Snippets aren't displayed in the wagtail admin page - django

I have a snippet called event, After upgrading to wagtail 2.5.1 (Still i am not sure if this issue is related to version 2.5.1) The previous events aren't displayed on the wagtail admin page anymore. However i am able to search for them in the search box.any help is appreciated


Django Admin now showing model list in iframe — what changed?

I have built a Django application with a custom interface. It hasn't been changed in a couple of years.
These (previous) servers are running Django 3.0.8.
Recently I set up a new server, and the Django Admin interface now shows the model list in a scrolling iframe, and long tables on the right side are also scrolled independently of the page.
This server is running Django 3.2.3.
I don't like the new interface, but it more importantly it will require an extensive rewrite of our custom admin css.
Can anyone point me to information about the change, or tell me if there is a setting to disable it?
I found the answer in this Stack Overflow answer. I will leave this question up because the other answer doesn't mention iframes.
Django 3.1 added the new scrolling sidebar in an iframe.
To disable it add the following to the root file:
from django.contrib import admin
admin.autodiscover() = False
The 3.1 Release Notes say:
The admin now has a sidebar on larger screens for easier navigation. It is enabled by default but can be disabled by using a custom AdminSite and setting AdminSite.enable_nav_sidebar to False.
Reference links from the original answer:
Django 3.1 release notes
The Django admin site

Django admin page layout changed with new version

I am working on an existing django project where admin console is extensively used.
With my latest run of package upgrade for my application admin page layout has changed.
Models have started appearing on all the pages, leaving a small space to display form fields.
For example this is how form page look like now:
Original Form view was occupying the whole page like this:
Any clue on what has been changed and which setting to change to get back the original view?
From the django-3.1 release notes,
The admin now has a sidebar on larger screens for easier navigation.
It is enabled by default but can be disabled by using a custom
AdminSite and setting AdminSite.enable_nav_sidebar
to False.
You can refer Customizing the AdminSite class - (django doc) to know more about customizing the AdminSite
Try this, open your browser and clear all the history then login back in again and it should work. I am sure the browser has cached an old version of Django admin.
I had the same problem when using version 3.1. I started a new demo app with version 2.2 to demonstrate something and when I got back to version 3.1 I got that issue, So what I did was just clear the browser history and everything came to its original state.

django cms placeholder not in structure view

My co programmer developed a django plugin for use in a django project and on his setup, the plugin works. he can write a placeholder in the django template being used and load that with the custom plugin via the django-cms structure view. I tried doing the same thing but i noticed that the placeholder i put in the html in the same place he put it in isn't appearing in the structure view. the only placeholders appearing in the structure view and can be edited are static placeholders. placeholders entered like the ones in the django tutorial
and are placed with this code
{% placeholder "custom_name" %}
aren't appearing in the structure view. i couldn't find a similar scenario here in stackoverflow. I have a fairly similar setup to my co programmer too. i copied the same repo he's working on and i even used a dump from his postgres database in case there's something wrong with my own setup but still no luck. there are no DEBUG errors appearing in the console or the webpage so I am out of ideas. Has anyone encountered a similar situation? The django-cms we are using is version 3.1.0.
I just found out earlier today what was wrong. I didn't notice immediately, that the page i was trying to edit was not a django-cms managed page which is why the placeholder wasn't working in it. In django-cms managed pages, the placeholder is working properly.

Extending the Page Model in django-cms 3.01

I just started using django-cms 3.01 and django 1.6.4/python 2.7.6. My last experience with django was 1.4 and I've never used django-cms before now.
I am trying to follow the instructions in the official documentation on Extending the Page & Title Models, but I am experiencing an issue.
The custom field I need to add is very similar to the example, so I simply used their code exactly. Rand a syncdb, started the server and everything was going well. The field shows in the admin just fine. There is an entry in the admin menu for "Icon Extensions." I click add, and I get to the form to upload the file. I go to upload the file, and I receive the following error:
DoesNotExist at /admin/the_site_name/iconextension/add/
IconExtension has no extended_object.
Exception Type: DoesNotExist
Exception Value: IconExtension has no extended_object.
Exception Location: /Users/me/Sites/the_site_name/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ in __get__, line 326
Most likely I'm just missing something simple, but I can't figure it out. Should I have a foreignkey linking it directly to the page? I thought it was handled automatically, but obviously I'm not completely getting it jsut yet.
Any help is appreciated.
You must edit extensions in the frontend editing toolbar. Add a button to toolbar as described in the section "Adding a Toolbar Menu Item for your Page extension" in the documentation you linked above.

Sitecore Web Forms for Marketers Multiple Themes Not Working

I have a bit of a weird bug on a website I'm working on. I have multiple themes configured in the Forms Folders in Web Forms For Marketers. No matter what theme or color I select, all of my forms use the theme and color selected for the Website folder. I tested this with a clean install and it worked fine, this is a bug on my specific website.
Here's what I'm working with:
CMS 6.5.0 rev. 120427
DMS 2.0.1 rev.120427
Web Forms for Marketers-2.3.0 rev. 120216
Any ideas?
This is by design. From Sitecore Support, when I raised the same issue a while back:
Edited by Alexander Yaremenko on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 2:10
Hi Mark,
This is expected behavior. The Theme and Color defined for all forms
for the current site. If you run site (For example Site1) all web
forms will have themes from forms folder that defined in formsRoot
attribute for current site instead of theme from forms folder that
stored this form.
I have registered a wish that we can change this behavior in future.
I can't find the easier way to change this behavior now. I see only
one workaround: Create you custom control which will be insert link to
needed .css on the page. Note: the link to your .css should be defined
below then standard .css.
The Sitecore Support case reference is 336904.
In essence, WFFM assumes themes to be "per site", not multiple themes in the same site.