Why epoll is giving data from past events? - c++

I am trying to read uart serial data from Linux.
I have 2 serial device mapped to linux file system , eg : ttys1 and ttys2.
After that open() is used to get FD's :
int fd1 = open("ttys1", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
int fd2 = open("ttys2", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
This calls are in object contructor and application is in idle state for example
On Running state , I want to record uart data from this devices.
I have a thread which is calling a start() method that creates an epoll and add fd1 and fd2 to epoll to monitor:
for(int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++)
events[i].events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR | EPOLLET ;
events[i].data.fd = (i == 0) ? fd1 : fd2;
if(epoll_ctl(epollFD, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, events[i].data.fd, &events[i]))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to add file descriptor to epoll\n");
cout << "Succesfully added File Descriptors to ePoll" << endl;
After that I have a running thread which is waiting for epoll events and read out data using epoll_wait()
My problem is that first events are with big chunk of data which I want to ignore . If usually i am getting 1-10 bytes from each uart device after each epoll wait , on first shot I get buffered data from those devices but I only want to monitor traffic after fd's were added to epoll. Any Ideas ? Thanks!


Using a signal handler to process datas received from a fifo

I am writing a simple client/server communication with fifo but i am stuck at using a signal handler to process client request.
The server open a fifo in readonly and non blocking mode, read datas received and writes back some datas to the client fifo.
And this actually works fine when there is no signal handler on the server side. Here is the main code for both sides.
Server :
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// install handler
struct sigaction action;
action.sa_handler = requestHandler;
action.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND | SA_RESTART;
sigaction(SIGIO, &action, NULL);
if(!makeFifo(FIFO_READ, 0644))
int rd_fifo = openFifo(FIFO_READ, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); // non blocking
if(rd_fifo == -1)
// wait for request and answer
while (1) {
qWarning() << "waiting client...";
QString msg = readFifo(rd_fifo);
qWarning() << "msg = " << msg;
if(msg == "ReqMode") {
int wr_fifo = openFifo(FIFO_WRITE, O_WRONLY); // blocking
writeFifo(wr_fifo, QString("mode"));
} else
qWarning() << "unknow request ..";
return 0;
Client :
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int wr_fifo = openFifo(FIFO_WRITE, O_WRONLY);
if(wr_fifo == -1)
// create a fifo to read server answer
if(!makeFifo(FIFO_READ, 0644))
// ask the server his mode
writeFifo(wr_fifo, QString("ReqMode"));
// read his answer and print it
int rd_fifo = openFifo(FIFO_READ, O_RDONLY); // blocking
qWarning() << "server is in mode : " << readFifo(rd_fifo);
return 0;
Everything works as expected ( even if all errors are not properly handled, this is just a sample code to demonstrate that this is possible).
The problem is that the handler ( not shown here, but it only print a message on the terminal with the signal received ) is never called when the client write datas to the fifo. Beside, i have check that if i send a kill -SIGIO to the server from a bash ( or from elsewhere ) the signal handler is executed.
Thanks for your help.
Actually, i missed the 3 following lines on the server side :
fcntl(rd_fifo, F_SETOWN, getpid()); // set PID of the receiving process
fcntl(rd_fifo, F_SETFL, fcntl(rd_fifo, F_GETFL) | O_ASYNC); // enable asynchronous beahviour
fcntl(rd_fifo, F_SETSIG, SIGIO); // set the signal that is sent when the kernel tell us that there is a read/write on the fifo.
The last point was important because the default signal sent was 0 in my case, so i had to set it explicity to SIGIO to make things works. Here is the output of the server side :
waiting client...
nb_read = 0
msg = ""
unknow request ..
waiting client...
signal 29
nb_read = 7
msg = "ReqMode"
Now, i guess it's possible to handle the request inside the handler by moving what is inside the while loop into the requestHandler function.

Serial port in C++ on Linux. Can read and write on serial port happen simultaneously..?

I am working on a project which needs a Linux PC to take data from a micro controller on UART, for which I have used an already available open source code for serial port in C++ for linux. (Ros (robotic operating system) based code)
The code goes as below:
#define DEFAULT_BAUDRATE 115200
#define DEFAULT_SERIALPORT "/dev/ttyUSB0"
//Global data
FILE *fpSerial = NULL; //serial port file pointer
ros::Publisher ucResponseMsg;
ros::Subscriber ucCommandMsg;
int ucIndex; //ucontroller index number
int FileDesc;
unsigned char crc_sum=0;
//Initialize serial port, return file descriptor
FILE *serialInit(char * port, int baud)
int BAUD = 0;
int fd = -1;
struct termios newtio, oldtio;
FILE *fp = NULL;
//Open the serial port as a file descriptor for low level configuration
// read/write, not controlling terminal for process,
fd = open(port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
ROS_INFO("FileDesc : %d",fd);
if ( fd<0 )
ROS_ERROR("serialInit: Could not open serial device %s",port);
return fp;
// save current serial port settings
// clear the struct for new port settings
bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio));
//Look up appropriate baud rate constant
switch (baud)
case 38400:
BAUD = B38400;
case 19200:
BAUD = B19200;
case 115200:
BAUD = B115200;
case 9600:
BAUD = B9600;
case 4800:
BAUD = B4800;
case 2400:
BAUD = B2400;
case 1800:
BAUD = B1800;
case 1200:
BAUD = B1200;
} //end of switch baud_rate
if (cfsetispeed(&newtio, BAUD) < 0 || cfsetospeed(&newtio, BAUD) < 0)
ROS_ERROR("serialInit: Failed to set serial baud rate: %d", baud);
return NULL;
// set baud rate, (8bit,noparity, 1 stopbit), local control, enable receiving characters.
newtio.c_cflag = BAUD | CRTSCTS | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
// ignore bytes with parity errors
newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
// raw output
newtio.c_oflag = 0;
// set input mode to non - canonical
newtio.c_lflag = 0;
// inter-charcter timer
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
// blocking read (blocks the read until the no.of charcters are read
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
// clean the line and activate the settings for the port
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW,&newtio);
//Open file as a standard I/O stream
fp = fdopen(fd, "r+");
if (!fp) {
ROS_ERROR("serialInit: Failed to open serial stream %s", port);
fp = NULL;
ROS_INFO("FileStandard I/O stream: %d",fp);
return fp;
} //serialInit
//Process ROS command message, send to uController
void ucCommandCallback(const geometry_msgs::TwistConstPtr& cmd_vel)
unsigned char msg[14];
float test1,test2;
unsigned long i;
// build the message packet to be sent
msg = packet to be sent;
msg[13] = crc_sum;
for (i=0;i<14;i++)
fprintf(fpSerial, "%c", msg[i]);
tcflush(FileDesc, TCOFLUSH);
} //ucCommandCallback
//Receive command responses from robot uController
//and publish as a ROS message
void *rcvThread(void *arg)
int rcvBufSize = 200;
char ucResponse[10];//[rcvBufSize]; //response string from uController
char *bufPos;
std_msgs::String msg;
std::stringstream ss;
int BufPos,i;
unsigned char crc_rx_sum =0;
while (ros::ok()) {
BufPos = fread((void*)ucResponse,1,10,fpSerial);
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
ROS_INFO("T: %x ",(unsigned char)ucResponse[i]);
ROS_INFO("NT: %x ",ucResponse[i]);
msg.data = ucResponse;
return NULL;
} //rcvThread
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char port[20]; //port name
int baud; //baud rate
char topicSubscribe[20];
char topicPublish[20];
pthread_t rcvThrID; //receive thread ID
int err;
//Initialize ROS
ros::init(argc, argv, "r2SerialDriver");
ros::NodeHandle rosNode;
ROS_INFO("r2Serial starting");
//Open and initialize the serial port to the uController
if (argc > 1) {
if(sscanf(argv[1],"%d", &ucIndex)==1) {
sprintf(topicSubscribe, "uc%dCommand",ucIndex);
sprintf(topicPublish, "uc%dResponse",ucIndex);
else {
ROS_ERROR("ucontroller index parameter invalid");
return 1;
else {
strcpy(topicSubscribe, "uc0Command");
strcpy(topicPublish, "uc0Response");
if (argc > 2)
strcpy(port, argv[2]);
if (argc > 3) {
if(sscanf(argv[3],"%d", &baud)!=1) {
ROS_ERROR("ucontroller baud rate parameter invalid");
return 1;
ROS_INFO("connection initializing (%s) at %d baud", port, baud);
fpSerial = serialInit(port, baud);
if (!fpSerial )
ROS_ERROR("unable to create a new serial port");
return 1;
ROS_INFO("serial connection successful");
//Subscribe to ROS messages
ucCommandMsg = rosNode.subscribe("cmd_vel" /*topicSubscribe*/, 100, ucCommandCallback);
//Setup to publish ROS messages
ucResponseMsg = rosNode.advertise<std_msgs::String>(topicPublish, 100);
//Create receive thread
err = pthread_create(&rcvThrID, NULL, rcvThread, NULL);
if (err != 0) {
ROS_ERROR("unable to create receive thread");
return 1;
//Process ROS messages and send serial commands to uController
ROS_INFO("r2Serial stopping");
return 0;
You can leave the ROS part aside, but the problem is with the serial port code.
When I run this code, I receive the data from the controller correctly, but even when controller stops sending the data also I see the same data coming on the printfs continuously. Is this the problem of not flushing the input buffers?
But I am unable to send the data from the Linux PC to the controller, no idea what is happening, can read and write happen simultaneously on serial port in linux?
Strange observation, when I open the port in H-term (an uART visualizer similar to that of hyper terminal) with my serial port code running at the back end, still the H-term doesn't give any error, but ideally H-term should give an error saying "the port can not be opened it is locked", but this doesn't happen, is my code not acquiring a lock on the serial port?
And when I connect the port using H-term with mu serial port code running then I can see the data coming on the UART from linux-PC to the micro controller?
Can any one have any insights to the problems I am facing here?
Thanks in advance.
One problem is here:
BufPos = fread((void*)ucResponse,1,10,fpSerial);
because there is no check whether BufPos is zero or less than 10
Rather than ros::ok, use feof() (after receiving 0 bytes) to check for a closed connection, and ferror() to check for errors. Or stop calling fread when you know (according to the protocol) that a packet of data has been received.
It is possible to use a serival port in full duplex mode (i.e., read and write) not exactly "simultaneously" but alternatively. Partners must follow protocol to avoid misunderstandings.
Don't mix fprintf and fread/fwrite. For sending, fwrite is indicated.

Serial port is stuck at wait(4,

I have this implementation in C++ for linux for initializing a serial port:
void setupSerialPort()
memset(&tio, 0, sizeof(tio));
tio.c_iflag = 0;
tio.c_oflag = 0;
tio.c_cflag = CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL;
tio.c_lflag = 0;
tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
fcntl(fd , F_SETFL, 0); // read data in the buffer per chunk
cfsetospeed(&tio, B4800); // 4800 baud
cfsetispeed(&tio, B4800); // 4800 baud
tcsetattr(fd , TCSANOW, &tio);
Sometimes, the serial port reading is stuck and I use 'strace' to see what is going on. the problem is:
strace -p 9454
Process 9454 attached - interrupt to quit
wait4(-1, ^C <unfinished ...>
Process 9454 detached
How can I avoid the problem (it does not happen all the time)?
The problem occurring randomly indicates that the call to open is failing. So check the return values from open call and other remaining calls.
if (fd < 0) return;
Also ensure clean close of the serial port.
Syscalls involving IO could get stuck specially with network IO. Since you are using NON_BLOCKING mode that shouldnt be the case , The complete code would have been helpful here. Personally i had this situation before and I used timer to generate SIG_USR which used to end the blocking call with an error. Pseudo code for that algo is as follows:
initiateTimer ( timeout)
My suggestions... Open the device with:
The macro TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY is needed to protect open, close, read and select from signal interruptions. Read about the macro if you use libc. Include O_NOCTTY flag to avoid the device becoming the controlling port of the process. Check return value for valid fd.

epoll: losing some EPOLLOUT events?

This is how my server looks like:
calls epoll_wait, accepts connections, sets fd nonblocking(EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT | EPOLLET | EPOLLRDHUP)
calls recv until EAGAIN on EPOLLIN event and pushes all data to global RecvBuffer(pthread_mutex synced)
on EPOLLOUT event: accesses global SendBuffer and if there's data to be sent for current ready fd, do it (in while loop until EAGAIN or until all data is sent; when whole packet is sent, pop it from SendBuffer)
takes data from global RecvBuffer, proccess them
sends response by first trying to call send right away. If not all data is sent, push rest of it onto global SendBuffer to be sent from WorkerThread)
Problem is, that server doesnt send all queued data(they are left in SendBuffer) and amount of 'not sent' data grows by increasing number of clients.
For the sake of testing im using only 1 workerthread and 1 iothread, but it doesnt seem to make any difference if i use more.
Accessing global buffers is protected with pthread_mutex.
Also, my response data size is 130k bytes(it needs 3 send calls at least to send this amount of data). On the other side is windows client using blocking sockets.
Thank you very much!
Yes, by default I'm waiting for EPOLLOUT events even tho I have nothing to send. For implementation simplicity and man page guide, i did it like this. Also, my undestanding of it was like this:
Even if I "miss" EPOLLOUT event at the time i dont want to send anything it's no problem because when i want to send data, I'll call send until EAGAIN and EPOLLOUT should be triggered in future(and it is most of time)
Now I modified code to switch between IN/OUT events:
On accept:
epoll_ctl (pNetServer->m_EventFD, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, infd, &event);
when all data has been sent:
epoll_ctl (pNetServer->m_EventFD, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, events[i].data.fd, &event);
when I reach EAGAIN by calling send in IOThread:
epoll_ctl (pNetServer->m_EventFD, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, events[i].data.fd, &event);
..and I get same behavior. Also, I tried removing EPOLLET flag and nothing's changed
One side question: Does epoll_ctl with EPOLL_CTL_MOD flag replaces events member or just ORs it with given argument?
EDIT3: Updated IOThread function to send continiuosly until all data has been sent, or until EAGAIN.
I also tried to send even if I sent all data, but most of time i was getting errno 88 Socket operation on non-socket
EDIT4: I fixed some bugs in my 'sending code' so I dont get any queued data not sent now.. But, I dont receive as much data as I should :)) Highest amount of 'missed'(not received) data I get when client calls recv right away when sending is complete, and it grows with number of clients. When I put 2 sec delay between send and recv call on client(blocking calls) I lose none to little data on server, depending how many clients im running( client test code includes simple for loop with 1 send and 1 recv call after it )
Again, tried with and without ET mode.. Below is updated WorkerThread function which is responsible for receiving data.
#Admins/Mods Maybe I should open new topic now as problem is a bit different?
void CNetServer::WorkerThread(void* param)
CNetServer* pNetServer =(CNetServer*)param;
struct epoll_event event;
struct epoll_event *events;
int s = 0;
// events = (epoll_event*)calloc (MAXEVENTS, sizeof event);
while (1)
int n, i;
// printf ("BLOCKING NOW! epoll_wait thread %d\n",pthread_self());
n = pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Wait(-1);
// printf ("epoll_wait thread %d\n",pthread_self());
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if ((pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->events & EPOLLERR))
// An error has occured on this fd, or the socket is not ready for reading (why were we notified then?)
// g_SendBufferArray.RemoveAll( 0 );
char szFileName[30] = {0};
sprintf( (char*)szFileName,"fd_%d.txt",pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd );
/* printf( "\n\n\n");
printf( "\tDATA LEFT COUNT:%d\n",g_SendBufferArray.size());
for (int k=0;k<g_SendBufferArray.size();k++)
printf( "\tSD: %d DATA LEFT:%d\n",g_SendBufferArray[i]->sd,g_SendBufferArray[i]->nBytesSent );
// fprintf (stderr, "epoll error\n");
// fflush(stdout);
close (pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd);
else if (pNetServer->m_ListenSocket == pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd)
// We have a notification on the listening socket, which means one or more incoming connections.
while (1)
struct sockaddr in_addr;
socklen_t in_len;
int infd;
char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], sbuf[NI_MAXSERV];
in_len = sizeof in_addr;
infd = accept (pNetServer->m_ListenSocket, &in_addr, &in_len);
if (infd == -1)
if ((errno == EAGAIN) ||
(errno == EWOULDBLOCK))
// We have processed all incoming connections.
perror ("accept");
s = getnameinfo (&in_addr, in_len,
hbuf, sizeof hbuf,
sbuf, sizeof sbuf,
if (s == 0)
printf("Accepted connection on descriptor %d "
"(host=%s, port=%s) thread %d\n", infd, hbuf, sbuf,pthread_self());
// Make the incoming socket non-blocking and add it to the list of fds to monitor.
if ( !pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Add( infd, EPOLLIN, NULL ))
perror ("epoll_ctl");
abort ();
if( (pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->events & EPOLLOUT) )
pNetServer->DoSend( pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd );
if( pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->events & EPOLLIN )
printf("EPOLLIN TRIGGERED FOR SD: %d\n",pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd);
// We have data on the fd waiting to be read.
int done = 0;
ssize_t count = 0;
char buf[512];
while (1)
count = read (pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd, buf, sizeof buf);
printf("recv sd %d size %d thread %d\n",pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd,count,pthread_self());
if (count == -1)
// If errno == EAGAIN, that means we have read all data. So go back to the main loop.
if ( errno != EAGAIN )
perror ("read");
done = 1;
else if (count == 0)
//connection is closed by peer.. do a cleanup and close
done = 1;
else if (count > 0)
static int nDataCounter = 0;
printf("RECVDDDDD %d\n",nDataCounter);
CNetServer::s_pRecvContainer->OnData( pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd, buf, count );
if (done)
printf ("Closed connection on descriptor %d\n",pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd);
// Closing the descriptor will make epoll remove it from the set of descriptors which are monitored.
close (pNetServer->m_epollCtrl.Event(i)->data.fd);
pNetServer->IOThread( (void*)pNetServer );
void CNetServer::IOThread(void* param)
int fd;
struct epoll_event event;
CNetServer* pNetServer =(CNetServer*)param;
printf("IOThread startin' !\n");
for (;;)
bool bGotIt = CNetServer::s_pRecvContainer->GetPacket( pbPacket, &fd );
if( bGotIt )
//process packet here
printf("Got 'em packet yo !\n");
BYTE* re = new BYTE[128000];
buffer_t* responsebuff = new buffer_t( fd, re, 128000 ) ;
while( 1 )
int s;
int nSent = send( responsebuff->sd, ( responsebuff->pbBuffer + responsebuff->nBytesSent ),responsebuff->nSize - responsebuff->nBytesSent,0 );
printf ("IOT: Trying to send nSent: %d buffsize: %d \n",nSent,responsebuff->nSize - responsebuff->nBytesSent);
if (nSent == -1)
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
g_vSendBufferArray.push_back( *responsebuff );
printf ("IOT: now waiting for EPOLLOUT\n");
event.data.fd = fd;
s = epoll_ctl (pNetServer->m_EventFD, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &event);
if (s == -1)
perror ("epoll_ctl");
abort ();
printf( "%d\n",errno );
perror ("send");
printf ("IOT: WOOOOT\n");
else if (nSent == responsebuff->nSize - responsebuff->nBytesSent)
printf ("IOT:all is sent! wOOhOO\n");
responsebuff->sd = 0;
responsebuff->nBytesSent += nSent;
delete responsebuff;
else if (nSent < responsebuff->nSize - responsebuff->nBytesSent)
printf ("IOT: partial send!\n");
responsebuff->nBytesSent += nSent;
delete [] re;
Stop using EPOLLET. It's almost impossible to get right.
Don't ask for EPOLLOUT events if you have nothing to send.
When you have data to send on a connection, follow this logic:
A) If there's already data in your send queue for that connection, just add the new data. You're done.B) Try to send the data immediately. If you send it all, you're done.C) Save the leftover data in the send queue for this connection. Now ask for EPOLLOUT for this connection.

Using select() and fgets() to access information from a serial port

This is a followup to this question: How to wait for input from the serial port in the middle of a program
I am writing a program to control an Iridium modem that needs to wait for a response from the serial port in the middle of the program in order to verify that the correct response was given. In order to accomplish this, a user recommended I use the select() command to wait for this input.
However, I have run into some difficulty with this approach. Initially, select() would return the value indicated a timeout on the response every time (even though the modem was sending back the correct responses, which I verified with another program running at the same time). Now, the program stops after one iteration, even with the correct response sent back from the modem.
//setting the file descriptor to the port
int fd = open(portName.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
if (fd == -1)
* Could not open the port.
perror("open_port: Unable to open /dev/ttyS0 - ");
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0);
FILE *out = fopen(portName.c_str(), "w");//sets the serial port
FILE *in = fopen(portName.c_str(), "r");
fd_set fds;
FD_SET(fd, &fds);
struct timeval timeout = { 10, 0 }; /* 10 seconds */
//int ret = select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
/* ret == 0 means timeout, ret == 1 means descriptor is ready for reading,
ret == -1 means error (check errno) */
char buf[100];
int i =0;
//creates a string with the AT command that writes to the module
std::string line1("AT+SBDWT=");
line1+=convertInt( messageArray[i].numChar);
line1+=" ";
line1+=" ";
//creates a string with the AT command that initiates the SBD session
std::string line2("AT+SBDI");
fputs(line1.c_str(), out); //sends to serial port
int ret =select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
/* ret == 0 means timeout, ret == 1 means descriptor is ready for reading,
ret == -1 means error (check errno) */
if (ret ==1){
fgets (buf ,sizeof(buf), in);
//add code to check if response is correct
else if(ret == 0) {
perror("timeout error ");
else if (ret ==-1) {
perror("some other error");
fputs(line2.c_str(), out); //sends to serial port
//usleep(7000000); //Pauses between the addition of each packet.
int ret2 = select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
/* ret == 0 means timeout, ret == 1 means descriptor is ready for reading,
ret == -1 means error (check errno) */
if(ret2 == 0) {
perror("timeout error ");
else if (ret2 ==-1) {
perror("some other error");
You aren't using the same file handle for read/write/select, which is somewhat strange.
You are not resetting your fd_sets, which are modified by select and would have all of your fds unset in the case of a timeout, making the next call timeout by default (as you are asking for no fds).
you are also using buffered IO, which is bound to create headaches in this case. eg. fgets waits for either EOF (which won't occur), or a newline, reading all the while. It will block until it gets its newline, so may keep you hanging indefinitely if that never occurs.
It may also read more than it needs into the buffer, messing up your select read signal (you have data in the buffer, but select will time out, since there's nothing to read on the filehandle).
Bottom line is this:
use FD_SET in the loop to set/reset your fd sets, also reset your timeout, as select may modify it.
use a single handle for read/write/select, instead of multiple handles, eg. open file with fopen(..., "w+") or open(..., O_RDWR)
if still using fopen, try disabling buffering using setvbuf with the _IONBF buffering option.
otherwise, use open/read/write instead of fopen etc.
I will note that part of this was mentioned in this answer to your previous question.
You should perhaps use fflush() on your output file stream.