I am working with a serverless project and I have only the access to aws cli, so I want to get the trigger information of a function such as event and since I am using a sns topic to trigger the function, I want to get the topic infomation and arn, I tried diffrent options, such as,
list-event-source-mapping - which returns a empty array
get-function: which doesn't hold that value
Do I have means to get the trigger information of a function with aws cli?
In this case, I believe the only way to get that information would be from the get-policy API call as that will contain the resource based policy(AKA trigger) which allows the other service to invoke the Lambda.
The get-event-source-mappings API returns the stream based event sources in the region such as:
So for example, if I have a lambda function which is configured to be invoked from SNS then the policy returned would be similar to:
aws lambda get-policy --function-name arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:111122223333:function:YOUR_LAMBDA_NAME_HERE --query Policy --output text | jq '.Statement[0].Condition.ArnLike["AWS:SourceArn"]'
Though that assumes that the policy in the Lambda function only has that one statement but if you know the specific statement id then you should be able to select it in jq using a filter
I am trying to add a trigger rule to a lambda version using cli:
I try the following command:
aws events put-targets --rule rule-name --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="arn..."
This commands run successfully and I can see my lambda function in Event Bridge console under targets. But when I go to lambda function and to the version I don't see any trigger event being added.
I am not sure if this an error/bug or expected behavior. Is there a way to add a trigger event to a published version of lambda function such that it shows in trigger console (essentially to show that trigger event is added successfully) using aws cli.
Use CDK. It will work
Create a lambda function and a rule using cdk. Then you can add that rule to lambda.
This works with CDK. But it doesn't work with CLI as you said. The trigger doesn't get added in lambda.
Sample code:
Note: This is not the complete CDK code. This is just the part for creating lambda,rule and adding it to lambda. This example is in Python
fn = lambda_.Function(self, "Name",
up_dir(__file__, 2),
# Run Every Minute
run_every_minute = _events.Rule(
# Add Lambda to CW Event Rule
Via awscli > $ aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration
I have had the same problem, it's a little bit frustating but, i've found other way and maybe a more logical way. Triggers in Lambda Console only support a few message notification services. And seems to be mostly for test purposes. Although, there's a way to invoke your lambda function from an event in S3.
To configure S3 to send some event file at some lambda function from some event occurs on your bucket, just go to your bucket through this path in S3 Console:
BucketName > Properties > EventNotifications !
there you can configure your event source, even awscli support it vi 's3api' service command:
#$ aws s3api put-bucket-notification # Deprecated
#$ aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration
the last one support the following destination from S3:
Lambda functions
SNS Topic
SQS Queue
Ref using S3 Triggers with Lambda https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/with-s3-tutorial.html#with-s3-tutorial-configure-event-source
It seems like this is not possible at the moment. I have checked the aws-sdk and there is a createEventSourceMapping method but that one only allows for DynamoDB, Kinesis, etc.
In the AWS Lambda management console you can have test events associated with a function.
Is it possible to configure the test events when deploying the Lambda function using the AWS CDK such that the test events are ready to use when someone later views the function in the management console?
That is not possible at the moment as CloudFormation itself does not support this (see this answer). You can, as mentioned in the linked post, use a CloudFormation CustomResource to prepare the invocation.
Another option is to create a output that prepares a cli command with payload. So that you can just copy past the generated call aws lambda invoke --function-name {PopulateFromCDK} --payload '{"key": "value"}'
I'm creating a logs aggregator lambda to send Cloudwatch logs to a private log analysis service. Given the number of resources used by my employer, it was decided to create a subscription lambda that handles log group subscription to the aggregator.
The solution works fine, but it requires to manually search a resource's log group via amazon console and then invoke the subscription lambda with it.
My question:
Is there a way to, given a resource arn, find which log group is mapped to it? Since I'm using Cloudformation to create resources it is easy to export a resource's arn.
To present an example:
Let's say I have the following arn:
which is an Appsync GraphQL API.
What I want it a method (using te API or some automated solution) to get the Cloudwatch log group of that resource.
You can try the describe-log-groups command. It is available on the cli, must also be there on the API.
To get the names of the log groups you can go with:
aws logs describe-log-groups --query 'logGroups[*].logGroupName' --log-group-name-prefix '/aws/appsync/[name-of-the-resource]'
Output will look like this:
How to know which s3 bucket trigger which lambda without going to all lambdas?
You can look into these triggers under a bucket events itself. When you open a s3 bucket, navigate to Properties and under that Events. You can however delete or edit the resource triggered from that panel. Hope it helps
This can be a bit difficult since the command line options for Lambda require that you use aws lambda get-policy in order to find out which resources are allowed to perform the lambda:InvokeFunction action on a given function. These permissions aren't shown as part of the lambda configuration for aws lambda get-function-configuration. Use bash and jq to get a list of functions and spit out their allowed invokers. Like this:
aws lambda list-functions | jq '.Functions[].FunctionName' --raw-output | while read f; do
policy=$( aws lambda get-policy --function-name ${f} | jq '.Policy | fromjson | .Statement[] | select(.Effect=="Allow") | select(.Action=="lambda:InvokeFunction") | .Condition.ArnLike[]' --raw-output )
echo ${policy}
This will list the arn of the resources that are allowed to use the action lambda:InvokeFunction on the all Lambda functions returned from list-functions.
When you set up triggers on your S3 Bucket, you can select which Lambda function is invoked.
Check out this document for more information: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/with-s3.html.
Here's a more comprehensive document that deep dives on S3 event notifications: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/user-guide/enable-event-notifications.html
If you select the Lambda Function destination type, do the following:
In Lambda Function, type or choose the name of the Lambda function that you want to receive notifications from Amazon S3.
If you don't have any Lambda functions in the region that contains your bucket, you'll be prompted to enter a Lambda function ARN. In Lambda Function ARN, type the ARN of the Lambda function that you want to receive notifications from Amazon S3.
(Optional) You can also choose Add Lambda function ARN from the menu and type the ARN of the Lambda function in Lambda function ARN.
I'm working out the security details for working with Lambda. One thing I can't find out is how S3 gets permission to push to Lambda when you add a trigger from the Lambda console or via S3 - Properties - Events. I know how it works using the CLI and I know you could do it via the SDK but I also noticed it isn't always necessary. Mostly the trigger just 'works' without me adding any permissions. Does anybody know why?
And is there a way to find out what Permissions S3/an S3 bucket has? I know there's a tab 'Permissions' but that's not giving me any information. I also know about Truster Advisor but that's just telling me there's no explicit problem with the permissions. I'm wondering if I can get a list of permissions though?
I hope someone can help me out, thanks in advance!
Adding a trigger in the console is the equivalent of assigning permissions and setting a bucket notification. You can see the policy associated with a particular lambda function by using the get-policy cli command:
aws lambda get-policy --function-name <name>
This will tell you what the policy is for your function. Including the resources with rights to invoke it. This policy isn't applied to the S3 bucket, but instead your lambda function.
You can also see what your bucket is set up to notify in the console under Properties > Events or review this with the cli using the get-bucket-notification command:
aws s3api get-bucket-notification --bucket <bucket>