WMI filter to exclude/include a specific version of an application - wmi

I am trying to write a WQL query to filter computers on a version of a specific software : Firefox.
I want to use this WMI filter on GPO to check if the version is earlier or equal or upper a specific version : esr.
The goal is to separate computers and users which have old versions and computers with the new one.
Hundreds of computers are being reinstalled in few days with a last version 68.0 esr. Using SCCM, it is easy to perform a clean install of a specific product like Firefox with the latest version 68esr in our case and block upgrade for the other one.
The computers which have an earlier version are in version for the most up to date. Other older versions are also present.
Actually some parameters and homemade scripts are used to configure the browser (computers and users scope) through group policies and some parameters doesn't seem to works. I have to choose a version to apply the official ADMX from Mozilla. Since the last version, firefox.exe is able to directly read registry policies edited in a GPO and stored in HKLM/SOFTWARE/Policies/Firefox.
In my case I have to deal with 2 kind of Firefox:
New computers with a simple new GPO (computers scope)
Old computers with a GPO (users and computers scope) which copy some files with home made scripts.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to separate computers or users in different Organization Unit.
One the one hand, WMI filter seems to be the best way to do it for the new computers.
On the second hand, it will be easy to the computers which update Firefox via SCCM to be included with the new parameters without having to do it manually.
I tried this kind of WQL request:
SELECT * FROM Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms
WHERE (DisplayName LIKE '%Firefox%') AND (Version LIKE '60.8.0%')
I am not able to do it unless by listing each version to exclude/include them because Version seems to be a string value and I do not know how to convert it in integer or to split with the character ".".

I've can define multiple queries on a single WMI filter and keeping in mind that querying the same WMI class multiple times can decrease performance.
It seems to work as a AND relationship as describe here.
Unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem.
So i start to use WMI LIKE operators and different range of character.
In my case :
New computers with a newer version of Firefox ESR (older than 68.0)
SELECT DisplayName, Version
FROM Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms
WHERE (DisplayName LIKE '%Firefox%')
AND ((NOT Version LIKE '[0-5][0-9].[0-9]%')
AND (NOT Version LIKE '6[0-7].[0-9]%'))
Old computers with a newer version of Firefox ESR (greater than 68.0)
SELECT DisplayName, Version
FROM Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms
WHERE (DisplayName LIKE '%Firefox%')
AND ((Version LIKE '[0-5][0-9].[0-9]%') OR (Version LIKE '6[0-7].[0-9]%'))


Managed document not working in MarkLogic 10 after xdmp:document-insert

First time manage document using dls:document-insert-and-manage
Update the same document using xdmp:document-insert
Document get lost from the dls latest version collection cts:search(/scopedIntervention/id , dls:documents-query())
First time manage document
First Name
**Document inserted with versioning**
Verify document is present in latest documents collection
cts:search(/scopedIntervention/id , dls:documents-query())
Document present in managed latest collection
Update the same document
Updated Name
**Update document to same URI using xdmp:document-insert**
Again verify document is present or NOT in latest documents collection
cts:search(/scopedIntervention/id , dls:documents-query())
Document NOT present in managed latest collection (lost from collection)
After applying DLS package using following upgrade step, the same document shows in the list
```xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace dls = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/dls"
at "/MarkLogic/dls.xqy";
Update the same document using xdmp:document-insert
You are most likely removing the DLS Latest collection at this step. Further, version history is not preserved when you do this.
Instead of using xdmp:document-insert you should use dls:document-checkout-update-checkin .
Please read to the end -- if you did NOT do a DLS Upgrade on an upgraded ML version - STOP NOW and follow the upgrade instructions. Not doing so will leave DLS in a unstable state and anything else you do will make things much harder to repair.
+1 Rob. #IAM, reguardless of if it 'worked' or appeared to 'work' in V7, dls was not designed to handle the case you describe. DLS architecture depends on encapsulating all changes to documents within the checkin/checkout semantics. Bypassing that, you might as well bypass DLS entirely because it wont work. The fact that it was 'working' in V7 is a misnomer, it may have not behaved incorrectly in ways that your application cared about, or your code may have coincidentally done sufficiently similar work as the internals. You might get lucky and find a way to do so again, but I encourage you to consider how to work within the define behaviour of the library, or to refactor out those parts of your code that are not 'DLS Friendly' to operate between checkout/checkin windows -- not all updates have to be the checkout-update-checkin -- you can checkout -- do whatever -- then checkin.
As a migration workaround you MIGHT be able to make use of the upgrade functions added to dls on an ongoing basis.
See https://docs.marklogic.com/dls:start-upgrade
In V9 (I believe), significant non-backwards compatible changes were made to DLS internals that require running this code. one time
The assumption was as in-place update from prior DLS to current. However the code may also happen to work on an ongoing basis, depending on the details of exactly what your application code is doing that the DLS code doesn't know about.
The 'new' DLS code adds an internal collection to optimize the common case of searching for 'latest' documents -- if that is dropped then those documents will not show up on DLS searches (for 'latest').
You mention your code is 'migration scripts' --> If these are migrating from V7 to V10 then you could run your code before the V10 update, then run the V10 update then run the dls-upgrade. After that the documents should be in good shape -- as long as you don't do anything else that is not defined behaviour for managed documents.

Is the possible to create plugin, that will support OpenCart 2.3 and 3.0 at the same time?

we have OpenCart Plugin, that support only version 3.0. We have task to add support to previos version of OpenCart 2.3. There is any way how to do it in one plugin? Or do we need create plugin for each version?
Yes, there are ways to do this. I think it's a huge pain though to maintain fully, and it may cause you a huge support headache. It will require extra files, such as files with code to detect appropriate version of OC first and then necessary functions within those files to point to the various the specific-version folder structures with the appropriate version files. You'll have to then account for the fact that you are making people carry two sets of folders/file structures in their opencart directory when they only need to use one set for the appropriate version for the plugin to be run on. As an example, the marketplace and extension folders are different between both the versions you are mentioning. These are some things to consider.
You'd have to set a global variable of somewhere of some sort to detect and store the OC version first, something along the lines of:
global $oc_version;
$oc_version = (int)str_replace('.','',VERSION);
Then you would have a whole bunch of functions telling oc what to do with your module depending on the oc version detected, such as specifying the path for where to run the module folder from and to run twig or tpl. Something along the lines of:
if ($data['oc_version'] = 2300)
// Do Stuff
} elsif ($data['oc_version'] = 3000)
// Do other stuff
However, the issue you'll encounter here with my examples is that if the version someone is using is let's say (and not 3.0) and there are no changes that actually affect your module, then trying to go based on detecting the OC version won't work. You'd have to change your operators, put more thought, etc. Hence, you'll have to keep re-modifying parts of the same code frequently with any minor patch/version release. I don't see how it's saving you any more work going this route.
theoretically possible using " https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&extension_id=31589 " and with small modifications in controller files. But I prefer convert tpl to twig.

How do I find the UUID of a virtual machine? [duplicate]

I need to write a function that generates an id that is unique for a given machine running a Windows OS.
Currently, I'm using WMI to query various hardware parameters and concatenate them together and hash them to derive the unique id. My question is, what are the suggested parameters I should use?
Currently, I'm using a combination of bios\cpu\disk data to generate the unique id. And am using the first result if multiple results are there for each metric.
However, I ran into an issue where a machine that dual boots into 2 different Windows OS generates different site codes on each OS, which should ideally not happen.
For reference, these are the metrics I'm currently using:
Win32_DiskDrive:Model, Manufacturer, Signature, TotalHeads
Win32_BaseBoard:Model, Manufacturer, Name, SerialNumber
Win32_VideoController:DriverVersion, Name
I had the same problem and after a little research I decided the best would be to read MachineGuid in registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography, as #Agnus suggested. It is generated during OS installation and won't change unless you make another fresh OS install. Depending on the OS version it may contain the network adapter MAC address embedded (plus some other numbers, including random), or a pseudorandom number, the later for newer OS versions (after XP SP2, I believe, but not sure). If it's a pseudorandom theoretically it can be forged - if two machines have the same initial state, including real time clock. In practice, this will be rare, but be aware if you expect it to be a base for security that can be attacked by hardcore hackers.
Of course a registry entry can also be easily changed by anyone to forge a machine GUID, but what I found is that this would disrupt normal operation of so many components of Windows that in most cases no regular user would do it (again, watch out for hardcore hackers).
With our licensing tool we consider the following components
MAC Address
CPU (Not the serial number, but the actual CPU profile like stepping and model)
System Drive Serial Number (Not Volume Label)
CD-ROM model & vendor
Video Card model & vendor
IDE Controller
SCSI Controller
However, rather than just hashing the components and creating a pass/fail system, we create a comparable fingerprint that can be used to determine how different two machine profiles are. If the difference rating is above a specified tolerance then ask the user to activate again.
We've found over the last 8 years in use with hundreds of thousands of end-user installs that this combination works well to provide a reliably unique machine id - even for virtual machines and cloned OS installs.
Parse the SMBIOS yourself and hash it to an arbitrary length. See the PDF specification for all SMBIOS structures available.
To query the SMBIOS info from Windows you could use EnumSystemFirmwareEntries, EnumSystemFirmwareTables and GetSystemFirmwareTable.
IIRC, the "unique id" from the CPUID instruction is deprecated from P3 and newer.
What about just using the UniqueID of the processor?
I hate to be the guy who says, "you're just doing it wrong" (I always hate that guy ;) but...
Does it have to be repeatably generated for the unique machine? Could you just assign the identifier or do a public/private key? Maybe if you could generate and store the value, you could access it from both OS installs on the same disk?
You've probably explored these options and they doesn't work for you, but if not, it's something to consider.
If it's not a matter of user trust, you could just use MAC addresses.
You should look into using the MAC address on the network card (if it exists). Those are usually unique but can be fabricated. I've used software that generates its license file based on your network adapter MAC address, so it's considered a fairly reliable way to distinguish between computers.
For one of my applications, I either use the computer name if it is non-domain computer, or the domain machine account SID for domain computers. Mark Russinovich talks about it in this blog post, Machine SID:
The final case where SID duplication would be an issue is if a distributed application used machine SIDs to uniquely identify computers. No Microsoft software does so and using the machine SID in that way doesn’t work just for the fact that all DC’s have the same machine SID. Software that relies on unique computer identities either uses computer names or computer Domain SIDs (the SID of the computer accounts in the Domain).
You can access the domain machine account SID via LDAP or System.DirectoryServices.
In my program I first check for Terminal Server and use the WTSClientHardwareId. Else the MAC address of the local PC should be adequate.
If you really want to use the list of properties you provided leave out things like Name and DriverVersion, Clockspeed, etc. since it's possibly OS dependent. Try outputting the same info on both operating systems and leave out that which differs between.
There is a library available for getting hardware specific informations: Hardware serial number extractor (CPU, RAM, HDD, BIOS)
Maybe cheating a little, but the MAC Address of a machines Ethernet adapter rarely changes without the motherboard changing these days.
Can you pull some kind of manufacturer serial number or service tag?
Our shop is a Dell shop, so we use the service tag which is unique to each machine to identify them. I know it can be queried from the BIOS, at least in Linux, but I don't know offhand how to do it in Windows.
I had an additional constraint, I was using .net express so I couldn't use the standard hardware query mechanism. So I decided to use power shell to do the query. The full code looks like this:
Private Function GetUUID() As String
Dim GetDiskUUID As String = "get-wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UUID"
Dim X As String = ""
Dim oProcess As New Process()
Dim oStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("powershell.exe", GetDiskUUID)
oStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
oStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
oStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
oStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
oProcess.StartInfo = oStartInfo
X = oProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd
Return X.Trim()
End Function
Look up CPUID for one option. There might be some issues with multi-CPU systems.
Try this one, it gives a unique hard disk ID: Port of DiskId32 for Delphi 7-2010.

Design approaches to read/write different version of same config file

In our project we got an application that uses an external configuration file (say server.xml). Now we need to design a setup tool GUI in C++/QT to read/edit such configuration file and it should be able to handle all the different versions of such file. The user will choose the file version and then proceed with the editing. From one version to another doesn't change too much, maybe there is a new xml tag, a tag with a different name or in a different position.
What's the best design approach to do so? We are planning to go for a standard MVC design pattern but how to deal with all the different configuration versions without rewriting the same GUI code again n again?
Here the sample config file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Server_configuration ver="11">
This is no means a drop in solution but I here are some things to do/consider. Every situation will differ.
Have an explicit version identifier in your config files. Fingerprinting them is a real (error prone) pain.
Consider having a tool that will update from version to version. It will be easier than reading old versions and trying to apply them.
I may be easier to do every version step individually but this can make the conversions less "lossless". A happy hybrid is to do minor updates from version to version but have "checkpoint" major upgrades that will jump right to the latest (or the latest "checkpoint"). This is kinda like incremental backups with full backup snapshots every once and a while.
Keep the user informed. A sysadmin won't be happy if you are changing his settings. You might want to make the process interactive or put comments into the file of every added/moved/removed setting. I would also recommend keeping removed settings in some section of the file for user reference. (Put a note why they are there as well).
Backup the old file. Your script will crash and it will eat data. Do something like naming the current file ${oldname}.old-${ver}~. Saving the settings in a different section of the file won't always be enough and this will save your users a lot of heartache.
Versioning should always be designed as robust and as simple as possible. It is crucial for you to determine whether each version of your application must be compatible with each version of the setup tool (which is rare), or whether you can, for example, meet your needs if any newer setup tool works with any same or older application, but not vice versa.
One way compatibility
One possibility to design for the latter is to add a version attribute to the XML file but try to keep it at the same fixed value forever by always only changing the structure and semantics of the XML file in backward compatible ways. For example, adding an element is backward compatible as long as the setup tool can interpret its absence the same way both the old setup tool and the application would behave. It does not hurt that the new setup tool always writes an (equivalent) value to the new element, because two-way compatibility with the old application is not required.
Once the day comes when you cannot maintain backward compatibility on input, you just change the value of the version attribute and start special casing it in the setup tool.
If you validate the XML against an XSD, notice that XSD can actually do one frequently useful thing for you: assign default attribute values. This way, your setup tool's source code may not even actually notice that the underlying document was missing a recently added attribute!
Two way compatibility
Strict versioning is needed. A schema definition (XSD, RelayNG,...) should be defined for each version of the XML file and the file should be validated against it both when it is read by the setup tool, written by the setup tool, or read by the application. The schema definition may be identical for several consecutive versions, if the interpretation of the same XML has changed, so when in doubt, always increase the version number.
Do what you can educating everyone that they cannot just edit the latest schema and do away with that. Unreliable versioning is worse than no versioning.

How to manage AWS cloud search version ID?

I'm writing a library in order to help everyone using Amazon cloud search.
With cloud search when you update a document you need to specify the id of the document (of course) and the version of the document you want to upgrade to.
If the specify version number is smaller than the current version the update don't append.
So how to make sure I update my record every time I do an update?
The Ruby project aws_cloud_search is using a timestamp in order to keep the version number always higher but:
As the maximum version number is 4294967295 for AWS cloud search. So
it will not work any more after the 07 Feb 2106
If you run two updates within the same second then the last update
(the more important one) will be ignore
Aside from the timestamp approach, which appears to be the standard answer from everybody, including the docs, the only approach that I've found that works is to keep track of the version number elsewhere, and increment it as changes happen.
Of course, this approach only works if the object that you're trying to represent in the cloud search document can be accessed from somewhere else where presumably you have some sort of atomicity.