Power BI YTD Calculations - powerbi

I am trying to do some time based calculations on my budgeting data but struggling to understand where I'm going wrong or if my data structure would even support what I'm trying to do.
As per the image above, this is my raw data. ie. A monthly budgeted and actual total for each cost centre that is being imported from an excel spreadsheet.
I am trying to calculate a YTD budget and YTD Actual figure per cost centre based on the monthly totals. Ideally I would like all of this data displayed in a table that I can then use slicers to segment/pivot.
When using the CALCULATE() function in a measure, I am unable to select my cell value for each date and cost centre.
YTD Actual = CALCULATE( [Actual MTH] , DATESYTD('Dates'[Date], "30/6"))
returns the error
The value for 'Actual MTH' cannot be determined. Either 'Actual MTH'
doesn't exist, or there is no current row for a column named 'Actual
Any assistance with getting a greater understanding of the issue here would be appreciated.

Try something like this for your measures:
YTD Actual = TOTALYTD(sum([Actual MTH]),'Dates'[date],ALL('Dates'[date]),"30/6")


Rolling total not calculating properly in PowerBI?

I am trying to put together a rolling monthly total measure in PowerBI but my measure is not even calculating
My data is similar to below
My data
Data Model
I have made my calculation as follows:-
Rolling Annualized Revenue =
[Annual Revenue],
FILTER('Calendar Lookup',
'Calendar Lookup'[Date]
<=MAX('Calendar Lookup'[Date])))
Edit: I just realized I copied the wrong formula altogether here
For whatever this is not working at all and yields just the annual revenue not a rolling sum
Calc Result in a matrix
I determined that I needed to add the year to the row context in order for my calculation to work properly.

Dynamic filtering based on selected value in slicer in Power BI

I am trying to create a calculated table where the data is being taken from another table and calculating the average based on the username, total average and variance between the 2 of these columns.
To create a table, I used the below DAX in Power BI which calculated the average based on the username.
scanner_speed_average_calculation =
To calculate the group_average I used the below DAX:
group_average =
, "Group Avg"
, average(scanner_speed[order_processed]))
And finally to calculate the variance, I used this query:
Variance = scanner_speed_average_calculation[Average] - scanner_speed_average_calculation[group_average]
Below is an outcome of these calculations.
I want to be able to make these calculations dynamic based on the selected value from the date. The table where I am taking these calculations do have the date value. I want to be able to use date range in slicer and I want these values to change based on the selected date range. I tried few things with Filter, Selectedvalue but I am not sure if I used them correctly.
Below is a main table where I took all these calculations from.
Below is a visual of where I want to group_average and variance. I want to be able to use date range and these columns should change accordingly.
Any idea or help will be appreciated. If possible then please put the entire formula. I am still a newbie in the world of DAX. Thanks in advance
power bi file
If you want a calculation to depend on a slicer, you need a Measure, not a calculated column or calculated table. Calculated columns and calculated tables are generated on refresh and physically stored in your model, so the slicers can filter them, but the slicers can't change the value of the calculations.
Measures are not persisted, but are calculated as needed based on changes to filters and slicers.
If you simply add add a measure
AverageOrdersProcessed := AVERAGE(scanner_speed[order_processed])
and put that on a visual that groups by user_name, you will get a the AVERAGE(scanner_speed[order_processed]) for each `user_name'.

Getting date for calculation

I am a new user of Power BI and I was wondering if it is possible to calculate the date difference that is present in two different tables but they both are connected to the third table in which I want to create a measure or a column using dax to calculate date difference:
The columns marked in red are dates and I want their difference to be calculated in the assumption table. I used the month number to build the relationship between these tables.
You can use a Measure as below-
date_diff =
To know about other Intervals rather than DAY, you can visit Here.

PowerBI measure calculates average incorrectly - why?

To preface this, I'm fairly experienced in Excel and VBA but new to PowerBI and more than a bit confused.
I have a flat table with a [creationdate]-, [Prio] (Priority (1,2,3)) and a calculated [Days Open] column, among many irrelevant others. I need to create a chart that displays the average days a case was open by priority of the case.
To display the average "days required" per (opening-) month for the past 18 months, I created the following measure:
Prio 1 = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('SourceName'[Days Open]),'SourceName'[Prio]=1)
Then I used that as a value, and used the [creationdate] as the x-axis. (Later I changed the x-axis to a new date table linked to [creationdate] without it making a difference.) To display this as monthly averages, I used the hierarchy limited to years and months, and went down one level in the chart.
Something seemed off so I checked first in Excel, then in the data source in PowerBI and yep: The averages in the PowerBI chart are complete bullshit.
Where did I go wrong? I assume it has something to do with the date hierarchy... So I created a date table as recommended (which....why?!) and linked it. That didn't make a difference.
Meanwhile in the data panel if I filter by the date column and calculate the average with the filtered selection of numbers externally, everything works as expected, so its not like there's a date formatting issue.
Do I have to create a calculated column with something akin to
, then use that as the x-axis without the hierarchy, and hope nobody cares about the day in the label? Or is there something wrong with the measure used? I'm completely lost.

Online trend of KPI in Power BI

let's say I have a KPI which is a simple calculation like
SUMX(FILTER(Table;Table[Date] < Today());Table[Column])
I would like to plot a time series of the KPI's past values (for example for the first day of every month since 01-01-2014), so for instance it is enough to create a new table - Trend_Table - with two columns - DATE, KPI and calculate each row's KPI value as
SUMX(FILTER(Table;Table[Date] < Trend_Table[Date]);Table[Column])
(it may not exactly work that way in DAX but you get the idea)
The problem is I really want to have online values, which means that once the September begins a new row with DATE = '01-09-2018' should be added automatically to the table 'Tren_Table'.
Is it possible in Power BI? Any referalls greatly welcomed.