Split row in multiple other rows in Power Bi based on a division of a number - powerbi

In Power BI Desktop i have a table from an excel file and i want to split a row based on a division between the value of a specific column and a default number.
In more details lets assume tha we have a table like this :
if the default value we want to devide column Amount is 50,then the desirable result would be something like that :
Do you have any idea how can i implement that in Power query editor or with dax?

Tested this in Power Query for Excel, but hopefully should work for you in Power BI too. If you create a function like:
divisionToList = (numberToDivide as number, numberToDivideBy as number) as list =>
divisionResult = numberToDivide / numberToDivideBy,
isResultValid = (divisionResult >= 0) and (Number.Mod(divisionResult, 1) = 0),
errorIfInvalid = Error.Record("Cannot create a list with " & Text.From(divisionResult) & " items", Number.ToText(numberToDivide) & " / " & Number.ToText(numberToDivideBy) & " = " & Text.From(divisionResult), null),
listOrError = if isResultValid then List.Repeat({divisionResult}, divisionResult) else error errorIfInvalid
in listOrError,
It should divide two numbers and return a list of length d in which each element is d (d is the result of the division). This list can then, in the context of a table, be expanded into new rows.
There is some basic error handling in the function for cases where the division yields a problematic number (since you can't have a list with, for example, 5.1 elements or -1 elements). You can change/remove this handling if necessary.
I think this code below takes me from your first image to your second image -- and hopefully will give you some idea on how to go about achieving this.
mockData = Table.FromColumns({{200, 400}, {"A", "B"}}, type table [Amount = number, Description = text]),
defaultValue = 50, // Not sure what logic is required for arriving at this figure, so have simply assigned it.
divisionToList = (numberToDivide as number, numberToDivideBy as number) as list =>
divisionResult = numberToDivide / numberToDivideBy,
isResultValid = (divisionResult >= 0) and (Number.Mod(divisionResult, 1) = 0),
errorIfInvalid = Error.Record("Cannot create a list with " & Text.From(divisionResult) & " items", Number.ToText(numberToDivide) & " / " & Number.ToText(numberToDivideBy) & " = " & Text.From(divisionResult), null),
listOrError = if isResultValid then List.Repeat({divisionResult}, divisionResult) else error errorIfInvalid
in listOrError,
invokeFunction = Table.TransformColumns(mockData, {{"Amount", each divisionToList(_, defaultValue), type list}}),
expanded = Table.ExpandListColumn(invokeFunction, "Amount")


Lookup multiple columns in Google Sheets and return a list from the matches

I think the title accurately describes what I'm trying to achieve.
Essentially, I have a table of data for houses, the street it's on, whether it has a pool or gates etc. and I'm trying to create a lookup in Google Sheets so if someone is trying to find a house with a pool for a maximum of $800k then I can return results that match the criteria.
This is how the table data looks.
I want to be able to query the data here in columns D, E, F, G (G being a maximum value in the lookup) and return the data in columns A, B, C if everything matches.
I would enter on a different tab, the maximum budget (which would need to do a max lookup of column G, and then look for any Y/N in the other columns and return a list of all matches.
Is this possible with Google Sheets?
Thanks, for any help you can offer.
"select C,B,A,H
where H <= "&B3&"
and D = '"&B4&"'
and E = '"&B5&"'
and F = '"&B6&"'", 0)
"select C,B,A,G
where G <= "&B3&
IF(B4="Y", " and D = '"&B4&"'", )&
IF(B5="Y", " and E = '"&B5&"'", )&
IF(B6="Y", " and F = '"&B6&"'", )&
IF(B7="Y", " and J = '"&B7&"'", ), 0), "No houses found.")

generate a one-column table that contains hundreds of different categories using M or DAX

I need to split my products into a total of 120 predefined price clusters/buckets. These clusters can overlap and look somewhat like that:
As I dont want to write down all of these strings manually: Is there a convenient way to do this in M or DAX directly using a bit of code?
Thanks in advance!
With m-Query you can create a function. Open the query editor. Richt click and create empty query. Create function (ignore warning) and call it : RowGenerator.
Open advanced editor and past the following code:
Bron = (base as number, start as number, end as number) => let
Bron = Table.FromList(List.Generate(() => start, each _ <= end, each _ + 1), Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Aangepaste kolom toegevoegd" = Table.AddColumn(Bron, "Aangepast", each Number.ToText(base) & " - " & Number.ToText([Column1]))
#"Aangepaste kolom toegevoegd"
This function creates a table where base is your first number and start, end the range.
Add another empty query, open the advanged editor and paste:
Bron = List.Generate(() => 0, each _ < 5, each _ + 1),
#"Geconverteerd naar tabel" = Table.FromList(Bron, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Aangeroepen aangepaste functie" = Table.AddColumn(#"Geconverteerd naar tabel", "test", each RowGenerator(_[Column1], _[Column1] + 1, 5)),
#"test uitgevouwen" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Aangeroepen aangepaste functie", "test", {"Column1", "Aangepast"}, {"Column1.1", "Price Cluster"}),
#"Kolommen verwijderd" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"test uitgevouwen",{"Column1", "Column1.1"})
#"Kolommen verwijderd"
This creates first a list of 5 rows, then it calls the previous made function for each row and the last step is to expend the rows and remove the not needed columns.
You can create this bucket by DAX (New Table):
,"Bucket", [FirstPart] & " - " & [SecondPart]
GENERATE(SELECTCOLUMNS(GENERATESERIES(0,9,1),"FirstPart",[Value]), TOPN([FirstPart], SELECTCOLUMNS(GENERATESERIES(1,9,1),"SecondPart",[Value]), [SecondPart],ASC))
,"Bucket", [FirstPart] & " - " & [SecondPart]

Filter formula for multiple cell references

How can I make it so the formula on E2 reads values entered in any of the search cells and displays it as results, considering I have a button to clear all search boxes and users are instructed to only search one box at a time and to press the button if multiple boxes are filled?
See image
Here's my editable Spreadsheet
Much appreciated.
=IFNA(QUERY(A2:C4; "where A = '"&B6&"'
or B = '"&B7&"'
or C = '"&B8&"'"; 0))
I'd like results to be shown only if the data users look for are in the same row.
=IFNA(QUERY(A2:C4; "where A = '"&B6&"'
and B = '"&B7&"'
and C = '"&B8&"'"; 0))
=IFNA(QUERY(A2:C4; "where "&TEXTJOIN(" and "; 1;
IF(B6="";;"A = '"&B6&"'");
IF(B7="";;"B = '"&B7&"'");
IF(B8="";;"C = '"&B8&"'"))&""; 0))
You can combine conditions via + and *
"Enter the data for the request"

Power BI, Power Query - Go trough list and add text with each step (for each)

I have a list for example:
Now I want to create a query in power query that will create a text like this:
"The letters are: " A B C D
I already have this query:
xx= KEYListfunction(),
list = Text.Split(xx, ","),
text = "",
loop = List.Accumulate(list, 0, (state, current) => text = text & " " & current ))
But the result only says "FALSE"
Are you looking for this?
list = {"A".."D"},
text = "The letters are: " & Text.Combine(list, ", ")

Stuck adding formula to dynamically added columns

I have a query that returns a dynamic number of columns. I need to dynamically add the same amount of custom columns. I have successfully gotten this far. I'm stuck creating the formulas for the custom columns. This is what I have so far. (This is not the actual query, this is simplified)
Here is the Code:
Test = List.Accumulate(MyList, Source,
(state, current) => Table.AddColumn(
state, "A Temp" & Number.ToText(current), each [A1])
For now, I just added [A1] as a place holder for the formula. I need the formula to accumulate as follows:
A Temp1 = [A1] / [TOTAL]
A Temp2 = [A2] / [TOTAL]
A Temp3 = [A3] / [TOTAL]
Above is not actual code. Just what I need the formulas to do for each custom column.
Is this possible? I have tried everything I could think of. I'm using power query in excel BTW.
This isn't exactly what you asked for, but I think it will help.
Test = List.Accumulate(
List.Select(Table.ColumnNames(Source), each _ <> "TOTAL"),
(state, current) => Table.AddColumn(state,
"Temp " & current,
each Record.Field(_, current) / [TOTAL]))
It's not exactly what you asked for as it gives column names like Temp A1 instead of A Temp1.