How can we Export data from Web Published Reports - powerbi

I have published an application that i did with power Bi, for some charts I want to make data downloadable for users.
I couldn't find any straight forward way to do that, some sites talk about implementing a script for that.
Is there any real way for published application that works?

One of the limitations of Publish to web is the inability to export data:
Reports using row level security.
Reports using any Live Connection data source, including Analysis Services Tabular hosted on-premises, Analysis Services Multidimensional, and Azure Analysis Services.
Reports shared to you directly or through an organizational content pack.
Reports in a group in which you are not an edit member.
"R" Visuals are not currently supported in Publish to web reports.
Exporting Data from visuals in a report, which has been published to the web
ArcGIS Maps for Power BI visuals.
Reports containing report-level DAX measures.
Single sign-on data query models.
Secure confidential or proprietary information.
The automatic authentication capability provided with the Embed option doesn't work with the Power BI JavaScript API. For the Power BI JavaScript API, use the user owns data approach to embedding. Learn more about user owns data.
Exporting data is possible, if you publish your report in Power BI Online and share it with your colleagues. But keep in mind, that even in this case it may not be possible or allowed, due to these limitations, e.g. if it has been disabled, or the user doesn't have enough permissions. In addition, it has limits on maximum columns, rows and data size.
The best option is to export the data directly from the data source, which is used to build this report.


Power BI - reports embedded, row level security & refresh rate for customers

My team plans to build a web platform which gathers data in a DB about different crypto transactions. I am planning to use Power BI to get that data from the db and build some reports which will be embedded into the web platform, reports which will be accessed by users who log in in the web platform.
Is this possible, taking into consideration the following aspects?
I want to apply row level security access so that users who log on the web platform will be able to see only data related to them?
Should I assign a Power BI Pro license to each user who registers the platform in order to be able to see the data or is there any other solution to this?
How often may I set-up data refreshes/updates? 30 minutes?
I am looking to apply row level security access and have users access the reports based on their web platfrom login credentials. Hopefully this is possible. I read something about Power BI Report for Customers using App Owns Data. Is this the right solution?
For the App Owns Data, you will be building a portal on top of an embedded capacity. I assume that you will be using an 'A' Sku.
I want to apply row level security access so that users who log on the
web platform will be able to see only data related to them?
Yes you can use RLS to control what users see what data, in an embedded context . (See here)
Should I assign a Power BI Pro license to each user who registers the
platform in order to be able to see the data or is there any other
solution to this?
No, you don't need a PBI Pro license for each user for your platform, this is handled by the capacity. You'll only need Pro for those who are developing the reports. Your other users, handled by your web portal will be 'read only'.
How often may I set-up data refreshes/updates? 30 minutes?
You can set up the report schedule as normal in the portal, up to 48 times per day with a capacity based Power BI Dataset.
I would take a look at the MS documentation here for more details on the what embedded can do, and also capacity planning for your users.

Am I forced to use Power BI Desktop to provide datasets to Power BI Service other than local or sharepoint files?

I'v been assigned the task to research Power BI Service platform to see if it is useful for the company I'm working at. I have a Power BI Pro license and basically my goal is to create several reports and dashboards from disparate data sources such as REST APIs, mongodb, SQL Server, csv and excel files.
I would like to create the mentioned datasets directly from the Power BI service website but I see that I only can create datasets from csv or excel files. And if I select SQL Server, it asks me to download Power BI Desktop client. The other type of data sources that I need are not even mentioned.
My question is if Power BI Desktop is required to develop and configure datasets for the Power BI service, because to begin with it is a windows only application.
Yes you are. The desktop version provides the full power of the software. You can learn a TON of things from this guy on YouTube and also from these guys in a cube. I'm willing to bet you can search the questions you have & can find specific example videos that'll help you determine if this software is right your company. In my opinion, when it comes to data visualization software, it's tough to beat Power BI. That's especially true if your company is on Office 365.
As a tip, it's important to note what kind of data sources you need to communicate with. And are those sources in a cloud or on premise. That's important depending on how "live" you want your data to be.
The main use of Power BI Desktop (Windows only application) is to get the data from the sources into data model, then load it to the service. The data connections and the ability to create reports is limited compared to the service. The main goal of the service is to share the reports and collaboration.
For example there is no realtionship designer in the service to connect the imported entities. You can create a report in the desktop and load it to the service, and then create other reports from its dataset in the service.
You can create dataflows in the service to get data from flat files, and databases, but you then use Desktop to connect to them and link them together there.

Power BI in the context of Data warehousing

My company is currently building an enterprise data warehouse in SQL server. We are looking at using PowerBI but I'm struggling to see how PowerBI works in the context of a data warehouse.
For instance what would it offer us, other than nicer looking reports, that Cognos, which we are using now, doesn't? How is it at handling immense amounts of data?
In the context of the Enterprise Data Warehouse Power BI has a number of options.
1) It can be the visualisation layer of your SSAS Data Models, users can connect and quickly create reports as it will sit over, not import data to the Power BI Report. Data processing is done on the server side, and can access huge data models/databases
2) Rather than create SSAS Data Models. Power BI can create a semi-semantic layer, as it is a branch of SSAS Tabluar technology. Your users can quickly deploy the reports, based directly on the database. You can use it in Direct Query mode, as with option 1, this sits over the database, and query processing is dome on the server side. You can import data, but it will be limited to 1GB dataset sizes. All report queries are served from the imported dataset, not the server. With Aggregation Mode you can combine import and direct query to sit over large databases
The real benefit is to enable self-service BI, to get the users to create their own reports. So you can mix strategic (built by the business) and tactical reports (user built). Power BI allows a quick process to mix and match data sources, for example data under your organisation domain, Databases, Cubes, Execl file etc, and data not under your domaim, webpages, API's, other sources.
You can also have Power BI on-prem or in the cloud. On-prem will depend on the SQL Server license type, or it will be another cost. Power BI also fully integrates with O365, and Azure so depending on your application/tech stack, that may be a benefit. It also integrates very well with Power Apps, Power Automate so Power Users can build solutions without requests to IT or others.
This is from my personal experience. I have had a number of projects for enterprise scale customers, that have moved from Cognos (And other tech like Tableau), fully or in part, due to the cost and and the integration of Power BI into O365. End users liked the large knowledge base, the support from MS, and the rapid updating/roadmap of the technology. The most common question is, can it replace X tech. The answer is maybe, it will depend on your report requirements, and how it will integrate with your data sources. Other trends I've noticed, moved some work from IT/BI to the Power Users, particularity with Power Apps/Automate functionality.
Power BI is a lightweight ETL and modeling tool, so it is not just a visualisation tool. There are a number of blogs and articles that compare Power BI to Congnos, that seem biased, so it will be tricky to find a objective answer.

Options for sharing dashboards with sensitive information with PowerBI

I have a dashboard I've built using Power BI, that contains sensitive information. I want to share this dashboard with external users outside of my organization, that do not and will not have PowerBI.
From everything I've read, it appears I have a few options:
The external recipient of the dashboard would need to download Power BI Pro (from my understanding, they won't be able to view my dashboard with anything other than Power BI Pro?)
I somehow embed my dashboard in a Sharepoint which the external recipients have access to - but from what I've read, this seems likely to fail since they don't have Power BI.
I publish dashboard to the web, and have no way to password protect or restrict access.
Are these my only options? Am I correct in that anyone I wish to share the dashboard with needs Power BI Pro to view, or I need to publish it to the open web and let it be publicly available?
If this is the case.. this is just one more reason I am disenchanted by Power BI.
There are other options in addition to these you mentioned already (i.e. directly sharing through adding users to the workspace, embed in SharePoint and Publish to web).
Sharing (except Publish to web, which is public) require both the publisher and the consumer to have Power BI Pro licenses (which is not the case for you). Purchasing Power BI Premium (P SKUs only) will allow you to share reports with non-Pro (i.e. Power BI free users), but they still needs Power BI licenses (although free). Also this will costs you thousands per month and has annual commitment, which means you can't buy this for a month or two.
If this doesn't work for you, you can also:
Export these reports to PDF or PowerPoint and share the files with them.
If the report imports the data (see Dataset modes in the Power BI service), you can send them the .pbix file directly. It can be opened in Power BI Desktop even without having no Power BI account at all.
Publish the report to local instance of Power BI Report Server, where you can control who can access the report. You need either Power BI Premium (P SKUs) or SQL Server Enterprise with software assurance for that.
Embed the report using Power BI's API into custom written application, implementing app owns data scenario (see Tutorial: Embed Power BI content into an application for your customers and for example this answer).
To add to Andrey's answer, depending on the number of users you can use Azure AD B2B so you can have guest users access your Power Bi Reports and allocated work-spaces. However it depends on the number.
For example if you need to add 100 users, and you pay for the Power BI Pro licenses then it would be cheaper to design a basic portal and use the Power BI Embedded option and build you own basic web portal to embedded the reports in (The app owns data scenario). The basic A SKU's start around the same price as about 73 Pro licenses, or £570 per month. There will be extra cost in development of the portal and the running costs on top of the Embedded price
If your external end user is going to pay for the Pro license, then Azure AD B2B could work for you.
Hope that helps

SQL DB on AWS with Power BI Embedded

I need your help.
We have a plan to run "SQL DB and Web services" on AWS and need to publish the Power BI report by embedding to web service running on AWS.
Do you think it's possible scenario? IF yes, how can I achieve this?
You can't embed Power BI in a web service, so I will assume you want to embed it in a web application.
You need at least three components in such architecture - a place to store your data (assuming it will be in some kind of SQL Server), Power BI (assuming Power BI Service) and web application.
The database can be managed by your cloud provider (e.g. Amazon RDS) or "normal" instance running in a VM in the cloud. Of course, it could be something else (not SQL Server), or even be in a different cloud (e.g. Azure), or on-premise. The point is that you store your data there and use this as a data source for your reports.
The you need Power BI to create reports. Assuming that you will use Power BI Service (the online portal), you will design your reports in Power BI Desktop, getting data from your data source, and publishing these reports to Power BI Service. At this point you can view these reports in the portal using the browser. Power BI Service will render them using shared resources. For embedding and relatively heavy usage, you should buy a capacity. Think for capacities as resources (CPU, memory) dedicated only for you. They are not shared with other Power BI users. There are different licensing models and ways to buy a capacity. You can buy Power BI Premium or Azure SKUs. This FAQ tries to explain the differences, but in general A SKU means "pay what you use, stop at any moment, without any commitments", while EM SKU and P SKU are for bigger scale projects with monthly or yearly commitment. When you buy a capacity, you can assign it to a workspace containing your reports, and then they will be rendered using your own dedicated resources (which should give you better performance).
And the last part is your application (assuming web application, which you can host in Amazon Web Hosting or in VM), where you want to embed your reports. Generally speaking, there are two scenarios - "user own data" and "app own data". In the first, each of your users needs Azure AD account. Using this account, he will get access to the reports and data, as he has in the Power BI Service itself. In the second scenario, your app uses one "master" account to access the Power BI, thus your users doesn't need their own accounts in Azure AD. You can use your own authentication in your app. Embedding Power BI is quite large topic and your question isn't specific, so I will recommend to start with Embedding with Power BI article, take a look at Power BI Embedded Playground and review the samples.