Dynamically adding participants to state in Corda 4.0 - blockchain

Can participants be dynamically added to state inside a flow so that state will be stored in thirdParty vault without using StatesToRecord.ALL_VISIBLE in ReceiveFinalityFlow?
We have done same thing in Corda 2.0, it is not working in Corda 4.0.
Is it not supported in Corda 3.2 onwards? I see #KeepForDJVM is added to ContractState.
I tried to add participants dynamically in IOUState as [iouState.participants.add(thirdParty)] after participants in IOUState is updated as mutableList as [override val participants: MutableList<AbstractParty> = mutableListOf(lender, borrower)] so that IOUState will be stored in ThirdParty vault as well. I am passing flow sessions of both borrower and thirdParty to CollectSigntaureFlow and FinalityFlow as well. IOUFlowTests [flow records the correct IOU in both parties' vaults] is failed with iouState is not found in thridParty vault.
data class IOUState(val value: Int,
val lender: Party,
val borrower: Party,
val thirdParty: Party,
override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()):
LinearState, QueryableState {
/** The public keys of the involved parties. */
//override val participants: MutableList<AbstractParty> get() = mutableListOf(lender, borrower)
override val participants = mutableListOf(lender, borrower)
var iouState = IOUState(iouValue, serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentities.first(), otherParty, thirdParty)
val txCommand = Command(IOUContract.Commands.Create(), iouState.participants.map { it.owningKey })
val counterparties = iouState.participants.map { it as Party }.filter { it.owningKey != ourIdentity.owningKey }.toSet()
counterparties.forEach { p -> flowSessions.add(initiateFlow(p))}
val fullySignedTx = subFlow(CollectSignaturesFlow(partSignedTx, flowSessions, GATHERING_SIGS.childProgressTracker()))
// Stage 5.
progressTracker.currentStep = FINALISING_TRANSACTION
// Notarise and record the transaction in both parties' vaults.
return subFlow(FinalityFlow(fullySignedTx, flowSessions, FINALISING_TRANSACTION.childProgressTracker()))
Both Counterparties Borrower and ThirdParty receives flow and sign transaction, but does not see thirdParty in Participants list and not stored in ThirdParty vault.
I am expecting ThirdParty should be in Participants list and IOUState should be stored in ThirdParty Vault as well.

In Corda, states are immutable. This means that you cannot dynamically add participants to a given state in the body of a flow. There are other solutions, however, to informing a new third party of the state!
There are two ways to accomplish your goals here:
Create a new IOUState tx output with an updated participant list.
In the body of the flow, you should create a new IOUState with an updated list of participants. You will have to update the IOUState so that participants is a value in the primary constructure. Then you might use a helper method like this to add a participant:
fun addParticipant(partyToAdd: Party): IOUState = copy(participants + partyToAdd)
Here's the important part: you must then include the old IOUState as an input to this transaction and the new IOUState as an output. Corda is based on the UTXO model - the only way to update a state is to mark it as history (use it as an input) and then persist an updated version to the ledger.
Note: as a participant, the informed party will now be able to propose changes to this IOUState - these must be accounted for in the Corda Contract.
Use the SendStateAndRefFlow (Likely the better solution for your issue)
The SendStateAndRefFlow will (as specified in its name) send a state and its associated stateRef to the receiving node. The counterparty (receiving node) must use ReceiveStateAndRefFlow at the correct point in the flow conversation.
subFlow(new SendStateAndRefFlow(counterpartySession, dummyStates));
Both of these methods will cause the receiving node to validate the dependencies of the state (all of the inputs and transactions that comprise its history)


Update specific attribute using UpdateItemEnhancedRequest DynamoDb java sdk2

We have a DynamoDB table which has an attribute counter, which will be decremented asynchronously by multiple lambda based on an event. I am trying to update the counter using UpdateItemEnhancedRequest (using the Dynamodb Enhanced Client. - JAVA SDK 2). I am able to build the condition for updating the counter but it updates the entire item and not just the counter. Can somebody please guide on how to update a single attribute using DynamoDb Enhanced Client?
Code Sample
public void update(String counter, T item) {
AttributeValue value = AttributeValue.builder().n(counter).build();
Map<String, AttributeValue> expressionValues = new HashMap<>();
expressionValues.put(":value", value);
Expression myExpression = Expression.builder()
.expression("nqctr = :value")
UpdateItemEnhancedRequest<T> updateItemEnhancedRequest =
When you update a specific column, you need to specify which column to update. Assume we have this table:
Now assume we want to update the archive column. You need to specify the column in your code. Here we change the archive column of the item that corresponds to the key to Closed (a single column update). Notice we specify the column name by using the HashMap object named updatedValues.
// Archives an item based on the key
public String archiveItem(String id){
DynamoDbClient ddb = getClient();
HashMap<String,AttributeValue> itemKey = new HashMap<String,AttributeValue>();
itemKey.put("id", AttributeValue.builder()
HashMap<String, AttributeValueUpdate> updatedValues =
new HashMap<String,AttributeValueUpdate>();
// Update the column specified by name with updatedVal
updatedValues.put("archive", AttributeValueUpdate.builder()
UpdateItemRequest request = UpdateItemRequest.builder()
try {
return"The item was successfully archived";
NOTE: This is not the Enhanced Client.
This code is from the AWS Tutorial that show how to build a Java web app by using Spring Boot. Full tutorial here:
Creating the DynamoDB web application item tracker
TO update a single column using the Enhanced Client, call the Table method. This returns a DynamoDbTable instance. Now you can call the updateItem method.
Here is the logic to update the the archive column using the Enhanced Client. Notice you get a Work object, call its setArchive then pass the Work object. workTable.updateItem(r->r.item(work));
Java code:
// Update the archive column by using the Enhanced Client.
public String archiveItemEC(String id) {
DynamoDbClient ddb = getClient();
try {
DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient = DynamoDbEnhancedClient.builder()
DynamoDbTable<Work> workTable = enhancedClient.table("Work", TableSchema.fromBean(Work.class));
//Get the Key object.
Key key = Key.builder()
// Get the item by using the key.
Work work = workTable.getItem(r->r.key(key));
return"The item was successfully archived";
} catch (DynamoDbException e) {
return "";
This answer shows both ways to update a single column in a DynamoDB table. The above tutorial now shows this way.
In your original solution, you're misinterpreting the meaning of the conditionExpression attribute. This is used to validate conditions that must be true on the item that matches the key in order to perform the update, not the expression to perform the update itself.
There is a way to perform this operation with the enhanced client without needing to fetch the object before making an update. The UpdateItemEnhancedRequest class has an ignoreNulls attribute that will exclude all null attributes from the update. This is false by default, which is what causes a full overwrite of the object.
Let's assume this is the structure of your item (without all the enhanced client annotations and boilerplate, you can add those):
class T {
public String partitionKey;
public Int counter;
public String someOtherAttribute
public T(String partitionKey) {
this.partitionKey = partitionKey;
this.counter = null;
this.someOtherAttribute = null
You can issue an update of just the counter, and only if the item exists, like this:
public void update(Int counter, String partitionKey) {
T updateItem = new T(partitionKey)
updateItem.counter = counter
Expression itemExistsExpression = Expression.builder()
UpdateItemEnhancedRequest<T> updateItemEnhancedRequest =

How to get item attributes via api?

We are using cloud Dynamics 365 Business Central and trying to get items with all attributes via OData.
In Microsoft documentation we found this endpoint:
api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v1.0[our tenant id]/Sandbox/ODataV4/Company('CRONUS%20DE')/items
But unfortunately, the response does not contain item attributes and values, such as Farbe, Tiefe, etc.
Next, we tried to add new Web Services. But some of this endpoints return empty values and some of them (7506, 7507, 7508, 7510) don't work and return:
No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI
Objects 7500, 7501, 7503 contain information about attributes. But non of them (7500 - 7510) does not contain a relation between Item, Attributes, and Values.
Maybe there is another way to get items with their attribute values? We also tried to research microsoft graph but not successful.
i am having similar troubles with this. i find the dynamics api to be exceptionally unintuitive and difficult to use. the furthest i have been able to get has been to go into the api settings for dynamics and uncover the tables for a few item attributes (i believe that the table numbers are as those below:
7500 - Item Attribute
7501 - Item Attribute Value
7502 - Item Attribute Translation
7504 - Item Attribute Value Selection
7505 - Item Attribute Value Mapping
i cannot comment on why 7503 is missing.
using 7500 as an example, when you uncover the table, the system provides a resulting endpoint (unfortunately, they always promote OData, and the outdated SOAP resource; i can't figure out why they have such a vendetta against the simple and easy-to-use REST endpoint).
using this endpoint, you can get a listing of the attribute types themselves (e.g. let's say you've defined an attribute called 'BaseColor', you should get a result here for the name of the attribute 'BaseColor', its ID, its type, etc.),
with the ItemAttributeValues endpoint, you should get the actual attribute values that are in existence (e.g. for some item, you happened to set its 'BaseColor' attribute to 'Blue', you should get a response for this attribute value with a attribute type of 'BaseColor', a value, as 'Blue' along with the entity's ID, etc).
yet, when it comes to any instantiated attribute values for items, i can't figure out how to get the association of the attributes with those items. i expect that the "item attribute value mapping" option would be something along the lines of a item_id - attribute_id pair so that for any item in question, one could query the attributes list with something like a filter. but as you said, upon uncovering some of these elements, their respective endpoints return nothing. you get to the point where you say 'OH...AWSOME! there is a value-item mapping. that makes sense, and i can definitely use that'. a few moments later, the API spits in your face with an error, or craps on you by returning something you don't expect like an empty data set.
this api is a constant uphill battle, and totally riddled with landmines. a complete blow-me-up-pain-in-the-arse.
EDIT: 2021-06-09
i've looked into this some more. i was able to set up an export package for the various tables in question, specifically 7500, 7501, and 7505. the magical table was 7505 as it is the relationship between an attribute value and the item with which it is associated. exporting the package to excel results in good data. yet, when trying to expose this information in the OData resource, something strange happens:
in web services, i try to open up page 7505 which populates the object name as ItemAttributeValueMapping and i set the service name to 'ItemAttributeValueMapping'. This is normal.
the system complains when i fail to specify that the object type is a page. so, i go back in the line and set the selection to "Page"
when i tab through to publish the change, the object name automatically changes to 'ItemAttributeValueTranslations'.
EDIT: 2021-06-15
After a lot of fiddling about, i finally reached a point where i decided that the only way to address this was to write an al query which would expose the appropriate value-item mapping information. there is a page which provides some source code for doing this:
github AL-Code-Samples
to get something out of the API, i had to use microsoft visual studio code. there are a few good videos on how to get this up and running to get a test app working for your business central instance (i used eric hougaar's videos: Getting started with Business Central AL Development).
when you have set up your app to connect to your instance by inserting your tenant and entering your credentials, you can modify the source code as below to create a query in your system.
query 50102 "<YOUR_QUERY_NAME>"
QueryType = API;
APIPublisher = '<YOUR_NAME>';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
Caption = '<YOUR CAPTION>';
EntityName = '<YOUR_QUERY_NAME>';
dataitem(Item; Item)
column(No_; "No.")
column(Description; Description)
column(Unit_Cost; "Unit Cost")
dataitem(Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping; "Item Attribute Value Mapping")
DataItemLink = "No." = Item."No.";
column(Item_Attribute_ID; "Item Attribute ID")
column(Item_Attribute_Value_ID; "Item Attribute Value ID")
dataitem(QueryElement6; "Item Attribute")
DataItemLink = ID = Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping."Item Attribute ID";
column(Name; Name)
dataItem(Queryelement10; "Item Attribute Value")
DataItemLink = "Attribute ID" = Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping."Item Attribute ID",
ID = Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping."Item Attribute Value ID";
column(Value; Value)
column(Numeric_Value; "Numeric Value")
once this code gets successfully uploaded to your server and returning a page (you have to wait for it), you can then use specified query number to expose the data in the API by going to business central's "web services" and adding a 'Query' to item 50102 (or whatever number you use). the endpoint will automatically be populated and you can use it to send you back the necessary JSON which will show a product, with its attribute values.
hope that helps.
You should try with below endpoint:

jpa FlushModeType COMMIT

In FlushModeType.AUTO mode, the persistence context is synchronized with the database at the following times:
before each SELECT operation
at the end of a transaction
after a flush or close operation on the persistence context
In FlushModeType.COMMIT mode, means that it does not have to flush
the persistence context before executing a query because you have indicated that there is no changed data in memory that would affect the results of the database query.
I have made an example in jboss as 6.0:
public class SessionBeanTwoA implements SessionBeanTwoALocal {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "entity_manager_trans_unit")
protected EntityManager em;
private SessionBeanTwoBLocal repo;
public void findPersonByEmail(String email) {
1. List<Person> persons = repo.retrievePersonByEmail(email);
2. Person person = persons.get(0);
3. System.out.println(person.getAge());
4. person.setAge(2);
5. persons = repo.retrievePersonByEmail(email);
6. person=persons.get(0);
7. System.out.println(person.getAge());
public class SessionBeanTwoB extends GenericCrud implements SessionBeanTwoBLocal {
public List<Person> retrievePersonByEmail(String email) {
Query query = em.createNamedQuery("Person.findAllPersonByEmail");
query.setParameter("email", email);
List<Person> persons;
persons = query.getResultList();
return persons;
FlushModeType.COMMIT does not seem to work. At line 1., the person's age is taken from the database and print 35 at line3. At line 4., the person is updated within the persistent context but in line 7. the person's age is 2.
The jpa 2.0 spec says:
Type.COMMIT is set, the effect of updates made to entities in the persistence context upon queries is
But in many books, they explains what I wrote in the beginning of this post.
So what FlushModeType COMMIT really does?
Tks in advance for your help.
The javadocs mentions this here for FlushModeType COMMIT
Flushing to occur at transaction commit. The provider may flush at
other times, but is not required to.
So if the provider thinks it should then it can flush even though it is configured to flush on commit. Since for AUTO setting, the provider typically flushes at various times ( which requires expensive traversal of all managed entities - especially if the number is huge- to check if any database updates/deletes needs to be scheduled) so if we are sure that there are no database changes happening then we may use COMMIT setting to cut down on frequent checks for any changes and save on some CPU cycles.

EXM subscribe to list C#

I'm working on converting my old Sitecore (< 8) code to work with Sitecore EXM. I'm having a hard time adding users to Recipient Lists from code. The answers in this post: Sitecore 8 EXM add a contact to list from listmanager don't answer my questions completely, and since I cannot comment, I've decided to start a new topic.
My first problem is that my EcmFactory.GetDefaultFactory().Bl.RecipientCollectionRepository.GetEditableRecipientCollection(recipientListId) gives a compilation error on the RecipientCollectionRepository, it says it does not exist. So I've used slightly different code. My code now, is as follows:
var contactRepository = new ContactRepository();
var contactName = this.Email.Text;
var contact = contactRepository.LoadContactReadOnly(contactName);
contact = contactRepository.CreateContact(Sitecore.Data.ID.NewID);
contact.Identifiers.AuthenticationLevel = Sitecore.Analytics.Model.AuthenticationLevel.None;
contact.System.Classification = 0;
contact.ContactSaveMode = ContactSaveMode.AlwaysSave;
contact.Identifiers.Identifier = contactName;
contact.System.OverrideClassification = 0;
contact.System.Value = 0;
contact.System.VisitCount = 0;
var contactPreferences = contact.GetFacet<IContactPreferences>("Preferences");
contactPreferences.Language = "nl-NL";
var contactEmailAddresses = contact.GetFacet<IContactEmailAddresses>("Emails");
contactEmailAddresses.Entries.Create("test").SmtpAddress = this.Email.Text;
contactEmailAddresses.Preferred = "test";
var contactPersonalInfo = contact.GetFacet<IContactPersonalInfo>("Personal");
contactPersonalInfo.FirstName = contactName;
contactPersonalInfo.Surname = "recipient";
if (recipientList != null)
var xdbContact = new XdbContactId(contact.ContactId);
if (!recipientList.Contains(xdbContact, true).Value)
contactRepository.SaveContact(contact, new ContactSaveOptions(true, null));
So the recipientList is found, and the first time I add a contact to it, it increases the "Recipients" to 1 (checked using the /sitecore/system/List Manager/All Lists/E-mail Campaign Manager/Custom/RecipientList).
I also have a message which has this Opt-in recipient list, but when I check that message, it says it will be sent to 0 subscribers.
Any thoughts on this?
See this article listing known issues in Sitecore EXM:
"The recipient list shows "0" total recipients after recipients have been subscribed to the list. (62217)"
I got around this in a sandbox environment by adding a simple list (from csv, one contact) to the message. This upped the total recipient count from 0 to 1 which allows the message to be activated. All recipients in the composite list were sent a message.
Do you have a distributed environment? If so the RecipientCollectionRepository will not work as it is only available on a Content Management server. You could try using the ClientApi:
ClientApi.UpdateSubscriptions(RecipientId recipientId, string[] listsToSubscribe, string[] listsToUnsubscribe, string managerRootId, bool confirmSubscription)
and just add the id of the list you want to subscribe people to in the first string array.
Just a quick note with this option, listToUnsubscribe does not actually remove a contact from a list. You are meant to pass through the ID of the opt out list. This basically excludes them from any future emails. One draw back is that you will no longer be able to resubscribe them.
If this does not work for you you will need to create your own API between your CD server and your CM server where the CM server uses the recipientCollectionRepository to subscribe and unsubscribe

CRM 2013 retrieve related entities using LINQ?

I'm retrieving account entities using code like this:-
var connection = CrmConnection.Parse(ConnectionString);
using (var orgService = new OrganizationService(connection))
var context = new MyOrganizationServiceContext(orgService);
var accounts = context.AccountSet.Where(...);
None of the returned accounts' relationship properties are populated (understandable, as this could result in lots of data being retrieved). Is there any way of requesting that certain relationships be populated, either as part of the LINQ query, or afterwards (e.g. on an entity-by-entity basis)?
you have a couple of options. Here the relevant MSDN article:
Access entity relationships