Regex not working correctly all the time, why? - regex

Regex just working in some cases, other not working.
I expected regex match only groups of two "{ } { }" without nothing between { }

I'm guessing that we wish to only capture, three of our inputs listed in the demo using an expression similar to:
Demo 1
Demo 2

The .*? in the first part of your pattern is passing through the unexpected parts of your input until it finds because . accepts all of those characters. Simply making the quantifier lazy with ? isn't enough-- it will still proceed until it finds a match.

Not sure I understood your requirements, I suppose you only want pairs of {}{} to match, and allow nothing more than one space between these two. You can try this \{([^\{]+)\}\ \{([^\}]+)\}.


Regex to match path containing one of two strings

RegEx to match one of two strings in the third segment, ie in pseudo code:
/content/au/(boomer or millenial)/...
Example matches
Example non-matches
I've tried this, but to no avail:
Don't use a look ahead; just use the plain alternation millenial|boomer then a word-boundary:
See live demo.
You should probably spell millennial correctly too (two "n"s, not one).
What's with the negative lookahead? This is a simple, if not trivial, positive match.
The final group says the match needs to be followed by a slash or nothing, so as to exclude paths which begin with one of the alternatives, but contain additional text.
You can use the following regex DEMO

Regex to remove a whole phrase from the match

I am trying to remove a whole phrase from my regex(PCRE) matches
if given the following strings
I want to write regex that will return:
Now I thought a good way to do this would be to match everything and then remove test:test2:test3:test4:test5:1.0 and "test:test2:test3:test4:test5:1.0" but I am struggling to do this
I tried the following
but this seems to just remove the first tests from each and thats all. Could anyone help on where I am going wrong or a better approach maybe?
I suggest searching for the following pattern:
and replacing with an empty string. See the regex demo and the regex graph:
The quotation marks on both ends are made optional with a ? (1 or 0 times) quantifier.

Regular expression to find a same consecutive words

I'm a newbie to regular expressions and i have a problem in identifying the same consecutive words using regular expression. below is the scenario.
Here is the data :
and my current regular expression is (;[a-z][a-z];) and it only matches the below sets ;af; , ;am; , ;ao; , ;ar; , ;ad; but my expectation is to match all these sets. ;af;aj;am;an;ao; & ;ar;as;ad;.
Could guys please guide me how to match these patterns?
It seems like your trying to extract the substrings which are in this ;[a-z][a-z]; format. If yes, then you could simply put your regex inside a lookahead to do a overlapping match.
Try this.This returns the group you are looking for though its not clear how they are same.
The reason why urs was not working wass due to that fact (;[a-z][a-z];) doesnt leave a ; for the next element to start with.So it is not able to match as there is no ; in front of it.A lookahead assertion doesnt cosume ; thereby enabling all matches.
See demo.

Regex for \begin{?} and \end{?}

I need to match from a a string \begin{?} and \end{?} where ? is any number of alphanumerical or * characters so it must match for example \begin{align} and \end{align*}.
I tried to do it but I'm not sure what's wrong
Start with \begin{, following anything that's not } multiple times and close with }.
The same thing is with the \end{?} but I would like it do it inside single regex if possible.
I think below regex is what you need.
Your regex:
the .* will grab anything between the { }, and the ? means will stop when the first } comes.
{} are special characters used for expressing repetitions so you need to escape those as well.

How to Match The Inner Possible Result With Regular Expressions

I have a regular expression to match anything between { and } in my string.
Couldn't be simpler. The problem arises when I have a single line with multiple matches. So if I have a line like this:
this is my {string}, it doesn't {work} correctly
The regex will match
{string}, it doesn't {work}
rather than
How do I get it to just match the first result?
Question-mark means "non-greedy"
Use a character class that includes everything except a right bracket:
this will work with single nested braces with only a depth of one: {(({.*?})*|.*?)*}
I'm not sure how to get infinite depth or if it's even possible with regex
Default behaviour is greedy matching, i.e. first { to last }. Use lazy matching by the ? after your *.,
or even rather than * use "not a }"