I'm dealing with the Cloudfoundry Java client for the following use case:
I perform a request that returns a Mono<Void>
On success of this Mono, I want to perform an optional operation that returns a Mono<String>
For deciding when to perform the second operation, I'm using filter, but it doesn't seem to work
So, it looks like this:
Mono<Void> service = createService();
Mono<String> serviceKey = service.filter( x -> someBoolean)
.map( x -> someKey)
.flatMap(key -> {
Mono<String> key = serviceKey(key);
return key;
serviceKey.blockOptional() //returns Empty
My expectation would be that, when service succeeds and the filter operation is succesfull, the second call serviceKey would happen. However, I saw with the debugger that the code inside flatMap nevers get executed.
The javadoc for Mono#filter states:
If this Mono is valued, test the result and replay it if predicate returns true. Otherwise complete without value.
Not sure how to understand that... Question is, how can I chain successful operations when the first one returns a Mono<Void>?
I just want to perform the second one when the first is succesful, and return an empty Mono when the filter predicates fails.
Mono<Void> means "Will either complete without value or error" because you can't instantiate Void type.
What you need is then operator, it ignores the previous result and "switches" the flow to the provided Mono.
There is also thenMany in case you need to "switch" it to Flux.
I am querying Dynamo DB for a given primary key. Primary Key consists of two UUID fields (fieldUUID1, fieldUUID2).
I have a lot of queries to be executed for the above primary key combination with list of values. For which i am using Asynchronous CompleteableFuture with ExecutorService with a thread pool of size 4.
After all the queries return results, which is CompletableFuture<Object>, i join them using allOf method of completable future which ensures that all the query execution is complete, and it gives me CompletableFuture<void>, on which using stream i receive CompletableFuture<List<Object>>
If some of the queries result in pagination of result, i.e. returns lastEvaluatedKey, there is no way for me to know which Query Request returned this.
if i do a .get() call while i received `CompletableFuture, this will be a blocking operation, which defeats the purpose of using asynchronous. Is there a way i can handle this scenario?
I can try thenCompose method, but how do i know at what point i need to stop when lastEvaluatedKey is absent.
for (final QueryRequest queryRequest : queryRequests) {
final CompletableFuture<QueryResult> futureResult =
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() ->
dynamoDBClient.query(queryRequest), executorService));
if (futureResult == null) {
// Wait for completion of all of the Futures provided
final CompletableFuture<Void> allfuture = CompletableFuture
.allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[futures.size()]));
// The return type of the CompletableFuture.allOf() is a
// CompletableFuture<Void>. The limitation of this method is that it does not
// return the combined results of all Futures. Instead we have to manually get
// results from Futures. CompletableFuture.join() method and Java 8 Streams API
// makes it simple:
final CompletableFuture<List<QueryResult>> allFutureList = allfuture.thenApply(val -> {
return futures.stream().map(f -> f.join()).collect(Collectors.toList());
final List<QueryOutcome> completableResults = new ArrayList<>();
try {
try {
// at this point all the Futures should be done, because we already executed
// CompletableFuture.allOf method.
final List<QueryResult> returnedResult = allFutureList.get();
for (final QueryResult queryResult : returnedResult) {
if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(queryResult.getLastEvaluatedKey()) {
// how to get hold of original request and include last evaluated key ?
} finally {
} finally {
I can rely on .get() method, but it will be a blocking call.
the quick solution to your need is to change your futures list. Instead of having it store CompletableFuture<QueryResult> you can change to store CompletableFuture<RequestAndResult> where RequestAndResult is a simple data class holding a QueryRequest and a QueryResult. To do that you need to change your first loop.
Then, once the allfuture completes you can iterate over futures and get access to both the requests and the results.
However, there is a deeper issue here. What are you planning to do once you have access to the origianl QueryRequest? my guess is that you want to issue a followup request with exclusiveStartKey set to whatever the response's lastEvaluatedKey holds. This means that you will wait for all original queries to complete and only then you'll issue the next bunch. This is inefficient: if a query returned with a lastEvaluatedKey you want to issue its followup query ASAP.
To achieve this my advise to you is to introduce a new method which takes a single QueryRequest object and returns a CompletableFuture<QueryResult>. Its implementation will be roughly as follows:
issue a query with the given request
once the result arrives check it. if its lastEvaluatedKey is empty return it as the result of the method
otherwise, update request.exclusiveStartKey and go back to the first step.
Yes, its a bit harder to do that with CompletableFutures (compared to blocking code) but is totally doable.
Once you have that method your code needs to call this method once for each of the requests in queryRequests, put the returned CompletableFutures in a list, and do a CompletableFuture.allOf() on that list. Once the allOf future completes you can just use the results - no need to do issue followup queries.
I am trying to test a MailboxProcessor in F#. I want to test that the function f I am giving is actually executed when posting a message.
The original code is using Xunit, but I made an fsx of it that I can execute using fsharpi.
So far I am doing this :
open System
open FSharp
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
module MyModule =
type Agent<'a> = MailboxProcessor<'a>
let waitingFor timeOut (v:'a)=
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource(timeOut|> int)
let tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<'a>()
cts.Token.Register(fun (_) -> tcs.SetCanceled()) |> ignore
tcs ,Async.AwaitTask tcs.Task
type MyProcessor<'a>(f:'a->unit) =
let agent = Agent<'a>.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
// some more complex should be used here
f msg
return! loop()
member this.Post(msg:'a) =
agent.Post msg
open MyModule
let myTest =
async {
let (tcs,waitingFor) = waitingFor 5000 0
let doThatWhenMessagepostedWithinAgent msg =
let p = new MyProcessor<int>(doThatWhenMessagepostedWithinAgent)
p.Post 3
let! result = waitingFor
return result
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> System.Console.WriteLine
//display 3 as expected
This code works, but it does not look fine to me.
1) is the usage of TaskCompletionSource normal in f# or is there some dedicated stuff to allow me waiting for a completion?
2) I am using a second argument in the waitingFor function in order to contraint it, I know I could use a type MyType<'a>() to do it, is there another option? I would rather not use a new MyType that I find cumbersome.
3) Is there any other option to test my agent than doing this? the only post I found so far about the subject is this blogpost from 2009 http://www.markhneedham.com/blog/2009/05/30/f-testing-asynchronous-calls-to-mailboxprocessor/
This is a tough one, I've been trying to tackle this for some time as well. This is what I found so far, it's too long for a comment but I'd hesitate to call it a full answer either...
From simplest to most complex, depends really how thoroughly you want to test, and how complex is the agent logic.
Your solution may be fine
What you have is fine for small agents whose only role is to serialize access to an async resource, with little or no internal state handling. If you provide the f as you do in your example, you can be pretty sure it will be called in a relatively short timeout of few hundred milliseconds. Sure, it seems clunky and it's double the size of code for all the wrappers and helpers, but those can be reused it you test more agents and/or more scenarios, so the cost gets amortized fairly quickly.
The problem I see with this is that it's not very useful if you also want to verify more than than the function was called - for example the internal agent state after calling it.
One note that's applicable to other parts of the response as well: I usually start agents with a cancellation token, it makes both production and testing life cycle easier.
Use Agent reply channels
Add AsyncReplyChannel<'reply> to the message type and post messages using PostAndAsyncReply instead of Post method on the Agent. It will change your agent to something like this:
type MyMessage<'a, 'b> = 'a * AsyncReplyChannel<'b>
type MyProcessor<'a, 'b>(f:'a->'b) =
// Using the MyMessage type here to simplify the signature
let agent = Agent<MyMessage<'a, 'b>>.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() = async {
let! msg, replyChannel = inbox.Receive()
let! result = f msg
// Sending the result back to the original poster
replyChannel.Reply result
return! loop()
// Notice the type change, may be handled differently, depends on you
member this.Post(msg:'a): Async<'b> =
agent.PostAndAsyncReply(fun channel -> msg, channel)
This may seem like an artificial requirement for the agent "interface", but it's handy to simulate a method call and it's trivial to test - await the PostAndAsyncReply (with a timeout) and you can get rid of most of the test helper code.
Since you have a separate call to the provided function and replyChannel.Reply, the response can also reflect the agent state, not just the function result.
Black-box model-based testing
This is what I'll talk about in most detail as I think it's most general.
In case the agent encapsulates more complex behavior, I found it handy to skip testing individual messages and use model-based tests to verify whole sequences of operations against a model of expected external behavior. I'm using FsCheck.Experimental API for this:
In your case this would be doable, but wouldn't make much sense since there is no internal state to model. To give you an example what it looks like in my particular case, consider an agent which maintains client WebSocket connections for pushing messages to the clients. I can't share the whole code, but the interface looks like this
/// For simplicity, this adapts to the socket.Send method and makes it easy to mock
type MessageConsumer = ArraySegment<byte> -> Async<bool>
type Message =
/// Send payload to client and expect a result of the operation
| Send of ClientInfo * ArraySegment<byte> * AsyncReplyChannel<Result>
/// Client connects, remember it for future Send operations
| Subscribe of ClientInfo * MessageConsumer
/// Client disconnects
| Unsubscribe of ClientInfo
Internally the agent maintains a Map<ClientInfo, MessageConsumer>.
Now for testing this, I can model the external behavior in terms of informal specification like: "sending to a subscribed client may succeed or fail depending on the result of calling the MessageConsumer function" and "sending to an unsubscribed client shouldn't invoke any MessageConsumer". So I can define types for example like these to model the agent.
type ConsumerType =
| SucceedingConsumer
| FailingConsumer
| ExceptionThrowingConsumer
type SubscriptionState =
| Subscribed of ConsumerType
| Unsubscribed
type AgentModel = Map<ClientInfo, SubscriptionState>
And then use FsCheck.Experimental to define the operations of adding and removing clients with differently successful consumers and trying to send data to them. FsCheck then generates random sequences of operations and verifies the agent implementation against the model between each steps.
This does require some additional "test only" code and has a significant mental overhead at the beginning, but lets you test relatively complex stateful logic. What I particularly like about this is that it helps me test the whole contract, not just individual functions/methods/messages, the same way that property-based/generative testing helps test with more than just a single value.
Use Actors
I haven't gone that far yet, but what I've also heard as an alternative is using for example Akka.NET for full-fledged actor model support, and use its testing facilities which let you run agents in special test contexts, verify expected messages and so on. As I said, I don't have first-hand experience, but seems like a viable option for more complex stateful logic (even on a single machine, not in a distributed multi-node actor system).
Consider the following code bit:
def receive = {
case ComputeResult(itemId: Long) =>
//val originalSender = sender
computeResult(itemId).map { result =>
originalSender ! result
The computeResult results in a Future, so how would the introduction of a val prevent my from sending the result to the wrong sender? Let us say I have a completely different Senders (sender1 and sender2).
Sender1 first sends a message followed by Sender2. Without the val in my method above, I clearly see that there is a possibility that my Sender2 could get the result that was actually meant for Sender1.
What I don't get is that how would the introduction of a val prevent me from the scenario that I just described?
sender is actually a function (that's why the convention from Akka 2.3 onwards is to write sender()). By binding the value to originalSender, we can close over that immutable value and know that it won't change, even if another message comes in before the Future from completeResult completes.
Because receive is a function, every invocation will result in a new local value called originalSender.
I'm developing a REST server in Play with Scala, that at some point needs to request data at one or more other web services. Based on the responses from these services the server must compose a unified result to use later on.
Event C on www.someplace.com needs to be executed. In order to execute Event C, Event A on www.anotherplace.com and Event B on www.athirdplace.com must also be executed.
Event C has a Seq(www.anotherplace.com, www.athirdplace.com) from which I would like to iterate and send a WS request to each URL respectively to check wether B and C are executed.
It is assumed that a GET to these URLs returns either true or false
How do I collect the responses from each request (preferably combined to a list) and assert that each response is equal to true?
EDIT: An event may contain an arbitrary number of URL's. So I cant know beforehand how many WS requests i need to send.
Short Answer
You can use sequence method available on Future object.
For example:
import scala.concurrent.Future
val urls = Seq("www.anotherplace.com", "www.athirdplace.com")
val requests = urls.map(WS.url)
val futureResponses = Future.sequence(requests.map(_.get()))
Aggregated Future
Note that the type of futureResponses will be Future[Seq[WSResponse]]. Now you can work on the results:
futureResponses.map { responses =>
responses.map { response =>
val body = response.body
// do something with response body
More Details
From ScalaDocs of sequence method:
Transforms a TraversableOnce[Future[A]] into a
Future[TraversableOnce[A]]. Useful for reducing many Futures into a
single Future.
Note that if any of the Futures you pass to sequence fails, the resulting Future will be failed as well. Only when all Futures are completed successfully the result will complete successfully. This is good for some purposes, especially if you want to send requests at the same time, no one after another.
Have a look at the documentation and see if you can get their example to work.
Try something like this:
val futureResponse: Future[WSResponse] = for {
responseOne <- WS.url(urlOne).get()
responseTwo <- WS.url(responseOne.body).get()
responseThree <- WS.url(responseTwo.body).get()
} yield responseOne && responseTwo && responseThree
You probably need to parse the response of your WebService since they (probably) won't return booleans, but you'll get the idea.
(I may be using this in a totally incorrect manner, so feel free to challenge the premise of this post.)
I have a small RACTest app (sound familiar?) that I'm trying to unit test. I'd like to test MPSTicker, one of the most ReactiveCocoa-based components. It has a signal that sends a value once per second that accumulates, iff an accumulation flag is set to YES. I added an initializer to take a custom signal for its incrementing signal, rather than being only timer-based.
I wanted to unit test a couple of behaviours of MPSTicker:
Verify that its accumulation signal increments properly (i.e. monotonically increases) when accumulation is enabled and the input incrementing signal sends a new value.
Verify that it sends the same value (and not an incremented value) when the input signal sends a value.
I've added a test that uses the built-in timer to test the first increment, and it works as I expected (though I'm seeking advice on improving the goofy RACSequence initialization I did to get a signal with the #(1) value I wanted.)
I've had a very difficult time figuring out what input signal I can provide to MPSTicker that I can manually send values to. I'm envisioning a test like:
<set up ticker>
<send a tick value>
<verify accumulated value is 1>
<send another value>
<verify accumulated value is 2>
I tried using a RACSubject so I can use sendNext: to push in values as I see fit, but it's not working like I expect. Here's two broken tests:
- (void)testManualTimerTheFirst
// Create a custom tick with one value to send.
RACSubject *controlledSignal = [RACSubject subject];
MPSTicker *ticker = [[MPSTicker alloc] initWithTickSource:controlledSignal];
[ticker.accumulateSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
NSLog(#"%s value is %#", __func__, x);
[controlledSignal sendNext:#(2)];
- (void)testManualTimerTheSecond
// Create a custom tick with one value to send.
RACSubject *controlledSignal = [RACSubject subject];
MPSTicker *ticker = [[MPSTicker alloc] initWithTickSource:controlledSignal];
BOOL success = NO;
NSError *error = nil;
id value = [ticker.accumulateSignal asynchronousFirstOrDefault:nil success:&success error:&error];
if (!success) {
XCTAssertTrue(success, #"Signal failed to return a value. Error: %#", error);
} else {
XCTAssertNotNil(value, #"Signal returned a nil value.");
XCTAssertEqualObjects(#(1), value, #"Signal returned an unexpected value.");
// Send a value.
[controlledSignal sendNext:#(1)];
In testManualTimerTheFirst, I never see any value from controlledSignal's sendNext: come through to my subscribeNext: block.
In testManualTimerTheSecond, I tried using the asynchronousFirstOrDefault: call to get the first value from the signal, then manually sent a value on my subject, but the value didn't come through, and the test failed when asynchronousFirstOrDefault: timed out.
What am I missing here?
This may not answer your question exactly, but it may give you insights on how to effectively test your signals. I've used 2 approaches myself so far:
XCTestCase and TRVSMonitor
TRVSMonitor is a small utility which will pause the current thread for you while you run your assertions. For example:
TRVSMonitor *monitor = [TRVSMonitor monitor];
[[[self.service searchPodcastsWithTerm:#"security now"] collect] subscribeNext:^(NSArray *results) {
XCTAssertTrue([results count] > 0, #"Results count should be > 0";
[monitor signal];
} error:^(NSError *error) {
XCTFail(#"%#", error);
[monitor signal];
[monitor wait];
As you can see, I'm telling the monitor to wait right after I subscribe and signal it to stop waiting at the end of subscribeNext and error blocks to make it continue executing (so other tests can run too). This approach has the benefit of not relying on a static timeout, so your code can run as long as it needs to.
Using CocoaPods, you can easily add TRVSMonitor to your project:
pod "TRVSMonitor", "~> 0.0.3"
Specta & Expecta
Specta is a BDD/TDD (behavior driven/test driven) test framework. Expecta is a framework which provides more convenient assertion matchers. It has built-in support for async tests. It enables you to write more descriptive tests with ReactiveCocoa, like so:
it(#"should return a valid image, with cache state 'new'", ^AsyncBlock {
[[cache imageForURL:[NSURL URLWithString:SECURITY_NOW_ARTWORK_URL]] subscribeNext:^(UIImage *image) {
} error:^(NSError *error) {
XCTFail(#"%#", error);
} completed:^{
Note the use of ^AsyncBlock {. Using simply ^ { would imply a synchronous test.
Here you call the done() function to signal the end of an asynchronous test. I believe Specta uses a 10 second timeout internally.
Using CocoaPods, you can easily add Expecta & Specta:
pod "Expecta", "~> 0.2.3"
pod "Specta", "~> 0.2.1"
See this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19127547/420594
The XCAsyncTestCase has some extra functionality to allow for asynchronous test cases.
Also, I haven't looked at it in depth yet, but could ReactiveCocoaTests be of some interest to you? On a glance, they appear to be using Expecta.