How to mock spacy models / Doc objects for unit tests? - unit-testing

Loading spacy models slows down running my unit tests. Is there a way to mock spacy models or Doc objects to speed up unit tests?
Example of a current slow tests
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
def test_entities():
text = u"Google is a company."
doc = nlp(text)
assert doc.ents[0].text == u"Google"
Based on the docs my approach is
Constructing the Vocab and Doc manually and setting the entities as tuples.
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
from spacy.tokens import Doc
def test()
alphanum_words = u"Google Facebook are companies".split(" ")
labels = [u"ORG"]
words = alphanum_words + [u"."]
spaces = len(words) * [True]
spaces[-1] = False
spaces[-2] = False
vocab = Vocab(strings=(alphanum_words + labels))
doc = Doc(vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
def get_hash(text):
return vocab.strings[text]
entity_tuples = tuple([(get_hash(labels[0]), 0, 1)])
doc.ents = entity_tuples
assert doc.ents[0].text == u"Google"
Is there a cleaner more Pythonic solution for mocking spacy objects for unit tests for entities?

This is a great question actually! I'd say your instinct is definitely right: If all you need is a Doc object in a given state and with given annotations, always create it manually wherever possible. And unless you're explicitly testing a statistical model, avoid loading it in your unit tests. It makes the tests slow, and it introduces too much unnecessary variance. This is also very much in line with the philosophy of unit testing: you want to be writing independent tests for one thing at a time (not one thing plus a bunch of third-party library code plus a statistical model).
Some general tips and ideas:
If possible, always construct a Doc manually. Avoid loading models or Language subclasses.
Unless your application or test specifically needs the doc.text, you do not have to set the spaces. In fact, I leave this out in about 80% of the tests I write, because it really only becomes relevant when you're putting the tokens back together.
If you need to create a lot of Doc objects in your test suite, you could consider using a utility function, similar to the get_doc helper we use in the spaCy test suite. (That function also shows you how the individual annotations are set manually, in case you need it.)
Use (session-scoped) fixtures for the shared objects, like the Vocab. Depending on what you're testing, you might want to explicitly use the English vocab. In the spaCy test suite, we do this by setting up an en_vocab fixture in the
Instead of setting the doc.ents to a list of tuples, you can also make it a list of Span objects. This looks a bit more straightforward, is easier to read, and in spaCy v2.1+, you can also pass a string as a label:
def test_entities(en_vocab):
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=["Hello", "world"])
doc.ents = [Span(doc, 0, 1, label="ORG")]
assert doc.ents[0].text == "Hello"
If you do need to test a model (e.g. in the test suite that makes sure that your custom models load and run as expected) or a language class like English, put them in a session-scoped fixture. This means that they'll only be loaded once per session instead of once per test. Language classes are lazy-loaded and may also take some time to load, depending on the data they contain. So you only want to do this once.
# Note: You probably don't have to do any of this, unless you're testing your
# own custom models or language classes.
def en_core_web_sm():
return spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
def en_lang_class():
lang_cls = spacy.util.get_lang_class("en")
return lang_cls()
def test(en_lang_class):
doc = en_lang_class("Hello world")


How to test Django REST Framework filter using "now"?

Others have explained why writing tests which depend on the current time is a bad idea (for example non-reproducible errors and not being able to test special dates such as summer time transitions). So when testing serializers I've used the following pattern:
def test_should_be_valid_if_best_before_a_future_date(self) -> None:
serializer = MyModel(
'best_before': datetime.datetime(…),
context={'now': datetime.datetime(…)},
This pattern makes it trivial to test what happens when, for example, best_before is before, at, and after now.
I've not found a similar pattern for filters - they don't seem to have a context property. How would I do similar tests for filters, ideally without mocking anything, since that makes the test depend on an implementation detail?
I don't usually mock time, but when I do I use freezegun:
from datetime import datetime
from freezegun import freeze_time
#freeze_time("2019-01-21 01:00:00")
def test_time():
assert == datetime(2019, 1, 21, 1, 0, 0)
ideally without mocking anything in datetime, since that makes the
test depend on an implementation detail?
Freezegun won't make your test depend on implementation details because it works on a very low level of the Python api.

Elasticsearch "get by index" returns the document, while "match_all" returns no results

I am trying to mock elasticsearch data for hosted CI unit-testing purposes.
I have prepared some fixtures that I can successfully load with bulk(), but then, for unknown reason, I cannot match anything, even though the test_index seemingly contains the data (because I can get() items by their IDs).
The fixtures.json is a subset of ES documents that I fetched from real production index. With real world index, everything works as expected and all tests pass.
An artificial example of the strange behaviour follows:
class MyTestCase(TestCase):
es = Elasticsearch()
def setUpClass(cls):
super().setUpClass()'test_index', SOME_SCHEMA)
with open('fixtures.json') as fixtures:
bulk(, json.load(fixtures))
def tearDownClass(cls):
def test_something(self):
# check all documents are there:
with open('fixtures.json') as fixtures:
for f in json.load(fixtures):
print('test_index', id=f['_id']))
# yes they are!
# BUT:
match_all = {"query": {"match_all": {}}}
print('hits:','test_index', body=match_all)['hits']['hits'])
# prints `hits: []` like there was nothing in
print('count:','test_index', body=match_all)['count'])
# prints `count: 0`
While I can completely understand your pain (everything works except for the tests), the answer is actually quite simple: the tests, in contrast to your experiments, are too quick.
Elasticsearch is near real-time search engine, which means there
is up to 1s delay between indexing a document and it being
There is also unpredictable delay (depending on actual
overhead) between creating an index and it being ready.
So the fix would be time.sleep() to give ES some space to create all the sorcery it needs to give you results. I would do this:
def setUpClass(cls):
super().setUpClass()'test_index', SOME_SCHEMA)
with open('fixtures.json') as fixtures:
bulk(, json.load(fixtures))
def wait_until_index_ready(cls, timeout=10):
for sec in range(timeout):
if'status') in ('green', 'yellow'):
While #jsmesami's is very correct in his answer, there is this possibly cleaner way of doing this. If you notice, the issue is because ES has not re-indexed. There are actually functions exposed by the API for this very purpose.
Try something like,'*')
To be more specific, you can pass index='test_index' to both these functions. I think this is a cleaner and more specific way than using sleep(..).

Unmocking a mocked object in Django unit tests

I have several TestCase classes in my django application. On some of them, I mock out a function which calls external resources by decorating the class with #mock.patch, which works great. One TestCase in my test suite, let's call it B(), depends on that external resource so I don't want it mocked out and I don't add the decorator. It looks something like this:
#mock.patch("myapp.external_resource_function", new=mock.MagicMock)
class A(TestCase):
# tests here
class B(TestBase):
# tests here which depend on external_resource_function
When I test B independently, things work as expected. However, when I run both tests together, A runs first but the function is still mocked out in B. How can I unmock that call? I've tried reloading the module, but it didn't help.
Patch has start and stop methods. Based on what I can see from the code you have provided, I would remove the decorator and use the setUp and tearDown methods found in the link in your classes.
class A(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.patcher1 = patch('myapp.external_resource_function', new=mock.MagicMock)
self.MockClass1 = self.patcher1.start()
def tearDown(self):
def test_something(self):
>>> A('test_something').run()
Great answer. With regard to Ethereal's question, patch objects are pretty flexible in their use.
Here's one way to approach tests that require different patches. You could still use setUp and tearDown, but not to do the patch.start/stop bit.
You start() the patches in each test and you use a finally clause to make sure they get stopped().
Patches also support Context Manager stuff so that's another option, not shown here.
class A(TestCase):
patcher1 = patch('myapp.external_resource_function', new=mock.MagicMock)
patcher2 = patch('myapp.something_else', new=mock.MagicMock)
def test_something(self):
li_patcher = [self.patcher1]
for patcher in li_patcher:
for patcher in li_patcher:
def test_something_else(self):
li_patcher = [self.patcher1, self.patcher2]
for patcher in li_patcher:
for patcher in li_patcher:

How to test Models in Django with Foreign Keys

I want to make sure I am testing Models/Objects in isolation and not as one huge system.
If I have an Order object and it has Foreign Keys to Customers, Payments, OrderItems, etc. and I want to test Order functionality, I need to create fixtures for all of that related data, or create it in code. I think what I really need to be doing is mocking out the other items, but I don't see an easy (or possible) solution for that if I am doing queries on these Foreign Keys.
The common solutions (fixtures) don't really let me test one Object at a time. I am sure this is partly caused by my app being way over coupled.
I am trying my darndest to adopt TDD as my main method of working, but the way things work with Django, it seems you can either run very trivial unit tests, or these massive integration tests.
[Edit] Better explicit example and a some more humility
What I mean is that I seem to be able to only run trivial unit tests. I have seen people with very well tested and granular modules. I am certain some of this can be followed back to poor design.
I have a model call Upsell which is linked to a Product model. Then I have a Choices model which are children of Upsell (do you want what's behind door #1, #2, #3).
The Upsell model has several methods on it that derive items necessary to render the template from their choices. The most important one is that it creates a URL for each choice. It does this through some string mangling etc. If I wanted to test the Upsell.get_urls() method, I want to have it not depend on the values of choices in the fixtures, and I want to not have it depend on the value of Product in the fixtures.
Right now I populate the db in the setUp method for the tests, and that works well with the way Django backs out the transaction every time, but only outside of setUp and tearDown. This works fairly well except some of the Models are fairly complex to set up, while I actually only need to get one attribute for it.
I can't give you an example of that, since I can't accomplish it, but here is the type of thing I am doing now. Basically I input an entire order, create the A/B experiment it was attached to, etc. And that's not counting Product, Categories, etc. all set up by fixtures. It's not the extra work I am concerned as I can't even test one database-based object at a time. The Tests below are important, but they are integration tests. I would like to be building up to something like this by testing each item separately. As you pointed out, maybe I shouldn't have chosen a framework so closely tied to the db. Does any sort of dependency injection exist with something like this? (beyond my testing, but the code itself as well)
class TestMultiSinglePaySwap(TestCase):
fixtures = ['/srv/asm/fixtures/alchemysites.json','/srv/asm/fixtures/catalog.json','/srv/asm/fixtures/checkout_smallset.json','/srv/asm/fixtures/order-test-fixture.json','/srv/asm/fixtures/offers.json']
def setUp(self):
self.o = Order()
self.sp = SiteProfile.objects.get(pk=1)
self.c = Customer.objects.get(pk=1)
signals.post_save.disconnect(order_email_first, sender=Order)
self.o.customer = self.c
p = Payment()
p.cc_number = '4444000011110000'
p.cc_exp_month = '12'
p.cc_type = 'V'
p.cc_exp_year = '2020'
p.cvv2 = '123'
self.o.payment = p
self.o.site_profile = self.sp
self.initial_items = []
self.main_kit = Product.objects.get(pk='MOA1000D6')
self.o.add_item('MOA1000D6', 1, False)
self.item1 = Product.objects.get(pk='MOA1041A-6')
self.o.add_item('MOA1041A-6', 1, False)
self.item2 = Product.objects.get(pk='MOA1015-6B')
self.o.add_item('MOA1015-6B', 1, False)
self.item3 = Product.objects.get(pk='STP1001-6E')
self.o.add_item('STP1001-6E', 1, False)
self.swap_item1 = Product.objects.get(pk='MOA1041A-1')
def test_single_pay_swap_wholeorder(self):
o = self.o
post_swap_order = Order.objects.get(pk =
swapped_skus = ['MOA1000D','MOA1041A-1','MOA1015-1B','STP1001-1E']
order_items = post_swap_order.get_all_line_items()
self.assertEqual(order_items.count(), 4)
pr1 = Product()
pr1.sku = 'MOA1000D'
item = OrderItem.objects.get(order = o, sku = 'MOA1000D')
self.assertTrue(item.sku.sku == 'MOA1000D')
pr2 = Product()
pr2.sku = 'MOA1015-1B'
item = OrderItem.objects.get(order = o, sku = 'MOA1015-1B')
self.assertTrue(item.sku.sku == 'MOA1015-1B')
pr1 = Product()
pr1.sku = 'MOA1041A-1'
item = OrderItem.objects.get(order = o, sku = 'MOA1041A-1')
self.assertTrue(item.sku.sku == 'MOA1041A-1')
pr1 = Product()
pr1.sku = 'STP1001-1E'
item = OrderItem.objects.get(order = o, sku = 'STP1001-1E')
self.assertTrue(item.sku.sku == 'STP1001-1E')
Note that I have never actually used a Mock framework though I have tried. So I may also just be fundamentally missing something here.
Look into model mommy. It can automagically create objects with Foreign Keys.
This will probably not answer your question but it may give you food for thought.
In my opinion when you are testing a database backed project or application there is a limit to what you can mock. This is especially so when you are using a framework and an ORM such as the one Django offers. In Django there is no distinction between the business model class and the persistence model class. If you want such a distinction then you'll have to add it yourself.
Unless you are willing to add that additional layer of complexity yourself it becomes tricky to test the business objects alone without having to add fixtures etc. If you must do so you will have to tackle some of the auto magic vodoo done by Django.
If you do choose to grit your teeth and dig in then Michael Foord's Python Mock library will come in quite handy.
I am trying my darndest to adopt TDD as my main method of working, but the way things work with Django, it seems you can either run very trivial unit tests, or these massive integration tests.
I have used Django unit testing mechanism to write non-trivial unit tests. My requirements were doubtless very different from yours. If you can provide more specific details about what you are trying to accomplish then users here would be able to suggest other alternatives.

Django, generic relations, make fixtures

I'm trying to add generic relations and one-to-one relations support for django-test-utils makefixture command, here is the source
Does somebody have ideas how to do this? Or may be there is another tool for such thing as:
./ dumpcmd User[:10] > fixtures.json
You have several options how to approach the problem. I'll concentrate on the poke-the-code aproach, since it's been a while since I mucked around with django internals.
I have included the relevant code below from the link. Note that I have removed irrelevant parts. Also note that the part you'll be editing YOUR CASE HERE is in need of a refactor.
Follow the following algorithm until you're satisfied.
Refactor the if statements depending on the fields into (one or more) separate function(s).
Add inspection code until you figure out what fields correspond to generic relations.
Add extraction code until the generic relations are followed.
def handle_models(self, models, **options):
# SNIP handle options
all = objects
if propagate:
collected = set([(x.__class__, for x in all])
while objects:
related = []
for x in objects:
print "Adding %s[%s]" % (model_name(x),
# follow forward relation fields
for f in x.__class__._meta.fields + x.__class__._meta.many_to_many:
if isinstance(f, ForeignKey):
new = getattr(x, # instantiate object
if new and not (new.__class__, in collected:
if isinstance(f, ManyToManyField):
for new in getattr(x,
if new and not (new.__class__, in collected:
objects = related
# SNIP serialization