Error when attempting to run my XUnit Tests - unit-testing

I wrote a few tests in XUnit to test my data access layer. I instantiated my DAL objects & configs the same way I would if I were using it in the actual web application(this is configured to run against a dev environment for testing purposes), however XUnit throws an error:
Message: The following constructor parameters did not have matching fixture data: IConfiguration config, IMediaDataAccess media
I'm a bit new to XUnit, so unsure what the problem is. Normally ASP.NET would inject instances of IConfiguration and IMediaDataAccess for me, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
My Test class & a sample test case:
public class DataAccessLayerTests
public IConfiguration Config { get; set; }
private IMediaDataAccess mediaData;
public IMediaDataAccess MediaData { get => mediaData; set => mediaData = value; }
public DataAccessLayerTests(IConfiguration config, IMediaDataAccess media)
this.MediaData = media;
this.Config = config;
public void GetAllMediaAsync_MediaListIsReturned()
List<Media> testData = mediaData.GetAllMedia().Result;
The test(s) all fail due to the following error: Message: The following constructor parameters did not have matching fixture data: IConfiguration config, IMediaDataAccess media

For anyone else having this problem, Alexey's comment is correct. You need to download a mocking framework (like Moq) and use it to mock up the dependencies your code is expecting. For example, below is one of my fixed unit tests:
public void IndexDataModel_ShouldDisplayMedia()
var mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger<IndexModel>>();
var mockDataAccess = new Mock<IMediaDataAccess>();
mockDataAccess.Setup(media => media.GetAllMedia()).ReturnsAsync(GetTestMedia());
IndexModel indexController = new IndexModel(mockDataAccess.Object, mockLogger.Object);
var result = indexController.OnGet();
var viewResult = Assert.IsType<PageResult>(result);
var model = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<IEnumerable<Media>>(
The trick is you need to mock up anything that you normally depend on getting injected into your constructor, in my case this was:
var mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger<IndexModel>>();
var mockDataAccess = new Mock<IMediaDataAccess>();
My constructor takes both an ILogger and an IMediaDataAccess, so I needed to mock those. Additionally, the other code is there to provide dummy return values when your mocked dependencies are used by the test. This is done with the .Setup line of code. All this does(I think) is when GetAllMedia() is called, the mock object returns the contents of GetTestMedia() instead of needing to make the actual calls. Just make sure whatever function you write has the same return type as the real function. For reference, this is my GetTestMedia() function:
private List<Media> GetTestMedia()
var listMedia = new List<Media>();
Media testMedia = new Media
Description = "TestDesc",
Genre = "TestGenre",
Name = "TestName",
Rating = MediaRating.Excellent,
Type = MediaType.Movie,
Id = 1
Media testMedia2 = new Media
Description = "TestDesc2",
Genre = "TestGenre2",
Name = "TestName2",
Rating = MediaRating.Poor,
Type = MediaType.Music,
Id = 2
return listMedia;


UserManager not creating users in Unit Tests

I'm using xUnit & Moq and what I'm trying to achieve is typically create Identity User so it's stored in Entity Framework In-Memory DB.
I have established Seed Data functionality - it gets triggered when my ASP.NET Core host app starts and works flawlessly - so no problem.
But the issue occurs when I use a mocked UserManager. No exceptions are thrown, users are just not being saved.
Verified while debugging tests, DbContext returns 0 users, also UserManager.FindByNameAsync yields null.
I wonder what is the cause. Could it be due to the way I assemble UserManager in constructor of SeedDataTest class?
public class SeedDataTest
private AppDbContext dbContext;
private UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager;
private ITenantService tenantService;
public SeedDataTest()
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<AppDbContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "in_memory_db")
dbContext = new AppDbContext(options);
var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(dbContext);
userManager = new Mock<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>(
new Mock<IOptions<IdentityOptions>>().Object,
new Mock<IPasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>>().Object,
new IUserValidator<ApplicationUser>[0],
new IPasswordValidator<ApplicationUser>[0],
new Mock<ILookupNormalizer>().Object,
new Mock<IdentityErrorDescriber>().Object,
new Mock<IServiceProvider>().Object,
new Mock<ILogger<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>>().Object)
tenantService = new Mock<TenantService>(dbContext).Object;
public void Test1()
new TenantsCreator(dbContext).Create();
new UserCreator(dbContext, tenantService, userManager).Create(); // stuck here
new MembershipCreator(dbContext, userManager).Create();
// unfinished
And here is the code from UserCreator
public class UserCreator
private AppDbContext _context;
private ITenantService _tenantService;
private UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
public UserCreator(
AppDbContext context,
ITenantService tenantService,
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager
_context = context;
_tenantService = tenantService;
_userManager = userManager;
public void Create()
Task.Run(async () => await CreateUsers()).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
private async Task CreateUsers()
ApplicationUser hostAdminUser = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserName.Equals(SetupConsts.Users.AdminJoe.UserName));
if (hostAdminUser == null)
hostAdminUser = new ApplicationUser()
FirstName = SetupConsts.Users.AdminJoe.FirstName,
LastName = SetupConsts.Users.AdminJoe.LastName,
UserName = SetupConsts.Users.AdminJoe.UserName,
Email = SetupConsts.Users.AdminJoe.Email,
EmailConfirmed = true,
PasswordHash = new PasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>().HashPassword(hostAdminUser, SetupConsts.Users.Passwords.Default)
await _userManager.CreateAsync(hostAdminUser);
ApplicationUser secondaryUser = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserName.Equals(SetupConsts.Users.JohnRoe.UserName));
if (secondaryUser == null)
secondaryUser = new ApplicationUser()
FirstName = SetupConsts.Users.JohnRoe.FirstName,
LastName = SetupConsts.Users.JohnRoe.LastName,
UserName = SetupConsts.Users.JohnRoe.UserName,
Email = SetupConsts.Users.JohnRoe.Email,
EmailConfirmed = true,
PasswordHash = new PasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>().HashPassword(secondaryUser, SetupConsts.Users.Passwords.Default)
await _userManager.CreateAsync(secondaryUser);
we use mocking frameworks to allow us to build mocked (substituted) dependencies as well as specify what is returned from classes/interfces used within our SUT.
A good use case for this is a database itself. We always want to know the exact state of objects whilst we are testing them and the only way we do that is by expressing the content of them ourselves.
That is where Moq comes in. One of its features is to allow us to state the result of method calls.
I believe you are seeing 0 results returned because you are using a moq implementation of a class (which doesnt actually call the implemented class). In order to get a result, you will need to do some setup:
mockedClass.Setup(x => x.GetUserDetails(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new UserDetails());
Either do it this way, or ensure you are passing a concrete implementation of the UserManager class rather than the mocked version:
userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>
Hope that helps

Testing Using NUnit and Moq: use case

I have a business class that manage a USER entity.
In this class I have a method to return a single user by id:
public Utente GetUser(int id)
var utente = _userDataManager.GetUserById(id);
return _mapper.Map<Utente>(utente);
_userDataManager is an interface, IUSERDATAMANAGER, and it has implemented with a DAL class; GetUserById return a user or null (search made with EF6).
_mapper is a IMAPPER interface (automapper).
The method return is the mapped object.
I have two question:
Does it make sense to test this method?
Should I mock both the object?
A black-boxed example will be appreciated.
Does it make sense to test this method?
If it is worth writing the code it is worth testing the code.
Should I mock both the object?
When testing a subject under test, you mock the dependencies that would allow the test to be exercised to completion.
For example
public void GetUser_Should_Return_Utente() {
var userId = 2;
var user = new User {
UserId = userId,
//... other properties
var userDataManagerMock = new Mock<IUserDataManager>();
userDataManagerMock.Setup(_ => _.GetUserById(userId)).Returns(user);
var expected = new Utente {
Id = user.Id,
//...other properties
var mapperMock = new Mock<IMapper>();
mapperMock.Setup(_ => _.Map<Utente>(It.IsAny<object>())).Returns(expected);
var subject = new MyBusinessClass(userDataManagerMock.Object, mapperMock.Object);
var actual = subject.GetUser(userId);
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
In the above code the user data manager and the mapper a mocked and injected into the subject when testing the GetUser method.
This is an isolated unit test of the above method and shows the the current implementation of that method will flow to completion provided the dependencies perform as expected during invocation.

Unable to mock Configuration.Formatters using Moq

I am developing an ASP.NET web API application. I am unit testing to every component in my application. I am using Moq Unit Test framework to mock the data. Now I am trying to mock the Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter in my Unit test because my action under unit test is using it as follows:
public HttpResponseMessage Register(model)
return new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
Content = new ObjectContent<List<string>>(errors, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)
I am trying to mock the Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter in the Unit Test as follow.
public void Register_ReturnErrorsWithBadRequest_IfValidationFails()
PostUserRegistration model = new PostUserRegistration {
Name = "Wai Yan Hein",
Email = "",
Password = ""
Mock<JsonMediaTypeFormatter> formatterMock = new Mock<JsonMediaTypeFormatter>();
Mock<MediaTypeFormatterCollection> formatterCollection = new Mock<MediaTypeFormatterCollection>();
formatterCollection.Setup(x => x.JsonFormatter).Returns(formatterMock.Object);
Mock<HttpConfiguration> httpConfigMock = new Mock<HttpConfiguration>();
httpConfigMock.Setup(x => x.Formatters).Returns(formatterCollection.Object);
Mock<IAccountRepo> accRepoMock = new Mock<IAccountRepo>();
AccountsController controller = new AccountsController(accRepoMock.Object);
controller.Configuration = httpConfigMock.Object;
controller.ModelState.AddModelError("", "Faking some model error");
HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Register(model);
Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
When I run my unit tests, it is giving me this error.
System.NotSupportedException: Invalid setup on a non-virtual
(overridable in VB) member: x => x.JsonFormatter
So, how can I fix that error and how can I mock Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter?
You should not have to test that the framework is doing what it was designed to do. Instead, similar to what was suggested before in comments, I suggest using the built in methods of the ApiController and also refactoring the action to the syntax suggested from documentation for that version of Asp.Net Web API
public IHttpActionResult Register(PostUserRegistration model) {
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState); //<-- will extract errors from model state
//...code removed for brevity
return Ok();
A simple example of a unit test for the above method could look something like this...
public void Register_ReturnErrorsWithBadRequest_IfValidationFails() {
PostUserRegistration model = new PostUserRegistration {
Name = "Wai Yan Hein",
Email = "",
Password = ""
var accRepoMock = new Mock<IAccountRepo>();
var controller = new AccountsController(accRepoMock.Object);
controller.ModelState.AddModelError("", "Faking some model error");
var response = controller.Register(model) as InvalidModelStateResult; //<-- Note the cast here
If the injected dependency is not going to be referenced/invoked in the method under test you could also forego the mock and inject null. That however is dependent on code not provided in the original question.

How do I get my NancyFX unit tests to run my validation?

I'm using NancyFX with FluentValidation, as documented at My web app is running fine and validation is working perfectly, but when I try to unit test any of the modules that use validation, I'm getting an error
Nancy.Validation.ModelValidationException : No model validator factory could be located.
Please ensure that you have an appropriate validation package installed, such as
one of the Nancy.Validation packages.
I've verified that my unit test project has references to the Nancy.Validation.FluentValidation and FluentValidation assemblies.
My test code looks like this:
public class ArticleModuleTests {
private Browser browser;
private IDatabase db;
const int USER_ID = 123;
const int ARTICLE_ID = 456;
public void SetUp() {
var user = new User { Username = "test", Id = USER_ID };
db = A.Fake<IDatabase>();
browser = new Browser(with => {
with.RequestStartup((container, pipelines, context) => context.CurrentUser = user);
public void User_Can_Publish_Article() {
var article = new { title = "Test" };
var result = browser.Post($"/users/{USER_ID}/articles", with => {
My module code is:
public class ArticlesModule : NancyModule {
private IDatabase database;
public ArticlesModule(IDatabase db) {
this.database = db;
Post["/users/{id:int}/articles"] = args => PostArticle(;
private dynamic PostArticle(int userId) {
var article = this.Bind<Article>();
var validation = this.Validate(article);
if (!validation.IsValid) return Negotiate.WithModel(validation).WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
database.CreateArticle(userId, article);
return NegotiatorExtensions.WithModel(Negotiate, result)
.WithHeader("Location", $"http://whatever/users/{userId}/articles/{article.Id}");
and my validation class is:
public class ArticleValidator : AbstractValidator<Article> {
public ArticleValidator() {
RuleFor(article => article.Title)
.WithMessage("The \"title\" property is required");
RuleFor(article => article.Title)
.Length(2, 50)
.WithMessage("The \"title\" property must be between 2 and 50 characters");
The NancyFX docs say "Create a validation class... There is no need to register it anywhere as it is automatically detected." - but I'm guessing whatever automatic detection is wired up isn't firing for a unit test project. I'm building on .NET 4.5.2 and using NCrunch as my test runner; what do I need to do to get my test code to pick up the same validation classes as my application modules?
OK, turns out that because NancyFX detects and instantiates validation classes automatically, there's no explicit references in my code to Nancy.Validation.FluentValidation, and so NCrunch is omitting this assembly when building my test project. Setting "Copy referenced assemblies to workspace" in the NCrunch project settings fixed it.

Unit testing when Database is involved

I'm quite new to unit testing and I need an hand to understand if I'm doing things in the correct way. My major problem is regarding the DB testing... Here's my code then I'll expose my perplexities
Consider this class that's an item of a pipeline I've to perform
public class RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStep : IPipelineStep
public const string RetrieveApplicationUsernameKey = "RetrieveApplicationUsername";
private readonly IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository repository;
public int Order => 3;
public string Name => RetrieveApplicationUsernameKey;
public RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStep(IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository repository)
this.repository = repository;
public async Task<IDictionary<string, object>> Action(IDictionary<string, object> context)
string res = await repository.GetApplicationUser(context);
context[Resources.ApplicationUser] = res;
return context;
I wrote the following tests
public class RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStepTests
private IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository retrieveApplicationUserRepository;
public void Start()
var configuration = new ConfigurationFromConfigFile();
retrieveApplicationUserRepository = new RetrieveApplicationUserRepository(configuration);
public async Task ActionSuccessfullyCompleted()
var context = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var repository = Substitute.For<IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository>();
var pipeline = new RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStep(repository);
var res = await pipeline.Action(context);
public void ActionFailingCompleted()
var context = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var repository = Substitute.For<IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository>();
repository.GetApplicationUser(context).Throws(new UserMappingNotFoundException());
var pipeline = new RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStep(repository);
Assert.ThrowsAsync<UserMappingNotFoundException>(async () => await pipeline.Action(context));
public void NameTest()
var pipeline = new RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStep(retrieveApplicationUserRepository);
Assert.IsTrue(pipeline.Name == RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStep.RetrieveApplicationUsernameKey);
public void OrderTest()
var pipeline = new RetrieveApplicationUsernamePipelineStep(retrieveApplicationUserRepository);
Assert.IsTrue(pipeline.Order == 3);
And those test works fine since for ActionSuccessfullyCompleted and ActionFailingCompleted I substitute the IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository's result with my expected one.
The real implementation of ther repository is
public class RetrieveApplicationUserRepository : IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository
#region Variables
private readonly IConfiguration configuration;
#region Ctor
public RetrieveApplicationUserRepository(IConfiguration configuration)
this.configuration = configuration;
#region IRetrieveApplicationUserRepository
public async Task<string> GetApplicationUser(IDictionary<string, object> context)
if (configuration.AppSettings[Resources.ApplicationUserFromDomainUserKey] == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException(Resources.ApplicationUserFromDomainUserKey);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.ConnectionString))
throw new NullReferenceException();
string storedProcedure = configuration.AppSettings.Get(Resources.ApplicationUserFromDomainUserKey);
string result;
using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(configuration.ConnectionString))
using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(storedProcedure, sqlConnection))
sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DOMAINUSER", context[Resources.DomainUser]);
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DOMAIN", context[Resources.DomainName]);
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#APPID", context[Resources.ApplicationId]);
result = (string)await sqlCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync();
if (result == null)
throw new UserMappingNotFoundException();
return result;
Here're the questions :
Are the test I wrote correct?
I've seen using Resharper's Code Coverage that it wants me to test-cover the there a way I can avoid this? is this test meaningful?
What's your approach when you've to unit test component that're related to DB? Have you got a real-db that's used for test? Consider that the real DB is about 10Gb so I don't want to have a copy as mdf (condider I can have this) just to test a small portion of the DB
Talking with my colleagues they told me to use test just for TDD while I wish to use them to avoid regressions
Going back to the DB question, I don't want to have a test where I write if username is "John" and maybe tomorrow John user won't be present in the DB anymore,so that the test I expect to pass wont' pass anoymore
The usual approach is to isolate the database side with an abstraction, so you can provide a test dummy (mock, fake, etc) of that abstraction. Only test an actual database when you do the integration testing.
For the tests of database stored procedures, you may well want a different test harness, creating a new test database in memory (equivalently, in a RAM-backed filesystem). You only need to populate enough data for the individual test (we're doing functional testing here, not performance testing), and you may be able to retain table structure across tests with judicious use of rollback.
I have done this, but it's some time ago, so I'll refrain from giving examples that may be no longer state-of-the-art (even if the code does still exist, and if I could find it).