Is it possible to call Google Cloud Build via API with cloudbuild.yaml in source repo - google-cloud-platform

I have an Cloud Build trigger that is set up to fetch a specific branch from a remote repository and use the cloudbuild .yaml file from it to run the build. I need to do the same programatically via an API call and the only way I can see this happening is with an API call here:
By looking at the required request body which is of type Build it seems that while I can provide the source repository (branch, commit or tag) I'm not sure how to provide the path to cloudbuild.yaml which in this case really needs to sit with the repo source code. Also it seems a steps param is required which actually has to be the steps from the cloudbuild file.
Is there any way that I can create a build using the same resources that I would otherwise set up in a cloud trigger (path to (cloudbuild.yaml instead of the steps to which I don't have access to in this case)?


Aws Code pipeline is failing at Deployment stage by timing out

I am trying to work my way to have a ci/cd for the Api part of the application.
I have 3 steps:
1: Source (git hub version2)
2: Build (currently has no commands)
3: Deploy(provider is code deploy(application))
Here is the screenshot of the events in code deploy.
While creating the Deployment Group. I chose the option of downloading the code deploy provider from the option(though it was necessary).
While setting up the code pipeline chose
Felt that was appropriate.
This code pipeline has put an object into the S3 bucket for this pipeline.
Code deploy is acting on that source artifact.
We have nothing on this Ec2 image it's just a place where we have our API.
Currently, Ec2 is empty.
What would be the proper way to implement this? How can I overcome the issues I am facing.
Without appspec.yml your deployment will fail. From docs:
An AppSpec file must be a YAML-formatted file named appspec.yml and it must be placed in the root of the directory structure of an application's source code. Otherwise, deployments fail.

In GCP, how can I trigger the automatic deployment of Cloud Function in to Production project from the source files present in repo of DEV project

I want to automate the deployment of Cloud Function in to Production project through Cloud Build whose source files are present in Cloud Source Repository of DEV project. How can I ensure that the moment I push the code in production branch of Cloud Source Repository of DEV project, the Cloud Function gets created in to Production Project .
If I understand, you are trying to trigger a build from a repository stored on another project.
This is not possible, the build triggers must be on the same project than the repositories
I think my answer will help here: How to pass API parameters to GCP cloud build triggers
Basically what Claudio recommended, use the examples to build your steps. I believe what you want to do is create a step that the. Triggers the cloud function when you push changes to the dev production branch. When the trigger is called and ran, you then add a step to either run the cloud function or use the REST API to trigger the build by its ID. See my example above.

Google Cloud Function - What is the default update behaviour for functions that rely on code in a Repo?

I have a Google Cloud Function that runs from source code stored in a Google Cloud Source Repository. If I update the source code in the repo, do I have to manually update the cloud function or is this done automatically?
There is no automatic deployment. You will have to run whatever command line you would normally run to deploy the code to Cloud Functions.

How come Google Cloud Build trigger can't find custom named .yaml files?

The Problem
When using, cloudbuild.yaml files, specifically named for their build environment, such as cloudbuild-dev.yaml and cloudbuild-prod.yaml, and configured/targeted in the Trigger settings they aren't found/recognized when GCB reacts to a GitHub event (push etc).
However, it's working just fine when manually running the Trigger from GCB console.
When using an ordinarily named cloudbuild.yaml, in the root of the project, Cloud Build correctly runs the expected steps.
The Workaround
In short, there isn't an easy one (imo). But to get it run you need to use just a single _cloudbuild.yaml).
However, to effectively re-use that for both dev and prod environments one is blocked by this issue

Use two sources in an AWS-CodePipeline pipeline

I have a specific case which I'm not sure if it's possible with AWS CodePipeline, and I didn't find any information about it in the documentation and event by googling....
So I would like to know if I can set two sources in a pipeline (it could be in the same stage or different stages).
Here is my use case :
I would like my pipeline to start when a file (a specific object) is modified in my s3 bucket
When this file changes and the pipeline is triggered, I would like to clone a codecommit repository and then process the build and other stages...
In the other hand when there is a commit on the master branch of my codecommit repository, I would like the pipeline to start and build my sources.
So The pipeline should be triggered either when the change comes from s3 or codecommit
I don't want to version the s3 file in my codecommit repository because it should be encrypted and used by others teams than dev team working with the git repository
And any time my pipeline starts either if it's from the s3 bucket change or the codecommit push, I should source the commit from the repository for build purposes...
I don't know if my objectives specifications are clear, if yes is it possible to use two source actions in a pipeline as described above and how to achieve this?
Thank you in advance.
Eugène NG
Yes. It is possible to have two sources for an AWS CodePipeline. Or many for that matter. The two sources have to be in your first stage.
Then in your build phase properties, you need to tell it that you are expecting two sources.
Then tell the build project which is your primary source. This is going to be the one that you want your build project to execute the codebuild.
From your buildspec or from any scripts you call, you can then access the source directories by referencing:
Just replace SourceOutputX above with what you call your output from the source stage.
I found the following link with more information:
Yes, CodePipeline allows multiple source actions in a single pipeline. A change in either source will trigger a pipeline execution. The thing to know is that every pipeline execution will pull the latest source for both actions (not just the one with a change that triggered the pipeline execution).