Flask - converting python execution to flask run - flask

I developed my first flask application that is currently running and everything work fine. The application is loaded using "python application.py" or using gUnicorn. There is no fancy fancy folder structure everything is in the same folder, with exception of the static\ and templates\
Folder Structure:
- application\hello.py
- application\static\
- application\templates\
To Run:
- python hello.py
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host='', load_dotenv=True, debug=True, threaded=True)
Now that looking to add more functionalities to the application noticed most tutorials uses "flask run" to launch the instead. There are two different tutorials I am following one using blueprints and the other one is the microblog tutorial both using similar folder structure:
- application\run.py
- application\app\main.py
- application\app\static\
- application\app\templates\
To run:
- export Flask_APP=run.py
- flask run
The application will continue to grow and I want to follow best practices.
Question 1:
How do I enable the following parameters when using "flask run"??:
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host='', load_dotenv=True, debug=True, threaded=True)
Question 2:
Is there any pro/cons configuring the app to run using flask run vs python app.py????? There was another post with this title but context was unrelated.
When can I read more about this??

Threaded mode is enabled by default. You don't have to pass it in. Source
For debug mode, use export FLASK_DEBUG=1. Source
For load_dotenv use export FLASK_SKIP_DOTENV=0 Source
For specifying port use export FLASK_RUN_PORT=8000. Source
To bind the app to, set SERVER_NAME config like app.config['SERVER_NAME']. Source
Also see:


While importing 'myapp.app' an import error was raised

I'm building a flask application, located in a subdirectory within my project called myapp. Running gunicorn --bind$PORT myapp.app:app works fine, no errors, regardless of what FLASK_APP is set to. When I try to use Flask's CLI, however, it fails to find my app (reasonable), but when I set FLASK_APP to myapp.app., it appears to be doubling up the import path, resulting in an import error:
FLASK_APP=myapp.app flask run
* Serving Flask app 'myapp.app' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
Usage: flask run [OPTIONS]
Try 'flask run --help' for help.
Error: While importing 'myapp.myapp.app', an ImportError was raised.
How can I solve this? Is this a bug in Flask?
There was a __init__.py in my project directory that was causing this.
I dug into the source code of flask in cli.py and found the following code in prepare_import:
# move up until outside package structure (no __init__.py)
while True:
path, name = os.path.split(path)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "__init__.py")):
Because I had an __init__.py in my project directory (also called myapp), this made flask try to import myapp.app from the ancestor of my project, resulting in myapp.myapp.app.

Running Flask in Pycharm but can't enter custom commands [duplicate]

I created new flask project in PyCharm but I can't see how to run flask shell in integrated PyCharm python console window.
Name app is not defined when start console:
I still can run command "flask shell" in integrated PyCharm terminal but it will start without code completion, hints, syntax checks, etc.
Flask app is defined in terminal:
Is there any way to start flask shell in integrated PyCharm python console?
You can use a combination of creating a request context for the Shell (which flask shell does) and a custom starting script for the PyCharm console.
# Step 1: acquire a reference to your Flask App instance
import app
app_instance = app.create_app()
# I return app instance from a factory method here, but might be be `app.app` for basic Flask projects
# Step 2: push test request context so that you can do stuff that needs App, like SQLAlchemy
ctx = app_instance.test_request_context()
Now you should have the benefits of flask shell alongside the code completion and other benefits that IPython Shell provides, all from the default PyCharm Python Shell.
In my case (in my server.py I had app=Flask(__name__)) I used
from server import app
ctx = app.app_context()
Then added this to File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Console | Python Console starting script
This also works:
from app import app
ctx = app.test_request_context()
more on the Flask docs page
Running a Shell
To run an interactive Python shell you can use the shell command:
flask shell
This will start up an interactive Python shell, setup the correct
application context and setup the local variables in the shell. This
is done by invoking the Flask.make_shell_context() method of the
application. By default you have access to your app and g.
It's just a normal interactive Python shell with some local variables already setup for you, not an IDE editor with code completion, hints, syntax checks, etc.

Flask not displaying debug mode [duplicate]

How are you meant to debug errors in Flask? Print to the console? Flash messages to the page? Or is there a more powerful option available to figure out what's happening when something goes wrong?
Running the app in debug mode will show an interactive traceback and console in the browser when there is an error. As of Flask 2.2, to run in debug mode, pass the --app and --debug options to the flask command.
$ flask --app example --debug run
Prior to Flask 2.2, this was controlled by the FLASK_ENV=development environment variable instead. You can still use FLASK_APP and FLASK_DEBUG=1 instead of the options above.
For Linux, Mac, Linux Subsystem for Windows, Git Bash on Windows, etc.:
$ export FLASK_APP=example
$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1
$ flask run
For Windows CMD, use set instead of export:
For PowerShell, use $env:
$env:FLASK_DEBUG = "1"
If you're using the app.run() method instead of the flask run command, pass debug=True to enable debug mode.
Tracebacks are also printed to the terminal running the server, regardless of development mode.
If you're using PyCharm, VS Code, etc., you can take advantage of its debugger to step through the code with breakpoints. The run configuration can point to a script calling app.run(debug=True, use_reloader=False), or point it at the venv/bin/flask script and use it as you would from the command line. You can leave the reloader disabled, but a reload will kill the debugging context and you will have to catch a breakpoint again.
You can also use pdb, pudb, or another terminal debugger by calling set_trace in the view where you want to start debugging.
Be sure not to use too-broad except blocks. Surrounding all your code with a catch-all try... except... will silence the error you want to debug. It's unnecessary in general, since Flask will already handle exceptions by showing the debugger or a 500 error and printing the traceback to the console.
You can use app.run(debug=True) for the Werkzeug Debugger edit as mentioned below, and I should have known.
From the 1.1.x documentation, you can enable debug mode by exporting an environment variable to your shell prompt:
export FLASK_APP=/daemon/api/views.py # path to app
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
python -m flask run --host=
One can also use the Flask Debug Toolbar extension to get more detailed information embedded in rendered pages.
from flask import Flask
from flask_debugtoolbar import DebugToolbarExtension
import logging
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
app.secret_key = 'development key'
toolbar = DebugToolbarExtension(app)
def index():
logging.warning("See this message in Flask Debug Toolbar!")
return "<html><body></body></html>"
Start the application as follows:
FLASK_APP=main.py FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run
If you're using Visual Studio Code, replace
It appears when turning on the internal debugger disables the VS Code debugger.
If you want to debug your flask app then just go to the folder where flask app is. Don't forget to activate your virtual environment and paste the lines in the console change "mainfilename" to flask main file.
export FLASK_APP="mainfilename.py"
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
python -m flask run --host=
After you enable your debugger for flask app almost every error will be printed on the console or on the browser window.
If you want to figure out what's happening, you can use simple print statements or you can also use console.log() for javascript code.
To activate debug mode in flask you simply type set FLASK_DEBUG=1 on your CMD for windows, or export FLASK_DEBUG=1 on Linux terminal then restart your app and you are good to go!!
Install python-dotenv in your virtual environment.
Create a .flaskenv in your project root. By project root, I mean the folder which has your app.py file
Inside this file write the following:
Now issue the following command:
flask run
When running as python app.py instead of the flask command, you can pass debug=True to app.run.
if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python app.py
with virtual env activate
export FLASK_DEBUG=true
you can configure
export FLASK_APP=app.py # run.py
export FLASK_ENV = "development"
to start
flask run
the result
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: xxx-xxx-xxx
and if you change
export FLASK_DEBUG=false
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
For Windows users:
Open Powershell and cd into your project directory.
Use these commandos in Powershell, all the other stuff won't work in Powershell.
$env:FLASK_APP = "app"
$env:FLASK_ENV = "development"
If you have PyCharm Professional, you can create a Flask server run configuration and enable the FLASK_DEBUG checkbox. Go to Run > Edit Configurations, select or create a Flask server configuration, and enable the FLASK_DEBUG checkbox. Click OK, then click the run button.
You can install python-dotenv with
pip install python-dotenv then create a .flask_env or a .env file
The contents of the file can be:
Use loggers and print statements in the Development Environment, you can go for sentry in case of production environments.

Where to put logging setup code in a flask app?

I'm writing my first Flask application. The application itself runs fine. I just have a newbie question about logging in production mode.
The basic structure:
flask/... <- virtual env with flask + extensions
The application is started by run.py script:
import os.path
import sys
appdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
if appdir not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(1, appdir)
from app import app as application
if __name__ == '__main__':
and is started either directly or from an Apache 2.4 web server. I have these lines in the apache config:
WSGIPythonHome /usr/local/opt/app1/flask
WSGIScriptAlias /app1 /usr/local/opt/app1/run.py
In the former case, the debug=True is all I need for the development.
I'd like to have some logging also for the latter case, i.e. when running under Apache on a production server. Following is a recommendation from the Flask docs:
if not app.debug:
import logging
from themodule import TheHandlerYouWant
file_handler = TheHandlerYouWant(...)
It needs some customization, but that's what I want - instructions for the case when app.debug flag is not set. Similar recommendation was given also here:
How do I write Flask's excellent debug log message to a file in production?
Please help: where do I have to put this code?
UPDATE: based on the comments by davidism and the first answer I've got I think the app in the current simple form is not suitable for what I was asking for. I will modify it to use different sets of configuration data as recommended here: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/config/#development-production . If my application were larger, I would follow the pech0rin's answer.
UPDATE2: I think the key here is that the environment variables should control how the application is to be configured.
I have had a lot of success with setting up my logging configurations inside a create_app function. This uses the application factory pattern. This allows you to pass in some arguments or a configuration class. The application is then specifically created using your parameters.
This allows you initialize the application, setup logging, and do whatever else you want to do, before the application is sent back to be run.
For example:
def create_app(dev=False):
app = Flask(__name__)
if dev:
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
return app
This has worked very well for me in production environments. YMMV

google app engine (python): ImportError no module named django

So I'm trying to use the django 1.1 template engine with the google app engine web app framework, from here. This is on Ubuntu Jaunty, I've made sure that the PYTHONPATH contains the location of Django-1.1.1 yet I'm getting this 'ImportError: No module named django' error when it tries to execute the use_library() line below. Again, could somebody help me? I'm stumped.
import os
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings'
from google.appengine.dist import use_library
use_library('django', '1.1')
Came up with the following solution:
Get django 1.1 and put it under your project root.
Add an empty file "non_gae_indicator" to your project root folder.
Add django and non_gae_indicator to your app.yaml skip_files element:
- ^(.*/)?app\.yaml
- ^(.*/)?app\.yml
- ^(.*/)?index\.yaml
- ^(.*/)?index\.yml
- ^(.*/)?#.*#
- ^(.*/)?.*~
- ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]
- ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*
- ^(.*/)?\..*
- ^(.*/)?.*\.bak$
- ^django
- ^non_gae_indicator
Now we have a way to tell whether we are running under the GAE-sdk or live - since non_gae_indicator won't be available when we are live.
So in main.py you can do:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/non_gae_indicator'):
from google.appengine.dist import use_library
use_library('django', '1.1')
# Not GAE - Add our django package to the path
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/django')
You should run your local SDK server with the --allow_skipped_files flag (or else the skipped files will appear to not be exist when checking them - the server console gives a warning about it).
#stallarida - The problem is that .96 is shipped as default with the SDK. What I did in the end, which is a dirty hack but works, is to update the version of django in the appengine directory to 1.1. Worked fine, needed a bit of tweaking between dev and production.
Specifically I had to comment out use_library('django', '1.1') when running locally but include it when uploading my app.
I'm sure there's a better solution and I'll work it out when my linux experience improves.