Spock - Pass test successfully after timeout - unit-testing

In Spock, you can set time out, after which the test fails.
#Timeout(value = 1500, unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
def "this method should not run longer than 2 seconds"() {
userFilter = buildUserFilter(); // criteria to search users.
exportDestination = buildDestination(); // where to export users.
expect: "should not take long"
Now I need something the opposite: the test should pass after timeout.
def "should block and wait until user-microservice is up"() {
userExportMicroserviceClient = mock()
userExportMicroserviceClient.getUsers(_) >> httpNotFound
expect: "should block the current thread because userMicroservice is down"
I know, it is a bad thing to depend on the other service availability. This thing runs only during data migration and it is not related to daily tasks.
Again, I have a method that gives users from user microservice, and it blocks until user microservice is up. How do I test it?

It depends how did you implement the exportUsers() method.
Assume it pulls a microservice every second. If so, you can emulate the response of the microservice in sequence: down, down, up.
// The timeout includes 2 seconds of microservice down.
#Timeout(value = 3500, unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
def "should block and wait until user-microservice is up"() {
given: "mocked microservice which is not available for first 2 calls and available on 3rd call"
userExportMicroserviceClient = mock()
userExportMicroserviceClient.getUsers(_) >>> [httpNotFound, httpNotFound, httpOk]
when: "calling the user getting should take long time"
def actualResult = userService.exportUsers(userDetails)
def expectedResult = <prepare>
actualResult == expectedResult
Sure things, this is a pseudo-code and requires yours project specific corrections.


Too few invocations 0 when checking cardinality with Spock

I have a simpler controller method that does the following:
def updateName(){
def idUser = params.id
User changeUser = User.get(idUser)
changeUser.name = "newname"
changeUser.save(flush: true)
And the following Spock test:
def "updateName should edit user and save it"(){
given: "the id of the user"
User currentUser = new User([name: "hector" , age: 12]).save(flush: true)
params.id = User.last().id
when: "the updateName method is called"
then: "name should have change it and save has to be called just one time"
assert currentUser.name == "newname" // Success
1 * _.save() // Too few invocations, 0.
I have seen all the related questions in SO about this topic, and people suggest using Mocks and Spy, but I don't really see why should I be using them and anyway I didn't get them to work for me, I tried to create a User mock and change my cardinality assert to:
1 * userMock.save()
But it didn't work for me... can I have some help with this?
To make it work, I create a GroovyMock that allows me to access to static functions such as save.
def "updateName should edit user and save it"(){
given: "the id of the user"
params.id = 1
User mockUser = GroovyMock(User, global: true)
when: "the updateName method is called"
then: "set Name and save has to be called just one time"
1 * User.get(1) >> mockUser
1 * mockUser.setName("newname")
1 * mockUser.save()
} //All test passed!
Not sure if it's the best way to do it, but it works for me! I'll leave the question in case someone offers a better solution, or throws some good information about this

Unit test grails with domain objects using GORM functions

I have the following piece of code inside a service class named OrderService in Groovy on Grails. I want to make a unit test for this class. User and Order are domain classed. A user has many orders.
boolean testfun(long userId, lond orderId){
User user = User.findByUserId(userId)
if(user == null)return false
Order order = Order.findByUserAndId(user, orderId)
if(order == null)return false
return true
The unit test that I am trying to write is the following (using Spock):
#Mock([User, Order])
class OrderServiceSpec extends Specification{
def "test funtest"() {
User user = new User(2)
Order order = new Order()
order.metaClass.id = 3// I want to assign the id of the order in domain
service.testfun(2,3) == true
However this test fails because the order is null. Can anyone help me?
Another question is: is this test a unit test? or should I write an integration test in grails?
It depends on what you're actually trying to test, but this can be a unit test—I'd just recommend modifying it a little bit to isolate only the service method that you're interested in testing. You're not looking to test the domain classes at all, so it's best to mock/stub the behavior that you need from them to test the service functionality.
A good way to do this is with Spock's support for interaction based testing via mock objects. Basically we specify that when the service's testfun() method is called, we expect User.findById() to be called once and Order.findByUserAndId() to be called once as well. Spock then allows us to stub out each method call so that we specify what we want the method to return. When we run the test, the stub will be used, not the actual GORM method.
Some complexity lies with stubbing out static methods (like GORM methods), but you can use a GroovySpy to get the job done.
Also, I'm assuming you meant to use User.findById() instead of User.findByUserId()?
Something along these lines should work for you:
def "test funtest"() {
// Global so that it replaces all instances/references of the
// mocked type for the duration of the feature method.
GroovySpy(User, global: true)
GroovySpy(Order, global: true)
def result = service.testfun(2,3)
// No need to return real objects, so use a mock
1 * User.findById(2) >> Mock(User)
1 * Order.findByUserAndId(_ as User, 3) >> Mock(Order)
result == true
result = service.testfun(2,3)
1 * User.findById(2) >> null
result == false
Note that we've isolated the service method. Any collaborating objects (User and Order) are only being interacted with via stubs and we can test the functionality of the service method without worrying about GORM at all.

How to reset a mock invocation counter using Scalatra, Specs2, Mockito

I never expected that I will need to ask a question on this site because everything is already answered normally but with Scalatra... I haven't find a lot of information so here it is:
I'm not experienced with all that so maybe I'm missing something but from what I understand, if I want to test the API that I develop on Scalatra, I need to start the server everytime I run the test suit, right ?
Second question, how can I reset the invocation counter on a method so I don't have to calculate how many times the method has been called since the beginning of the test suite ? Right now using this give me more than one because it counts the previous test.
there was one(*instance*).*method*(*parameter*)
I can still get around the problem by either counting or putting the test as first test for now but it's not a sustainable solution...
Other thing that I found:
Reset method on the mock... not found
Isolating the test in a class scope:
We need to add
val servlet = new Servlet(eventRepoMock)
addServlet(servlet, "/*")
and we can't repeat the addServlet at every initialization
Last thing that I try is:
servlet.repo = mock[EventRepo]
but repo being a value, I can't change it like this.
Neither of these "solutions" feel very clean so I was wondering if someone had a genius idea that can solve that mess !?
Thank you in advance !
Thanks to Eric's comment the above question are solve(that was easy) but now I have problem because I'm testing the get/post which are asynchronous call so resetting the mock does not happen at the right time... Any suggestion ?
Here's a simplified version of the code:
class EventServiceSpec extends ScalatraSpec with Mockito with Before { def is = s2"""
Event Service
GET an existing event
must return status 200 $get_status200
must return the event with id = :id $get_rightEventElement
must call findById once on the event repository $get_findByIdOnRepo
lazy val anEvent = Event(1, "Some Event"
lazy val eventsBaseUrl = "/events"
lazy val existingEventUrl = s"$eventsBaseUrl/${anEvent.id}"
lazy val eventRepoMock = mock[EventRepository]
lazy val servlet = new Servlet(eventRepoMock)
addServlet(servlet, "/*")
def before = {
eventRepoMock.findById(anEvent.id) returns Option(anEvent)
eventRepoMock.findById(unexistingId) returns None
eventRepoMock.save(anEvent) returns Option(anEvent)
def get_status200 = get(existingEventUrl){
status must_== 200
def get_findByIdOnRepo = get(existingEventUrl){
// TODO count considering previous test... need to find a cleaner way
there was three(eventRepoMock).findById(anEvent.id)
All org.mockito.Mockito functions can still be used in a specs2 specification and reset is one of them.
Now, since you are sharing the state of a mock object across several examples, you not only need to reset the mock state before each example but you also need to make your specification sequential:
class EventServiceSpec extends ScalatraSpec with Mockito
with BeforeAll with BeforeEach {
def is = sequential ^ s2"""
Event Service
GET an existing event
must return status 200 $get_status200
must return the event with id = :id $get_rightEventElement
must call findById once on the event repository $get_findByIdOnRepo
lazy val anEvent = Event(1, "Some Event")
lazy val eventsBaseUrl = "/events"
lazy val existingEventUrl = s"$eventsBaseUrl/${anEvent.id}"
lazy val eventRepoMock = mock[EventRepository]
lazy val servlet = new Servlet(eventRepoMock)
def beforeAll = addServlet(servlet, "/*")
def before = {
eventRepoMock.findById(anEvent.id) returns Option(anEvent)
eventRepoMock.findById(unexistingId) returns None
eventRepoMock.save(anEvent) returns Option(anEvent)
def get_status200 = get(existingEventUrl){
status must_== 200
def get_findByIdOnRepo = get(existingEventUrl){
there was one(eventRepoMock).findById(anEvent.id)

Issue when mocking Logger

I am having a strange issue when mocking the log field of a class. Running the same test twice shows an error the second time. This is an example of code:
class AccountConfigJSON {
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AccountConfigJSON.class)
def AccountConfigJSON(String jsonString) {
if (jsonString) {
json = new JSONObject(jsonString)
} else {
log.debug("No JSON string for account config. Will not parse")
and this is the specification
class AccountConfigJSONUnitSpec extends UnitSpec {
def loggerMock
def setup(){
loggerMock = Mock(org.apache.log4j.Logger)
org.apache.log4j.Logger.metaClass.static.getLogger = { Class clazz -> loggerMock }
def 'If jsonString is null, a log is written'(){
new AccountConfigJSON("")
1 * loggerMock.debug("No JSON string for account config. Will not parse")
def 'If jsonString is empty, a log is written'(){
new AccountConfigJSON("")
1 * loggerMock.debug("No JSON string for account config. Will not parse")
The second test fails showing
| Too few invocations for:
1 * loggerMock.debug("No JSON string for account config. Will not parse") (0 invocations)
but debugging the app using Idea, clearly it runs this sentence. Any idea?
Looks odd that the actual call is executed but the interaction in not recorded. You can get around with it by explicitly assigning the mocked logger to the class as below:
def setup(){
loggerMock = Mock(org.apache.log4j.Logger)
AccountConfigJSON.log = loggerMock
From the definition of "interaction", I think the above setup is the best way to go.
Is an Interaction Just a Regular Method Invocation?
Not quite. While an interaction looks similar to a regular method
invocation, it is simply a way to express which method invocations are
expected to occur. A good way to think of an interaction is as a
regular expression that all incoming invocations on mock objects are
matched against. Depending on the circumstances, the interaction may
match zero, one, or multiple invocations.
This only happens while dealing with static object properties in a class. The moment logger is defined non-static in the class under test, everything works as expected without the work around.

Creating a lazy actor router in Akka with timeout

I have spent the last two days learning Actors, and I want to create an expiring cache. Now we use a tenant model so I want each tenant to be represented by an actor. I would like these actors to be created when required, and timeout after a period of being idle.
To solve this I have mocked up the following as I am unaware of a provided solution, and am looking for any critique or validation of the approach.
//A simple Message carrying just the name of the actor
case class Message(name:String)
//Actor that will expire after a timeout period and stop itself
class ExpireActor extends Actor {
val id = Random.nextInt(1000)
context.setReceiveTimeout(100 milliseconds)
def receive ={
case Message(_) => println("Message: " + id + " " + System.currentTimeMillis())
case ReceiveTimeout => {
println("Timeout: " + id + " " + System.currentTimeMillis())
self ! PoisonPill
//Router for creating actors on demand
case class LazyRouter() extends RouterConfig {
def routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId
def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy
def createRoute(routeeProvider: RouteeProvider): Route = {
case (sender, Message(name)) ⇒
.map(a => List(Destination(sender, a)))
synchronized {
.child(name) //Dont want to call sync until I have to, so need to check existence again
.map(a => List(Destination(sender, a)))
val ref = routeeProvider.context.actorOf(Props[ExpireActor], name)
List(Destination(sender, ref))
I'm not sure I'm fully on board with your approach. Actors are very lightweight. When they are not doing anything they are not costing you anything CPU wise. Why not just pre-create all of the cache actors (for each possible tenant) before hand so the router does not have to have that scary synchronized block around whether or not it needs to create the routee. Then, instead of stopping the actors when they are idle for a specific amount of time, just clear out their internal state (which I'm assuming is the cached data) if you want to free up that memory. This will greatly simplify your code and make it more reliable (and probably faster to boot).