NMAKE: How do I force a debug build? [7ZIP] - build

The suggested way of building 7Zip is on the command line via the nmake command line utility. 7zip doesn't seem to come with a working visual studio solution.
I have seen invocations such as nmake NEW_COMPILER=1 MY_STATIC_LINK=1 suggested for initiating a build using the various nested .MAK files.
Using this command line interface how might I force a build with debug symbols?
If there is no standard way to accomplish this via nmake, I'd be glad to receive help with regards to 7Zip in particular. I am much less familiar with .MAK than GNU make, and have thus far been unable to find something akin to a "debug target" in the GNU make sense in 7ZIP.

To make a project that uses visual studio nmake build a debug output you need to edit the makefile and make 2 changes.
First you need to add /Zi to the list of flags used when compiling
CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -nologo -c -Fo$O/ -W4 -WX -EHsc -Gy -GR- -GF /Zi
Second you need to add /debug to list of options for the linker e.g.
I tested this on a different library, I assume there will be similarities here.

7zip archiver gives great compression and performance results, but unfortunately have lack of documentation nor for building process nor at the entire code.
I know that the question asked 1.5 yrs ago but I hope to save someone time for digging around in the 7z.
To build 7z from sources you need the Microsoft Visual Studio and do following steps:
Start Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019
Navigate to sources folder cd c:\sources\7z
Invoke nmake /f makefile
Otherwise you can convert MSVC 6.0 dsw/dsp files to modern .vcxproj format. Just open dsw file in the MSVC 2019 and it will do the conversion automatically.
The trick is that you need to navigate into project directory to do that. The 7z build system hard tied to relative directory structure and gets build parameters from top level main Build.mak file.
So, if you need to modify build parameters for all projects it is enough to modify that file.
For 7z version 19.00 you need to edit these lines in CPP/Build.mak file:
Add /Zi fag to line CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -nologo -c -Fo$O/ -W4 -WX -EHsc -Gy -GR- -GF /Zi
Change -O1 and -O2 for flags CFLAGS_O1 CFLAGS_O2
!IF "$(PLATFORM)" == "x64"


Adding OR-Tools Library to Visual Studio

I am trying to write a code using Google's OR-Tools library on Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. I followed the following steps:
Installed OR-Tools from Binary on Windows on their website.
Extracted the .zip file in C:\Libraries
Wrote my code on VS (I wrote #include <ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h> and using namespace operations_research; rest is usual C++ Code)
In Visual Studio, went to Project > Properties > C/C++ > Additional Include Directories
Added "C:\Libraries\or-tools\include" (which contains the folder "ortools" that I included)
Clicked Apply then OK then compiled my code.
I am getting a bunch of linking errors "error LINK2019". Is there anything else I should do so I can use this library freely on my machine?
From the supplied makefile:
Compile flags:
/I$(INC_DIR)\\src\\windows /I$(INC_DIR) /I. \
Link flags:
LDFLAGS = psapi.lib ws2_32.lib
OR_TOOLS_LNK = lib\\ortools.lib

C++ CodeBlocks and wxWidgets file not found?

I'm pretty new to C::B and just installed it along with building wxWidgets. I'm pretty sure my wxWidgets build with MinGW is good, i was able to successfully create a wxWidgets project in C::B using the "minimal.cpp" sample in wxWidgets. However now instead of creating an empty project, I'm using leaving "Empty project" unchecked in wizard to create the program. With wxWidgets this creates 2 source files and 2 header files (for app and main). When I try to build+play the project though without making any changes i get this error:
-------------- Build: Debug in MULLSIMPLE (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------
g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DWXUSINGDLL -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall -g -D__WXDEBUG__ -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud" -c "C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C++ Projects\MULLSIMPLE\wx_pch.h" -o wx_pch.h.gch\Debug_wx_pch_h_gch
g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DWXUSINGDLL -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall -g -D__WXDEBUG__ -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud" -c "C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C++ Projects\MULLSIMPLE\MULLSIMPLEApp.cpp" -o obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEApp.o
g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DWXUSINGDLL -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall -g -D__WXDEBUG__ -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud" -c "C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C++ Projects\MULLSIMPLE\MULLSIMPLEMain.cpp" -o obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEMain.o
windres.exe -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud" -J rc -O coff -i C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C__PRO~1\MULLSI~1\resource.rc -o obj\Debug\resource.res
g++.exe -L"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll" -o bin\Debug\MULLSIMPLE.exe obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEApp.o obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEMain.o obj\Debug\resource.res -mthreads -lwxmsw30ud_core -lwxbase30ud -lwxpngd -lwxzlibd -mwindows
gcc: error: Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include: No such file or directory
gcc: error: Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud: No such file or directory
windres.exe: preprocessing failed.
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minute(s), 14 second(s))
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 16 second(s))
3 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 16 second(s))
Saying that it can't find files? the wxWidgets-3.0.5 is actually in c:\Program Files/wxWidgets-3.0.5, so maybe its looking in the wrong place? Or maybe I missed a step setting it up?
This is absolutely everything I did to install C::B, install wxWidgets, and create my project
1. Installing CodeBlocks
a. Clicked codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe from website, then download started automaticallty from fosshub
b. Ran executable to install and for type of install did "All plugins, all tools, just everything"
-all checkboxes were checked, including
1. Default Install
2. Contrib Plugins
3. C::B CBP2Make
4. C::B Share Config
5. C::B Launcher
6. MinGW Compiler Suite
2. Downloading wxWidgets
a. Clicked "Windows ZIP" from downloads page on website under "Latest Stable Release: 3.0.5"
b. Extracted download to c:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5
-first file asked for administrator permission, i said "dont ask again" and clicked "continue"
3. Added MinGW to path
a. went into c:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin and copied that path to PATH environment variables
4. Building wxWidgets
a. opened a terminal with admin privileges and went to c:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\build\msw.
b. entered commands as suggested at https://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Compiling_wxWidgets_with_MinGW, except changed
BUILD=release to BUILD=debug:
1. mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 BUILD=debug clean
2. mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 BUILD=debug
c. wxWidgets successfully built (3:38 pm to 4:22pm!)
5. Opened CodeBlocks
a. got message that "After auto-detection, at least one compiler's master path is still empty and therefore invalid.
Inspect the list below and change the compiler's master path later in the compiler options. Select you favourite
default compiler here:"
-There's one compiler listed as detected: GNU GCC Compiler
-With this compiler highlighted, i clicked "Set as default" and then ok.
b. got message CodeBlocks is not default app for C/C++ source files.
-Selected "Yes, associate with C/C++ files"
7. Testing Compiler
-I wasn't sure what to do about "setting compiler master path..." msg earlier, so I just created a new project with type
"Console application", compiled the basic "Hello world" application, ran it, ran fine, so I assume compiler is working?
6. Create new wxWidgets program:
a. Create new project: wxWidgets project
b. Wizard Steps:
-Set version: wxWidgets 3.0.x
-Named project "MULLSIMPLE" and created directory
-Skipped Author info.
-Preferred GUI Builder: None
-Application Type: Frame Based
-wxWidgets location: C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5
-When I hit next, it opens the global variable editor. I don't know how to use this,
so i just hit ok without making any changes. IT asked if i want to save an invalid global var,
i said yes. Now the widgets location in the wizard is a path instead of a global variable,
I assume this is ok for now
-By default "Debug" configuration checked, "Release" configuration is unchecked
-make no changes
-Under wxWidgets library settings:
-CHECK Use wxWidgets DLL
-UNCHECK wxWidgets built as monolithic
-CHECK enable unicode
-Under Miscellaneous settings:
-UNCHECK create empty project
-CHECK create and use PCH
-Leave configuration input field blank
-UNCHECK Configure Advanced Options
-On next get dialog re PCH default settings, click YES to accept
-Didn't select any additional libs to add to project,
just hit finish
8. Try Build and run
-Get the build log error at start of post re: missing files
#user4581301 thanks for your response it looks like that was the problem. I copied the wxWidgets-3.0.5 to the desktop. Then i opened up the old one in prog files, cleaned the build, then deleted that folder. Then i created a new C::B proj using the wxWidgets path to the one on the desktop, and now the error is gone.
I don't 100% understand how wxWidgets works so I hope just copying the whole folder to another location is fine, but so far program seems to be working. Thanks

Clang 4.0 debugging using Visual Studio

I have a project that I am still trying to setup using Clang and Visual Studio on Windows. As a caveat, I've worked on several c++ projects but they've all been mature projects where I haven't had to be involved in setting up make files or resolving dependencies hence why I want some experience in doing so.
As a clarification, I am not using the LLVM built into visual studio thing. My goal was to have visual studio be a convenience on top of having a project that can be built with make files but not using CMake.
So far, I have a solution with a single nmake project. This nmake project calls a build.bat file which calls into a make file. This make file looks like this:
# Based on PUXAN tutorial
# http://www.puxan.com/web/howto-write-generic-makefiles/
# Compiler choice
CC = clang++ -g -O0
CC_OBJ_FLAGS = -w -v -c
# Name of our executable and also the main run target
EXEC = ../bin/output.exe
# Here we get every cpp file in the source directory to make a list of source files
SOURCES = $(wildcard ../src/*.cpp)
# Here we have mapped all the cpp files to o files and now have a list of o files
OBJECTS = $(foreach obj,$(TMP_OBJECTS),$(subst src,obj,$(obj)))
INC = -I../lib/glfw-3.2.1/include
LINK = -L../lib/glfw-3.2.1/lib-vc2015 -lglfw3dll -lglfw3 -lopengl32
# compile list of o files into executable
# NOTE: when make is run without a target, the first target is chosen. This target
# should remain the first at all times
$(CC) $(LINK) $(OBJECTS) -o $(EXEC)
# As each o file becomes a target, compile the associated cpp file into the o file
../obj/%.o: ../src/%.cpp
$(CC) $(CC_OBJ_FLAGS) $(INC) $< -o $#
# Remove the entire list of objects and the executable
rm -f $(EXEC) $(OBJECTS)
make -B
You'll notice that I've included the -g and -O0 flags which should output symbols and sure enough, I get a pdb file generated for output.exe (and also all the o files but I can clean that up later). When I go to debug the project in Visual Studio however, it says the symbols for the module are loaded but breakpoints aren't hitting which I think is pointing to the pdb not having references to the source. Here is the debug output in Visual Studio:
'output.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'W:\Scratch\Engine\bin\output.exe'. Symbols loaded.
Posts about Clang from 2016 and earlier mention that it doesn't generate PDB files yet and that thats a work in progress and sure enough the Clang compability site (https://clang.llvm.org/docs/MSVCCompatibility.html) mentions how debug info is a work in progress but that I should be able to generate CodeView info using /Z with 7 or i. I have tried passing both /Zi and /Z7 to clang and to the linker directly but clang complains about them and the linker ignores them with a warning. This documentation claims to be from Clang 6 that is, from what I can tell, not released yet and is experimental. However, using Clang 4.0 with -g flag, I am indeed able to generate pdb files.
Does anyone have any further information on this? Is there anything else I can provide to determine if I have set all this up correctly? Am I just missing a flag that would correctly provide the sources or am I missing a setting in visual studio to pick the sources? I tried setting sources manually in visual studio at the project and solution level to no effect. Should I look at the pdb file with a pdb viewer of some kind and see if the source paths are there?
Thanks in advance to any help.
The clang option equivalent to -Z7/-Zi is called -gcodeview (and has to be used in addition to -g). For MSVC-style command line options, you need to use the clang-cl compiler driver instead.
For the MSVC Version ( https://llvm.org/builds/) it works like in the following picture but to set clang on VS2017 up you need to install Microsoft's Platform Toolset V1.40 first:
VS2017 Clang debug
Project -> Properties -> C/C++ -> Commandline -> Options: "/Z7"

How to compile libevent2 on Windows?

I am trying to compile this libevent2 package to Windows, but currently I can't because the configure script is a shell script (/bin/sh; can't be run in Windows).
Is there any way I can compile it or obtain a pre-compiled package? I currently have MinGW, CMake and MS C++ installed.
EDIT: I have managed to compile libevent2 using nmake Makefile.nmake but it hasn't produced any Windows binaries/libraries. Only .lib.
The makefile is as follows -
# WATCH OUT! This makefile is a work in progress. It is probably missing
# tons of important things. DO NOT RELY ON IT TO BUILD A GOOD LIBEVENT.
# Needed for correctness
CFLAGS=/IWIN32-Code /Iinclude /Icompat /DWIN32 /DHAVE_CONFIG_H /I.
# For optimization and warnings
CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /Ox /W3 /wd4996 /nologo
# XXXX have a debug mode
CORE_OBJS=event.obj buffer.obj bufferevent.obj bufferevent_sock.obj \
bufferevent_pair.obj listener.obj evmap.obj log.obj evutil.obj \
strlcpy.obj signal.obj bufferevent_filter.obj evthread.obj \
bufferevent_ratelim.obj evutil_rand.obj
WIN_OBJS=win32select.obj evthread_win32.obj buffer_iocp.obj \
event_iocp.obj bufferevent_async.obj
EXTRA_OBJS=event_tagging.obj http.obj evdns.obj evrpc.obj
STATIC_LIBS=libevent_core.lib libevent_extras.lib libevent.lib
all: static_libs tests
static_libs: $(STATIC_LIBS)
libevent_core.lib: $(CORE_OBJS) $(WIN_OBJS)
lib $(LIBFLAGS) $(CORE_OBJS) $(WIN_OBJS) /out:libevent_core.lib
libevent_extras.lib: $(EXTRA_OBJS)
lib $(LIBFLAGS) $(EXTRA_OBJS) /out:libevent_extras.lib
libevent.lib: $(CORE_OBJS) $(WIN_OBJS) $(EXTRA_OBJS)
lib $(LIBFLAGS) $(CORE_OBJS) $(EXTRA_OBJS) $(WIN_OBJS) /out:libevent.lib
del $(ALL_OBJS)
cd test
$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake clean
cd test
$(MAKE) /F Makefile.nmake
A .lib file is a Windows binary file. It's a static library file, and is used by the linker in your application to statically link against (i.e. "use" in layman terms) the library.
Since libevent2 is not a program, you won't get a .exe output - it'll be either a big .dll + small .lib (for dynamic linking) or a big .lib (for static linking).
Use Cygwin to compile. It's a Linux emulation like.

I can't even get the wxWidgets samples to compile using a

So I have been trying to get even just the damn samples for wxWidgets to compile with Mingw and I did like so mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc and I get the following error.
I do not have MSYS installed, and I have the latest version of Mingw
g++ -c -o gcc_mswud\minimal_minimal.o -g -O0 -mthreads -DHAVE_W32API_H -D__WXMS
W__ -D_UNICODE -I.\..\..\lib\gcc_lib\mswud -I.\..\..\include -W -Wall -I
. -I.\..\..\samples -DNOPCH -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -MTgcc_mswud\minimal_min
imal.o -MFgcc_mswud\minimal_minimal.o.d -MD -MP minimal.cpp
In file included from .\..\..\include/wx/defs.h:26:0,
from .\..\..\include/wx/wxprec.h:13,
from minimal.cpp:21:
.\..\..\include/wx/platform.h:256:22: fatal error: wx/setup.h: No such file or d
compilation terminated.
mingw32-make: *** [gcc_mswud\minimal_minimal.o] Error 1'
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Also how exactly should I be compiling my own projects involving wxWidgets, what do I need to link against wxWidgets in mingw?
wx/setup.h is a file that is created during the compilation process; this file will be different for each different build type (Unicode, ANSI, Debug or Release, etc.). Most likely you compiled wxWidgets for one build type and are trying to compile the samples for a different build type.
As for the include / linker paths I have found the settings below to the bare minimum required to use wxWidgets in your own projects on Windows:
Include Paths
$(WXWIN)\lib\vc_lib\mswud (u = Unicode and d=debug, this changes depending on what build type you want)
Pre-processor Definitions
_DEBUG (only if you want to build with debugging info)
Character Set
"Use Unicode Character Set" (very important for Unicode builds; otherwise you will get compiler errors)
Additional Library Directories
Additional Dependencies
wxWidgets libraries are post-fixed with "u" for Unicode and "d" for debug, you need to choose the libraries that match the build type you want. $(WXWIN) is the directory where you built wxWidgets (wxPack will create this environment variable for you to use).