Text over picture - c++

Is it possible to create text displayed on a picture with nana?
I tried this
int main() {
using namespace nana;
form fm;
place plc(fm);
picture pic(fm);
label lbl(fm, "LBL", true);
pic.align::center, align_v::center);
lbl.text_align(align::center, align_v::center);
plc["here"] << pic;
plc["here"] << lbl; // (1)
But its shifting both to the left as nana creates a grid for 2 elements in the layout. Without adding it, so deleting (1), the label will not be shown in the layout at all.
I couldnt find any information on it online. nana::image::caption(std::string) method seems to be ignored
Is there a way to get two elements on top of each other, in a place of one element? My goal is make a picture of a waterdrop and then writing the humidity-% in the middle of it.
Thank you

Display your picture, then use nana::paint::graphics::string to write your text on top of the picture.
is produced by
#include <iostream>
#include <nana/gui.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/picture.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/label.hpp>
int main()
using namespace nana;
paint::image I("xxx.bmp");
if (I.empty())
msgbox err("Error");
err << "Cannot read image";
form fm({50,50,400,700});
drawing dw(fm);
dw.draw([&I](paint::graphics& g)
I.paste(g, {0,0} );
g.string({200,400}, "THIS IS A TEST", colors::black);


Custom map overlays using Marble

I'm trying to create custom overlays in Marble while following this tutorial. My code is identical to the one in the example.
Everything seems ok, but somehow the generated layer is editable and I can click it and change its size.
I'd like it to be just static on the background with no way of interacting with it.
There doesn't seem to be any obvious flag to set or function to override (so that I could just ignore all user events).
Any ideas?
Code as requested:
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QImage>
#include <marble/MarbleWidget.h>
#include <marble/GeoDataDocument.h>
#include <marble/GeoDataGroundOverlay.h>
#include <marble/GeoDataTreeModel.h>
#include <marble/MarbleModel.h>
using namespace Marble;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
QApplication app(argc,argv);
QFileInfo inputFile( app.arguments().last() );
if ( app.arguments().size() < 2 || !inputFile.exists() ) {
qWarning() << "Usage: " << app.arguments().first() << "file.png";
return 1;
// Create a Marble QWidget without a parent
MarbleWidget *mapWidget = new MarbleWidget();
// Load the Satellite map
mapWidget->setMapThemeId( "earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml" );
// Create a bounding box from the given corner points
GeoDataLatLonBox box( 55, 48, 14.5, 6, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
box.setRotation( 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
// Create an overlay and assign the image to render and its bounding box to it
GeoDataGroundOverlay *overlay = new GeoDataGroundOverlay;
overlay->setLatLonBox( box );
overlay->setIcon( QImage( inputFile.absoluteFilePath() ) );
// Create a document as a container for the overlay
GeoDataDocument *document = new GeoDataDocument();
document->append( overlay );
// Add the document to MarbleWidget's tree model
mapWidget->model()->treeModel()->addDocument( document );
return app.exec();
You can programatically enable/disable plugins using RenderPlugin and setVisible:
QList<RenderPlugin *> renderPluginList = marbleWidget->renderPlugins();
for (RenderPlugin *renderPlugin : renderPluginList) {
if (std::find(plugin_list.begin(), plugin_list.end(), renderPlugin->nameId()) != plugin_list.end())
Where plugin_list is a std::vector<QString> of plugin nameId()s.
To disable just the Annotation plugin, you could use:
QList<RenderPlugin *> renderPluginList = mapWidget->renderPlugins();
for (RenderPlugin *renderPlugin : renderPluginList) {
if (renderPlugin->nameId() == "annotation")
In case you are still experiencing this issue, one thing to check is whether you have the AnnotationPlugin (.dll if on Windows) in the plugins/ directory. This plugin allows for moving and resizing various features on the MarbleWidget map.

How to load gif using wxWidgets c++?

I need your help! Im currently really new to wxWidgets as a uni student. I am trying to load a .gif file using wxWidgets. I tried using the code below... but it only loads 1 frame, it doesn't move/ change to the other frames, it's basically a still picture. The file is .gif extension, and it has 3 frames or so. The location of the image is already correct. Help would be much appreciated!
Thank you
#include "ImageWindow.h"
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ImageWindow, wxWindow)
ImageWindow::ImageWindow(wxFrame *parent)
: wxWindow(parent, wxID_ANY)
wxImageHandler *gifLoader = new wxGIFHandler();
delete potatoBitmap;
void ImageWindow::LoadPotatoBitmap()
wxStandardPaths &stdPaths = wxStandardPaths::Get();
wxString fileLocation = stdPaths.GetExecutablePath();
wxImage image(wxT("A:\\Projects\\TestGif\\Assets\\Kuning.gif"),
potatoBitmap = new wxBitmap(image);
void ImageWindow::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event)
wxPaintDC pdc(this);
if (potatoBitmap != nullptr)
pdc.DrawBitmap(*potatoBitmap, wxPoint(150, 100), true);
You are not specifying the index of the image in the constructor and that's why you see the default one as you can see in the wxWdigets documentation:
wxImage::wxImage ( const wxString & name,
wxBitmapType type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY,
int index = -1
index Index of the image to load in the case that the image file contains multiple images. This is only used by GIF, ICO and TIFF handlers. The default value (-1) means "choose the default image" and is interpreted as the first image (index=0) by the GIF and TIFF handler and as the largest and most colourful one by the ICO handler.
But, you should also consider wxAnimationCtrl (see this sample)
Use wxAnimationCtrl for playing gif animations
Use extract each frame from the gif image and draw one by one using wxTimer.

Program in gtkmm will not show buttons

I am trying to write a program in gtkmm but the buttons will not show up. I've done everything I know to make these buttons show, but nothing has been working. I have even included the 'show all' methods in both the main and win_home.cpp files but still nothing happens. The program DOES however go through the code, as the cout statements are all being printed. Does anyone have any idea why these buttons would not be showing up?
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "win_home.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "com.InIT.InITPortal");
std::cout << "Creating Portal Window" << std::endl;
HomeGUI win_home;
win_home.set_title("St. George InIT Home");
return app->run(win_home);
#include "win_home.h"
//build interface/gui
//register Handlers
void HomeGUI::buildInterface()
std::cout << "Building Portal Interface" << std::endl;
m_portal_rowbox = Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 5);
Gtk::Button m_pia_button = Gtk::Button("Printer Install Assistant");
m_portal_rowbox.pack_start(m_pia_button, false, false, 0);
Gtk::Button m_inventory_button = Gtk::Button("Inventory");
m_portal_rowbox.pack_start(m_inventory_button, false, false, 0);
std::cout << "Completed Portal Interface" << std::endl;
void HomeGUI::registerHandlers()
In void HomeGUI::buildInterface() you have constructed 2 buttons and they are added it to your box container. When the function returns the buttons are destroyed as they are now out of scope. Since they no longer exist they can not be visible.
So for you first button you would use something like this:
Gtk::Button * m_pia_button = Gtk::manage(
new Gtk::Button("Printer Install Assistant"));
m_portal_rowbox.pack_start(&m_pia_button, false, false, 0);
I expect you would need easy access to your buttons throughout the life time of your window. The easiest way is to have the buttons as a member of your class. It will be constructed as an empty button and you just need to set the label afterwards.
class HomeGUI {
// A button (empty)
Gtk::Button m_pia_button;
void HomeGUI::buildInterface()
m_pia_button.set_label("Printer Install Assistant");
m_portal_rowbox.pack_start(m_pia_button, false, false, 0);

My sfml ImageManager class is only displaying a white square in c++

I know this topic is abundant in forums, but I need help for this specific issue. I'm following this tutorial to make a basic sfml ImageManager class for a tic tac toe game. I'm having trouble understanding how to implement this class in my game engine though. I'm going to post a lot of code as there are multiple classes involved:
Board.h: my tic-tac-toe game board.
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Box.h"
#include "SFML/Graphics.hpp"
#include "ImageManager.h"
class Board{
std::vector<Box> &GetBoxes();
sf::Sprite GetGameBoard();
sf::Sprite gameBoard;
std::vector<Box> boxes;
And here's Board.cpp:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Board.h"
#include "SFML/Graphics.hpp"
ImageManager imgr;
std::vector<Box> &Board::GetBoxes(){
return boxes;
sf::Sprite Board::GetGameBoard(){
return gameBoard;
Here's what is relevant from the ImageManager class from the tutorial:
const sf::Texture &ImageManager::GetImage(const std::string &filename){
for(std::map<std::string, sf::Texture>::const_iterator it = textures_.begin(); it != textures_.end(); ++it){
if(filename == it->first){
std::cout << "DEBUG_MESSAGE: " << filename << " using existing image.\n";
return it->second;
//if image doesn't exist (no need for else since it will return if filename is found
sf::Texture texture;
//create both a string and matching image in the map
textures_[filename] = texture;
std::cout << "DEBUG_MESSAGE: " << filename << " loading image.\n";
return textures_[filename];
// If the image has still not been found, search all registered directories
//of course, it will be empty until I specify extra directories by adding them into the vector
for(std::vector< std::string >::iterator it = resourceDirectories_.begin(); it != resourceDirectories_.end(); ++it){
if(texture.loadFromFile((*it) + filename )){
textures_[filename] = texture;
std::cout << "DEBUG_MESSAGE: " << filename << " loading image 2.\n";
return textures_[filename];
//again, notice there's no elses because returns serve as breaks
std::cout << "GAME_ERROR: Image was not found. It is filled with an empty image.\n";
textures_[filename] = texture;
return textures_[filename];
Finally, in my engine, I get gameBoard and draw it to my window:
void Engine::Render(){
My window just shows a complete white background, but it's still functional otherwise. Can anybody see what I've done wrong?
I assume that textures_ is a private member of the ImageManager class? In that case you have undefined behavior because ImageManager::GetImage returns a reference to data stored in a container that is destroyed (remember that imgr is a local variable in the constructor).
Ok I have it. It's a pretty embarrasing solution, but declaring my ImageManager imgr in the constructor of Board was destroying my ImageManager instantly, so I just cut that instance and pasted it in the header file. And for some reason returning a reference instead of the actual texture value was necessary, that also stumped me.

List of spinboxes, displaying only values changed

So, I have an extensive list of spinboxes (30) in one tab and a confirmation page on another tab.
How can I can display only the names and values of those above 0 in the confirmation page?
Not sure if it matters, I'm doing this in Qt.
If I were you, I would be writing something like this:
#include <QString>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QList>
#include <QLabel>
void ConfirmationPage::displaySpinBoxNameValues()
QString myText;
// Get the spinboxes from your tab.
// Use pointer anywhere here if you use that
foreach (SpinBox spinbBox, SpinBoxList) {
if (spinBox.value() > 0) {
myText.append(QString("Name: ") + spinBox.text());
myText.append(QString("\tValue: ") + spinBox.value());
if (myText.isEmpty())
myText.append("No QSpinBox has value greater than zero!\n");
// Could be a QLabel, etc.
You would need the following method documentations to understand the methods used for this:
QLabel text property
QLabel value property
You can obtain the list of spinboxes and iterate over them like:
QList<QSpinBox *> list = this->findChildren<QSpinBox *>();
foreach(QSpinBox *spin, list)
QDebug()<< spin->objectName();
You can get the name of the object by objectName() if you have previously assigned names to your spinboxes by setObjectName(const QString &name) .