Calculated column based on a disconnected slicer - powerbi

I'm not sure I've summarised this question correctly, so I'll add a description below of the actual problem.
We have a report that displays data for 'jobs'. These jobs have a few relevant date fields on them such as Created Date, Completed Date and Invoice Date. We currently have 3 slicers on the report that work as expected based on these dates.
Users sometimes use all 3 slicers at the same time and end up with all sorts of useless data. No matter how many times we've told them to reset the filters before changing the date slicers, they keep forgetting to do that.
They also do not want to have 3 separate reports.
We've been tasked with providing them with the following:
Something that lets them select what they want to filter on, with the options only being Created, Completed or Invoiced
A slicer that works based on the option they selected above.
We've tried creating a calculated column that is set to one of those dates based on the option selected in the disconnected slicer, and then adding a slicer that works off that column, but we aren't having any luck. The values in the calculated column are not correct
This is what we've done in attempting to solve the problem:
Create a measure that captures the selected value
SelectedMeasure = SELECTEDVALUE('Date Filter Options'[Name],"Created Date")
Create a calculated column to set the appropriate date value
Please note we're only testing with two out of the three possible values at the moment.
Selected Date Filter = if(jobs[SelectedMeasure] = "Created Date", (jobs[Created Date (DateOnly)]), (jobs[Completed Date (DateOnly)]))
What we're finding is that the Selected Date Filter column does not update with the correct date value, even after we change the slicer and the measure updates as expected.
We're totally stumped - I'm aware we are probably a fair bit away from the correct solution, so any help would be appreciated
Not quite sure how to best present the data model, but here are the relevant fields of the 'jobs' table
jobNumber: string
jobId: guid
CreatedDate: date
CompletedDate: date
InvoicedDate date
The Date Filter Options table just consists of one column with these options:
"Created Date"
"Completed Date"
"Invoiced Date"


Show filtered data when no value is selected in slicer in power bi

I have two tables, once for slicer and other one is for details table. The details table have a InvoiceDate column where some rows have blank InvoiceDate. The slicer table looks like below:
The slicer will only show value of of ID 1, like below.
Initially I want slicer to be un checked and the data should show only rows where InvoiceDate is Blank. Once User select the Slicer as Include Invoiced Records, it should show both full details i.e. Rows with Blank + Non-Empty dates rows.
There are two other ways of doing what you want that are probably more 'correct' but I'll also describe a way to provide the behavior you describe.
Option one: Delete your second table. Add a calculated column to your details table as follows:
Invoice Status = IF (ISBLANK([Invoice Date]) = TRUE(), "Not yet invoiced", "Invoiced")
Create a slicer using [Invoice Status] and simply default it to show 'not invoiced.' If users want to see the invoiced records, they just check that box in the slicer as well.
Option Two: Use Bookmarks and buttons to produce the desired effect. Create two buttons, one that says 'Include Invoiced Customers' and another that says 'Hide Invoiced Customers' -- create two bookmarks where one has the invoiced customers filtered out of the visual and one where the invoiced customers aren't filtered. Set each button's "Action" to the appropriate bookmark.
Option Three Keep your 'slicer' table. Let's assume it's called 'Invoice Filter Selection.' Create a new measure:
IncludeDetailFilter =
IF (ISFILTERED('Invoice Filter Selection'[Value]) = True(),
IF (ISBLANK(MAX(InvoiceDetails[Invoice Date])) = TRUE(), 1, 0)
When the slicer has a selection, it will be considered 'Filtered' and you will pass into the first branch of the IF where the measure always evaluates to 1. When the slicer isn't selected, the measure will evaluate to 1 or 0 depending on whether or not there are any values for Invoice Date in the row. Add this new measure as a filter on your invoice detail visual.
Hope it Helps.

Date Table Returning zero values

I am pretty new to Power BI and DAX so I apologize if my vocabulary isn't entirely accurate, however I'm having trouble with the functionality of the program.
Goal: I would like to create a visual that returns the count of ID's based off of date using a date table 
Summary of Problem: I create a relationship between a date table and fact table. When creating a visual using the date table field [date], and fact table count of [Id's] the relationship between the date table seems to break and return nothing.
Details: I created a date table and created a relationship to a 'Lead' Database table using the respective "Date" field (in the Main date table) to the "CreatedDate" (in the 'Lead' table). Shown Below
*Uses a 1:Many relationship with a single crossfilter moving towards the 'Lead' table
When I pull in a table in the visualizations, using a the dimensions of 'Main Date Filter'[Date] and count of 'Lead'[Lead Id], it seems theres no relationship between the 'Main Date Filter'[Date] and 'Lead'[CreatedDate] because none of the dates populate and counts all the ID's into a blank date
Also I made sure to turn off filters off for this example and strip all relationships to just the lead object and date
Here are the further data types of each of the fields that are being related
Thank you for taking the time to find a solution and I appreciate the help as this simple problem has been driving me crazy!
Once again the goal is to just return the count of Id's per date and I don't understand why this is not working.

Power BI Dax Expression Help - Setting default slicer between dates

Power Bi report uses a date slicer (between) - As a default I want it to set the first date in the slicer as Monday (last week) and the last date as Friday (last week). I dont want this to be a relative date but always must be the previous Mon-Fri. I have a column in my data set that tells me which one is the 'Previous Week' as a text field. I dont know how to use this to set a default slicer value. But i also want to make sure the user can change the slicer dates and it changes as per the user request.
Example today is 01/09/2020
I want my default slicer date as : 24/08/2020 - 28/08/2020
I have two measures which gives me by last week dates:
DefaultSD = MINX( FILTER(Data, [WeeksFilter] = "Previous Week Only"),[Date])
DefaultED = MAXX( FILTER(Data, [WeeksFilter] = "Previous Week Only"),[Date])
I assume this is possible using a DAX expression but dont know how to create this expression to populate these default values.
Please note the data is refreshed up until 01/09/2020 so there is currently data for this week but i dont want this to included in the default slicer on report load
You can't set slicer defaults yet but this can be achieved with relative date filtering.
Select date in the last 1 calendar week:

Power BI: Fill gaps between two dates, exclude dates outside range

So I am looking to display payments from individual donors over a time period between their first donation, and today's date.
To fill gaps in a visual representation of donations over time, I use a calendar table and select ‘show items with missing data.’
My issue is that if a donor first donated in 2005 the fact that the calendar table starts in 1980 means the graph shows an X axis date range starting that year. So it's showing a lot of time we know has no data.
How can I default the date range to start at the date of the first donation of the user ID passed to the report?
Tables: Calendar, Donations
One way to achieve this is to create a measure that checks to see if there are donations within the current filter context. For your chart this will be for the date and donor category selections, though this would work in any other filter context that relates to donations.
It will look similar to this:
Has Donations =
You can then add this filter to the Filters on this visual section of the Filter Pane and check for where the value is 1, though make sure your date axis is set to continuous. This will return all dates between the oldest and newest donation.

Calendar/GenerateSeries DAX functions giving error "The start date or end date in Calendar function can not be Blank value."

I am trying to create a separate table that will have dates between Start_Date and End_date. These dates are measures. Below is the detail of my requirement..
I have a Dropdown in report which lists distinct dates of fact.sales table and is a single select. I am saving this selected date in a Measure --> End_Date = selectedvalue(sale[Delivery Date Key]).
Now I am showing a report using what-if parameter. The slider slides from values 1 to 24.
Now I am creating another Measure..
Start_Date = date(year('Date'[End Date]),MONTH('Date'[End Date])-Cust_Key[Cust_Key Value],1)`
The Problem - When I try to use calendar function to create table using below DAX function, I get an error - "The start date or end date in Calendar function can not be Blank value."
calendar = calendar('Date'[Start Date],'Date'[End Date])
Can measures not be used inside the Calendar/GenerateSeries function.. Thanks in advance..
The SELECTEDVALUE function will return a blank if you haven't selected a single value. Note that calculated tables cannot read slicer values since they are only computed when the data is loaded, not whenever you interact with a slicer. Therefore, your End_Date measure returns a blank since it isn't filtered by the slicer.
You can use measures within any calculated tables but they won't interact with any dynamic slicers or filters. Calculated tables in your data model are static once the model is loaded. You can, however, use temporary/dynamic calculated tables within a measure so long as the measure still returns a single value at the end.