I'm trying to round a float to two decimal points but it's incorrect. How to fix this rounding error in C++? - c++

I'm having trouble with rounding floats. I'm solving a task where you need to round your result to two decimal points. But I can't do it when the third decimal point is 5 because it's stored incorrectly.
For example: My result is equal to 1.005 and that should be rounded to 1.01. But C++ rounds it to 1.00 because the original float is stored as 1.0049999... and not 1.005.
I've already tried always adding a very small float to the result but there are some other test cases which are then rounded up but should be rounded down.
I know how floating-point works and that it is often not completely accurate. I'm just wondering whether anyone has found a way around this specific problem.

When you say "my result is equal to 1.005", you are assuming some count of true decimal digits. This can be 1.005 (three digits of fractional part), 1.0050 (four digits), 1.005000, and so on.
So, you should first round, using some usual rounding, to that count of digits. It is simpler to do this in integers: for example, with 6 fractional digits, it means some usual round(), rint(), etc. after multiplication by 1,000,000. With this step, you are getting exact decimal number. After this, you are able to make the required final rounding to what you need.
In your example, this will round 1,004,999.99... to 1,005,000. Then, divide by 10000 and round again.
(Notice that there are suggestions to make this rounding in yet specific way. The General Decimal Arithmetic specification and IBM arithmetic manuals suggest this rounding is done in the way that exact fractional part 0.5 shall be rounded away from zero unless least significant result bit becomes 0 or 5, in that case it is rounded toward zero. But, if you have no such rounding available, a general away-from-zero is also suitable.)
If you are implementing arithmetic for money accounting, it is reasonable to avoid floating point at all and use fixed-point arithmetic (emulated with integers, if needed). This is better because you the methods I've described for rounding are inevitably containing conversion to integers (and back), so, it's cheaper to use such integers directly. You will get inexact operation checking as well (by cost of explicit integer overflow).

If you can use a library like boost with its Multiprecision support.
Another option would be to use a long double, maybe that's precise enough for you.


controlling overflow and loss in precision while multiplying doubles

I have a large number of floating point numbers (~10,000 numbers) , each having 6 digits after decimal. Now, the multiplication of all these numbers would yield about 60,000 digits. But the double range is for 15 digits only. The output product has to have 6 digits of precision after decimal.
my approach:
I thought of multiplying these numbers by 10^6 and then multiplying them and later dividing them by 10^12.
I also thought of multiplying these numbers using arrays to store their digits and later converting them to decimal. But this also appears cumbersome and may not yield correct result.
Is there an alternate easier way to do this?
I thought of multiplying these numbers by 10^6 and then multiplying them and later dividing them by 10^12.
This would only achieve further loss of accuracy. In floating-point, large numbers are represented approximately just like small numbers are. Making your numbers bigger only means you are doing 19999 multiplications (and one division) instead of 9999 multiplications; it does not magically give you more significant digits.
This manipulation would only be useful if it prevented the partial product to reach into subnormal territory (and in this case, multiplying by a power of two would be recommended to avoid loss of accuracy due to the multiplication). There is no indication in your question that this happens, no example data set, no code, so it is only possible to provide the generic explanation below:
Floating-point multiplication is very well behaved when it does not underflow or overflow. At the first order, you can assume that relative inaccuracies add up, so that multiplying 10000 values produces a result that's 9999 machine epsilons away from the mathematical result in relative terms(*).
The solution to your problem as stated (no code, no data set) is to use a wider floating-point type for the intermediate multiplications. This solves both the problems of underflow or overflow and leaves you with a relative accuracy on the end result such that once rounded to the original floating-point type, the product is wrong by at most one ULP.
Depending on your programming language, such a wider floating-point type may be available as long double. For 10000 multiplications, the 80-bit “extended double” format, widely available in x86 processors, would improve things dramatically and you would barely see any performance difference, as long as your compiler does map this 80-bit format to a floating-point type. Otherwise, you would have to use a software implementation such as MPFR's arbitrary-precision floating-point format or the double-double format.
(*) In reality, relative inaccuracies compound, so that the real bound on the relative error is more like (1 + ε)9999 - 1 where ε is the machine epsilon. Also, in reality, relative errors often cancel each other, so that you can expect the actual relative error to grow like the square root of the theoretical maximum error.

Rounding a float upward to an integer, how reliable is that?

I've seen static_cast<int>(std::ceil(floatValue)); before.
My question though, is can I absolutely count on this not "needlessly" rounding up? I've read that some whole numbers can't be perfectly represented in floating point, so my worry is that the miniscule "error" will trick ceil() into rounding upwards when it logically shouldn't. Not only that, but once rounded up, I worry it may be possible for a small "error" in representation to cause the number to be slightly less than a whole number, causing the cast to int to truncate it.
Is this worry unfounded? I remember a while back, an example in python where printing a specific whole number would cause it to print something very slightly less (like x.999, though I can't remember the exact number)
The reason I need to make sure, is I'm writing a texture buffer. The common case is whole numbers as floating point, but it'll occasionally get between values that need to be rounded to the nearest integer width and height that contains them. It increments in steps of power of 2, so the cost of rounding up needlessly can cause what should've only took a 256x256 texture to need a 512x512 texture.
If floatValue is exact, then there is no problem with rounding in your code. The only possible problem is overflow (if the result doesn't fit inside an int). Of course with such large values, the float will typically not have enough precision to distinguish adjacent integers anyway.
However, the danger usually lies in floatValue itself not being exact. For example, if it is the result of some computation whose exact answer is a whole number, it may end up a tiny amount greater than a whole number due to floating point rounding errors in the computation.
So whether you have a problem depends on how you got floatValue.
can I absolutely count on this not "needlessly" rounding up? I've read that some whole numbers can't be perfectly represented in floating point, so my worry is that the miniscule "error" will trick ceil()
Yes, some large numbers are impossible to represent exactly as floating-point numbers. In the zone where this happens, all floating-point numbers are integers. The error is not minuscule: the error in representing an integer by a floating-point, if error there is, is at least one. And, obviously, in the zone where some integers cannot be represented as floating-point and where all floating-point numbers are integers, ceil(f) == f.
The zone in question is |f| > 224 (16*1024*1024) for IEEE 754 single-precision and |f| > 253 for IEEE 754 double-precision.
A problem you are more likely to come across does not come from the impossibility of representing integers in floating-point format but from the cumulative effects of rounding errors. If your compiler offers IEEE 754 (the floating-point standard implemented exactly by the SSE2 instructions of modern and not so modern Intel processors) semantics, then any +, -, *, / and sqrt operation that results in a number exactly representable as floating-point is guaranteed to produce that result, but if several of the operations you apply do not have exactly representable results, the floating-point computation may drift away from the mathematical computation, even when the final result is an integer and is exactly representable. Then you may end up with a floating-point result slightly above the target integer and cause ceil() to return something other than you would have obtained with exact mathematical computations.
There are ways to be confident that some floating-point operations are exact (because the result is always representable). For instance (double)float1 * (double)float2, where float1 and float2 are two single-precision variables, is always exact, because the mathematical result of the multiplication of two single-precision numbers is always representable as a double. By doing the computation the “right” way, it is possible to minimize or eliminate the error in the end result.
The range is 0.0 to ~1024.0
All integers in this range can be represented exactly as float, so you'll be fine.
You'll only start having issues once you stray beyond the 24 bits of mantissa afforded by float.

Subtracting double gives wrong result

I am trying to get the decimal part from the double and this is my code to get the decimal part
double decimalvalue = 23423.1234-23423.0;
But after the subtraction I am expecting decimalvalue to be 0.1234 but I get 0.12340000000040163. Please help me to understand this behavior and if there is any workaround for it.
I suggest you have a look at
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Wikipedia: IEEE 754
There are a finite number of values you can specify in a floating point number, but an infinite number of floating point numbers in the represented range.
Some floating point numbers therefore cannot be represented exactly in any floating/double style data type.
The typical way to handle your specific problem is to avoid a direct equality comparison, but rather do an epsilon test: See if the expected and computed values are within some small number (compared to the values being subtracted), called epsilon, of each other.
Indirectly related is the concept of Machine Epsilon, worth having a look at for a complete understanding
This is a rounding error. In base ten you cannot perfectly represent 1/3 in a given number of digits (say 15). In base 2 there are a lot more things you can not represent, 0.1234 happens to be one of them. The precision depends on the scale, but it's about 15 decimal digits for a double. I would suggest taking a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point for more details on floating point numbers.
If you are trying to make a base 10 system (like a human used calculator for instance) and you need exact results you should use BCD.

How to convert float to double(both stored in IEEE-754 representation) without losing precision?

I mean, for example, I have the following number encoded in IEEE-754 single precision:
"0100 0001 1011 1110 1100 1100 1100 1100" (approximately 23.85 in decimal)
The binary number above is stored in literal string.
The question is, how can I convert this string into IEEE-754 double precision representation(somewhat like the following one, but the value is not the same), WITHOUT losing precision?
"0100 0000 0011 0111 1101 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1010"
which is the same number encoded in IEEE-754 double precision.
I have tried using the following algorithm to convert the first string back to decimal number first, but it loses precision.
num in decimal = (sign) * (1 + frac * 2^(-23)) * 2^(exp - 127)
I'm using Qt C++ Framework on Windows platform.
EDIT: I must apologize maybe I didn't get the question clearly expressed.
What I mean is that I don't know the true value 23.85, I only got the first string and I want to convert it to double precision representation without precision loss.
Well: keep the sign bit, rewrite the exponent (minus old bias, plus new bias), and pad the mantissa with zeros on the right...
(As #Mark says, you have to treat some special cases separately, namely when the biased exponent is either zero or max.)
IEEE-754 (and floating point in general) cannot represent periodic binary decimals with full precision. Not even when they, in fact, are rational numbers with relatively small integer numerator and denominator. Some languages provide a rational type that may do it (they are the languages that also support unbounded precision integers).
As a consequence those two numbers you posted are NOT the same number.
They in fact are:
10111.11011001100110011000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ...
10111.11011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101000000000 ...
where ... represent an infinite sequence of 0s.
Stephen Canon in a comment above gives you the corresponding decimal values (did not check them, but I have no reason to doubt he got them right).
Therefore the conversion you want to do cannot be done as the single precision number does not have the information you would need (you have NO WAY to know if the number is in fact periodic or simply looks like being because there happens to be a repetition).
First of all, +1 for identifying the input in binary.
Second, that number does not represent 23.85, but slightly less. If you flip its last binary digit from 0 to 1, the number will still not accurately represent 23.85, but slightly more. Those differences cannot be adequately captured in a float, but they can be approximately captured in a double.
Third, what you think you are losing is called accuracy, not precision. The precision of the number always grows by conversion from single precision to double precision, while the accuracy can never improve by a conversion (your inaccurate number remains inaccurate, but the additional precision makes it more obvious).
I recommend converting to a float or rounding or adding a very small value just before displaying (or logging) the number, because visual appearance is what you really lost by increasing the precision.
Resist the temptation to round right after the cast and to use the rounded value in subsequent computation - this is especially risky in loops. While this might appear to correct the issue in the debugger, the accummulated additional inaccuracies could distort the end result even more.
It might be easiest to convert the string into an actual float, convert that to a double, and convert it back to a string.
Binary floating points cannot, in general, represent decimal fraction values exactly. The conversion from a decimal fractional value to a binary floating point (see "Bellerophon" in "How to Read Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by William D.Clinger) and from a binary floating point back to a decimal value (see "Dragon4" in "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by Guy L.Steele Jr. and Jon L.White) yield the expected results because one converts a decimal number to the closest representable binary floating point and the other controls the error to know which decimal value it came from (both algorithms are improved on and made more practical in David Gay's dtoa.c. The algorithms are the basis for restoring std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10 decimal digits (except, potentially, trailing zeros) from a floating point value stored in type T.
Unfortunately, expanding a float to a double wrecks havoc on the value: Trying to format the new number will in many cases not yield the decimal original because the float padded with zeros is different from the closest double Bellerophon would create and, thus, Dragon4 expects. There are basically two approaches which work reasonably well, however:
As someone suggested convert the float to a string and this string into a double. This isn't particularly efficient but can be proven to produce the correct results (assuming a correct implementation of the not entirely trivial algorithms, of course).
Assuming your value is in a reasonable range, you can multiply it by a power of 10 such that the least significant decimal digit is non-zero, convert this number to an integer, this integer to a double, and finally divide the resulting double by the original power of 10. I don't have a proof that this yields the correct number but for the range of value I'm interested in and which I want to store accurately in a float, this works.
One reasonable approach to avoid this entirely issue is to use decimal floating point values as described for C++ in the Decimal TR in the first place. Unfortunately, these are not, yet, part of the standard but I have submitted a proposal to the C++ standardization committee to get this changed.

cpp division - how to get most accurate outcome?

I want to divide two ull variables and get the most accurate outcome.
what is the best way to do that?
i.e. 5000034 / 5000000 = 1.0000068
If you want "most accurate precision" - you should avoid floating point arithmetics.
You might want to use some big decimal library [whcih usually implements fixed point arithmetic], and will allow you to define the precision you are seeking.
You should avoid floating point arithmetic because thet are not exact [you have finite number of bits to represent infinite number of numbers in every range, so some slicing must occure...]. Fixed point arithmetic [as usually implemented in big decimal libraries] allows you to allocate more bits "on the fly" to represent the number in the desired accuracy.
More info on the floating point issue can be found in this [a bit advanced] article: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Instead of (double)(N) / D, do 1 + ( (double)(N - D) / D)
I'm afraid that “the most accurate outcome” doesn't mean
much. No finite representation can represent all real numbers exactly;
how precise the representation can be depends on the size of the type
and its internal representation. On most implementations, double will
give about 17 decimal digits precision, which is usually several orders
more precise than the input; for a single multiplicatio or division,
double is usually fine. (Problems occur with addition and subtraction
when the difference between the two values is extreme.) There exist
packages which offer larger precision (BigDecimal, BigFloat and the
like), but they are never exact: in the end, the precision is limited by
the amount of memory you're willing to let them use. They're also much
slower than double, and generally (slightly) more difficult to use
correctly (since they have more options, e.g. just how much precision do
you want). The only real answer to your question is another question:
how much precision do you need? And for what sequence of operations?
Rounding errors accumulate, so while double may be largely sufficient
for a single division, it may cause problems if used naïvely for
iterative procedures. Although in such cases, the solution isn't
usually to increase the precision, but to change the algorithm in a way
to avoid the problems. If double gives you the precision you need,
use it in preference to any extended type. If it doesn't, and you don't
have a choice, then choose one of the existing arbitrary precision
libraries, such as GMP.
(You might also have an issue with the way rounding is handled. For
bookkeeping purposes, for example, most jurisdictions have very strict
laws concerning how to round monitary values, and their rules are based
on decimal arithmetic. In such cases, you'll need a numeric type which
does decimal arithmetic in order for the rounding to conform in all
Floating point numbers are probably most accurate for multiplication and division, while integers and fixed point numbers are the best choice for addition and subtraction. This follows from the fact that multiplication and division changes the order of magnitude which floating point numbers handle better, while addition and subtraction is some kind of step, which integers and fixed point numbers handle better.
If you want the best accuracy when dividing integers, implement a RationalNumber class containing the numerator and denominator. This way your reslut will always be exact if you avoid arithmetic overflow. This requires that you accept output in fractional form.