Authorised Exception using access code which never expires - facebook-graph-api

Using the Facebook Access Token Debugger I can see I have an access token that never expires.
However using the Graph Explorer I get the error
"error": {
"message": "(#10) To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Page Public Content Access' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 10,
This was previously working, has something changed with Facebook? The only other thing that has changed is that my access to the Facebook App was removed then reinstated, so I now use a different access code.
Please could anyone advise what I need to do to resolve this issue, I previously did not need Facebook review to use this API last month.
Edited: the login required screen when requesting a Page Access Token:

This is not about expiry of the token.
Facebook has restricted API access to the data of any public pages - you now need to get your app reviewed for the use of the feature “Page Public Content Access”, before you can use it.
Without getting this reviewed, you can only access data from pages you have admin access to - but that in turn requires the use of a different kind of token then, a page access token. (You presumably used the general app access token, for your requests that have been working up until now. For that to keep working to access public page data, you need to submit for review of the feature.)

Thanks to misorude for all your help. This is what worked for me:
Step 1: ask the business manager to grant the user "Manage Pages" permission on both the app and the page:
Step 2: Create the user access token (select "Get User Access Token" from the "Get Token" dropdown)
Step 3: Check the user has access by calling your graph method using the temporary user access token
Step 4: Create permanent user access token
Click "Extend Access Token" at the bottom of the page and debug to reveal the token with expiry: never


Do Facebook provide the access token (at that instant) or one can get only after the friend's permission? (Using PHP Facebook-graph-API )

I am using PHP for accessing Facebook friends location. I want to access location of all friends. I read that it requires "access tokens" to get client's public information from here
and here
Is that token will be provided by Facebook at that instant of time or my app needs to wait till friend's approval.
I saw this post on stack overflow: How to get user access token?
But i still i can't figure out what if friend is offline. How that token will be passed to my application?
Or is it like that "Tokens are generated by Facebook at time when my application made the request but i can only access the user information later using the same token if he has given permission (when he gets logged in)".?
I am unable to find any explanation regarding this.
You can´t get the location of friends at all. Friend permissions have been removed for privacy reasons, you can only get data of users who authorized your App too. Check out the changelog for more information:
That being said, there are different Access Tokens. You can get an App Token without authorization, but you need to implement an authorization process for User or Page Tokens.
More information:

Facebook Graph API not working anymore. No changes made

During the past couple of weeks I've been sporadically downloading posts from a couple of Facebook pages with this call:
Everything was working fine and I would get the usual json response of public posts (which doesn't require authentication afaik).
Now I get this:
"error": {
"message": "An access token is required to request this resource.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 104
I haven't changed anything in my code, and I tested in two different browsers and two different machines with the same result. I don't think I've hit any limits (I'm using the API very seldom). I can't find any changes made to the API either.
Is anybody else having trouble with this? Can anybody point me to a lead?
Taken from the documentation on:
An access token is required to view publicly shared posts.
A user access token is required to retrieve posts visible to that person.
A page access token is required to retrieve any other posts.
Looks like you need an access token.
From today, in order to get posts from public pages through Facebook Graph, we always need to use Access Tokens.
New Permissions
An access token is required to view publicly shared posts.
A user access token is required to retrieve posts visible to that person.
A page access token is required to retrieve any other posts.
Old Permissions
An app or user access token is needed to view fields from fully public pages.
A user access token is needed to view fields from restricted pages that this person is able to view (such as those restrict to certain demographics like location or age, or those only viewable by Page admins).
A page access token can also be used to view those restricted fields.
Facebook is going through an entire change with their recent conflicts and allegations. They have stopped all API pulling for now and the access will be given again once all your Facebook Developer apps are reviewed by them.

Graph API Javascript bug

Recently I am experiencing this problem.
When I click to register with facebook and I am logged in as a user, I can see my information correctly. But staying on the same page, if I log out from facebook in some other tab and click Register with facebook on my own site, I see this person profile picture. The url of this image is:
I am accessing graph API using APP
Kindly advise me the solution to the problem
Accessing a users data requires an access token, with out this token your call is getting undefined returned as a user, and with out the access token appended to the picture url it returns emphamous Unknown User.
refer to:
for requesting access tokens, and usage.
Example Only:
My script cannot access FB script without Access token
//If the user is succesfully authenticated, we execute some code to handle the freshly
//logged in user, if not, we do nothing
if (response.authResponse)
FB.api('/me', function(response) {}
{scope:'email,user_events,friends_photos,user_about_me,user_birthday,user_hometown,user_location,user_location,user_relationships'}); });//fbclick
So, I think access token condition is already satisfied.

Facebook: Get User Access Token using Facebook.Json

I have some C# code that retrieves an access token using Facebook.JsonObject and can post to my profile wall on facebook with no problems.
However, if I try to use that same access token to retrieve details of my facebook business pages so I can post to them, then I get the message "user access token is required to request this resource".
I thought the access token I had retrieved that allowed me to post to my profile was a user access token. What is the difference, and how do I get a user access token?
This is the code I am using to get the access token:
facebook.JsonObject AuthResult = (Facebook.JsonObject)Oauth.GetApplicationAccessToken(parameters);
object Access_Token = "";
AuthResult.TryGetValue("access_token", out Access_Token);
FacebookClient FBClient = new FacebookClient(Access_Token.ToString());
More information:
I need my customer's c# application to post directly to my customer's facebook business page via code without the application "allow access" box popping up and any redirects to applicatoins taking place. Therefore I need to get the User Access Token programatically without facebook being logged in or open etc.
Any (non-sarcastic) help very gratefully received.
I thought the access token I had retrieved that allowed me to post to my profile was a user access token.
Does that method name,
really sound to you as if it was supposed to give back a user access token? Sorry, but to me it doesn’t …
If you are not familiar with the different types of authentication and access tokens, please read this first:

Posting scores with app access token

I'm trying to post a score from my server.
I have my app set up as a game.
I've got my app access token.
I'm POSTing to
I have authorized and given publish_stream and publish_actions permissions to my app for the USER_ID (which is me).
However, an error is telling me that I need a user access token for that action, which I don't as Facebook states here:
Create or update a score for a user
You can post a score or a user by issuing an HTTP POST request to
/USER_ID/scores with the app access_token as long as you have the
publish_actions permission.
I've seen a similar question but it was unanswered: Facebook Graph API Explorer won't POST scores (they've ended up creating a new app, which is not a real solution)
To verify that it's not me who is incorrectly using the API, I went to Graph API explorer and tried it also there with the same access token, no luck:
Funny, that if I follow what it says and try the same with my user access token, it then says: This method must be called with an app access_token.
Is there something that I'm missing or is there a bug with the Graph API?
It looks like you have everything correct, but there's one relatively little-known case which will produce that error message.
Check the 'App Type' field in the Advanced Settings:
If this is set to 'Native/Desktop' instead of 'Web' in the Advanced settings, it's assumed that your app's binary/native distribution contains the app secret.
In this configuration, API calls made with the app access token are untrusted, effectively the token is completely ignored.
Change the app settings back to 'Web' and you should be able to post or delete Scores and/or Achievements with the App Access Token
If this is the issue, you can quickly verify if with a call to[APP ACCESS TOKEN HERE]
In 'Web' mode, the response contains the migration settings for the app, something like:
"migrations": {
"secure_stream_urls": false,
"expiring_offline_access_tokens": false,
"requires_login_secret": false,
In 'Native/Desktop' mode, the app access token is untrusted, so you can't access the app's private data, and the response is:
"error": {
"message": "An unknown error has occurred.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 1