Cant run C++ onto console in Visual Studio Code - c++

Every time I click F5 to debug or run my code to console, I only receive an error message and im not so sure what to do. Im new to VSCode and help is highly appreciated.
I get an error saying: launch program " does not exist
Any advice as to what I should do? My OS is windows 10.
I've tried installing code runner and reinstalling visual studio all together. Though I cant find anything on the internet for any information.


installed visual code and its giving me include error | path/crtdbg

so i have installed visual code after trying to learn some basics. i have installed visual studio 2022 before so i have that on my computer. i tried changing the path but im still getting the same error. i have installed vs code on another drive. i was wondering if anyone know how to fix this or whats causing it. i attached a screenshot of terminal to so you can see the error for yourself.

I am getting Terminal error on Visual Studio Code

I have just started learning C++ and I am getting this terminal error. I tried every possible way on the internet and uninstalled and reinstalled VS Code 3 times, but nothing is working. This is the error I get:
The code is running if I try to run it through command prompt. This is the code:

LNK1124 error debugger cannot find .exe file

image of error
I'm having an error with visual studio every time I'm trying to use cin to get the guess of the user without that it works fine.
console message with error
this happening to me since I install visual studio 2017 just a couple of days ago.
I'm trying to learn c++ for unreal engine just started learning and i came across
that error anyone who have this error maybe this can be helpful for them.
first, let me tell you wah t the problem was i was trying to run a 32bit debugger on my 64bit pc cause visual studio install it that way so if you are getting this error on any of your projects all you have to do is change the project to an x64 bit project.
go to the Top bar "Build"
then go to "Configuration manager"
in there change it to x64 bit instead of 32bit
hopefully this can help someone
the link to the page that i read to fix is here.
after all the changes code runs well and no error anymore.

Unable to attach matlab.exe process to visual studio 2013 for debugging mex files?

I am writing some mex files to run in my matlab program using visual studio 2013 compiler.
In order to be able to debug your mex files, you should follow these steps
Everything was right just some minutes ago and I was doing my project without any problem.
Today I have typed the code
mex -g mx_minimum_power.cpp cvm_em64t_debug.lib
on command prompt many times and after getting the success message, I've attached matlab.exe to visual studio and through setting a break point, I've
debugged my code.
But this time I suddenly ran into the following error and I don't know how to solve it.
When I right-clicked on the third option and clicked run as administrator, I encountered the following message:
Then if I choose configure remote debugging, I'll encounter:
Now I have the following processes that are shown to be running.
and again:
When I click on permissions or options for remote debugger:
After running visual studio remote debugging monitor and getting the following message:
One should click the Find button in this window in order to find the msvsmon.exe that is being run on the subnet
and then choose MATLAB.exe, in the Available Processes list.

c++ vs2010 access denied on debug F5

I'm using visual studio 2010.
And followed a simple opencv tutorial :
Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express
However when i hit F5 compile visual studio gives me an access denied message. LNK1104
Restarting visual studio has no effect.
Running as Admin has no effect.
Completely restarted in a new project, same error.
Non of my folders use spaces, so errors cant be related to that.
I am below the max unc path length (old DOS bug)
Windows security essentials (my antivirus), has this folder excluded.
Strangly code syntax following openCV namespace etc is understood
A compilation seams to be made, but cannt run
Also run from a dos prompt in debug folder, same error access denied
using taskmanager i see my exe loaded in memory, looking with sysinternals proces explorer; i see they are loaded by Devenv.exe (part of visual studio (same icon as vs2010). but well loaded but not working.
When closing vs2010, and using procmon.exe (sysinternals), going to debug folder executing the little app i made. then cmdagent process gives one "create file" exception on the Q drive (a left over from office online). However my app isnt related to office at all, its just a small image shower, nothing reffers to that bogus Q drive ???
I somehow think the problems are related to VS2010 itself, but I have no clues of what is happening here, its one of my first c++ projects so i'm not sure where to look of what goes wrong, any help would be great.
*** update 20-3-2015
Problem whatever it is, is not related to openCV
Even the most simple C++ code like below isnt working now, what can this be ?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "it never executes" << endl;
Whats wrong with my visual studio suddenly ???
I used the installation CDrom of visual studio to repair it.
C++ works again now..
Only left in doubts if i will use openCV again or switch to Halcon.