Querying Couchbase Bucket from Postman - Unrecognized parameter in request - postman

Using the Postman tool, I'm trying to query a Couchbase bucket. I'm getting an error response 1065 that there is an "unrecognized parameter in request". The query will work fine within the Couchbase workbench, but I need to be able to do this from Postman.
I'm making a POST request with this body:
"statement" : "SELECT * from `myBucketName` where id = "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee""
There error message is:
"msg": "Unrecognized parameter in request: {\n\"statement\" : \"SELECT from `myBuckeyName` where _id "
I think this is just an issue with how my request body is formatted, I'm just new to this and not sure how it should be formatted based off the error I'm getting.

Here's how I did it:
Open Postman
Select POST
Use a URL of http://localhost:8093/query/service
Under "Authorization", use Basic Auth (with the username/password you've created for Couchbase)
Under "Body", select "x-www-form-urlencoded"
Add a KEY of statement and a value of your query
Click SEND
I got a 200 OK response with the results of the query. Screenshot:
You should definitely check out the Couchbase REST API documentation. It uses curl instead of Postman, but that's a translation you'll eventually get used to.


Updating Sales Order line items in Dynamics business central

I have a sales order created using API for business central. Sales order has a single line item. I want to update the quantity of line item. Following is what I have tried so far.
Endpoint: https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v1.0/domain.com/api/v1.0/companies(company_id)/salesOrders(sales_order_ide)/salesOrderLines(sales_order_line_id)
where sales order line id is of the form e86d3aa1-f2f8-ea11-aa61-0022481e3b8c-10000
as described in this document When a PATCH request is made, I get the following exception:
')' or ',' expected at position 9 in
The exception stated above was also occuring when i was simply trying to get the line item but that was fixed when I changed the URL and it took the form:
https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v1.0/domain.com/api/v1.0/companies(b4a4beb2-2d42-40dc-9229-5b5c371be4e3)/salesOrders(e86d3aa1-f2f8-ea11-aa61-0022481e3b8c)/salesOrderLines?filter=sequence eq 10000
This endpoint is returning correct response when i try to get the line item by issuing
GET request. However, when I issue a PATCH request using the same endpoint, with a simple request body e.g.
{"quantity" : 2.0}
it throws the exception:
'PATCH' requests for 'salesOrderLines' of EdmType 'Collection' are not
allowed within Dynamics 365 Business Central OData web services.
I am also specifying the if-Match header along with the request that contains etag value for the line item but of no avail and same exception is occurring. Am I missing something? Any help will be appreciated.
For those who may visit this question later, after much hit and trial through Postman, I finally figured out the problem. In my case if-Match header that's basically is Etag for the line item is all fine. The Problem was with API URL, specifically the way we specify the line item id. We have to specify this in single quotes so the URL for API call becomes:
You would note that we are not specifying company_id and sales_order_id in single quotes, reason being, both of these parameters a of type GUID whereas sales_order_line_id is of type string as per metadata document.
I am getting below error
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest_NotFound",
"message": "Bad Request - Error in query syntax."

why I am getting this output in djangorestframework-jwt

hello I have implemented JWT in my test project using this package "djangorestframework-jwt"
I have generated the token by giving my "username" and "password"
but the problem is that I am getting this output bypassing my token with the endpoint
I am using postman to test API,Django=2.2.12, python 3.7.6
I am not getting my data from the database
{"eno":["This field is required."],"ename":["This field is required."],"esal":["This field is required."],"eaddr":["This field is required."]}
Your question is not correct, but I try to explain you what happend. So,
You try send POST request to your /api/ route and you got error because you dont send any required data. Go to Body tab and click on 'raw' radio button and than change 'Text' to JSON and insert correct JSON with data that you want to send to your server, it will be looks like:
"eno": "your_eno",
"ename": "your_ename"
You should read about it if you dont know.

Getting unexpected '#' error under postman Test tab

I am a learner in postman and do not have much experience in programming/scripting.
Here the issue.
Used POST api request - For getting the access token;
Used POST api request - To create an account;
Used POST api request - To cancel an account with CancellationReason
Need to crosscheck the cancellation details (some fields like cancellationReason) in web application.
In order to avoid manually check, i have used GET request api like below
by passing all the mapped fields (as per web application) in the GET request end url
(i.e. by sending the details in fetch_xml query parameter in the end url) in order to get those required fields returned.
Now i got a successful response with status code.
After that i want to compare the fetched values (from the response body) ... VS.... to the data i passed while cancelling the account (i.e. in POST api request - To cancel the account) and make sure both are same.
After that under Test tab - I have updated query like below, however it throwing an Unexpected '#' error (as the below query contains '#' in middle of the field name)
tests["Verify the CancellationReason matches"] = pm.expect(data._usr_cancellationReason_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue).to.eql("CancellationReason");
Can someone please help me to understand whether i should remove this #symbol or should replace with something else ?
Here is the response body:
"#odata.context": "https://hfrdcompanies.integrationdev01.crm3.cs.com/api/data/v9.1/$metadata#hfrd_workorders(_usr_cancellationchannel_value,usr_CancellationChannel,_usr_workorderreason_value,usr_WorkOrderReason,hfrd_workorderid,usr_cancellationuser,_usr_cancellationsource_value,usr_CancellationSource,hfrd_name,usr_CancellationChannel(),usr_AccountReason(),usr_CancellationSource())",
"value": [
"#odata.etag": "W/\"2345234523\"",
"_usr_cancellationchannel_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue": "Mobile App",
"_usr_cancellationchannel_value": "acefsdflin89-f9jf07-e969f1-a245nk11-00jnfnafn9799fc2a",
"_usr_Accountreason_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue": "Customer Inactive",
"_usr_Accountreason_value": "bde1234522-d45662-e2711-a84561-0007354a2d5c2a",
"hfrd_Accountid": "89025sf3-c668f-e7811-a4331-00asdhh3ab9bd1c",
"usr_cancellationuser": "Testuser08 ABC",
"_usr_cancellationsource_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue": "MOBILE",
"_usr_cancellationsource_value": "6c23asdf-c562-e411-a841-00asdfa",
"hfrd_name": "FP-WK-1000000642"
I want to validate the bold row

Axios Authorization not working - VueJS + Django

I am trying to build an application using VueJS and Django. I am also using Graphene-Django library, as the project utilize GraphQL.
Now, The authentication works fine and i get a JWT Token back.
But when i use the token for other queries that need authentication, i got this error in Vue:
"Error decoding signature"
and the Django Log also returns this:
graphql.error.located_error.GraphQLLocatedError: Error decoding signature
jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: Not enough segments
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
the bizarre thing is that the same query when executed in Postman just works fine.
As i mentioned in the title is use Axios for my requests, here's an example of a request:
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: "JWT " + localStorage.getItem("token") },
data: {
query: `{
dailyAppoint (today: "${today}") {
Note: It uses 'JWT' not 'Bearer' because somehow 'Bearer' didn't work for me.
Ok, couple of questions, does you API work without Vue.js from curl. Generate token, check API from curl.
If it does, then check the Headers sent from the request, from Network Inspector, mozilla dev tools/chrome devtools. And update your Post with those RAW Headers.
This particular error arises when your public key is unable to decode the string[token] signed by your private key. Which ultimately means the access token has been tampered with. It could also mean you're sending values like 'unkown'-- JS state initialization error.
Check the RAW headers of the request. It'll help.
Use a request interceptor to set the Authorization header:
axios.interceptors.request.use(config => {
if (localStorage.getItem("token") != null)
config.headers["Authorization"] = "JWT " + localStorage.getItem("token");
return config;

Getting { "message": null } 400 Bad Request Error in AWS API Gateway on enabling Authorization

I have created an API Gateway that will accept an SQL statement and will return its response. The SQL will be passed as a query parameter(q). Everything is working fine when Authorization is set to None as below:-
But on changing the Authorization to AWS_IAM as below I am getting an error - "{"message": null }" with the same API
I have explored the error 400 Bad Request and found it is caused when the format of the query parameters is incorrect. And the same is in my case. Consider this below SQLs
SQL-1: q=SELECT * from student WHERE country = 'India'
SQL-2: q=SELECT * from student WHERE country is 'India'
SQL-3: q=SELECT * from student
I am getting an error when I am passing SQL-1 as a query parameter(q). But for SQL-2 and SQL-3 I am not getting that error. This indicates that API Gateway has some issue with "=" in the query parameters.
Anyone know how can I solve this issue. Any suggestions or references would be appreciated.