ColdFusion 2018: How to setup a mapping correctly? - coldfusion

These are the steps I use:
1) I created new mapping inside CF Server => Server Settings => Mapping
logical path: /mysite
directory path: /Volumes/drive2/work/mysite
2) I restarted the server
/Applications/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/bin/coldfusion stop && /Applications/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/bin/coldfusion start
3) Using my preferred text editor, I created test.cfm inside /Volumes/drive2/work/mysite with the following contents
<cfdump var="#CGI#">
4) I then tried viewing the new file on my browser via
I then get a 404 error. Exact message goes like "coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException: File not found: /mysite/test.cfm"
I checked these 2 things:
I verified that /Volumes/drive2/work/mysite is readable by everyone (755 permission)
I verified that /Volumes/drive2/work/mysite/test.cfm is readable by everyone (644 permission)
Other than creating the mapping, the other configurations I've changed are:
created datasource for my app
Enabled debugging/logging but only after I got the first 404 error
Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? or perhaps other settings I should've set? I've added a screenshot of the mappings section below.
Edit: I'm using the built-in webserver provided by the standalone/developer edition. I'm also using localhost.

What you are attempting to do is not what ColdFusion mappings are for. ColdFusion mappings are used by ColdFusion code to access files. What you are attempting to do via a request like localhost:8500/mysite/test.cfm is access a folder through your web server. What you need to do for that is create a "virtual directory" using your web server admin.
You did not specify which web server you are using but it should be very easy to find documentation on how to accomplish what you need by searching your "web server name create virtual directory".
Here are a couple of examples for IIS and Apache.
IIS Virtual Directory
Apache Alias
If you are using the builtin Tomcat server, as we can assume by the use of localhost and port 8500, then follow the directions documented on the following page under the Adding a virtual directory for ColdFusion using the built-in Tomcat application server section.
ColdFusion Tomcat


Are there alternate locations for the robots.txt file or configurations that control it?

We have a website with a number of applications configured as sub-sites. Currently none of the sites are being indexed properly by google. I'm assuming that this is due to the robots.txt file which contains:
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /
I can view the robots.txt file by adding the file name to the URL of the root site ( but when searching the actual web server directory there is no robots.txt file. I have tried to put a new robots.txt file in the root directory but it has no effect. The only thing that has come up when I've tried to search for this issue is an IIS Search Engine Optimization feature which we do not have installed. Is there some kind of server setting or policy that is generating the file automatically? We have access to the web server but it was set up and is controlled by another department.
VM server
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
IIS 8.5
Turns out that our website is being directed through the Azure AD Application Proxy. According to this doc web crawler robots are blocked through the aforementioned default robots.txt reply:

<cfajaxproxy> Locked-Down production Lucee

Setting up production lucee box, having issues locating ajax library in lucee server. My browser unable to find ajax library showing 404 error.
I am not sure this is because of firewall or lucee server configuration issue.
My development and staging working fine only having issue in production server.
Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 404
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
Please advise..
With an Adobe CF server, the JS files related to cfajaxproxy are in the /CFIDE/scripts/ folder. The /CFIDE/ folder is removed from public access when the server is locked down. To allow access to the JS files for the UI and ajax tags, you can specify an alias in CF Admin for that folder.
For example, /cfjs would map to /CFIDE/scripts in CF Amin, so CF will generate that path for cfajaxproxy use. You'd have to create this folder alias in IIS or whatever web server you're using.
If on Lucee, the folder /lucee/core/ is blocked when locked down, there should be a similar solution for that engine.

Coldfusion 11 Installation - invalid credentials

I just installed ColdFusion 11 on a Windows 2008 server. After installation, I got the message to proceed with configuration using the link
where is
However, it keeps rejecting the userid and password I provided during installation for administrator.
Any help is highly appreciated.
This blog entry should help you: Troubleshooting ColdFusion Admin Login Issues.
You can also try the following quick workarounds:
Try an alternate browser (issue primarily occurs with IE).
Try alternative address or
http://localhost:port_no/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm or
Try the passwordreset.bat and then try with the same ip or loopbak ip
Enable internal/built port for ColdFusion and then try
http://localhost:8500/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm, where 8500 is
the internal port for ColdFusion.
Note: Enabling internal/built port would require a ColdFusion Application Server restart.
This is usually due to reasons posted here -
The issue is happening because of mime type (.air) entry specified in the web.config of the webroot.
Can you try the following steps:-
Navigate to the webroot of your site.
Take a backup of web.config and open it with text editor (notepad etc)
Comment the entry for mimeType extension of ".air" like <!--<mimeMap fileExtension=".air"
Save the file and restart IIS.
Launch CF Admin and try to login.
Commenting out the .air type in site specific web.config file has resolved the issue.

recieving error The file you are attempting to save or retrieve has been blocked from this Web site by the server administrators.<nativehr>0x800401e6

After building and deploying, checked the solution management from Central administration and it's up, a simple web service method that only created a Document Library list with a few columns when trying to retrieve the wsdl or even just by calling the WS fromt the adress since its a void method I recieve some error:
The file you are attempting to save or retrieve has been blocked from this Web site by the server administrators.<nativehr>0x800401e6</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>
The very same method runs fine when called from another web service project that is already deployed so there's nothing wrong with the code. I'm most probably doing something wrong but can't figure.
The system is running on a win server 2008 with sharepoint 2010, framework 3.5 and "ANY" cpu mode.
thank you!
Managed to get rid of the previous error by removing asmx extention from the blocked file list in central administration now instead I'm recieving a 404 error:
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /_layouts1/my2claims/tt_claims.asmx
it must run under the same application pool as SharePoint

Coldfusion 8: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

I installed Coldfusion 8 trial version on my system (XP Professional sp3).
I created an Folder in the “C:/Coldfusion8/wwwroot” called “buildProject” containing an Index.cfm and some other .cfm files.
But I am unable to access the Neither my project files or CFIDE/Administrator
I tried the following URLS
http://localhost /wwwroot/buildProject/index.cfm
http://localhost /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
http://localhost /wwwroot/buildProject/
http://localhost /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
• I cleared the browsing “History” from both IE and FF.
• I have restarted the CF server in the Control Panel >Administrative Tools > Services
• Even restarted the IIS
Getting the same error.
Further I was trying to access IE/FF via CFbuilder But still I am getting the error
“The connection was refused when attempting to contact [URL].”
If you connected Coldfusion to IIS, then you probably need to connect on port 80. Which you did try, but if you connected Coldfusion to IIS, then the document root is IIS's document root, not the document root you created your new directory in.
I believe the document root for IIS on XP is c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
So, try putting a test.cfm file in there that just contains "hello world" or something, and see if you can request it from there.
Hopefully you installed IIS first and were happy it was working before installing CF.
Try connecting to your IIS on http://localhost
You should get the default IIS .htm landing page , probably index.html or something, so at least you know IIS is working fine.
If you then try http://localhost/nosuchpage.htm you will see a 403 error (as long as you didnt specify to allow directory browsing). In the standard IIS error page you should be able to see
Physical Path D:\inetpub\wwwroot
or wherever IIS thinks your web root is. When you then install CF to use IIS (rather than standalone) it will use this path as your web root.
Rename your index.html file as index.cfm and connect to it on
If vanilla html pages are working from the directory but .cfm pages are not then you probably need an CFIDE mapping (I think one quick workaround is simply to copy your CFIDE folder and drop it into web root).
What happens if you try typing this in as a url:
http://{your i.p. address}:8500/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
I bet it works