably insert ~ 600M rows at year at the moment but would like to be able to scale up.
Each Row is basically a timestamp and two floats, one int and one enum type.
So the workload is write intensive but with also constant small reads.
(There will be the occasional large read)
There are also two services that need to be run (both Rust based)
1, We have a rust application that abstracts the db data allowing clients to access it through a restful interface.
2, We have a rust app that gets the data to import from thousands on individual devices through modbus)
These devices are on a private mobile network. Can I setup AWS cluster nodes to be able to access a private network through a VPN ?
We would like to move to Amazon Redshift but am confused with the node types
Amazon recommend choosing RA3 or DC2
If we chose ra3.4xlarge that means you get one cluster of nodes right ?
Can I run our rust services on that cluster along with a number of Redshift database instances?
I believe AWS uses docker and I could containerise my services easily I think.
Or am I misunderstanding things and when you purchase a Redshift cluster you can only run Redshift on this cluster and have to get a different one for containerised applications, possibly an ec2 cluster ?
Can anyone recommend a better fit for scaling this workload ?
I would not recommend Redshift for this application and I'm a Redshift guy. Redshift is designed for analytic workloads (lots or reads and few, large writes). Constant updates is not what it is designed to do.
I would point you to Postgres RDS as the best fit. It has a Restful API interface already. This will be more of the transactional database you are looking for with little migration change.
When your data get really large (TB+) you can add Redshift to the mix to quickly perform the analytics you need.
Just my $.02
Redshift is a Managed service, you don't get any access to it for installing stuff, neither is there a possibility of installing/running any custom software of your own
Or am I misunderstanding things and when you purchase a Redshift cluster you can only run Redshift on this cluster
Yes, you don't run stuff - AWS manages the cluster and you run your analytics/queries etc.
have to get a different one for containerised applications, possibly an ec2 cluster ?
Yes, you could possibly make use of EC2, running the orchestrators on your own, or make use of ECS/Fargate/EKS depending on your budget/how skilled your members are etc

Shifting/Migrating PHP Codeigniter project to AWS

Our Company has a Software Product consists of Web App, Android and iOS App.
we have more then 350 clients, that is we have more then 350 databases(MYSQL) of each client and one code file repository(PHP Codeigniter). When new client purchase our software we just copy the the old empty database and client is able to use the software. this is our architecture.
Now we are planing to shift to AWS but we do not know which AWS service we really need for this type of architecture
We have Codeigniter 3.1 version, PHP 7 and MYSQL.
You can implement this sort of system on a single EC2 instance, simply installing the same software as you have on your current server. However in this case you are likely better off to host it somewhere cheaper than AWS.
However, what I recommend is that you implement it using RDS, EC2, S3 and Cloudfront.
I recommend to run your database on RDS:
the database server competes over completely different resources than PHP, so if you run into performance problems, it is impossible to figure out what is happening when database and PHP are on the same instance. A lack of CPU can lead to a lack of memory and vice versa.
built-in point-in-time recovery for up to 35 days has saved my bacon many many times and is great when you have a bug that is hard to reproduce or when someone (you) has accidentally deleted a large amount of data
On top of this I recommend to also go for Aurora for MySQL instead of MySQL RDS, especially as I expect your database size on disk to be smaller than 50GB:
On MySQL RDS you need to commission at least 100GB of disk to get good enough performance for production. 100GB gives you 100x50kb per second on the EBS disks that are used.
By comparison, on AWS Aurora you get the read performance of 6 different storage locations without having to commit to any amount of disk space. This saves money and is more performant
Aurora is also much faster in restoring point in time as well as with "dumb" queries, ie. table scans.
I recommend to look at nothing older than the t3, c5 or m5 instances, as they have the new "nitro hypervisor" and are significantly faster, while being cheaper. From experience you can go down a notch from your existing CPU count with these instances
If you can use c6/m6/t4 instances
I also found c5a and equivalents to be just as performant
AWS recommends to always use auto-scaling, but if you are coming a single server somewhere else you are already winning because you can restore within minutes.
Once you hit $600 per month in EC2 charges, definitely look at autoscaling. Virtually every webapp can be written in a way that allows for a server to be replaced at any point in time. With auto scaling you can then use Spot instances at 50-90% discount for your 2nd/3rd etc instance and save serious money.
Store all customer provided files on S3, DO NOT get into a shared file system.
This is much cheaper than any disk or file system and has numerous automation features, such as versioning, cross-region backup, archiving, event triggers etc.
do not ever make your bucket publicly accessible.
The key benefit of storing all customer provided files on S3 is that you can serve them with Cloudfront without paying for CPU. Cloudfront only charges for traffic delivered. S3 only charges for space used. Every file delivered through Cloudfront does not use your server's CPU, sockets, network bandwidth. On top of this transfer from EC2 to S3 and from S3 to Cloudfront is free of charge. You are only charged for the traffic you already had to pay for anyway.
You need to secure your clients file properly with Signed Urls or Signed Cookies. For this you can either create separate S3 buckets for each client or one single bucket.
Bonus: SQS
Many things in web application do not need to be done right now. They can wait a bit, sometimes a couple of 100 milliseconds, sometimes minutes or hours.
Anything that can wait, I recommend start implementing a background process that reads from an SQS queue for it. Your web application will need minimal time to push the work required and its parameters into an SQS queue. Your background process can then work on it in (rough) order of entry into the queue. When you use your normal web servers to process the background queues you are already getting a better distribution of server load over time. This is because you cannot control the amount of web requests, but you can control the speed in how you process background items (to a degree of course).
Later, when you have a lot of background processing and a lot of traffic, you can consider using different servers for background processing.
There are also lots of ways of how you can hook other event driven code onto the items that go into your queue, including monitoring for limits exceeded for certain items etc.

Is there an easy way to understand the difference between AWS Elasticache and RDS?

I'm learning AWS, kind of confusing about Elasticache & RDS, I read the article in this link, but still confused, can someone explain a little bit? Many thanks.
This is a general question about storage technologies: "how does a cache differ from a database?"
A cache is not (typically) a persistent data store. Its data is ephemeral. The purpose of the cache is to increase the perceived performance of an actual database, sitting behind the cache. The database stores the actual data persistently, and is the authoritative source of data. The cache sits in front of the database and tries to improve the performance of your application by detecting queries that it already knows the answer to and serving up cached results directly to your application, to save having to go to the database.
Of course, the cache will get out of date over time and so you need a process for expiring data from the cache when it becomes inaccurate, thus causing the next query for that piece of data to go to the actual database, and that new data can be cached until it expires.
RDS stands for relational database service. If you need managed instances of relational databases like Oracle, MS-SQL server, MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL then you need to use RDS.
Elasticache however is caching db as a service. It supports two popular engines memcache and redis.
DynamoDB is no-sql DB as a service.
Use cases for RDS and elasticache are very different.
Use RDS When,
there is a need to persist data
needs ACID compliance
require oltp db engine
Use in-memory distributed cache such as elasticache when,
reduce latency
Offload db pressure
handle transient data

Does AWS take down each availability zones(A-Z) or whole regions for maintenance

AWS has a maintenance window for each region.
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElastiCache/latest/red-ug/maintenance-window.html but could not find any documentation about how it works with multiple A-Z in the same region.
I have a Redis cache configured and have a replica on different(A-Z) in the same region. The whole purpose of configuring replica on different(A-Z) if one (A-Z) is not available serve it from next(A-Z)
When they doing maintenance are they take down the whole region or individual availability zone
You should read the FAQ on ElastiCache maintenance https://aws.amazon.com/elasticache/elasticache-maintenance/
This says that if you have a multi AZ deployment, it will take down the instances one at a time triggering a fail-over to the read replica, and then create new instances before taking down the rest so you should not experience any interruptions in your service.
Thanks #morras for the above link and explains how elasticache works maintenance window period. Below 3 question I have taken out from the above link and explain about it.
1. How long does a node replacement take?
A replacement typically completes within a few minutes. The replacement may take longer in certain instance configurations and traffic patterns. For example, Redis primary nodes may not have enough free memory, and may be experiencing high write traffic. When an empty replica syncs from this primary, the primary node may run out of memory trying to address the incoming writes as well as sync the replica. In that case, the master disconnects the replica and restarts the sync process. It may take multiple attempts for replica to sync successfully. It is also possible that replica may never sync if the incoming write traffic continues to remains high.
Memcached nodes do not need to sync during replacement and are always replaced fast irrespective of node sizes.
2. How does a node replacement impact my application?
For Redis nodes, the replacement process is designed to make a best effort to retain your existing data and requires successful Redis replication. For single node Redis clusters, ElastiCache dynamically spins up a replica, replicates the data, and then fails over to it. For replication groups consisting of multiple nodes, ElastiCache replaces the existing replicas and syncs data from the primary to the new replicas. If Multi-AZ or Cluster Mode is enabled, replacing the primary triggers a failover to a read replica. If Multi-AZ is disabled, ElastiCache replaces the primary and then syncs the data from a read replica. The primary will be unavailable during this time.
For Memcached nodes, the replacement process brings up an empty new node and terminates the current node. The new node will be unavailable for a short period during the switch. Once switched, your application may see performance degradation while the empty new node is populated with cache data.
3. What best practices should I follow for a smooth replacement experience and minimize data loss?
For Redis nodes, the replacement process is designed to make a best effort to retain your existing data and requires successful Redis replication. We try to replace just enough nodes from the same cluster at a time to keep the cluster stable. You can provision primary and read replicas in different availability zones. In this case, when a node is replaced, the data will be synced from a peer node in a different availability zone. For single node Redis clusters, we recommend that sufficient memory is available to Redis, as described here. For Redis replication groups with multiple nodes, we also recommend scheduling the replacement during a period with low incoming write traffic.
For Memcached nodes, schedule your maintenance window during a period with low incoming write traffic, test your application for failover and use the ElastiCache provided "smarter" client. You cannot avoid data loss as Memcached has data purely in memory.