WSO2 EMM: How to enrol multiple Android devices in one go? - wso2

I've gone through the documentation of enrolling device one by one using this documentation.
Also I can see that there is another way to do it by calling API from each mobile as given. The description of the same mentions that Instead, you can use this REST API to register an Android device with WSO2 IoT Server, without having to install an Android Agent.
But is there any way to enrol multiple devices in one shot ? Let's say I want to enrol all the android devices which are in my network, something like that ?
Because if company has around 2000 employees, it's useless to call API from each mobile (which will be the manual process) or by downloading Download IoT Server Agent on each mobile and following steps given in doc.
Let me know what strategy we can use to solve this problem ? or I'm missing something from documentation of WSO2-EMM which already solves this problem.


React Native voice call for android and iOS 13+

My client wants me to develop one to one voice call facility for iOS and Android mobile app. Its a simple voice calling app.
We are using aws for authentication and data storage of the user. So I checked aws services for voice calling facility. I went through aws chime but as I understood it is only for meeting initiation, video calling and screen sharing facility. Not immediate voice calling like whatsapp.
I went through documentations of react-native-callkeep and react-native-voip-call but I did not understood do they need any server for voice calling or it can be done directly without any server support.
Please help me with the correct way to implement voice calling feature. What all libraries and servers do we need for this feature.
Thank you

WSO2 EMM v2.0.0 functionality

Good day
Ime looking to bring the EMM onboard in our already successful WSO2 environment but just need some help.
1) The latest EMM (2.0.0) seem to not be able to restrict/enforce the applications a device is allowed to have installed. I want to have only white listed apps installed on a device. Is this possible?
2) If a policy disables functionality e.g. the camera, all the user has to do is click on the app, deregister from EMM and bypass the policy as needed. After the user is done he/she can just register again. This does introduce the risk of a user installing unwanted software on a COPE device thus compromising the device.
3) If you have a COPE device registered and the user uninstalls the EMM app, do you loose all the monitoring functionality and control?
Thanks in advance for you assistance. :-)
Please see the answers in line.
1) That whitelisting and blacklisting part is still in progress. With a future release you should be able to block the Google play app, Apple app store app etc. and enforce only the whitelisted apps to your devices.
2) Yes that is where the monitoring helps. It needs to track whether the user has removed the app or not. Anyway if you have policies created in advance and assigned it to roles with enforce selection even after they enroll again it should get pushed back to that device.
3) Yes it is. Specially in Andorid it rely on this agent app. Other platforms like iOS will have the OS based MDM capability where this will not have any effect. Anyway Android is also going towards the same profile concept in newer Android versions. Apparently we are going to support them in a future release. For the existing versions that is how Android has provided the APIs.

WSO2 EMM provides API for development?

I want to create an iOS app to manage the devices that enroll such the same functions on the webpage (monitor devices status and push configurations to devices). Does EMM provide some API or SDK for development?
We do have APIs for every platform. Check here for iOS. Others are listed there as well.
You will need to get a account from apple developer. In order to manage apps and distribute you will need this. Read the full doc and it will mention about the provisioning of apps in development portal.

Authentication using Glass

We have an existing Android and iOS application that consumes REST API from our servers. The API provides a token to the authenticated users after they log in using their credentials (username, password combo.) from the mobile applications.
Now, we're planning to create a Google Glass application for the same. In this case, we'd like to use the existing REST API along with Glass also. The Glass app will be built natively using the GDK.
My concern is, how would the users be able to input credentials? Because, users may have signed up for the service using non-google accounts?
Many thanks in advance.
At the moment, there is no supported way for apps made with GDK Early Access to authenticate the user or provide a way to connect the Glass account to your auth system. The Glass team has indicated such methods are coming, however - the Strava Cycling app, for example, does this, and it is expected that a similar feature will become widely available as the GDK matures.
Strava Cycling appears to get its credentials at the time you setup the app through MyGlass. When you turn it on it redirects you to a website to log into Strava's service before completing the install.
I just gave a talk on this exact topic at Wearables DevCon. The solution I proposed is purely done through GDK. All the user has to do is sign into their Google Account on a phone/tablet/computer and enter a code that is shown on Glass.
Check out the slides here:
And the code here:
The latest Glass release (XE16) publishes the remote authentication API for apps distributed through MyGlass:

send data from iphone to azure

If I want to send some data from a mobile device to windows azure, is there any service that can help me?
Or do I need to create some REST services and call tham from the mobile? If I do this how should I assure that the sender of the data is the mobile and not some hacker? How should you secure that communication between the mobile ad the azure platform?
I suggest that you create REST or OData services in Windows Azure. As for securing, it might be a bit of a hard work. But you can start looking at Securing REST Services. The Windows Azure Access Control Service could help you with the tokens. There are various samples here. Maybe the sample for Windows Phone 7 could be in some kind of help here also. Another article on using ACS with iOS cabe found here. And also some quick overview of the Windows Azure SDK for iOS that supports ACS.
Basic flow: your application will get a security token from ACS, then send this token to either a REST or OData service. Your service will validate the token and take approriate actions according the result.