The folder you are executing pip from can no longer be found - python-2.7

I have a virtual machine under Hyper V that represents a cluster single-node of Hortonworks Data Platform with the following characteristics:
OS: centos 7.6.1810 minimal
python: 2.7.5
I installed pip package with the following command :
yum -y install python-pip
The installation is well finished, but when I want to check the version of pip pip -V it gives me this error : The folder you are executing pip from can no longer be found.
My folder /usr/local/bin/ does not contain any files or folders.
paths of python2.7 : /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python
the cmd which python returns : /bin/python
paths of pip : /usr/bin/pip /usr/bin/pip2 /usr/bin/pip2.7
which -a pip
I'm stuck thanks for helping me please.

Alternatively, kill your terminal, and start a new one.

Adding it as an answer since it worked. Pip requires a log out/log in to set environment variables.
Log out and log back in, try again and it seems to have worked.


How to install Pip on a new Ubuntu upgrade

I posted the question below, but none of the answers I was pointed to worked, though they look like they should.
I activated (again) the virtualenv. It still tells me that pip can't be found by apt when doing an 'apt install' command. But here is where I am now, and very confused.
I pointed my directory to "/home/.../q7root/bin/pip" and did an "ls". It shows a sub-directory with pip in it (or, I think, a link to it - I'm not the best at Unix). When I type "which pip" I get the path to this point ('q7root/pip'). bit if I just type "pip" at the CLI I get I get this error:
[![pip error][1]][1]
I have looked at my PATH, and this q7root/bin is the first place to look on the path. And, despite trying mightily with all the references people gave me, pip3 never gets installed.
But even pip is challenged. "which pip" points to this copy in the virtual environment site, but typing "pip" as a command tells me 'No module named pip.'
So pip seems to need more stuff installed (?), or there is some mess. Any advice?
Original Question:
At the suggestion of others working on what was a functional Django project, I upgraded to a more recent version of Ubuntu (18).
However, when I first try to run it it blows up at line 3 of the initial script module when asked to import django as a package.
I tried pip -r requirements.txt, but the system said pip was an unknown package. I dropped down and used apt to load pip onto my machine (sudo apt-get pip), then tried using pip itself (pip update pip) which failed.:
[![Pip load error message][2]][2]
I also tried pip install django, and got this:
[![django not found][3]][3]
I would have thought an OS upgrade would not require re-installing all currently installed packages (seems like a no-brainer to do the work of installing everything that had been installed). But right now I am terribly stuck...obviously, having 'pip' let's you (at least) have a basic CLI tool.
Any advice?
It depends on the version of python.
Python 3
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
Python 2
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-pip
How to Install Pip on Ubuntu 18.04
Start with a fresh Ubuntu install. I think you've run too many commands for your current setup to be reproduceable.
Install python3 and python3-venv.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-venv
Use the venv module to create the virtual env.
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
You now have access to pip in the venv.
It's OK to upgrade pip in the virtual env, I suggest you don't ever upgrade the system pip otherwise you might hit issues like this.
(myenv) python -m pip --version
(myenv) python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Now you can use pip to install your requirements in the virtual env.
(myenv) python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
In the above commands I've used python -m pip instead of pip. This is the recommended way, as it ensures that you are using the version of pip that matches python.
In the end, this was a state of deep computer confusion. I was already disk-limited so I bought a new computer, and this error did not recur with the same code being used.

python pip install error language_check

When I am trying to install sudo pip install language_check
I got this error:
Collecting language_check
Downloading language-check-1.0.tar.gz
Complete output from command python egg_info: zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Installed /tmp/pip-build-_cYgOq/language-check/.eggs/3to2-1.1.1-py2.7.‌​
egg error in language-check setup command: package_data must be a dictionary
mapping package names to lists of wildcard patterns
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-_cYgOq/language-check/
It's a bug in language-check. They fixed it at 23 March but didn't include in any release yet (release 1.0 was from 21 March).
Download the sources from Github and install with
python install
I believe that if you install the latest version of Python, python3.6.2 it should work.
git clone -b patch-1
python install
Above will work
I was able to successfully install language-check in my Python 3.7 environment on MacOS as follows:
Check Java installation :
for language-check, Java 8 is expected
For MacOS: Follow these steps :
Install language-check
pip install language-check, won't directly work, you would have to:
Install from a forked & fixed repo for language-check
pip install git+

python virtualenv on windows: Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'

I have created a virtualenv in python 2.7 (Anaconda) on a dev machine and (after package installation) copied it to another windows machine in a PROD setting (no communication to outside). Executing any of the installed ".exe" entry points for a program in the virtualenv produces this error on the target machine however runs fine on the source machine:
(env) D:\app\pyvenv>env\Scripts\pip.exe
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'
The location of python installation on both machines is set to the same folder: C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2
Also see my additional notes at the bottom of this post. thanks
in my case, I previously changed the name of the python.exe executable to python3.exe so when I run:
virtualenv project1_env
it can't locate the python.exe if that was your case too .. just rename it again to python.exe and it should work.
In my case I solve by upgrading pip using following code in activate environment.
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
In my case I uninstalled venv and then installed it again and it worked.
pip uninstall virtualenv to uninstall it and use pip install virtualenv to install it again.
I had the same problem. Try making virtualenv with this command:
virtualenv --python C:\Path\To\Python\python.exe venv
Note that you should specify the path to your python installation folder after --python option.
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Run this while in the venv. seems like a system change occured and reinstalling it restores it to default.

Pip installation bug

So I tried to install pip using the file, and when I ran the file, terminal told me I already had pip installed on 2.7. However, when I try to find the version of my pip, terminal tells me pip doesn't exist and points to a version of 3.5 I have installed. Clearly my issue is that I have pip installed on v2.7 but the pip command is linked to v3.5. Any clues on how to fix?
Here's a picture of my terminal output:
To install a package in a particular version of python, use the following commands always:
For python 2.x:
sudo python -m pip install [package]
For python 3.x:
sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
This should resolve the doubt of which python version is the given package getting installed for.
Note: This is assuming you have not created aliases for the python command

Python3 pyserial library

I am working on small python scripts. Basically i am not a python programmer and very new to it. Recently i have been working on IOT protocol MQTT. I have installed a open source MQTT clinet based on python3 in my raspberypi board. And now i am facing a problem. I have python 2.7 and 3.2 installed.
My MQTT client work with Python3.x and i want to use pyserial library also which i am not able to , i am getting a error
Serial module not found
I goggled a bit and end up here.. Now it say that you need to install pip3 in order to install pyserial for python3.x.
I tried to install pip3 using this link , but end up installing pip2 using
pip install -U pip
I feel totally being messed up now. I just want to use pyserial while working with python3.x version.Can any one suggest me how?
Edit 1:
On Linux, Mac OS X and other POSIX systems, use the versioned Python commands in combination with the -m switch to run the appropriate copy of pip:
python2 -m pip install SomePackage # default Python 2
python2.7 -m pip install SomePackage # specifically Python 2.7
python3 -m pip install SomePackage # default Python 3
python3.4 -m pip install SomePackage # specifically Python 3.4
I recently came through this documentation given here . But it even give a error to me /usr/bin/python3 : NO module named pip. main : 'pip' is a package and cannot be installed directly.
Assuming you're using raspbian on your pi, you could install pip3 from the normal repositories:
apt-get install python3-pip
You can get the serial module the same way:
apt-get install python3-serial
I succeeded installing pyserial2.7 on a Mac running Yosemite and Python3.4
I entered the pyserial-x.y directory and run:
python3 install
I got lot of errors that I corrected one by one by editing the files containing the syntax errors. Only 2 types of errors are encountered:
- print needs ()
- except needs as instead of ,
So by correcting the dozen of errors with some patience, installation finish correctly.
I wonder why a syntactically correct version for Python3 is not ready!