Unable to convert string with seconds from epoch to date_time - c++

I have a string containing the seconds from the epoch, how do i convert this string to a format
as such -
Here MONTH should display the month number and DAY gives the day number. Also the time needs to be in 24 hour format.
For example :
2019-06-26 11:14:25
I have tried using strptime but havent been successful in doing so, could someone help me in what I am doing wrong.
This is what i have tried so far
int main()
string timee = "12341234534";
const char *ptr = timee.c_str();
struct tm tim;
strptime(ptr, "%S", &tim);
time_t abcd = mktime(&tim);
return 0;
Found this code snippet on another stackoverflow link
How to convert a string variable containing time to time_t type in c++?

Your question is a little confusing, but I think I figured out what you want...
If the time is in a time_t compatible format, then just read it directly into a time_t variable, and convert it through std::localtime so you can output it in the wanted format using std::put_time.
Something like
std::time_t time;
std::cin >> time;
std::cout << std::put_time(std::localtime(&time), "%F %T") << '\n';


How to get the current time and date C++ UTC time not local

I would like to know how I can get the UTC time or any other timezone (NOT just local time) in C++ Linux.
I would like to do something like: int Minutes = time.now(Minutes) to get and store the year, month, day, hour, minute and second at that exact time.
How I can do so?
I will need to repeat this process many time; I want to know the newest and best way to do so.
You are looking for the gmtime function in the time.h library, which give you UTC time. Here's an example:
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <time.h> /* time_t, struct tm, time, gmtime */
int main ()
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * ptm;
// Get number of seconds since 00:00 UTC Jan, 1, 1970 and store in rawtime
time ( &rawtime );
// UTC struct tm
ptm = gmtime ( &rawtime );
// print current time in a formatted way
printf ("UTC time: %2d:%02d\n", ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min);
return 0;
Look at these sources:
You can use system command in c++ if you want linux oriented solution
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream> //for stringstream function to store date and time
using namespace std;
int main()
const char *date_now = "date -u"; //linux command to get UTC time is "date -u"
stringstream s;
s << system(date_now); //to store output of system("date_now") to s;
cout << s.str() << endl; //to print the string in s
return 0;
Check out "date --help" for more date and time related commands in linux terminal.

How do I write a message timestamp to a log file?

I'm trying to create a logging file for my C++ program. My goal is to put two timestamps at two points of my program and print in a file the CPU time period between these two points. I'm doing this because I want to know which parts of my code are the most time consuming so I can make improvements (so there may be several chunks of code I want to measure). So far, I've made a function that, when called, prints a string that I pass as an argument, to a file:
#define LOGFILE "myprog.log"
void Log (std::string message){
std::ofstream ofs;
ofs.open(LOGFILE, std::ofstream::out | std::ios::app);
ofs << message << std::endl;
However, I'm having difficulty figuring out how to print the CPU timestamp. Firstly, I don't know what time measurement format I should use (should I use the chrono or the time_t types?) I'm trying to print a time period so it would be helpful if there was a type for duration (I've tried chrono::duration but it seems to require C++11 support). Secondly, given I know what type to use, how do I print it to the file? Is there a way to cast that type to a string? Or can I pass it directly to my function and print it somehow?
This has troubled me a lot the last couple of days and I can't seem to figure it out, so any input would be really helpful. Thanks in advance!
Get a CPU Timestamp
You'll want to use std::chrono::system_clock to get this timestamp. Do not use std::chrono::steady_clock or std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, as those are for making high-precision timing measurements, and do not guarantee fidelity or accuracy to wall-clock time.
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
//now is a time_point object describing the instant it was recorded according to your system clock
Print this CPU Timestamp in a readable format
In C++20, this is pretty trivial.
std::string formatted_time = std::format("{0:%F_%T}", now);
ofs << formatted_time << ": " << message << std::endl;
%F is a substitute for %Y-%m-%D, which will output year-month-day in ISO format, i.e. 2018-10-09.
%T is the same for %H:%M:%S, which will output a time, i.e. 17:55:34.786
See the specification for std::format and std::formatter for more information about how to specify these parameters.
As of December 2020, no major compilers support the <format> library, yet, so as an alternative you can use fmt, which is a standalone implementation of the library.
Prior to C++20
Consider Howard Hinnant's date library, most of which is being incorporated into C++20 as a new part of the chrono library. The format function found in that library uses the same syntax as suggested above for the C++20 version, although without integration with std::format.
I'm usually use my implementation for such things.
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
// strftime format
#define LOGGER_PRETTY_TIME_FORMAT "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
// printf format
// convert current time to milliseconds since unix epoch
template <typename T>
static int to_ms(const std::chrono::time_point<T>& tp)
using namespace std::chrono;
auto dur = tp.time_since_epoch();
return static_cast<int>(duration_cast<milliseconds>(dur).count());
// format it in two parts: main part with date and time and part with milliseconds
static std::string pretty_time()
auto tp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::time_t current_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(tp);
// this function use static global pointer. so it is not thread safe solution
std::tm* time_info = std::localtime(&current_time);
char buffer[128];
int string_size = strftime(
buffer, sizeof(buffer),
int ms = to_ms(tp) % 1000;
string_size += std::snprintf(
buffer + string_size, sizeof(buffer) - string_size,
return std::string(buffer, buffer + string_size);
It returns current time in format: 2018-09-23 21:58:52.642.
Yes it requires --std=c++11 or above.
For the record:
If C++20 features are not available, as in my case, you can use the following:
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
time_t now = time(nullptr) ;
cout << put_time(localtime(&now), "%T") << endl ;
put_time is defined in iomanip library, look at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip/put_time, and time_t and localtime are from the ctime, https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/c/ctime
If you want a more manual approach, this is what I've used before
char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm *lt = localtime(&t);
snprintf(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", lt->tm_mon+1, lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_year%100, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min, lt->tm_sec);
Then just output buffer, which now contains string representation of time, to your file.

Convert SQLite Date Field to C++ Time_T

How Do I Convert A SQLite Date in the following format to a C++ Time_T Variable?
You may wish to read this question, which discusses a few approaches. In particular, if you have access to Boost, you can use <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> and create a boost::posix_time::ptime object from a string of the format in your question. (See the first answer in that question.)
Alternatively, you can use strptime().
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
std::size_t timestamp_to_seconds(const char* timestamp)
std::tm tm_struct;
strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm_struct);
// You can control daylight savings time if necessary.
tm_struct.tm_isdst = 1;
std::size_t t = std::mktime(&tm_struct);
return t;
int main()
std::cout << timestamp_to_seconds("2013-07-05 12:34:56") << std::endl;
return 0;
Running this example gives the following output:
$ ./a.out
$ date -d "2013-07-05 12:34:56" +%s
As you can see, it agrees with the date utility. (I assuming you are on a platform with access to strptime.) You may have to be careful when handling daylight savings or timezone info...I had to use tm_struct.tm_isdst = 1 to force recognition of daylight savings and get agreement with date.
time_t is a Unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01), so you have to convert with strftime:
SELECT strftime('%s', '2013-07-05 12:34:56');
The result is a string, but you can read it as an integer value.

C++ check if a date is valid

is there any function to check if a given date is valid or not?
I don't want to write anything from scratch.
e.g. 32/10/2012 is not valid
and 10/10/2010 is valid
If your string is always in that format the easiest thing to do would be to split the string into its three components, populate a tm structure and pass it to mktime(). If it returns -1 then it's not a valid date.
You could also use Boost.Date_Time to parse it:
string inp("10/10/2010");
string format("%d/%m/%Y");
date d;
d = parser.parse_date(inp, format, svp);
The boost date time class should be able to handle what you require.
See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/doc/html/date_time.html
If the format of the date is constant and you don't want to use boost, you can always use strptime, defined in the ctime header:
const char date1[] = "32/10/2012";
const char date2[] = "10/10/2012";
struct tm tm;
if (!strptime(date1, "%d/%m/%Y", &tm)) std::cout << "date1 isn't valid\n";
if (!strptime(date2, "%d/%m/%Y", &tm)) std::cout << "date2 isn't valid\n";

How to parse date/time from string?

Input: strings with date and optional time. Different representations would be nice but necessary. The strings are user-supplied and can be malformed. Examples:
"2004-03-21 12:45:33" (I consider this the default layout)
"2004/03/21 12:45:33" (optional layout)
"23.09.2004 04:12:21" (german format, optional)
"2003-02-11" (time may be missing)
Needed Output: Seconds since Epoch (1970/01/01 00:00:00) or some other fixed point.
Bonus: Also, reading the UTC-offset of the local system time would be great.
The input is assumed to be a local time on the machine in question.
The output needs to be UTC. System is Linux only (Debian Lenny and Ubuntu needed).
I have tried to use boost/date_time, but must admit I can't wrap my head around the documentation. The following works without the needed conversion from system local time to UTC:
std::string date = "2000-01-01";
boost::posix_time::ptime ptimedate = boost::posix_time::time_from_string(date);
ptimedate += boost::posix_time::hours(Hardcoded_UTC_Offset);// where to get from?
struct tm = boost::posix_time::to_tm(ptimedate);
int64_t ticks = mktime(&mTmTime);
I think boost::date_time can provide the needed UTC offset, but I wouldn't know how.
Although I don't know how to format a single-digit month input in boost, I can do it after the two-digit edit:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
namespace bt = boost::posix_time;
const std::locale formats[] = {
std::locale(std::locale::classic(),new bt::time_input_facet("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
std::locale(std::locale::classic(),new bt::time_input_facet("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")),
std::locale(std::locale::classic(),new bt::time_input_facet("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")),
std::locale(std::locale::classic(),new bt::time_input_facet("%Y-%m-%d"))};
const size_t formats_n = sizeof(formats)/sizeof(formats[0]);
std::time_t pt_to_time_t(const bt::ptime& pt)
bt::ptime timet_start(boost::gregorian::date(1970,1,1));
bt::time_duration diff = pt - timet_start;
return diff.ticks()/bt::time_duration::rep_type::ticks_per_second;
void seconds_from_epoch(const std::string& s)
bt::ptime pt;
for(size_t i=0; i<formats_n; ++i)
std::istringstream is(s);
is >> pt;
if(pt != bt::ptime()) break;
std::cout << " ptime is " << pt << '\n';
std::cout << " seconds from epoch are " << pt_to_time_t(pt) << '\n';
int main()
seconds_from_epoch("2004-03-21 12:45:33");
seconds_from_epoch("2004/03/21 12:45:33");
seconds_from_epoch("23.09.2004 04:12:21");
note that the seconds-from-epoch output will be assuming the date was in UTC:
~ $ ./test | head -2
ptime is 2004-Mar-21 12:45:33
seconds from epoch are 1079873133
~ $ date -d #1079873133
Sun Mar 21 07:45:33 EST 2004
You could probably use boost::posix_time::c_time::localtime() from #include <boost/date_time/c_time.hpp> to get this conversion done assuming the input is in the current time zone, but it is rather inconsistent: for me, for example, the result will be different between today and next month, when daylight saving ends.
boost::gregorian has some of the stuff you need without you doing any more work:
using namespace boost::gregorian;
// The following date is in ISO 8601 extended format (CCYY-MM-DD)
std::string s("2000-01-01");
date d(from_simple_string(s));
std::cout << to_simple_string(d) << std::endl;
There is an example on how to use UTC offsets with boost::posix_time here.
You can provide generation of date and time from custom input string formats using date_input_facet and time_input_facet. There is an I/O tutorial on this page that should help you get going.
If c-style is acceptable: strptime() is the way to go, because you can specify the format and it can take locale in account:
tm brokenTime;
strptime(str.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %T", &brokenTime);
time_t sinceEpoch = timegm(brokenTime);
Different layouts will have to be checked with the return value (if possible).
Timezone will have to be added to by checking the system clock (localtime_r() with time(), tm_zone)
the simplest, portable solution is to use scanf:
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second = 0;
int r = 0;
r = scanf ("%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &year, &month, &day,
&hour, &minute, &second);
if (r == 6)
printf ("%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d\n", year, month, day, hour, minute,
r = scanf ("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d", &year, &month, &day,
&hour, &minute, &second);
// and so on ...
Initialize a struct tm with the int values and pass it to mktime to get a calendar time as time_t. For timezone conversions, please see information on gmtime.