Not able to change port from 80 to any other port in AWS - amazon-web-services

So i have created an EC2 instance in AWS and i have attached security group for this which has HTTP port 80 which comes by default .
I also has assigned public ip for this instance and which is working fine .
When i change port of my IIS serve to 8080 or 800 or anything page is not able to display .
Even i have changed to Custom TCP rule and given that port but still i am not able to access from outside of AWS .
I have tried accessing using DNS as well .
Can some one help me resolve this ..

To access any port of EC2 instance you must do below things:
On EC2 instance do not enable firewall, instead of this we have AWS service called Security Group which helps us to access respective instance ports as required.
Now, you must have a security group which has Http port 80 and ssh port 22 enabled (port 22 for secure shell), so now you can add port 8080 or any other ports in that list of inbound rules. I have attached screenshot below:
Now, try to access your ports from outside (you can put http://publicIP of ec2 instance:8080 in browser to check if port is accessable from outside), and check if its working fine. Also make sure to have openSSH on machine from where your'e going to access EC2 instance.


Cannot connect to EC2 instance using port other than 22 or ping

I have my EC2 instance security group inbound rule to accept my ip as follows:
Outbound rule as follows:
I can connect to my instance using ssh and also ping my instance from my local machine without any issues.
When I have a server running on my EC2 instance on http protocol in port 9999 I am unable to access this site.
netstat -peanut gives me the following output on the server:
I am not sure why I am not able to access the http page locally? Should anything change in my inbound rule? I tested this on Amazon linux and ubuntu images. Nothing works.
Even though I have opened all ports on my security group aws seems to be allowing me to only access the common ports like 22, 80 and so on.
The only way I could finally access my remote server on port 9999 was by ssh tunneling:
ssh -TNL 9999: <user>#<ip-address>

How can I troubleshoot an AWS Application Load Balancer giving 504, while the EC2 instance behind it gives 200?

I have an EC2 instance with a few applications successfully deployed onto it, listening for connections on ports 3000/3001/3002. I can correctly load a web page from it by connecting to its public DNS or public IP on the given port. I.e. curl http://<ec2-ip-address>:3000 works. So I know that the apps are running, and I know that the port bindings/firewall rules/EC2 security groups are all set up correctly to receive connections from the outside world.
I also have an Application Load Balancer, which is supposed to route traffic to the 3 apps depending on the host name, but it always gives me "504 Gateway Time-out". I've checked all the settings but I can't see what's wrong and I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot it from here.
The ALB has a single HTTPS/443 listener, with a cert that's valid for,,,
The listener has 3 rules, plus the default rule:
Host == => app1-target-group
Host == => app2-target-group
Host == => app3-target-group
Default action (last resort) => default-target-group
Each target group contains only the single EC2 instance, over HTTP, with the following ports:
app1-target-group: 3000
app2-target-group: 3001
app3-target-group: 3002
default-target-group: 3000
Given that I can access the app directly, I'm sure it must be a problem with the way I've configured the ALB/listener/target groups. But the 504 doesn't give me much to go on.
I've tried to turn on access logs to an S3 bucket, but it doesn't seem to be writing anything there. There's a single object called ELBAccessLogTestFile, and no actual logs in the bucket.
EDIT: Some more information... I actually have nginx installed on the EC2 instance, which is where I was previously doing the SSL termination and hostname-to-port mapping/routing. If I change the default-target-group above to point to port 443 over HTTPS, then it works!
So for some reason, routing traffic
- from the ALB to the EC2 instance over HTTPS on port 443 -> OK!
- from the ALB to the EC2 instance over HTTP on port 3000 -> Broken!
But again, I can hit the instance directly on HTTP/3000 from my laptop.
Communication between resources in the same security group is not open by default. Security group membership alone does not provide special access. You still need to open the ports in the security group to allow other resources in the security group to access those ports. You can specify the security group ID in the rule's source field if you don't want to open it up beyond the resources in the security group.

Accessing ElasticSearch on EC2 instance from outside the cloud

I am trying to access my ElasticSearch on a running EC2 instance from outside the Cloud. I currently have SSH/HTTP/HTTPS open to the public for inbound traffic as well as all open for outbound traffic. I set up a public IP for my EC2 instance as well.
By default ElasticSearch is on port 9200. I'm not sure if I configured my elasticsearch.yml file correctly but it basically has the default configuration I only changed the to something else.
When I type in my public IP with port 9200 into my local browser or locally do a telnet {public-ip} 9200, there is no response. When I SSH into my EC2 instance. I can perform a curl localhost:9200 and I get the correct response from elasticsearch
How can I connect to my ElasticSearch running on my EC2 instance from outside the cloud?
I added a Custom Rule for my security group for inbound traffic that includes port 9200 and is open to and I still cannot access this EC2 instance
Potential issues to check are wrong binding and instance operating system firewall.
Check where elasticsearch is binding, as if it is binding to you won't be able to reach it from the outside.
Check binding by running in one shell on the elasticsearch ec2:
sudo netstat -lptun | grep 9200
If it shows then there is a misconfiguration if otherwise shows
*:9200 or :9200 then it is correct.
If it shows then you should modify elasticsearch parameter network.bind_host as described in:
Additionally http/HTTPS and ssh are usually allowed by default operating system firewall, whereas elasticsearch 9200 is not. This is usually the case for rhel and centos. You can temporarily disable iptables and check if it works.
To disable iptables run:
sudo iptables -F
If after disabling iptables the connection works you should configure iptables to allow connection on 9200.
I hope this helps.
It is mess around Security Groups
You can add or remove rules for a security group (also referred to as
authorizing or revoking inbound or outbound access).
You shuld use the SG while launching your instance whith bounded 9200
Establish an SSH tunnel from your desktop to EC2.. then simply use your browser.. follow steps as given in

Unable to access portal using IP address from Amazon EC2 windows instance

I deployed a Liferay portal on Amazon EC2 windows instance how to access that on client browsers, as I am trying using public IP address but it is giving message it can't be reached.
In order:
Make sure the service is working (telnet locally on 8080)
Make sure your instance has a public IP address
Modify the local instance firewall to allow traffic on 8080 (or disable the local firewall)
4.Configure the instance's security group to allow traffic on 8080
If all of above conditions are met, then it MUST work :)
There Few Things Which You Can Check and I think Can be Issue for Windows EC2 Instance.
1) Allow Specific Port In Security Group in AWS .
2) Then You Must allow that port in Windows Firewall ( Create a Rule )
Refer :

How to view website launched in Amazon EC2 instance?

I have followed the steps provided by Amazon EC2. I have installed a wordpress website in the EC2 Instance.
My public DNS is given as
and Public IP is also given as xx-xxx-xx-xxx.
How to view the website from any other machine?
EC2 Instance is created and running now.
I can view it in the localhost as well as public DNS in the EC2 instance using RDP. (
If you can see the web site from the EC2 instance, but not from other machines, there is probably one of the following things wrong:
The DNS entry is not available or is wrong. Since you can RDP using that entry, this can't be the cause.
Access to the correct port is being blocked by the security group or firewall. Since the instructions you referenced specifically say to make sure that both port 80 (HTTP) and 3389 (RDP) are open, and you know that is true from port 3389, this isn't likely, but is possible. Make sure that there are security group rules for both port numbers that look the same.
The Windows server itself is refusing to allow outside access to port 80 on that address. This is unlikely, but not impossible, and the instructions specify that you should "disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration", and at the end cover "Making Your WordPress Site Public". Make sure that the web server isn't configured to only respond to requests from localhost ( and that there are no Windows firewall rules blocking port 80.
I think that the likeliest problem is number 2, above. Perhaps you forgot to open port 80 in the security group, or typed a different port number or a different address range to open it to.