end point to accept multiple values, including query strings - django

I have a view which should accept an end point with a query parameter, as well as without a parameter.
Here's my view file...
class SubjectPagination(JsonApiPageNumberPagination):
Required for frontend to retrieve full list.
max_page_size = 5000
class SubjectViewSet(Subject.get_viewset()):
pagination_class = SubjectPagination
def get_queryset(self):
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
queryset = Subject.objects.all()
if self.request.GET['owner_ids']:
owner_id_list = self.request.GET['owner_ids'].split(',')
owner_id_list_integer = []
for i in owner_id_list:
return queryset.filter(organization__in=owner_id_list_integer)
return queryset
SubjectUserRoleViewSet = Subject.get_by_user_role_viewset(
SubjectViewSet, GroupRoleMap, Role)
I am trying to figure out how to handle both the end points? Please advice what needs to be done at the view to handle a URI with or without query strings?
Here's the urls.py
router.register(r'subjects', views.SubjectViewSet)

First of all, is a good practice to send the parameters in url-form-encode, avoiding things like that, in this case for send a list you could send id as:
the querydict its going to be like this :
<QueryDict: {'owner_ids[]': ['62', '144']}>
and you could process it easily, like this
self.request.GET.getlist('owner_ids[]', [])
remember to use the get and get list functions of the request method GET and POST, to avoid dict errors.
Second, split returns a list the for statement in owner list id is totally unnecessary, and the queryset statement __in accept array of strings, if you actually want to convert all the items to integers use list comprehensions. For example, to convert all the items in a list to integer, just have to use:
owner_ids = [int(i) for i in owner_ids ]
this is way more fast in python and way more pythonic, and also cool too see.
and last, all urls should finish in /, even django has a settings for that called append_slash
this is what i can tell about the ambiguous question you are asking, in the next times please write questions more precisely that help people help you.


Django rest easy way to decrease field value

I am using Django Rest and I need to decrease the value of an integer field by a certain quantity.
Right now I am first getting the value currently stored, then calculating the new value, and finally writing the new value back.
Is there any way to do this in a simpler way?
Tried to decide between commenting and writing long form. I think you are doing this best, if you are saying doing that server side vice like doing the calculation in javascript and then patching/ putting to update the model.
I'd probably do something like:
url(r'^/descriptor/?p<model_link_pk>[\w\-]/subtract', viewsets.Subtractor.as_view(), name="subtract_thing_from_model"),
Then in the viewsets:
class Subtractor(APIView):
def post(self, request, format=None, model_link_pk=None):
model_link = ModelObject.objects.get(pk=model_link_pk)
model_link.integer_value -= request.data("subtract_by")
return JsonResponse({"..."}) #or serializer
Let me know if this makes sense, or if a better way exists.

Django: How to use django.forms.ModelChoiceField with a Raw SQL query?

I'm trying to render a form with a combo that shows related entities. Therefore I'm using a ModelChoiceField.
This approach works well, until I needed to limit which entities to show. If I use a simple query expression it also works well, but things break if I use a raw SQL query.
So my code that works, sets the queryset to a filter expression.
class ReservationForm(forms.Form):
location_time_slot = ModelChoiceField(queryset=LocationTimeSlot.objects.all(), empty_label="Select your prefered time")
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
city_id = kwargs.pop("city_id") # client is the parameter passed from views.py
super(ReservationForm, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
# TODO: move this to a manager
self.fields['location_time_slot'].queryset = LocationTimeSlot.objects.filter(city__id = city_id )
BUT, if I change that to a raw query I start having problems. Code that does not work:
class ReservationForm(forms.Form):
location_time_slot = ModelChoiceField(queryset=LocationTimeSlot.objects.all(), empty_label="Select your prefered time")
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
city_id = kwargs.pop("city_id") # client is the parameter passed from views.py
super(ReservationForm, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
# TODO: move this to a manager
query = """SELECT ts.id, ts.datetime_to, ts.datetime_from, ts.available_reserves, l.name, l.'order'
FROM reservations_locationtimeslot AS ts
INNER JOIN reservations_location AS l ON l.id = ts.location_id
WHERE l.city_id = %s
AND ts.available_reserves > 0
AND ts.datetime_from > datetime() """
time_slots = LocationTimeSlot.objects.raw(query, [city_id])
self.fields['location_time_slot'].queryset = time_slots
The first error I get when trying to render the widget is: 'RawQuerySet' object has no attribute 'all'
I could solve that one thanks to one of the commets in enter link description here, by doing:
time_slots.all = time_slots.__iter__ # Dummy fix to allow default form rendering with raw SQL
But now I'm getting something similar when posting the form:
'RawQuerySet' object has no attribute 'get'
Is there a proper way to prepare a RawQuerySet to be used by ModelChoiceField?
Are you sure you actually need a raw query there? Just looking at that query, I can't see any reason you can't just do it with filter(location__city=city_id, available_reserves__gte=0, datetime_from__gt=datetime.datetime.now()).
Raw query sets are missing a number of methods that are defined on conventional query sets, so just dropping them in place isn't likely to work without writing your own definitions for all those methods.
I temporarily fixed the problem adding the missing methods.
The way I'm currently using the ModelChoiceField I only needed to add the all() and get() methods, but in different scenarios you might need to add some other methods as well. Also this is not a perfect solution because:
1) Defining the get method this way migth produce incorrect results. I think the get() method is used to validate that the selected option is within the options returned by all(). The way I temporarily implemented it only validates that the id exists in the table.
2) I guess the get method is less performant specified this way.
If anyone can think of a better solution, please let me know.
So my temporary solution:
class LocationTimeSlotManager(models.Manager):
def availableSlots(self, city_id):
query = """SELECT ts.id, ts.datetime_to, ts.datetime_from, ts.available_reserves, l.name, l.'order'
FROM reservations_locationtimeslot AS ts
time_slots = LocationTimeSlot.objects.raw(query, [city_id])
# Dummy fix to allow default form rendering with raw SQL
time_slots.all = time_slots.__iter__
time_slots.get = LocationTimeSlot.objects.get
return time_slots

In Django, how do I deal with an "or" in the url regex once I get to the view?

I'm just learning Django, and am getting stuck with some url logic. I'm trying to allow either a category name or id in the url:
And then in thew view, only deal with that result once. However, if the url is a string - in this case, Whiskey, I get an error for trying to pass a string where an int is expected. This is the closest I've gotten so far:
def booze(request, booze_q):
booze = get_object_or_404(Booze,Q(pk=booze_q)|Q(name=booze_q))
return render_to_response('booze/detail.html', {'booze': booze})
But this returns an error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Whiskey'
I'm sure it's a pretty easy thing, but this is my first Django app, so any help would be appreciated.
tl;dr: End result, I'd like mysite.com/1/ or mysite.com/Whiskey/ to both call the glasses.views.booze view, and get the object with id=1 or name=Whiskey
This is a common scenario you'll encounter quite often, which is typically handled by resorting to multiple arguments and having views behave differently based on which of the view arguments are then present or not.
What you do is first define a URL pattern that uniquely matches each specific case and then let Django's URL resolver set the arguments accordingly based on which of the patterns was matched.
Here's an example with a class based view, that performs two different queries based on which of the two keyword arguments, booze_id or booze_name, is set:
url(r'^(?P<booze_id>\d+)/$', BoozeDetailView.as_view()),
url(r'^(?P<booze_name>\w+)/$', BoozeDetailView.as_view()),
class BoozeDetailView(DetailView):
model = Booze
def get_object(self):
booze_id = self.kwargs.get('booze_id', None)
booze_name = self.kwargs.get('booze_name', None)
if booze_id:
return self.model.objects.get(id=booze_id)
return self.model.objects.get(name=booze_name)
You will always get a string, even if the string contains a number.
1) You should not have a parameter that could be either an id or something else. One day you will enter an item whose name is a number and your app will fail.
2) When querying for pk with a string django automatically tries to convert it into an integer. You'll have to handle the non-pk case before constructing that query.

Django: Passing a request directly (inline) to a second view

I'm trying to call a view directly from another (if this is at all possible). I have a view:
def product_add(request, order_id=None):
# Works. Handles a normal POST check and form submission and redirects
# to another page if the form is properly validated.
Then I have a 2nd view, that queries the DB for the product data and should call the first one.
def product_copy_from_history(request, order_id=None, product_id=None):
product = Product.objects.get(owner=request.user, pk=product_id)
# I need to somehow setup a form with the product data so that the first
# view thinks it gets a post request.
2nd_response = product_add(request, order_id)
return 2nd_response
Since the second one needs to add the product as the first view does it I was wondering if I could just call the first view from the second one.
What I'm aiming for is just passing through the request object to the second view and return the obtained response object in turn back to the client.
Any help greatly appreciated, critism as well if this is a bad way to do it. But then some pointers .. to avoid DRY-ing.
My god, what was I thinking. This would be the cleanest solution ofcourse:
def product_add_from_history(request, order_id=None, product_id=None):
""" Add existing product to current order
order = get_object_or_404(Order, pk=order_id, owner=request.user)
product = Product.objects.get(owner=request.user, pk=product_id)
newproduct = Product(
order = order,
name = product.name,
amount = product.amount,
unit_price = product.unit_price,
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('order-detail', args=[order_id]) )
A view is a regular python method, you can of course call one from another giving you pass proper arguments and handle the result correctly (like 404...). Now if it is a good practice I don't know. I would myself to an utiliy method and call it from both views.
If you are fine with the overhead of calling your API through HTTP you can use urllib to post a request to your product_add request handler.
As far as I know this could add some troubles if you develop with the dev server that comes with django, as it only handles one request at a time and will block indefinitely (see trac, google groups).

Capturing URL parameters in request.GET

I am currently defining regular expressions in order to capture parameters in a URL, as described in the tutorial. How do I access parameters from the URL as part the HttpRequest object?
My HttpRequest.GET currently returns an empty QueryDict object.
I'd like to learn how to do this without a library, so I can get to know Django better.
When a URL is like domain/search/?q=haha, you would use request.GET.get('q', '').
q is the parameter you want, and '' is the default value if q isn't found.
However, if you are instead just configuring your URLconf**, then your captures from the regex are passed to the function as arguments (or named arguments).
Such as:
(r'^user/(?P<username>\w{0,50})/$', views.profile_page,),
Then in your views.py you would have
def profile_page(request, username):
# Rest of the method
To clarify camflan's explanation, let's suppose you have
the rule url(regex=r'^user/(?P<username>\w{1,50})/$', view='views.profile_page')
an incoming request for http://domain/user/thaiyoshi/?message=Hi
The URL dispatcher rule will catch parts of the URL path (here "user/thaiyoshi/") and pass them to the view function along with the request object.
The query string (here message=Hi) is parsed and parameters are stored as a QueryDict in request.GET. No further matching or processing for HTTP GET parameters is done.
This view function would use both parts extracted from the URL path and a query parameter:
def profile_page(request, username=None):
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
message = request.GET.get('message')
As a side note, you'll find the request method (in this case "GET", and for submitted forms usually "POST") in request.method. In some cases, it's useful to check that it matches what you're expecting.
Update: When deciding whether to use the URL path or the query parameters for passing information, the following may help:
use the URL path for uniquely identifying resources, e.g. /blog/post/15/ (not /blog/posts/?id=15)
use query parameters for changing the way the resource is displayed, e.g. /blog/post/15/?show_comments=1 or /blog/posts/2008/?sort_by=date&direction=desc
to make human-friendly URLs, avoid using ID numbers and use e.g. dates, categories, and/or slugs: /blog/post/2008/09/30/django-urls/
Using GET
Using POST
Someone would wonder how to set path in file urls.py, such as
so that we could invoke query.
The fact is that it is not necessary to set such a route in file urls.py. You need to set just the route in urls.py:
urlpatterns = [
path('domain/search/', views.CityListView.as_view()),
And when you input http://servername:port/domain/search/?q=CA. The query part '?q=CA' will be automatically reserved in the hash table which you can reference though
request.GET.get('q', None).
Here is an example (file views.py)
class CityListView(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = CityNameSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
if self.request.method == 'GET':
queryset = City.objects.all()
state_name = self.request.GET.get('q', None)
if state_name is not None:
queryset = queryset.filter(state__name=state_name)
return queryset
In addition, when you write query string in the URL:
Do not wrap query string in quotes. For example,
def some_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('q', None):
# Do something here ..
For situations where you only have the request object you can use request.parser_context['kwargs']['your_param']
You have two common ways to do that in case your URL looks like that:
Version 1:
If a specific key is mandatory you can use:
key_a = request.GET['a']
This will return a value of a if the key exists and an exception if not.
Version 2:
If your keys are optional:
You can try that without any argument and this will not crash.
So you can wrap it with try: except: and return HttpResponseBadRequest() in example.
This is a simple way to make your code less complex, without using special exceptions handling.
I would like to share a tip that may save you some time.
If you plan to use something like this in your urls.py file:
url(r'^(?P<username>\w+)/$', views.profile_page,),
Which basically means www.example.com/<username>. Be sure to place it at the end of your URL entries, because otherwise, it is prone to cause conflicts with the URL entries that follow below, i.e. accessing one of them will give you the nice error: User matching query does not exist.
I've just experienced it myself; hope it helps!
These queries are currently done in two ways. If you want to access the query parameters (GET) you can query the following:
request.query_params.get('status', None) => 1
If you want to access the parameters passed by POST, you need to access this way:
request.data.get('role', None)
Accessing the dictionary (QueryDict) with 'get()', you can set a default value. In the cases above, if 'status' or 'role' are not informed, the values ​​are None.
If you don't know the name of params and want to work with them all, you can use request.GET.keys() or dict(request.GET) functions
This is not exactly what you asked for, but this snippet is helpful for managing query_strings in templates.
If you only have access to the view object, then you can get the parameters defined in the URL path this way:
If you only have access to the request object, use the following:
Tested on Django 3.
from rest_framework.response import Response
def update_product(request, pk):
return Response({"pk":pk})
pk means primary_key.
from products.views import update_product
from django.urls import path
urlpatterns = [
path('update/products/<int:pk>', update_product)
You might as well check request.META dictionary to access many useful things like
# for example
# or to avoid any exceptions provide a fallback
request.META.get('QUERY_STRING', False)
you said that it returns empty query dict
I think you need to tune your url to accept required or optional args or kwargs
Django got you all the power you need with regrex like:
url(r'^project_config/(?P<product>\w+)/$', views.foo),
more about this at django-optional-url-parameters
This is another alternate solution that can be implemented:
In the URL configuration:
urlpatterns = [path('runreport/<str:queryparams>', views.get)]
In the views:
list2 = queryparams.split("&")
url parameters may be captured by request.query_params
It seems more recommended to use request.query_params. For example,
When a URL is like domain/search/?q=haha, you would use request.query_params.get('q', None)
"request.query_params is a more correctly named synonym for request.GET.
For clarity inside your code, we recommend using request.query_params instead of the Django's standard request.GET. Doing so will help keep your codebase more correct and obvious - any HTTP method type may include query parameters, not just GET requests."