Reallocate memory for both stack and heap pointer - c++

I developped a blocking queue class as follow
class Blocking_queue
int put(void* elem, size_t elem_size);
int take(void* event);
unsigned int get_size();
typedef struct element
void* elem;
size_t elem_size;
struct element* next;
std::mutex m_lock;
std::condition_variable m_condition;
unsigned int m_size;
element_t* m_head;
element_t* m_tail;
I want the class to be as generic as possible so I'm using a void pointer which is allocated when the element is added to the queue and freed when removed from it.
int Blocking_queue::take(void* event)
element_t* new_head = NULL;
int ret = 0;
// Queue empty
if(nullptr == m_head)
// Wait for an element to be added to the queue
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> unique_lock(m_lock);
if(nullptr == realloc(event, m_head->elem_size))
ret = -1;
// Take element from queue
memcpy(event, m_head->elem, m_head->elem_size);
ret = m_head->elem_size;
new_head = m_head->next;
m_head = new_head;
if(nullptr == m_head)
m_tail = nullptr;
m_size -= 1;
return ret;
If the queue is empty, take() function waits on m_condition until a new element is added.
A pointer event has to be given to copy element's content before freeing it.
To be sure that the given pointer has the right size to copy element's content I reallocate the pointer with its size.
The problem I have with this is that it doesn't allow to pass a function's locale variable because it's allocated on the stack.
So if I do something like this
void function()
unsigned int event = 0;
I'll have a invalid old size error on realloc.
So if I pass a null pointer or a heap allocated variable it'll work but if I pass a stack variable address it won't.
Is there a way to allow stack variable address to be passed to take() function ?

Is there a way to allow stack variable address to be passed to take()
function ?
The short answer is no. malloc()/free()/realloc() can only work with heap-allocated memory; they will not work with stack-allocated memory.
As for how you might work around this problem, I think it will require some redesign. My first suggestion is to run as far away as possible from (void *) -- void-pointers are extremely unsafe and difficult to use correctly, because the compiler knows nothing about what they point to, and therefore cannot generate errors when the programmer does something incorrectly; this leads to lots of runtime problems. They are more of a C-language construct, still supported in C++ to provide C compatibility, but C++ has better and safer ways to do the same things.
In particular, if all of the data-elements of your queue are expected to be the same type, then the obvious thing to do would be to make your Blocking_queue class templated with that type as a template-argument; then the user can specify e.g. Blocking_queue<MyFavoriteDataType> and use whatever type he likes, and provide easy-to-use by-value semantics (similar to those provided by e.g. std::vector and friends)
If you want to allow mixing data-elements of different types, then the best thing to do would be the above again, but define a common base-class for the objects, and then you can instantiate a Blocking_queue<std::shared_ptr<TheCommonBaseClass> > object that will accept shared-pointers to any heap-allocated object of any subclass of that base class. (If you really need to pass shared-pointers to stack-allocated objects, you can do that by defining a custom allocator for the shared pointer, but note that doing so opens the door to object-lifetime-mismatch issues, since the stack objects may be destroyed before they are removed from the queue)


Why do these visit methods cause memory leaks?

I am working on a medium sized C++ framework making use of the visitor pattern.
A valgrind test of a program implementing this framework reported a number of memory leaks that could be tracked down to one of the visitors, namely the copyCreator.
template<typename copyNodeType>
struct copyCreator {
copyCreator {}
copyCreator(node * firstVisit) {
~copyCreator() {
for(auto ptr : openList) {
delete ptr;
std::unique_ptr<copyNodeType> copy = 0;
vector<nonterminalNode *> openList;
// push to tree
template<typename nodeType>
void push(nodeType * ptr) {
if (copy) {
// if root is set, append to tree
else {
auto temp = dynamic_cast<copyNodeType *>(ptr);
if(temp) {
copy = std::unique_ptr<copyNodeType>(temp);
// ...
void visit(struct someNonterminalNode & nod) {
auto next = new someNonterminalNode(); //This is leaked
There are a two main reasons why I am confused about this:
The two different constructors cause a different number of leaks
The leaks are reported to occur during visits
The accept methods of all nodes simply triggers a standard double dispatch to the visit method of the correct visitor.
I am fairly new to C++ programming and might have overlooked some really fundamental issue.
copyCreator<nodeType>::push(ptr) is supposed to take ownership of ptr. But it fails to do so if (a) ptr is not of type nodeType* (as determined by dynamic_cast), and (b) no node of type nodeType has been visited yet.
In other words, copyCreator<nodeType> creates, and promptly leaks, copies of all nodes until it encounters one of type nodeType.
This is precisely what happens in copyCreator<programNode> cpy2(&globalScope, a);, where a is forallNode*. cpy2 expects to encounter programNode (which it never does), and meanwhile, it copies and leaks all other nodes.

C++, stack and pointers of struct

Hello I have a problem with pointer on struct in a stack.
I have a stack of struct:
stack<Somethink*> stack1;
And i want to push and pop array of "Somethink"
void Search(Somethink* array_Somethink, int s, int d,) {
stack1.push(&(array_Somethink[s])); //
while (stack1.size() != 0) {
int i = 0;
array_Somethink[i] = *(stack1.pop()); // this return a error
I hope someone can give me a tip, how to properly push and pop from this stack
Thank you :D
void Search(Somethink* array_Somethink, int s, int d,) {
stack1.push(&(array_Somethink[s])); //
while (!stack1.empty()) {
int i = 0;
array_Somethink[i] = *(;
My modified code assumes, you have "owning" pointers to the elements on the stack somewhere else. If that is not the case, you would end with memory leaks here, as the pointers in the stack become dangling objects (leaks).
In order to avoid the potential for memory leaks, here, it might be a good idea if you used std::shared_ptr<Somethink> instead of raw pointers. Then, your stack would become a std::stack< std:shared_ptr<Somethink> >.
For details on std::stack operations empty(),pop(),top(), see std::stack in the usual place.
There, you will find explanations such as this:
C++ Containers library std::stack
reference top();
const_reference top() const;
Returns reference to the top element in the stack. This is the most recently pushed element. This element will be removed on a call to pop(). Effectively calls c.back().
top will return a pointer to the struct and you are trying to assign it to an instance of the struct. Basically you are trying to assign a pointer to Somethink to a position in an array of Somethink's

how to assert a pointer's pointed content is on heap? [duplicate]

bool isHeapPtr(void* ptr)
int iStack = 35;
int *ptrStack = &iStack;
bool isHeapPointer1 = isHeapPtr(ptrStack); // Should be false
bool isHeapPointer2 = isHeapPtr(new int(5)); // Should be true
/* I know... it is a memory leak */
Why, I want to know this:
If I have in a class a member-pointer and I don't know if the pointing object is new-allocated. Then I should use such a utility to know if I have to delete the pointer.
My design isn't made yet. So, I will program it that way I always have to delete it. I'm going to avoid rubbish programming
There is no way of doing this - and if you need to do it, there is something wrong with your design. There is a discussion of why you can't do this in More Effective C++.
In the general case, you're out of luck, I'm afraid - since pointers can have any value, there's no way to tell them apart. If you had knowledge of your stack start address and size (from your TCB in an embedded operating system, for example), you might be able to do it. Something like:
stackBase = myTCB->stackBase;
stackSize = myTCB->stackSize;
if ((ptrStack < stackBase) && (ptrStack > (stackBase - stackSize)))
isStackPointer1 = TRUE;
The only "good" solution I can think of is to overload operator new for that class and track it. Something like this (brain compiled code):
class T {
void *operator new(size_t n) {
void *p = ::operator new(n);
return p;
void operator delete(void* p) {
::operator delete(p);
// a function to avoid static initialization order fiasco
static std::set<void*>& heap_track() {
static std::set<void*> s_;
return s_;
static bool is_heap(void *p) {
return heap_track().find(p) != heap_track().end();
Then you can do stuff like this:
T *x = new X;
if(T::is_heap(x)) {
delete x;
However, I would advise against a design which requires you to be able to ask if something was allocated on the heap.
Well, get out your assembler book, and compare your pointer's address to the stack-pointer:
int64_t x = 0;
asm("movq %%rsp, %0;" : "=r" (x) );
if ( myPtr < x ) { heap...
Now x would contain the address to which you'll have to compare your pointer to. Note that it will not work for memory allocated in another thread, since it will have its own stack.
here it is, works for MSVC:
#define isheap(x, res) { \
void* vesp, *vebp; \
_asm {mov vesp, esp}; \
_asm {mov vebp, ebp}; \
res = !(x < vebp && x >= vesp); }
int si;
void func()
int i;
bool b1;
bool b2;
isheap(&i, b1);
isheap(&si, b2);
it is a bit ugly, but works. Works only for local variables. If you pass stack pointer from calling function this macro will return true (means it is heap)
In mainstream operating systems, the stack grows from the top while the heap grows from the bottom. So you might heuristically check whether the address is beyond a large value, for some definition of "large." For example, the following works on my 64-bit Linux system:
#include <iostream>
bool isHeapPtr(const void* ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long int>(ptr) < 0xffffffffull;
int main() {
int iStack = 35;
int *ptrStack = &iStack;
std::cout << isHeapPtr(ptrStack) << std::endl;
std::cout << isHeapPtr(new int(5)) << std::endl;
Note that is a crude heuristic that might be interesting to play with, but is not appropriate for production code.
First, why do you need to know this? What real problem are you trying to solve?
The only way I'm aware of to make this sort of determination would be to overload global operator new and operator delete. Then you can ask your memory manager if a pointer belongs to it (the heap) or not (stack or global data).
Even if you could determine whether a pointer was on one particular heap, or one particular stack, there can be multiple heaps and multiple stacks for one application.
Based on the reason for asking, it is extremely important for each container to have a strict policy on whether it "owns" pointers that it holds or not. After all, even if those pointers point to heap-allocated memory, some other piece of code might also have a copy of the same pointer. Each pointer should have one "owner" at a time, though ownership can be transferred. The owner is responsible for destructing.
On rare occasions, it is useful for a container to keep track of both owned and non-owned pointers - either using flags, or by storing them separately. Most of the time, though, it's simpler just to set a clear policy for any object that can hold pointers. For example, most smart pointers always own their container real pointers.
Of course smart pointers are significant here - if you want an ownership-tracking pointer, I'm sure you can find or write a smart pointer type to abstract that hassle away.
Despite loud claims to the contrary, it is clearly possible to do what you want, in a platform-dependent way. However just because something is possible, that does not automatically make it a good idea. A simple rule of stack==no delete, otherwise==delete is unlikely to work well.
A more common way is to say that if I allocated a buffer, then I have to delete it, If the program passes me a buffer, it is not my responsibility to delete it.
class CSomething
: m_pBuffer(new char[128])
, m_bDeleteBuffer(true)
CSomething(const char *pBuffer)
: m_pBuffer(pBuffer)
, m_bDeleteBuffer(false)
if (m_bDeleteBuffer)
delete [] m_pBuffer;
const char *m_pBuffer;
bool m_bDeleteBuffer;
You're trying to do it the hard way. Clarify your design so it's clear who "owns" data and let that code deal with its lifetime.
here is universal way to do it in windows using TIP:
bool isStack(void* x)
void* btn, *top;
_asm {
mov eax, FS:[0x08]
mov btn, eax
mov eax, FS:[0x04]
mov top, eax
return x < top && x > btn;
void func()
int i;
bool b1;
bool b2;
b1 = isStack(&i);
b2 = isStack(&si);
The only way I know of doing this semi-reliably is if you can overload operator new for the type for which you need to do this. Unfortunately there are some major pitfalls there and I can't remember what they are.
I do know that one pitfall is that something can be on the heap without having been allocated directly. For example:
class A {
int data;
class B {
A *giveMeAnA() { return &anA; }
int data;
A anA;
void foo()
B *b = new B;
A *a = b->giveMeAnA();
In the above code a in foo ends up with a pointer to an object on the heap that was not allocated with new. If your question is really "How do I know if I can call delete on this pointer." overloading operator new to do something tricky might help you answer that question. I still think that if you have to ask that question you've done something very wrong.
How could you not know if something is heap-allocated or not? You should design the software to have a single point of allocation.
Unless you're doing some truly exotic stuff in an embedded device or working deep in a custom kernel, I just don't see the need for it.
Look at this code (no error checking, for the sake of example):
class A
int *mysweetptr;
mysweetptr = 0; //always 0 when unalloc'd
void doit()
if( ! mysweetptr)
mysweetptr = new int; //now has non-null value
void undoit()
delete mysweetptr;
mysweetptr = 0; //notice that we reset it to 0.
bool doihaveit()
return true;
return false;
In particular, notice that I am using the null value to determine whether the pointer has been allocated or not, or if I need to delete it or not.
Your design should not rely on determining this information (as others have pointed out, it's not really possible). Instead, your class should explicitly define the ownership of pointers that it takes in its constructor or methods. If your class takes ownership of those pointers, then it is incorrect behavior to pass in a pointer to the stack or global, and you should delete it with the knowledge that incorrect client code may crash. If your class does not take ownership, it should not be deleting the pointer.

How do I know if a pointer has been assigned data via 'new'?

Say I have a pointer like this:
int *thingy;
At some point, this code may or may not be called:
thingy=new int;
How do I know if I can do this:
delete thingy;
I could use a bool for every pointer and mark the bool as true whenever the I use new, but I have many pointers and that would get very unwieldy.
If I have not called new on thingy, calling delete on it would likely cause a crash, right?
I searched around quite a bit but could find no answer that clearly fit my situation.
EDIT: I need to be able to delete the pointers as many times as I like without the pointers necessarily pointing to any data. If this is impossible I'll have to re-write my code.
Initialize it to NULL always
int *thingy = NULL;
and then
delete thingy;
thingy = NULL;
is valid even if thingy is NULL. You can do the delete as many times as you want as long as thingy is NULL delete will have no unwanted side effects.
There's no built-in way to tell if a particular pointer value is deleteable. Instead you simply have to design the program to do the right thing, preferably by carefully designing resource ownership policies in line with your requirements and them implementing them with something like RAII.
Given appropriate RAII types you will not need to scatter deletes or other resource management commands around your code. You will simply initialize and use objects of the appropriate types, and leave clean up to the objects themselves. For example if the RAII type unique_ptr corresponds to an ownership policy you want to use then you can manage an object this way:
unique_ptr<int> thingy {new int};
// use thingy ...
There's no need to manually cleanup, because unique_ptr takes care of that for you.
On the other hand if you try to manage resources directly you end up with lots of code like:
int *thingy = nullptr;
// ...
thingy = new int;
try {
// something that might throw
} catch(...) {
delete thingy;
thingy = nullptr;
delete thingy;
thingy = nullptr;
There is no builtin C++ tool to identify if a pointer points to heap data and can safely deleted. It's safe to delete a NULL pointer and you can set every pointer whose data has been deleted to NULL. But this doesn't help to differentiate between pointers to heap data and pointers to other data or to code.
When your operation system starts a process it will locate the code and data sections to specific data areas. In Windows this is partially controlled by the PE header of the EXE file. Therefore the actual address of the memory regions may vary. But you can identify where theses regions are located:
After obtaining the address range for each region you can differentiate between a pointer to the heap data (where delete is appropriate) and a pointer to stack data. This allows you to differetiate between deleteable and data whose pointer you must not delete.
Write a wrapper class that does the tracking for you, eg:
template<typename T>
class ptr_t
T* m_ptr;
bool m_delete;
ptr_t(const ptr_t&) {}
ptr_t& operator=(const ptr_t&) { return *this; }
: m_ptr(NULL), m_delete(false)
ptr_t(T *ptr, bool del)
: m_ptr(ptr), m_delete(del)
void assign(T *ptr, bool del)
if (m_delete)
delete m_ptr;
m_ptr = ptr;
m_delete = del;
void reset()
assign(NULL, false);
operator T*() { return m_ptr; }
bool operator!() const { return (!m_ptr); }
typedef ptr_t<int> int_ptr;
int_ptr thingy;
thingy.assign(new int, true);
int i;
int_ptr pi;
pi.assign(&i, false);

C++ buffer pool?

I have a strong use case for pre-allocating all the memory I need upfront and releasing it upon completion.
I have came out with this real simple buffer pool C++ implementation which I have to test but I am not sure that the pointer arithmetic I am trying to use will allow me to do that. Basically the bit where I do next and release. I would prefer some trick around this idea and not relying on any sort of memory handler which just makes the client code more convoluted.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <queue>
#include "utils_mem.h"
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class tbufferpool {
const int m_initial;
const int m_size;
const int m_total;
T* m_buffer;
vector<T*> m_queue;
// constructor
tbufferpool(int initial, int size) : m_initial(initial), m_size(size), m_total(initial*size*sizeof(T)) {
m_buffer = (T*) malloc(m_total);
T* next_buffer = m_buffer;
for (int i=0; i < initial; ++i, next_buffer += i*size) {
// get next buffer element from the pool
T* next() {
// check for pool overflow
if (m_queue.empty()) {
printf("Illegal bufferpool state, our bufferpool has %d buffers only.", m_initial);
T* next_buffer = m_queue.back();
return next_buffer;
// release element, make it available back in the pool
void release(T* buffer) {
assert(m_buffer <= buffer && buffer < (buffer + m_total/sizeof(T)));
void ensure_size(int size) {
if (size >= m_size) {
printf("Illegal bufferpool state, maximum buffer size is %d.", m_size);
// destructor
virtual ~tbufferpool() {
First, when you increase a pointer to T, it will point the next element of T in the memory.
m_queue.push(m_buffer + (i*size*sizeof(T)));
This should be like
m_buffer = (T*) malloc(m_total);
T* next = m_buffer;
for (int i=0; i < initial; ++i) {
assert(m_buffer <= buffer && buffer < m_total);
It should be like
assert(m_buffer <= buffer && buffer <= m_buffer + m_total/sizeof(T));
Hope it helps!
I don't understand why you're "wrapping" the STL queue<> container. Just put your "buffers" in the queue, and pull the addresses as you need them. When you're done with a "segment" in the buffer, just pop it off of the queue and it's released automatically. So instead of pointers to buffers, you just have the actual buffer classes.
It just strikes me as re-inventing the wheel. Now since you need the whole thing allocated at once, I'd use vector not queue, because the vector<> type can be allocated all at once on construction, and the push_back() method doesn't re-allocate unless it needs to, the same with pop_back(). See here for the methods used.
Basically, though, here's my back-of-the-envelope idea:
#include <myType.h> // Defines BufferType
const int NUMBUFFERS = 30;
int main()
vector<BufferType> myBuffers(NUMBUFFERS);
BufferType* segment = &(myBuffers[0]); // Gets first segment
myBuffers.pop_back(); // Reduces size by one
return 0;
I hope that gives you the general idea. You can just use the buffers in the vector that way, and there's only one allocation or de-allocation, and you can use stack-like logic if you wish. The dequeue type may also be worth looking at, or other standard containers, but if it's just "I only want one alloc or de-alloc" I'd just use vector, or even a smart pointer to an array possibly.
Some stuff I've found out using object pools:
I'm not sure about allocating all the objects at once. I like to descend all my pooled objects from a 'pooledObject' class that contains a private reference to its own pool, so allowing a simple, parameterless 'release' method and I'm always absolutely sure that an object is always released back to its own pool. I'm not sure how to load up every instance with the pool reference with a static array ctor - I've always constructed the objects one-by-one in a loop.
Another useful private member is an 'allocated' boolean, set when an object is depooled and cleared when released. This allows the pool class to detect and except immediately if an object is released twice. 'Released twice' errors can be insanely nasty if not immediately detected - weird behaviour or a crash happens minutes later and, often, in another thread in another module. Best to detect double-releases ASAP!
I find it useful and reassuring to dump the level of my pools to a status bar on a 1s timer. If a leak occurs, I can see it happening and, often, get an idea of where the leak is by the activity I'm on when a number drops alarmingly. Who needs Valgrind:)
On the subject of threads, if you have to make your pools thread-safe, it helps to use a blocking queue. If the pool runs out, threads trying to get objects can wait until they are released and the app just slows down instead of crashing/deadlocking. Also, be careful re. false sharing. You may have to use a 'filler' array data member to ensure that no two objects share a cache line.