Do I need to DeleteLocalRef a jstring object returned by JNI call? - java-native-interface

Suppose I'm using JNI to call some Java method that returns String, i. e. jstring in native code:
jstring jStr = (jstring)env->CallStaticObjectMethod(myApplicationClass, getString);
Do I then need to call env->DeleteLocalRef(jStr)? I think I do, but I can't find any specific instructions that state so in the JNI reference, and I can see I have a lot of code that doesn't call it - tried and true code. But if there was a minor memory leak, no one would notice since this code doesn't create many objects.

Every local reference you create is automatically freed when your JNI-called function returns to Java.
The JNI specification outlines two cases where you might want to use DeleteLocalRef:
A native method accesses a large Java object, thereby creating a local reference to the Java object. The native method then performs
additional computation before returning to the caller. The local
reference to the large Java object will prevent the object from being
garbage collected, even if the object is no longer used in the
remainder of the computation.
In other words, if you allocated a multi-megabyte string and no longer need it, you can delete the reference immediately, instead of leaving it to the JVM when you return to it. However, this is only useful if you need to perform additional steps in the JNI world before returning.
Note that this situations talks about a JNI function that is called from Java.
By attaching native threads to the JVM you can end up in the reverse situation, where your native code calls into the JVM. In that situation the JVM will not auto-free your local references and you need to delete local references yourself.
As a concrete example of that case, all the local references created in this function in the JNI cookbook will linger; they are never cleaned up manually.
A native method creates a large number of local references, although not all of them are used at the same time. Since the VM needs
a certain amount of space to keep track of a local reference, creating
too many local references may cause the system to run out of memory.
For example, a native method loops through a large array of objects,
retrieves the elements as local references, and operates on one
element at each iteration. After each iteration, the programmer no
longer needs the local reference to the array element.
This one is simpler: there is an upper limit to the number of local references.

Yes you must dispose the local references returned by Java callbacks. The standard rules apply: instead of DeleteLocalRef(), you can use PushLocalFrame()/PopLocalFrame(), or the local reference will be released automatically when the thread is detached from JVM, or the native method returns to Java (if this happens inside a native method).


Pinning Unsafe pointer

I'm designing a JNI interface that passes string parameters from Java to C++. I need high performance and have been able to use Direct ByteBuffer and String.getBytes() to do that fairly well, but the penalty for passing strings to C/C++ still remains fairly high. I recently read about the Open JDK's Unsafe class. This excellent page got me started, but I'm finding Unsafe to be woefully, but understandably poorly documented.
I'm wondering, if I use the Unsafe class to obtain a pointer to a string and pass it to C++, is there a risk that the object has moved before the C++ code is entered? And even while C++ is executing? Or are these addresses provided by the Unsafe code somehow pinned? If they aren't pinned, how are these Unsafe pointers ever useful?
Unsafe is not meant to interop with JNI. So obtained via Unsafe could change any time (even in parallel with your C++).
JNI API has ability to pin object in memory to access array content (in HotSpot JVM it would block GC thus may have negative effect on GC pause duration).
In particular, Get*ArrayElements would pin array until you explicitly do Release*ArrayElements. GetStringChars work similar way.
Direct ByteBuffer hold pointer to memory buffer outside of heap, hense this buffer is not moving and you can access it for Native code.
I've read the Java source for java.misc.Unsafe and have a bit more insight.
Unsafe has at least two ways of dealing with memory.
allocateMemory/reallocateMemory/freeMemory/etc -- As far as I can tell this allocation of memory is outside the heap so faces no GC'ing challenges. I have indirectly tested this and it seems that the long returned is simply a pointer to the memory. It seems very likely that this type of memory is safe to pass through JNI to native code. And the application Java code should be able to quickly modify/query it before and after JNI calls by using some of the other intrinsic Unsafe methods that support this style of memory pointer.
object+offset - These methods accept a pointer to an object and an "offset" token to indicate where in the object to fetch/modify the value. The objects presumably are always in the Java heap, but passing the object to these methods probably helps resolve GC complications. It does sounds like the "offset" is sometimes a "cookie" rather than an actual offset, but it also sounds like that in the case of arrays, arrayBaseOffset() returns an "offset" that one can manipulate arithmetically. I don't know if this object+offset is safe for JNI code. I don't see a method to generate a pointer directly to the Java object in the heap that one could (dangerously) pass through JNI. One could pass an object and offset, but given the cost of passing Objects through JNI, this approach is not appealing anyway.
Like (1), the code associated with the page I referenced in my posting is probably pretty safe for JNI interactions. It takes the object+offset approach when dealing with String, but uses approach (1) when dealing with the direct ByteBuffer, which always reside outside the Java heap. Direct ByteBuffer's are very JNI friendly and often they can be used in ways that avoids the JNI Object passing costs I allude to in my comment to Tom above.

luabind : Accessing an invalidated c++ object from lua results in access violation

Is it possible that luabind checks, if a member function call to an exported class (object) is for a valid object?
lets assume that i have a Class called Actor exposed using luabind to lua. Im calling a lua function from C++ with an actor object as parameter. Now before the function finishes, a script write would put the actor object in a global lua reference to be accessed later.
Later on, the actor object is deleted from the C++ site, another function is called which tries to access the invalidated actor object (any method from it) - and obviously since it has been deleted, it results in a crash (access violation)
local myObjRef = nil
function doSomethingWithActor(actor)
-- save, still valid object
myObjRef = actor
function calledAfterActorWasDeleted()
--- will crash if the c++ object has been deleted meanwhile, works fine if it still exists
A NIL check doesnt help here, is this something that can be checked on luabinds site? The functions are executed using lua_pcall(....) and the stacktrace shows the error at luabinds call.hpp results = maybe_yield(L, lua_gettop(L) - arguments, (Policies*)0);
If not, is there another solution how to make sure somebody who writes a script cannot create these issues?
Now before the function finishes, a script write would put the actor object in a global lua reference to be accessed later.
That right there is where your problem is coming from. If you want Lua code to own the object (that is, preserve the existence of this object), then you need to use Luabind mechanics to tell Luabind that you want to do that. Otherwise, if you pass a pointer to some Lua function, Luabind will assume that the function will not be trying to gain ownership of it.
If you want ownership to be shared between Lua and Luabind, then you should wrap your objects in a boost::shared_ptr, and use Luabind's smart pointer mechanisms to do this.
You could also simply segregate your scripts better. If you have some script that operates on a particular actor, then that script and any functions it contains should be destroyed (ie: lose all references to it) along with the object. This requires proper coding discipline on the C++ side. It will also require that you use Lua environments to properly encapsulate each instance of a script, so that they can't sneak things out via globals. Lastly, you will need to have C++ maintain total control over when scripts are called and when they aren't.
Otherwise, ownership is something your scripters are simply going to have to know about and be careful of. They can't treat C++ parameters like any old Lua value.
If exercising disciplined programming practice is not possible or practical for you, then you will simply have to not pass Lua the actual C++ object. Instead, you need to pass Lua some proxy object, which is a reference to the original. boost::weak_ptr is a good example of such an object (though you wouldn't pass it exactly to Lua). The proxy would forward calls to the actual object. If the object has been deleted, the proxy would detect this and fail or do nothing or whatever.
I solved my issue the following way:
When im about to delete an object, i iterate through all lua functions from C++ (i have them in a list, they are bound to specific actor objects each). Then i inspect each upvalue (global/local vars accessable to a function) - then i compare the userdata pointer with my object im about to delete - if they match (and their classes) and NIL the upvalue. Optionally, i could just remove that offending function because it would not work well anymore anyway.
So the next the time the function is called, im just getting a soft lua error "trying to access xxx a nil value..." - no more access violations.
I know people would say "dont use lua_getupvalue/lua_setupvalue - they are only for debugging!" - but there is actually no documented or spoken side effect - and in my case its perfectly safe and works well - also there isnt the issue with left over proxy objects i could not delete.

How can I maintain a weak reference on a COM object in C++?

In my application, I'm hooking various functions for creating COM objects (such as CoCreateInstanceEx) to get notified whenever some object is created. I'm keeping track of all created objects in a std::list and I'm iterating over that list to do various things (like checking which OLE objects have been activated).
The issue with this is that right now, whenever adding an IUnknown pointer to my list, I call IUnknown::AddRef on it to make sure that it doesn't get destroyed while I'm tracking it. That's not what I really want though; the lifetime of the object should be as long (or short) as it is without my tracing code, so I'd rather like to maintain a weak reference on the objects. Whenever the last reference to some tracked COM object is removed (and thus the object gets destroyed), I'd like to get notified so that I can update my bookkeeping (e.g. by setting the pointer in my list to NULL).*
What's the best way to do this? Right now, I'm patching the (first) VTable of all created objects so that the calls to IUnknown::Release via the first vtable get notified. However, this won't work for COM interfaces which inherit from multiple interfaces (and thus have multiple vtables), but I'm not sure whether this is really a problem: given the Rules for Implementing QueryInterface, there should always be just one IUnknown returned by IUnknown::QueryInterface, right? So I could do that and then patch that vtable.
Furthermore, this approach is also a bit hairy since it involves creating thunks which generate some code. I only implemented this for 32bit so far. Not a big issue, but still.
I'm really wondering whether there isn't a more elegant way to have a weak reference to a COM object. Does anybody know?
*: The next thing I'll have to solve is making this work correctly in case I have active iterators (I'm using custom iterator objects) traversing the list of COM objects. I may need to keep track of the active iterators and once the last one finished, remove all null pointers from the list. Or something like that.
This isn't an answer as much as a set of issues why this is a really tricky thing to do - I'm putting it in as an answer since there's too much information here than fits in a comment :)
My understanding is that the concept of weak reference just doesn't exist in COM, period. You've got reference counting via IUnknown, and that's the sum total of how COM deals with object lifetime management. Anything beyond that is, strictly speaking, not COM.
(.Net does support the concept, but it's got an actual GC-based memory manager to provide appropriate support, and can treat WeakRef objects differently than regular references in memory. But that's not the case with the very simple world that COM assumes, which is a world of plain memory and pointers, and little more.)
COM specifies that reference counting is per-interface; any COM object is free to do ref counting per object as a convenience, but the upshot is that if you're wrapping an object, you have to assume the most restrictive case. So you cannot assume that any given IUnknown will be used for all addrefs/releases on that object: you'd really need to track each interface separately.
The canonical IUnknown - the one you get back by QI'ing for IUnknown - could be any interface at all - even a dedicated IUnknown that is used only for the purpose of acting as an identity! - so long as the same binary pointer value is returned each time. All other interfaces could be implemented any way; typically the same value is returned each time, but a COM object could legitimately return a new IFoo each time someone QI's for IFoo. Or even keep around a cache of IFoos and return one at random.
...and then you've got aggregation to deal with - basically, COM doesn't have a strong concept of object at all, it's all about interfaces. Objects, in COM, are just a collection of interfaces that happen to share the same canonical IUnknown: they might be implemented as a single C/C++ object behind the scenes, or as a family of related C/C++ objects presenting a facade of a 'single COM object'.
Having said all of that, given that:
I'm tracing the state of various components (including all COM objects) of this software for the sake of debugging
Here's an alternate approach that might produce some useful data to debug with.
The idea here is that many implementations of COM objects will return the ref count as the return value to Release() - so if they return 0, then that's a clue that the interface may have been released.
This is not guaranteed, however: as MSDN states:
The method returns the new reference count. This value is intended to be used only for test purposes.
(emphasis added.)
But that's apparently what you're doing here.
So one thing you could do, assuming you own the calling code, is to replace calls with Release() with an inline called MyRelease() or similar that will call release, and if it notices that the return value is 0, then notes that the interface pointer is now possibly freed - removes it from a table, logs it to a file, etc.
One major caveat: keep in mind that COM does not have a concept of weak ref, even if you try to hack something together. Using a COM interface pointer that has not been AddRef()'d is illegal as far as COM is concerned; so if you save away interface pointer values in any sort of list, the only thing you should so with those is treat them as opaque numbers for debugging purposes (eg. log them to a file so you can correlate creates with destroys, or keep track of how many you have outstanding), but do not attempt to use them as actual interface pointers.
Again, keep in mind that nothing requires a COM object to follow the convention of returning the refcount; so be aware that you could see something that looks like a bug but is actually just an implementation of Release just happens to always returns 0 (or rand(), if you're especially unlucky!)
First, you're right that QueryInterface for IUnknown should always return the same pointer; IUnknown is treated as the object's identity IIRC, so needs to be stable.
As for weak pointers, off the top of my head, maybe you could give CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream a whirl? It is meant to allow you to serialize a reference to a COM object into a stream, then create a new reference to the object on some other thread using the stream. However, if you serialise into a stream and retain the stream as a sort of weak pointer, then unmarshal later on to recover the pointer, you could check whether unmarshalling fails; If so, the object is gone.
With WinRT IWeakReference was added to enable weak refs to COM objects. Objects created with WRL's RuntimeClass support IWeakReference by default (can be disabled with an option).
you can use IWeakReference in your designs but it means you will need to use at least some WinRT concepts, IInspectable based interface.

Member variable pointers to COM objects

Is there any problem with keeping member variable pointer refernces to COM objects and reussing the reference through out the class in C++.
Is anybody aware of a reason why you would want to call .CreateInstance every time you wanted a to use the COM object i.e. you were getting a fresh instance each time.
I cannot see any reason who you would want to do this,
(No is an acceptable answer!!!)
It depends on what you really want.
If you need the same object every time you have to keep a pointer to it. If you need a new object every time (for whatever reason) you have to create a new instance each time. If you don't care keeping the object is preferable because calls to CoCreateInstance() are relatively expensive.
There is no general rule in this case because there are a number of variables that decide whether it is a good idea or not.
First: If you own the COM objects in question i.e. have source code and control over how they are used, then yes its perfectly safe.
If COM objects are 3rd party COM objects sometimes crappy code in them may force you to "createInstance" on them every time you use them - out of necessity (and self preservation).
If the COM object is acting as a proxy object you may need to create them every time you use them because of stuff behind the scene i.e. other clients using the same object.
there are more situations, but to summarize: it depends...
I would say it depends on what the COM object is and how you use it. It is generally fine to reuse an ADO connection, but if you leave it in a dirty state then you may encounter odd behavior when you reuse it. Some COM object may have a re-initialize or clear method you can call to reset them back to a clean state.

JNI vs. C++ Object Instances

I have just started at a new job. Here we are new to using JNI ( for bridging C++ / Java ). I am new to JNI so please forgive my noobness :)
In our (win32) Java app we are loading a C++ DLL. On the Java side we have several instances of "SomeJClass" each of these instances needs access to corresponding instance of "SomeCClass" on the DLL side.
The DLL exposes entry-points such as GlobalDoSomethingInC(). Here I must call the instance method of Doer::DoSomethingInC(). So I need a smooth way to map the respective this-pointers.
I also need to do the same mapping when a DLL thread discovers something interesting that it needs to notify the corresponding Java-instance of.
I can think of several solutions, but I do not like them too much. My question is, is there a better way than this ?
1 Java calls C:GetNewInstance(). This returns an int that is actually a pointer to the new C instance. Java stores it in m_myCInstance. Then Java calls GlobalDoSomethingInC(), and
// DLL global
void GlobalDoSomethingInC()
// retrive this pointer
//calling back to Java:
jobj tmpJ = NewGlobalRef( env, obj );
Doer* myDoer = <reinterpret_cast>( Doer )tmpJ->GetMyCInstance();
DeleteGlobalRef( env, tmpJ );
// Arrrrgh
1b or:
// for **every call** that Java adds a parameter,
//which is the stored int:m_myCInstance, and
Doer* myDoer = <reinterpret_cast>( Doer )instanceParam->DoSomethingInC();
// Can we do better that this?
2 For calling from C to Java, things look, maybe, better
In the constructor C calls back into Java and stores
the Java instance reference
in a member variable. m_myJInstance.
In all subsequent calls m_myJInstance can be used to call back Java.
In the destructor we need to call DeleteGlobalRef( env, m_myJInstance );
Not too bad I suppose. But it really safe to store the jobject reference.
I mean: What happens when the GC moves the object around?
3 Our present solution does "work". But it belongs on rather on :)
Typically this will depend on your environment somewhat. I've only used KNI, which is even more primitive than JNI. I think a fair bit of ugliness is unavoidable, as you're mixing memory tracking across two systems, only one of which has GC.
In general, I found it best to wrap all of the calls out the C code in functions that took care of the nasty casting, which I think is unavoidable. (BTW, I'll use C to mean non-Java code here)
On the C side, movement of Java objects is definitely a potential problem. It will depend on your platform, but I would expect that as long as you are within the lib, you can expect no Java GC to occur, so your objects are stable. YOU NEED TO BE SURE OF THIS. On the other hand, if it's not the case, you're pretty much screwed. Assuming it is the case, you want to do the same thing of isolating dereferencing/casting to the function that's exposed to JNI, so that you can happily work with normal C objects in all of your called functions.
Where it can get really ugly is if you can have objects go out of scope on either side, as then potentially either side can be holding a reference to your object. Here we used finalizers on the Java side, as well as destructors on the C side. It wasn't pretty, but I think that what somewhat unavoidable.
So, short answer, it will be somewhat ugly, isolate the ugliness around the interface between the two languages, so that for the bulk of the work, in either language, you don't have to worry about such things.
It's also worth having a base class for objects that exist over this interface, as here you can also isolate some ugliness.
jobject is an opaque handle to an object. May vary in runtime implementation (see Android 2.x vs 4.x), but just trust that it is an opaque object.
The current solution is probably correct. If you must stash a jobject in native code, you must convert it to a Global reference -- If you call NewGlobalRef, the object's refcount has increased, and will not be disposed until you call DeleteGlobalRef (and the GC has noticed it is unreachable otherwise)