Parsing Json using arduino-mqtt lib - c++

I am trying to use the arduino-mqtt lib.
I have this working sending the json string. The problem comes with trying to parse the string with ArduinioJson. It just returns no value.
I think it may have todo with the pointer reference in the mqttMessageRecived function ( String &payload).
Function called when there is an MQTT message:
void mqttMessageReceived(String &topic, String &payload){
//Example String for test
String json = "{"id" : "100" , "cmd" : "0xff"}";
Serial.println("Sending Static String");
Function to parse json input:
void jsonout(String Json){
StaticJsonDocument<200> doc;
//Deserialize the JSON document
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, Json);
Serial.println("Got String: ");
// Test if parsing succeeds.
if (error) {
Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed: "));
const char* id = doc["id"];
const char* cmd = doc["cmd"];
// Print values.
Non parsed output:
Message from MQTT
Got String:
"{\"id\" : 4 , \"cmd\": \"0xee\"}"
Result = No output from json parse
Non parsed output:
Sending Static String
Got String:
{"id" : "100" , "cmd" : "0xff"}
Result = Output from json parse:

The problem is that - in the response from the server
"{\"id\" : 4 , \"cmd\": \"0xee\"}"
the id field is an integer - not a character array.
So you need to change
const char* id = doc["id"];
int id = doc["id"];
(and update your test string to use an int for the ID also).

The server returns a id member that's a Number "id":4, while you are generating a id that's a String "id":"200".
You need to adjust your code to either one. If it's a number (and it seems so), you need to send "id":200 and change your code to get a number:
unsigned id = (double)doc["id"];
// And to generate it:
String json = "{\"id\" : 100 , \"cmd\" : \"0xff\"}";
Also, with JSON, beware of hexadecimal encoding, has it's not converted to number (you have to do it yourself by receiving a const char* and calling sscanf or strtol or ...) and it's not convenient. It's better to use base-10 encoding instead:
String json = "{\"id\" : 100 , \"cmd\" : 255}";


Json serializing in C++ (ESP32)

I'm writing some script for ESP32 and struggling to serialize a json.
Used libraries are HTTPClient and ArduinoJson.
String payload = http.getString();
deserializeJson(result, payload);
const char* usuario = result["user"];
The received payload is:
{"ip":"","area":"[{\"id\":\"3\",\"text\":\"BOX\"}]","user":"[{\"id\":\"6270\",\"text\":\"ANDRE LARA OLIVEIRA E SILVA\"}]","teamId":6,"id":4,"siteId":2,"userCreate":"100059527","dateCreate":"2020-11-19T08:49:03.957","userUpdate":null,"dateUpdate":null}
I need to retrieve id and text from "user" key. It's fine to deserialize and retrieve user object. But result["user"] returns: [{"id":"6270","text":"ANDRE LARA OLIVEIRA E SILVA"}] to the char array. So it's something like a json nested in an array... and it's not working out to deserialize.
Can anyone help me how to properly get the "id" and "text" values from "user" object?
The library doesn't know the content of that string is valid JSON, so you have re-parse it. This code worked for me on my PC, though I don't have an Arduino to test it on:
auto payload = "..."; // JSON content here
StaticJsonDocument<1024> result;
deserializeJson(result, payload);
auto user = result["user"].as<const char*>();
StaticJsonDocument<256> userObj;
deserializeJson(userObj, user);
auto id = userObj[0]["id"].as<int>();
auto text = userObj[0]["text"].as<const char*>();
"Can anyone help me how to properly get the "id" and "text" values from "user" object?" You can access them with
const char *id = result["user"]["id"];
const char *text = result["user"]["text"];
const int id = result["user"]["id"];
const char* text = result["user"]["text"];

c++ JsonCpp parse string with escaped quotes as array

I've got the following json string:
"data" :
"cart" : "[{\"name\":\"Test item 1\",\"price\":15,\"quantity\":1,\"sum\":15,\"tax\":\"none\",\"payment_type\":\"advance\",\"item_type\":\"service\"},{\"name\":\"Test item 2\",\"price\":13.01,\"quantity\":2,\"sum\":26.02,\"tax\":\"none\",\"payment_type\":\"part_prepay\",\"item_type\":\"work\"}]",
"contact" : "",
"p_id" : "603",
"sum" : "100.02",
"tax_system" : "osn"
"msg" : null,
"result" : "success"
I can parse cart as std::string after parsing input json string as stringstream:
const std::string ParseJsonData(std::stringstream ssJsonStream)
Json::Value jsonData;
Json::Value responseData;
Json::Value responseDataCart;
Json::CharReaderBuilder jsonReader;
std::string errs;
if (Json::parseFromStream(jsonReader, ssJsonStream, &jsonData, &errs)) {
responseData = jsonData["data"];
responseDataCart = responseData[0]["cart"];
return responseDataCart.toStyledString().c_str();
return "Could not parse HTTP data as JSON";
Please, tell me, how can i parse cart as array with JsonCpp?
The same way you parsed the outer JSON!
You started with a string (well, hidden by a stream) and turned it into JSON.
Now that JSON contains a property that is a string and, itself, contains JSON. The problem is recursive. The fact that the inner string originally came from JSON too can be ignored. Just pretend it's a string you typed in.
So, you can use JSON::Reader to in turn get the JSON out of that string.
Something like:
const std::string responseDataCartStr = responseData[0]["cart"].asString();
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(responseDataCartStr, responseDataCart))
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing nested JSON failed");
JsonCpp provides a few ways to parse JSON and it's worth exploring them to find the most appropriate for your use case. The above is just an example.
Ignore the backslashes — the escaping was meaningful within the encapsulating JSON document, but the outermost parse stage should already have taken that into consideration. You'll see if you print responseDataCartStr to console that it is a valid JSON document in its own right.

Replacing value of a member in rapidjson

I am currently working on a project in C++ using rapidjson.
My program receives some JSON data on a socket which includes some authentication details. I log the incoming message, but I want to hide the password so it can't be seen in the log file. So I am trying to get the JSON object, and replace each character of the string and put this replaced string back into the json object where the password was.
Below is the code that I have:
rapidjson::Document jsonObject;
string method = jsonObject["method"].GetString();
if (jsonObject.HasMember("sshDetails"))
Value& sshDetails = jsonObject["sshDetails"];
string sshPassword = sshDetails["sshPassword"].GetString();
for (int i = 0; i < sshPassword.length(); i++)
sshPassword[i] = '*';
rapidjson::Value::Member* sshPasswordMember = sshDetails.FindMember("sshPassword");
sshPasswordMember->name.SetString(sshPassword.c_str(), jsonObject.GetAllocator());
//Convert it back to a string
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
Document jsonDoc;
string jsonString = string(buffer.GetString());
I'm getting an error on the following line:
rapidjson::Value::Member* sshPasswordMember = sshDetails.FindMember("sshPassword");
The error I am getting is:
No suitable conversion function from rapidjson::GenericMemberIterator<false, rapidjson::UTF8<char>, rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CtrlAllocator>> to rapidjson::GenericMember::UTF8<char>, myProject...SocketProcessor.cpp
I took the above from an example on another question on SO which was an accepted answer from rapidjson - change key to another value, so what am I missing.
I've managed to find the answer to this with a bit of playing round and luck.
I changed
rapidjson::Value::Member* sshPasswordMember = sshDetails.FindMember("sshPassword");
sshPasswordMember->name.SetString(sshPassword.c_str(), jsonObject.GetAllocator());
to be
rapidjson::Value::MemberIterator sshPasswordMember = sshDetails.FindMember("sshPassword");
sshPasswordMember->value.SetString(sshPassword.c_str(), jsonObject.GetAllocator());
using rapidjson in my project I found out that many of such problems can be omitted by the use of auto instead of specifying the type

How to pass a URL parameter to jersey web service like ...?lib=T%E2che%20Yves

I have a web service that receives a parameter with special characters encoded in hexadecimal values.
#Produces("application/xml; charset=UTF-8")
public Response createTask( #QueryParam("lib")
String pLibelle) {
logger.debug(" -> lib =" + pLibelle);
With the following lib parameter:
The debugger displays:
-> lib =T?che Yves
But I was expecting
-> lib =T%E2che%20Yves
Or if my dreams came true I could have:
-> lib =Tâche Yves
(that's the original string before URL encoding)
So my question is:
How can I get my original string? It seems that the URL-encoded parameter is already traduced in a wrong way by the Jersey mechanism, and i seem to have no control on it?
Thank you for your help.
When URL encoded, Tâche Yves should be T%C3%A2che%20Yves and not T%E2che%20Yves.
Observe the following:
When using UTF-8, â is encoded as %C3%A2.
When using CP-1252, â is encoded as %E2.
You can use the #Encoded annotation to get the value URL encoded:
#Produces("application/xml; charset=UTF-8")
public Response method(#Encoded #QueryParam("bar") String bar) {
That's the final code I'll be using:
#Produces("application/xml; charset=UTF-8")
public Response createTask(#Encoded #QueryParam("lib") String pLibelleUrlIso8859_1) {
String lLibelleIso8859_1 = "";
String lLibelleUtf8 = "";
try {
// Conversion 1 : (ISO-8859-1 + URLEncoded) -> ISO-8859-1
lLibelleIso8859_1 =, "ISO-8859-1");
// Conversion 2 : ISO-8859-1 -> UTF-8
lLibelleUtf8 = javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility.decodeText(lLibelleIso8859_1);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
logger.error("[createTask] " + e1.getMessage());
// ERROR 500 - A038
lOutput = erreurXml("A038",
"Unsupported encoding. ISO-8859-1 + URL Encoding expected.",
return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
logger.debug(" -> lib =" + pLibelleUtf8);

How to get data from Photon eventContent dictionary

We are receiving this callback using ExitGames Photon Realtime engine when an event is fired
customEventAction(int playerNr,
nByte eventCode,
const ExitGames::Common::Object& eventContent)
If the object is a string we use this code to extract it
ExitGames::Common::JString str =
However, the object being sent is a dictionary. It's being sent from the server using BroadcastEvent.
How do we get data out of it ?
We've tried this, but it doesn't make any sense:
ExitGames::Common::Dictionary<byte,ExitGames::Common::Object> pdic
= ExitGames::Common::ValueObject<ExitGames::Common::Dictionary<byte,ExitGames::Common::Object>>(eventContent).getDataCopy();
I've found code to get the data from a hashtable, but that doesn't work either.
ExitGames::Common::Dictionary<nByte, ExitGames::Common::Object> dic = ExitGames::Common::ValueObject<ExitGames::Common::Dictionary<nByte, ExitGames::Common::Object> >(eventContent).getDataCopy();
is absolutely correct and works for me.
The cause of your problem must be inside another line.
When you replace the implementations of sendEvent() and customEventAction() in demo_loadBalancing inside one of the Photon C++ client SDKs with the following snippets, then that demo successfully sends and receives a Dictionary:
void NetworkLogic::sendEvent(void)
ExitGames::Common::ValueObject<ExitGames::Common::JString> obj(L"test");
ExitGames::Common::Dictionary<nByte, ExitGames::Common::Object> dic;
dic.put(1, obj);
mLoadBalancingClient.opRaiseEvent(false, dic, 0);
void NetworkLogic::customEventAction(int /*playerNr*/, nByte /*eventCode*/, const ExitGames::Common::Object& eventContent)
EGLOG(ExitGames::Common::DebugLevel::ALL, L"");
ExitGames::Common::Dictionary<nByte, ExitGames::Common::Object> dic = ExitGames::Common::ValueObject<ExitGames::Common::Dictionary<nByte, ExitGames::Common::Object> >(eventContent).getDataCopy();
const ExitGames::Common::Object* pObj = dic.getValue(1);
ExitGames::Common::JString str = ExitGames::Common::ValueObject<ExitGames::Common::JString>(pObj).getDataCopy();
mpOutputListener->write(L"received the following string as Dictionary value: " + str);
This gives me the following line of output on the receiving client:
received the following string as Dictionary value: test