Arithmetic overflow in Fortran - fortran

I am working with REAL numbers like 4*10**11, and the compiler complains that the numbers are too big, it says
Error: Arithmetic overflow at (1)
I tried to use REAL*8 and REAL*16, but this does not solve the problem
How can I solve this problem?
A MWE could be this:
REAL fg,t,num,c1,minimo,massimo,en0,alpha,func
DO nioni=1, 10
WRITE(*,*) en0


Solving linear equations on Fortran using LAPACK [duplicate]

I have this line in fortran and I'm getting the compiler error in the title. dFeV is a 1d array of reals.
dFeV(x)=R1*5**(15) * (a**2) * EXP(-(VmigFe)/kbt)
for the record, the variable names are inherited and not my fault. I think this is an issue with not having the memory space to compute the value on the right before I store it on the left as a real (which would have enough room), but I don't know how to allocate more space for that computation.
The problem arises as one part of your computation is done using integer arithmetic of type integer(4).
That type has an upper limit of 2^31-1 = 2147483647 whereas your intermediate result 5^15 = 30517578125 is slightly larger (thanks to #evets comment).
As pointed out in your question: you save the result in a real variable.
Therefor, you could just compute that exponentiation using real data types: 5.0**15.
Your formula will end up like the following
dFeV(x)= R1 * (5.0**15) * (a**2) * exp(-(VmigFe)/kbt)
Note that integer(4) need not be the same implementation for every processor (thanks #IanBush).
Which just means that for some specific machines the upper limit might be different from 2^31-1 = 2147483647.
As indicated in the comment, the value of 5**15 exceeds the range of 4-byte signed integers, which are the typical default integer type. So you need to instruct the compiler to use a larger type for these constants. This program example shows one method. The ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module provides the int64 type. UPDATE: corrected to what I meant, as pointed out in comments.
program test_program
implicit none
integer (int64) :: i
i = 5_int64 **15_int64
write (*, *) i
end program
Although there does seem to be an additional point here that may be specific to gfortran:
integer(kind = 8) :: result
result = 5**15
print *, result
gives: Error: Result of exponentiation at (1) exceeds the range of INTEGER(4)
integer(kind = 8) :: result
result = 5**7 * 5**8
print *, result
gives: 30517578125
i.e. the exponentiation function seems to have an integer(4) limit even if the variable to which the answer is being assigned has a larger capacity.

Fortran Type mismatch in argument n at 1 passed REAL(8) to integer (4)

I'm having a problem with a fortran 77 project (Yes i know it's archaic, but my prof requres us to program in fixed form fortran)
So I'm having a problem with a subroutine, which should read an N dimension Vector, which should be a column. the code for this looks like: (its still an early draft for my homework, just trying to figure out how to call a subroutine the rest of the code will be done if i can compile this problem)
Program gauss
implicit double precision (A-H,O-Z)
!he directly asked for implicit typing
call Vread(V(N))
end program
Subroutine Vread(V,N)
Implicit double precision (A-H,O-Z)
dimension V(N)
read(*,*) (V(I),I=1,N)
So my problem is: If I try to compile it with gfortran gauss.exe -o gauss.f the compiler returns with error:
Type mismatch argument 'n' at(1); passed REAL(8) to Integer(4)
In your main program you write
call Vread(V(N)) ! this passes a rank-1 vector with N elements
but your subroutine is declared
Subroutine Vread(V,N) ! this requires 2 arguments
Change the call to
call Vread(V,N)
and let your professor know that the 21st Century arrived a while age. Note too that it is possible to write 21C Fortran in fixed-form. It doesn't make much sense, but might enable you to toe the line while developing in a more modern version of the language.
!he directly asked for implicit typing
I trust that you are in a jurisdiction where you do not pay directly for your education. If you are paying fees then demand more, you're being cheated.

division by zero doesn't work with ieee_arithmetic in gfortran 5.4

I'm using ieee_arithmetic with Fortran on a Linux machine that runs gfortran version 5.4.0.
I'm getting an error of division by zero when trying to initialize values for Inf and NaN.
There doesn't seem to be an issue with ieee_arithmetic because elsewhere in the file I can successfully call ieee_is_finite() with no issues.
I thought that ieee_arithmetic allowed division by zero to be used for these specific cases, but I must be missing something. Below is a sample of code:
module rcrlib_gnu
use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic ! requires gfortran version 5.0 or higher
implicit none
integer, parameter :: SP=kind(1.0), DP=selected_real_kind(9,99)
integer, parameter :: stderr=0
public SP, DP, is_finite, stderr, initialize
subroutine initialize(infty,nan)
real(kind=DP), intent(out) :: infty, nan
infty = 1.0_dp/0.0_dp ! huge(1.0_dp)
nan = 0.0_dp/0.0_dp
end subroutine initialize
elemental function is_finite(x)
real(kind=DP), intent(in) :: x
logical :: is_finite
is_finite = ieee_is_finite(x) ! This call requires "ieee_arithmetic"
end function is_finite
end module rcrlib_gnu
It seems I'm missing something basic, so I would appreciate any help.
To reproduce the error, save the above code snippet as rcrlib_gnu_example.f90 and then execute the following line:
gfortran -o rcr rcrlib_gnu_example.f90
The resulting error output is
infty = 1.0_dp/0.0_dp ! huge(1.0_dp)
Error: Division by zero at (1)
nan = 0.0_dp/0.0_dp
Error: Division by zero at (1)
Thanks to Pascal Cuoq, I solved the problem.
The version of the initialize subroutine that compiles is below:
subroutine initialize(infty,nan)
real(kind=DP), intent(out) :: infty, nan
infty = huge(1.0_dp)+100
nan = infty-infty
end subroutine initialize
So basically set infinity to be the largest floating point number plus 100, then set NaN to be the difference between infinity and itself.
Thanks, all, for your quick responses and patience with my lack of FORTRAN experience.

Why are resulsts of silverfrost and gfortran different?

When I run my code with Silverfrost fortran, the result is -2.987531633638E-02. But with gfortran (under cygwin and ubuntu linux) it is -2.9875316336381942E-002. My code is here:
program seebeck
call quad3d(0.,190.,ss)
write(*,*) "result:",ss
end program seebeck
SUBROUTINE quad3d(x1,x2,ss)
REAL:: x1,x2
external f1
call qgausep(f1,x1,x2,ss)
SUBROUTINE qgausep(f2,a,b,ss)
external f2
REAL:: a,b
REAL*8 dx,xm,xr,w(5),x(5)
SAVE w,x
DATA w/.2955242247,.2692667193,.2190863625,.1494513491,.0666713443/
DATA x/.1488743389,.4333953941,.6794095682,.8650633666,.9739065285/
do 11 j=1,5
11 continue
function f1(t)
end function
There is a huge difference between the two results. I cannot explain the cause of this difference as a floating point inaccuracy.
Note: My code is a draft version and has no physical meaning.
This has something to do with how different compilers handling your data assignment at line 26/27 of your code. You defined both w and x as double-precision arrays, but only initialize them with lower precision values. This will introduce some floating point inaccuracy. In fact if I pass your code through the NAG compiler (which is known to be very strict), it gives a warning:
Warning: test.f90, line 26: Low-precision data-value assigned to high-precision data-object
To confirm, you can print out the values in array w and x to see if they are different when using different compilers.

Catch integer exceptions in Fortran

Is there a way to catch integer exceptions with gfortran or ifort like there is for catching floating point exceptions?
Consider this simple program to calculate the factorial:
program factorial
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(8) :: fac
real(REAL64) :: facR
integer,parameter :: maxOrder = 30
integer :: i
fac = 1 ; facR = 1.e0_REAL64
do i=2,maxOrder
fac=fac*i ; facR=facR*real(i,REAL64)
write(*,*) i, fac, facR
enddo ! i
end program
At some point there will be an overflow - for integer(8) as shown here, it will occur at around 21. But without the calculation using floats as a reference I couldn't tell for sure...
There is nothing in the Fortran standard that deals with integer overflow. As it stands you can't even rely on integers wrapping round when a computation exceeds the maximum value representable in the chosen kind. So, while a test such as
huge(2_8)+1 < 0_8
is likely to work with most current compilers (at least the ones I have used recently) it's not guaranteed.
I am sure that neither Intel Fortran nor gfortran provide compiler-generated run-time checks for integer overflow either. I'm not sure about other compilers but I'll be (pleasantly) surprised to learn that any of them do.
I think, therefore, that you have to proceed with your current approach.
gfortran will catch integer overflow with -ftrapv flag, see man gcc:
This option generates traps for signed overflow on addition, subtraction, multiplication operations.
ifort does not seem to have that capability.