I have clean installed VS2017 and VS 2019 with both the .Net Core 2.2 and 1.0 tooling. I cloned the latest version of the prism repository found here. Upon loading the solution, (PrismLibrary.sln) Most projects do not load. Upon trying to load one, I get the following error :
I have followed the path and the file exists as shown below:
Does anyone know how to get around this/ fix it so i can fully load the solution.
Thanks in advance.
Turns out in the latest version of the library, the global.json specifies .NET Core 3.0 preview. Remove this and the solution will work.
I'm trying to build a simple object detection runner, really just following this MS Docs guide: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/ai/windows-ml/tutorials/tensorflow-deploy-model
I already figured out building the View and adding capabilities so the provided code actually compiles.
Just one more problem right now: When creating the session, it crashes claiming "Unknown model file format version" which seems to translate to "Opset of the model you use is not supported".
Looking at github issues google showed me, I'm supposed to install the Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning nuget package and all is well. Except when I installed it, nothing changed.
So, what's left to do beside open yet another github issue? I already re-exported my model from opset 15 to opset 11 because the nuget package only supports that.
I'm on windows 10, UWP targeting 2004.
I created a sample application to open a webpage on microsoft edge, by following below URL guidance.
I installed packages using NuGet packet manager as instructed. Everything worked fine on development machine.
Then I copied the exe of my sample application and the library "WebView2Loader.dll" into testing machine, which has Microsoft edge Version 83.0.478.50 (Official build) (64-bit). I got "ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" error, means "Either it failed find the edge installation or version is Not compatible with SDK version". This error is on call CreateCoreWebView2Environment(), which supposed to find browser.
I am trying to find out why it is not working when it has higher version of than minimum required version. As per documentation, minimum required version of edge is 82 I have 83.0.478.50.
Let me know what I am missing on test environment? should I set any environment variables? I tried find online if there any environment variables required, couldn't find any.
The current version Microsoft.web.webview2 SDK is 0.9.488. The testing box has edge version 83.0.478.50. I understand that I need to update my edge version on Testing machine.
What version of the SDK package are you using?
The way to find out the minimum version of the browser for a given SDK package is to look at the build numbers. For example:
SDK version 0.9.538 requires Edge n.n.538.n+
More details can be found here:
CreateCoreWebView2Environment or CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions returns 'FILE_NOT_FIND'?
You need webview2 runtime. You should download WebView2 Runtime installer (Preview) and then run it.
Separate webview2 runtime is not necessary if there is a fully functional Microsoft edge(Chromium). But the stable channel Microsoft edge(Chromium) is not supported by now, as the webview2 is in its preview stage.
cannot start .NET Core app because of this error:
"It was not possible to find any compatible framework version
The specified framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '2.0.7' was not found.
- Check application dependencies and target a framework version installed at:
- Alternatively, install the framework version '2.0.7'.
The program '[1560] dotnet.exe' has exited with code -2147450749 (0x80008083)."
Editing .csproj didn't help. It looks like this:
You don't have the right .NET Core runtime installed. It's not good enough that's a .NET Core 2 runtime; it needs to be a minor version that is equal to or encompasses the version you're trying to target. You can see all the available runtimes here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/all. Specifically, you need 2.0 Runtime (v2.0.7) or higher. You can just choose 2.1, though. 2.0.7 will be rolled in and then, if you do end up upgrading your project later, you won't run into this issue again.
After playing around for a (longer) while, eventually it turned out that the solution is to comment out RuntimeFrameworkVersion in .csproj:
It is worth mentioning that the problem occured after my collegues upgraded a .NET Core to higher version and I did 'Get latest version'.
Today after updating our projects it seems Xunit.KRunner is no longer available on NuGet. We checked the Microsoft projects and it looks like they are using the xunit.runner.kre package. When trying to install this the xunit.assert assemly is failing to download from Nuget. Any suggestions to get this working? I am guessing that the versions are messed up.
Here are my nuget package locations:
I'm also using the beta2 version of the kre.
There is/was an issue with the new xunit.runner.kre and VS CTP 5. See below discussion:
xunit.runner.xre is available only on myget/vnext feed. Include that in the Nuget.config that you should be able to restore the package
By running on the beta2 kre you're then having mismatched dependencies. If you look at the versions of your xunit bits they're all beta3. I'd recommend upping your kre to beta3 to fix your issue (will affect which packages your app pulls in).
Also as a side note I'd recommend ensuring your nuget.org/api/v2/ feed is enabled (in the SS you posted it wasn't). There's currently an issue where it'll occasionally disable itself; has definitely made my life frustrating several times when things don't build :).
I'm following the Modern Template Building tutorial and fail to install the Template Auto-parser extension.
After the installation it should show the plugin in the object browser:
Unfortunately the tx_automaketemplate_pi1 part is never showing up.
Needless to say that all atempts to use the extension do not work.
Any ideas about how to fix that?
I'm on a fresh installation of Typo3 4.7.0.
After installing typo3 4.5 and trying again I noticed, that an extension is downloaded only and has to be installed in an extra step. However the icons which are indicating this (the brick with + or -) are not visible on my 4.7.0 installation:
Since the icons are not there I did not find a way to really install the extension. On the 4.5.0 installation everything is working fine.
Just out of curiousity. Any ideas about how to get the brik icons?
This seems to be a firefox specific problem (see http://www.xwissen.info/web-log/detail/articel/fix-install-uninstall-in-typo3-extansion-manager.html). I tried the workaround from xwissen.info (add "position: absolute" to .t3-icon-system-extension-uninstall and .t3-icon-system-extension-install) and this solved the issue.