Is it possible to get comments from facebook on a topic through graph api - facebook-graph-api

i want to get comments and sub comments from facebook is it possible through their api or are there any alternatives from where i can do it .
I want the comment , date and if possible location of the user

You cannot get a user's location, but you can get the comment and date/time.
Docs can be found here
Access would either require manage_pages and a page token valid for the respective page or Page Public Content Access feature approved.


Facebook Page Likes over time

I'm not the owner of a facebook page (eg. TESLA) but I'm trying to use graph api to get the number of user that liked the pages over time. Based on graphi api documentation (insight/page_fans), I'm just getting empty json documents. Any ideas how I can get this data?
Only two page-related metrics are available publicly, page_fans_country and page_storytellers_by_country.
Everything else is only accessible to an admin user of the page, resp. using a page access token.
You can not get the data you want for pages you do not have admin access to.

How to Use Scope in Facebook Graph API C# sdk

Before asking this question, I have searched a lot, but did not find a single working example for this. I want to retrieve the page access token for one of my pages. I read that scope should be passed as parameter with permission manage_pages. But its not working.
Here is my code:
Basically there's two steps that you need to do
Retrieve access_token with manage_pages permission
Get /me/accounts which would return you page access_token
You can read more here

Facebook different users posting to different pages as the page itself

I have a facebook application and want to use it to allow my users to post simple messages on a page.
I used api explorer and made a few api calls to post but all that I post is not visible for other users than the one I am logged with and for not-logged-in users. I want my api-made posts to be visible for everyone, not just for the user that posted them.
I mention that if I make a post using the textbox directly (manually) on the page then those posts are visible to everyone, even for non-logged-in.
Is there a step-by-step tutorial for this?
What I finally want is to allow users of my site to post messages to facebook directly (after login to facebook of course). Posts should be done by different users to different pages as the respective page.
Code samples are much appreciated.
For posting to a page as the page, get a page access token:
To post as the page, you need an access token with manage_pages permission. And there’s no build-in way for a page admin to get notified when someone wants to post to their page as the page, because that’s not a common use case. But the page admin can grant you manage_pages once so you get a page access token, and then you can use that in your app to post to the page, you just have to set that access token explicitly when doing so.

Montreal Canadiens Facebook Graph API returns no posts

I'm using the Graph API to return Facebook posts from all NHL teams. Every team returns the posts fine except for the Montreal Canadiens, which returns no posts. I verified that there are posts on their wall, and that the Facebook ID that I used is correct(see here)
I get back an empty JSON list when I try using this link for the Canadiens: access token)&limit=10
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
The posts on that page all have a custom privacy setting - you need to make sure you're attempting to access them using a User access token for a user that meets whatever restrictions they've applied.
App or page access tokens won't be able to see the posts, nor will user tokens for users who don't meet the restrictions

Facebook API - what kind of authentication is needed now to query a page's tagged posts?
I want to be able to get the tagged posts for a page (e.g. harvard). what kind of authentication do i need to have (access_token) or do in order to be able to get those posts? they are publicly available.
You answer lies in the link you posted (
In the connections section, it says "any valid access_token or user access_token":
The photos, videos, and posts in which the Page has been tagged.
any valid access_token or user access_token
a heterogeneous array of Photo, Video or Post objects.
So if this is incorrect, you can scroll to the bottom of the link and click the Report Bug link to report an error in the documentation.