How does OCaml represent lazy values at runtime? - ocaml

This chapter in Real World OCaml describes the runtime memory layout of different data types. However, there is no discussion on lazy values.
How is lazy_t implemented, i.e., what does its runtime representation and what the key operations that are compiler built-ins? Links to the source code would be appreciated. I looked at the CamlinternalLazy module, but the actual representation seems hard to decipher just based on calls to functions in the Obj module there.
Could someone provide a summary of the changes made to the representation/operations to make it thread safe for the OCaml multicore project? This commit seems to be the one with the implementation, but it seems a bit opaque to me as an outsider.
Note: This question is about the OCaml compiler/runtime. I understand that there is no standard specification for how lazy values should be implemented by an OCaml compiler/runtime.

In simple terms, a lazy value that needs computation is represented as a thunk which is rewritten by a reference to the computed value (if such exists†) once the value is forced. A lazy value that doesn't need a computation (and is not a float) is represented as it is.
First, let's focus on values that do not require computation. Those are constants, functions (not their applications, nor partial applications), or identifiers. They are represented without any extra boxing and have the same representation as their eager counterparts, e.g.,
# Obj.repr (lazy 42) == Obj.repr 42;;
- : bool = true
# Obj.tag (Obj.repr sin) = (Obj.tag (Obj.repr (lazy sin)));;
- : bool = true
# Obj.closure_tag = (Obj.tag (Obj.repr (lazy sin)));;
- : bool = true
The same is true for types which usually have a boxed representation, e.g., strings,
let s = "hello" in
Obj.repr s == Obj.repr (lazy s);;
- : bool = true
The only exception is the float type (because of another optimization which enables unboxed storage of arrays or records of floats, which would be broken otherwise). Floats are stored in the forwarded notation, as a boxed value with a header indicating the Forward_tag and the only field being the stored value.
Values that are classified as computations are stored as thunks. If we will speak OCaml (note, that is not the actual implementation, but the concept is the same)
type 'a value = Deferred of (unit -> 'a) | Ready of 'a
type 'a lazy_t = {
mutable lazy : 'a value;
and the lazy operator captures the enclosed expression, i.e., on the syntactic level of the language, it translates something like this:
lazy x => {lazy = Deferred (fun () -> x)
Here are some interactions with OCaml which showcase the representation:
let x = lazy (2+2) in
Obj.lazy_tag = Obj.tag (Obj.repr x);;
- : bool = true
let x = lazy (2+2) in
let _ = Lazy.force x in
Obj.forward_tag = Obj.tag (Obj.repr x);;
- : bool = true
As we can see a computation is stored as a thunk (and uses 4 words)
let x = lazy (2+2) in
Obj.reachable_words (Obj.repr x);;
- : int = 4
while after we force the computation it will be stored as a forwarded (boxed) int,
let x = lazy (2+2) in
let _ = Lazy.force x in
Obj.reachable_words (Obj.repr x);;
- : int = 2
†) There is also a special case for exceptions, which are computations that diverge and therefore do not have values, thus the couldn't be translated to the forwarded form. As a result, exceptions remain lazy values even after being forced, e.g.,
let x = lazy (raise Not_found) in
Obj.lazy_tag = Obj.tag (Obj.repr x);;
- : bool = true
let x = lazy (raise Not_found) in
try Lazy.force x with Not_found ->
Obj.lazy_tag = Obj.tag (Obj.repr x)
Implementation wise, a computation which raises an exception is substituted by a function that raises this exception. So there is still some memoization happening, in other words, if you had lazy (x (); y (); z ()) and y () is raising an exception E, then the lazy value payload will be substituted by a function fun () -> raise E, i.e., it will never repeat x (), nor it will ever reach z ().
Lazy values in Multicore
Laziness is a restricted form of mutability and, like any other mutability, it complicates things when parallel computations come into play.
In OCaml implementation, lazy values are not only changing their value throughout time but also type and representation. The representation of a value in OCaml is dictated by the header. For performance reasons, the OCaml Multicore Team decided to forbid any changed to the header, thus values can no longer change their representations (otherwise, if they would allow changing the header, each access to the header field would require an expensive synchronization).
A solution to this problem introduces a new level of indirection, where the state of the lazy value is stored in its payload (which actually makes the new lazy representation even closer to our conceptual view).
Before we delve into the implementation there is also one more thing to be explained about the lazy values in OCaml. When a lazy value is forced, it is not immediately updated to the result of the computation, since the computation itself could be recursive and reference the lazy value. That's why on the first step before the computation attached to the lazy value is called, the payload of a lazy function is substituted with a function that raises the Lazy.Undefined exception, so that not well-formed recursive expressions still terminate nicely.
This trick was hijacked and reused by the Multicore Team to make lazy values safe in the presence of multiple threads trying to force it at the same time. When a lazy value is being forced they substitute its payload with a function called bomb which checks whether the lazy value is referenced again (either because the computation recurses, or because it is shared with another thread) during the evaluation, and if the reference is from the same domain then it triggers the Undefined exception, indicating that this is not a well-formed lazy value, or if the domain is different, then it raises theRacyLazy exception, that indicates that there is an unserialized access to the same lazy value from different domains.
The crucial moment here is to understand that since lazy is a mutable value, it is still the responsibility of a user to properly serialize accesses to it. How to do this properly and efficiently is still in the Future Work section.
References to implementation
This is
how lazy values are compiled
how lazy values are classified


let rec for values and let rec for functions in ocaml

What is the best intuition for why the first definition would be refused, while the second one would be accepted ?
let rec a = b (* This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec' *)
and b x = a x
let rec a x = b x (* oki doki *)
and b x = a x
Is it linked to the 2 reduction approaches : one rule for every function substitution (and a Rec delimiter) VS one rule per function definition (and lambda lifting) ?
Verifying that recursive definitions are valid is a very hard thing to do.
Basically, you want to avoid patterns in this kind of form:
let rec x = x
In the case where every left-hand side of the definitions are function declarations, you know it is going to be fine. At worst, you are creating an infinite loop, but at least you are creating a value. But the x = x case does not produce anything and has no semantic altogether.
Now, in your specific case, you are indeed creating functions (that loop indefinitely), but checking that you are is actually harder. To avoid writing a code that would attempt exhaustive checking, the OCaml developers decided to go with a much easier algorithm.
You can have an outlook of the rules here. Here is an excerpt (emphasis mine):
It will be accepted if each one of expr1 … exprn is statically constructive with respect to name1 … namen, is not immediately linked to any of name1 … namen, and is not an array constructor whose arguments have abstract type.
As you can see, direct recursive variable binding is not permitted.
This is not a final rule though, as there are improvements to that part of the compiler pending release. I haven't tested if your example passes with it, but some day your code might be accepted.

Why does a partial application have value restriction?

I can understand that allowing mutable is the reason for value restriction and weakly polymorphism. Basically a mutable ref inside a function may change the type involved and affect the future use of the function. So real polymorphism may not be introduced in case of type mismatch.
For example,
# let remember =
let cache = ref None in
(fun x ->
match !cache with
| Some y -> y
| None -> cache := Some x; x)
val remember : '_a -> '_a = <fun>
In remember, cache originally was 'a option, but once it gets called first time let () = remember 1, cache turns to be int option, thus the type becomes limited. Value restriction solves this potential problem.
What I still don't understand is the value restriction on partial application.
For example,
let identity x = x
val identity: 'a -> 'a = <fun>
let map_rep = identity
val map_rep: '_a list -> '_a list = <fun>
in the functions above, I don't see any ref or mutable place, why still value restriction is applied?
Here is a good paper that describes OCaml's current handling of the value restriction:
Garrigue, Relaxing the Value Restriction
It has a good capsule summary of the problem and its history.
Here are some observations, for what they're worth. I'm not an expert, just an amateur observer:
The meaning of "value" in the term "value restriction" is highly technical, and isn't directly related to the values manipulated by a particular language. It's a syntactic term; i.e., you can recognize values by just looking at the symbols of the program, without knowing anything about types.
It's not hard at all to produce examples where the value restriction is too restrictive. I.e., where it would be safe to generalize a type when the value restriction forbids it. But attempts to do a better job (to allow more generalization) resulted in rules that were too difficult to remember and follow for mere mortals (such as myself).
The impediment to generalizing exactly when it would be safe to do so is not separate compilation (IMHO) but the halting problem. I.e., it's not possible in theory even if you see all the program text.
The value restriction is pretty simple: only let-bound expressions that are syntactically values are generalized. Applications, including partial applications, are not values and thus are not generalized.
Note that in general it is impossible to tell whether an application is partial, and thus whether the application could have an effect on the value of a reference cell. Of course in this particular case it is obvious that no such thing occurs, but the inference rules are designed to be sound in the event that it does.
A 'let' expression is not a (syntactic) value. While there is a precise definition of 'value', roughly the only values are identifiers, functions, constants, and constructors applied to values.
This paper and those it references explains the problem in detail.
Partial application doesn't preclude mutation. For example, here is a refactored version of your code that would also be incorrect without value restriction:
let aux cache x =
match !cache with
| Some y -> y
| None -> cache := Some x; x
let remember = aux (ref None)

When does the relaxed value restriction kick in in OCaml?

Can someone give a concise description of when the relaxed value restriction kicks in? I've had trouble finding a concise and clear description of the rules. There's Garrigue's paper:
but it's a little dense. Anyone know of a pithier source?
An Addendum
Some good explanations were added below, but I was unable to find an explanation there for the following behavior:
# let _x = 3 in (fun () -> ref None);;
- : unit -> 'a option ref = <fun>
# let _x = ref 3 in (fun () -> ref None);;
- : unit -> '_a option ref = <fun>
Can anyone clarify the above? Why does the stray definition of a ref within the RHS of the enclosing let affect the heuristic.
I am not a type theorist, but here is my interpretation of Garrigue's explanation. You have a value V. Start with the type that would be assigned to V (in OCaml) under the usual value restriction. There will be some number (maybe 0) monomorphic type variables in the type. For each such variable that appears only in covariant position in the type (on the right sides of function arrows), you can replace it with a fully polymorphic type variable.
The argument goes as follows. Since your monomorphic variable is a variable, you can imagine replacing it with any single type. So you choose an uninhabited type U. Now since it is in covariant position only, U can in turn be replaced by any supertype. But every type is a supertype of an uninhabited type, hence it's safe to replace with a fully polymorphic variable.
So, the relaxed value restriction kicks in when you have (what would be) monomorphic variables that appear only in covariant positions.
(I hope I have this right. Certainly #gasche would do better, as octref suggests.)
Jeffrey provided the intuitive explanation of why the relaxation is correct. As to when it is useful, I think we can first reproduce the answer octref helpfully linked to:
You may safely ignore those subtleties until, someday, you hit a problem with an abstract type of yours that is not as polymorphic as you would like, and then you should remember than a covariance annotation in the signature may help.
We discussed this on reddit/ocaml a few months ago:
Consider the following code example:
module type S = sig
type 'a collection
val empty : unit -> 'a collection
module C : S = struct
type 'a collection =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'a collection
let empty () = Nil
let test = C.empty ()
The type you get for test is '_a C.collection, instead of the 'a C.collection that you would expect. It is not a polymorphic type ('_a is a monomorphic inference variable that is not yet fully determined), and you won't be happy with it in most cases.
This is because C.empty () is not a value, so its type is not generalized (~ made polymorphic). To benefit from the relaxed value restriction, you have to mark the abstract type 'a collection covariant:
module type S = sig
type +'a collection
val empty : unit -> 'a collection
Of course this only happens because the module C is sealed with the signature S : module C : S = .... If the module C was not given an explicit signature, the type-system would infer the most general variance (here covariance) and one wouldn't notice that.
Programming against an abstract interface is often useful (when defining a functor, or enforcing a phantom type discipline, or writing modular programs) so this sort of situation definitely happens and it is then useful to know about the relaxed value restriction.
That's an example of when you need to be aware of it to get more polymorphism, because you set up an abstraction boundary (a module signature with an abstract type) and it doesn't work automatically, you have explicitly to say that the abstract type is covariant.
In most cases it happens without your notice, when you manipulate polymorphic data structures. [] # [] only has the polymorphic type 'a list thanks to the relaxation.
A concrete but more advanced example is Oleg's Ber-MetaOCaml, which uses a type ('cl, 'ty) code to represent quoted expressions which are built piecewise. 'ty represents the type of the result of the quoted code, and 'cl is a kind of phantom region variable that guarantees that, when it remains polymorphic, the scoping of variable in quoted code is correct. As this relies on polymorphism in situations where quoted expressions are built by composing other quoted expressions (so are generally not values), it basically would not work at all without the relaxed value restriction (it's a side remark in his excellent yet technical document on type inference).
The question why the two examples given in the addendum are typed differently has puzzled me for a couple of days. Here is what I found by digging into the OCaml compiler's code (disclaimer: I'm neither an expert on OCaml nor on the ML type system).
# let _x = 3 in (fun () -> ref None);; (* (1) *)
- : unit -> 'a option ref = <fun>
is given a polymorphic type (think ∀ α. unit → α option ref) while
# let _x = ref 3 in (fun () -> ref None);; (* (2) *)
- : unit -> '_a option ref = <fun>
is given a monomorphic type (think unit → α option ref, that is, the type variable α is not universally quantified).
For the purposes of type checking, the OCaml compiler sees no difference between example (2) and
# let r = ref None in (fun () -> r);; (* (3) *)
- : unit -> '_a option ref = <fun>
since it doesn't look into the body of the let to see if the bound variable is actually used (as one might expect). But (3) clearly must be given a monomorphic type, otherwise a polymorphically typed reference cell could escape, potentially leading to unsound behaviour like memory corruption.
To understand why (1) and (2) are typed the way they are, let's have a look at how the OCaml compiler actually checks whether a let expression is a value (i.e. "nonexpansive") or not (see is_nonexpansive):
let rec is_nonexpansive exp =
match exp.exp_desc with
(* ... *)
| Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_exp_list, body) ->
List.for_all (fun vb -> is_nonexpansive vb.vb_expr) pat_exp_list &&
is_nonexpansive body
| (* ... *)
So a let-expression is a value if both its body and all the bound variables are values.
In both examples given in the addendum, the body is fun () -> ref None, which is a function and hence a value. The difference between the two pieces of code is that 3 is a value while ref 3 is not. Therefore OCaml considers the first let a value but not the second.
Again looking at the code of the OCaml compiler, we can see that whether an expression is considered expansive determines how the type of the let-expressions is generalised (see type_expression):
(* Typing of toplevel expressions *)
let type_expression env sexp =
(* ... *)
let exp = type_exp env sexp in
(* ... *)
if is_nonexpansive exp then generalize exp.exp_type
else generalize_expansive env exp.exp_type;
(* ... *)
Since let _x = 3 in (fun () -> ref None) is nonexpansive, it is typed using generalize which gives it a polymorphic type. let _x = ref 3 in (fun () -> ref None), on the other hand, is typed via generalize_expansive, giving it a monomorphic type.
That's as far as I got. If you want to dig even deeper, reading Oleg Kiselyov's Efficient and Insightful Generalization alongside generalize and generalize_expansive may be a good start.
Many thanks to Leo White from OCaml Labs Cambridge for encouraging me to start digging!
Although I'm not very familiar with this theory, I have asked a question about it.
gasche provided me with a concise explanation. The example is just a part of OCaml's map module. Check it out!
Maybe he will be able to provide you with a better answer. #gasche

Does ghc transform a list only used once into a generator for efficiency reasons?

If so, is this a part of the standard or a ghc specific optimisation we can depend on? Or just an optimisation which we can't necessarily depend on.
When I tried a test sample, it seemed to indicate that it was taking place/
Prelude> let isOdd x = x `mod` 2 == 1
Prelude> let isEven x = x `mod` 2 == 0
Prelude> ((filter isOdd).(filter isEven)) [1..]
Chews up CPU but doesn't consume much memory.
Depends on what you mean by generator. The list is lazily generated, and since nothing else references it, the consumed parts are garbage collected almost immediately. Since the result of the above computation doesn't grow, the entire computation runs in constant space. That is not mandated by the standard, but as it is harder to implement nonstrict semantics with different space behaviour for that example (and lots of vaguely similar), in practice you can rely on it.
But normally, the list is still generated as a list, so there's a lot of garbage produced. Under favourable circumstances, ghc eliminates the list [1 .. ] and produces a non-allocating loop:
result :: [Int]
result = filter odd . filter even $ [1 .. ]
(using the Prelude functions out of laziness), compiled with -O2 generates the core
List.result_go =
\ (x_ayH :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
case GHC.Prim.remInt# x_ayH 2 of _ {
case x_ayH of wild_Xa {
__DEFAULT -> List.result_go (GHC.Prim.+# wild_Xa 1);
9223372036854775807 -> GHC.Types.[] # GHC.Types.Int
0 ->
case x_ayH of wild_Xa {
__DEFAULT -> List.result_go (GHC.Prim.+# wild_Xa 1);
9223372036854775807 -> GHC.Types.[] # GHC.Types.Int
A plain loop, running from 1 to maxBound :: Int, producing nothing on the way and [] at the end.
It's almost smart enough to plain return []. Note that there's only one division by 2, GHC knows that if an Int is even, it can't be odd, so that check has been eliminated, and in no branch a non-empty list is created (i.e., the unreachable branches have been eliminated by the compiler).
Strictly speaking, Haskell does not specify any particular evaluation model, so implementations are free to implement the language's semantics how they want. However, in any sane implementation, including GHC, you can rely on this running in constant space.
In GHC, computations like these result in a singly-linked list ending in a thunk representing the remainder of the list which has not yet been evaluated. As you evaluate this list, more of the list will be generated on demand, but since the beginning of the list is not referred to anywhere else, the earlier parts are immediately eligible for garbage collection, so you get constant space behavior.
With optimizations enabled, GHC is very likely to perform deforestation here, optimizing away the need for having a list at all, and the result will be a simple loop with no allocation performed.

Keeping type generic without η-expansion

What I'm doing: I'm writing a small interpreter system that can parse a file, turn it into a sequence of operations, and then feed thousands of data sets into that sequence to extract some final value from each. A compiled interpreter consists of a list of pure functions that take two arguments: a data set, and an execution context. Each function returns the modified execution context:
type ('data, 'context) interpreter = ('data -> 'context -> 'context) list
The compiler is essentially a tokenizer with a final token-to-instruction mapping step that uses a map description defined as follows:
type ('data, 'context) map = (string * ('data -> 'context -> 'context)) list
Typical interpreter usage looks like this:
let pocket_calc =
let map = [ "add", (fun d c -> c # add d) ;
"sub", (fun d c -> c # sub d) ;
"mul", (fun d c -> c # mul d) ]
Interpreter.parse map "path/to/file.txt"
let new_context = pocket_calc data old_context
The problem: I'd like my pocket_calc interpreter to work with any class that supports add, sub and mul methods, and the corresponding data type (could be integers for one context class and floating-point numbers for another).
However, pocket_calc is defined as a value and not a function, so the type system does not make its type generic: the first time it's used, the 'data and 'context types are bound to the types of whatever data and context I first provide, and the interpreter becomes forever incompatible with any other data and context types.
A viable solution is to eta-expand the definition of the interpreter to allow its type parameters to be generic:
let pocket_calc data context =
let map = [ "add", (fun d c -> c # add d) ;
"sub", (fun d c -> c # sub d) ;
"mul", (fun d c -> c # mul d) ]
let interpreter = Interpreter.parse map "path/to/file.txt" in interpreter data context
However, this solution is unacceptable for several reasons:
It re-compiles the interpreter every time it's called, which significantly degrades performance. Even the mapping step (turning a token list into a interpreter using the map list) causes a noticeable slowdown.
My design relies on all interpreters being loaded at initialization time, because the compiler issues warnings whenever a token in the loaded file does not match a line in the map list, and I want to see all those warnings when the software launches (not when individual interpreters are eventually run).
I sometimes want to reuse a given map list in several interpreters, whether on its own or by prepending additional instructions (for instance, "div").
The questions: is there any way to make the type parametric other than eta-expansion? Maybe some clever trick involving module signatures or inheritance? If that's impossible, is there any way to alleviate the three issues I have mentioned above in order to make eta-expansion an acceptable solution? Thank you!
A viable solution is to eta-expand the
definition of the interpreter to allow
its type parameters to be generic:
let pocket_calc data context =
let map = [ "add", (fun d c -> c # add d) ;
"sub", (fun d c -> c # sub d) ;
"mul", (fun d c -> c # mul d) ]
let interpreter = Interpreter.parse map "path/to/file.txt" in interpreter data context
However, this solution is unacceptable
for several reasons:
It re-compiles the interpreter every time it's called, which
significantly degrades performance.
Even the mapping step (turning a token
list into a interpreter using the map
list) causes a noticeable slowdown.
It recompiles the interpreter every time because you are doing it wrong. The proper form is more something like this (and technically, if the partial interpretation of to interpreter can do some computations, you should move it out of the fun too).
let pocket_calc =
let map = [ "add", (fun d c -> c # add d) ;
"sub", (fun d c -> c # sub d) ;
"mul", (fun d c -> c # mul d) ]
let interpreter = Interpreter.parse map "path/to/file.txt" in
fun data context -> interpreter data context
I think your problem lies in a lack of polymorphism in your operations, which you would like to have a closed parametric type (works for all data supporting the following arithmetic primitives) instead of having a type parameter representing a fixed data type.
However, it's a bit difficult to ensure it's exactly this, because your code is not self-contained enough to test it.
Assuming the given type for primitives :
type 'a primitives = <
add : 'a -> 'a;
mul : 'a -> 'a;
sub : 'a -> 'a;
You can use the first-order polymorphism provided by structures and objects :
type op = { op : 'a . 'a -> 'a primitives -> 'a }
let map = [ "add", { op = fun d c -> c # add d } ;
"sub", { op = fun d c -> c # sub d } ;
"mul", { op = fun d c -> c # mul d } ];;
You get back the following data-agnostic type :
val map : (string * op) list
Edit: regarding your comment about different operation types, I'm not sure which level of flexibility you want. I don't think you could mix operations over different primitives in the same list, and still benefit from the specifities of each : at best, you could only transform an "operation over add/sub/mul" into an "operation over add/sub/mul/div" (as we're contravariant in the primitives type), but certainly not much.
On a more pragmatic level, it's true that, with that design, you need a different "operation" type for each primitives type. You could easily, however, build a functor parametrized by the primitives type and returning the operation type.
I don't know how one would expose a direct subtyping relation between different primitive types. The problem is that this would need a subtyping relation at the functor level, which I don't think we have in Caml. You could, however, using a simpler form of explicit subtyping (instead of casting a :> b, use a function a -> b), build second functor, contravariant, that, given a map from a primitive type to the other, would build a map from one operation type to the other.
It's entirely possible that, with a different and clever representation of the type evolved, a much simpler solution is possible. First-class modules of 3.12 might also come in play, but they tend to be helpful for first-class existential types, whereas here we rhater use universal types.
Interpretive overhead and operation reifications
Besides your local typing problem, I'm not sure you're heading the right way. You're trying to eliminate interpretive overhead by building, "ahead of time" (before using the operations), a closure corresponding to a in-language representation of your operation.
In my experience, this approach doesn't generally get rid of interpretive overhead, it rather moves it to another layer. If you create your closures naïvely, you will have the parsing flow of control reproduced at the closure layer : the closure will call other closures, etc., as your parsing code "interpreted" the input when creating the closure. You eliminated the cost of parsing, but the possibly suboptimal flow of control is still the same. Additionnaly, closures tend to be a pain to manipulate directly : you have to be very careful about comparison operations for example, serialization, etc.
I think you may be interested in the long term in an intermediate "reified" language representing your operations : a simple algebraic data type for arithmetic operations, that you would build from your textual representation. You can still try to build closures "ahead of time" from it, though I'm not sure the performances are much better than directly interpreting it, if the in-memory representation is decent. Moreover, it will be much easier to plug in intermediary analyzers/transformers to optimize your operations, for example going from an "associative binary operations" model to a "n-ary operations" model, which could be more efficiently evaluated.