Hi I'm Using PowerBI Pro version. I have 10 clients and created all their dashboards on my single PowerBI account. I have custom login page where each client can login to their private space and see their dashboard and here I have pasted the secure embed code generated from PowerBI.
It is secure coz it asks to login to powerbi but I cant give my PowerBI account credentials to the client, If I do they is a possibility they can go to PowerBI login page and login using my credentials and see the other 9 clients dashboards and reports.
Is there any way to connect powerbi from code so i can login from my code itself and they can only see the dashboard of their own?
Yes, you need to embed these dashboards and reports into your application, using app owns data scenario.
How to do this is asked many times. See for example Is there any way to embed power bi reports and dashboards in vb.net or C# desktop application with sql server 2008 database?
I got a problem that prevents me from moving forward. I want to embed Power BI report into my own web application. I am following the "embed for your customers" scenario with the master user option.
I struggle to embed the report in my web app. Where the report should be displayed, power BI API returns a "this content isn't available". I am wondering if it has something to do with the access token.
How to generate an access token for each user connecting to my web app to see the report? I am using react to build my web app.
I haven't worked with Power BI's paginated reports but I'm trying to migrate from SQL Server to Azure SQL. Getting Power BI per-user licenses just for users to be able to generate a report PDF is prohibitively expensive for us.
Is it possible to use Power BI service API in a similar way to SSRS Report Server where you just make a request to generate the report and return the result?
We don't need to embed the paginated reports... just call the service API with the specified params and return the generated report (like SSRS Report Server).
Really hoping to use a single Premium license for the Azure Active Directory App Service registration to avoid needing to have a per-user license for every user that just needs to click a button and generate an invoice.
Essentially this, but with Power BI Paginated Reports: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/reporting-services/export-a-report-using-url-access?view=sql-server-ver16
I'm asking just to see if I'm wasting my time by digging further into this. Thanks in advance!
I have a web application in which Azure Active Directory authentication is implemented.
Now I am embedded my Power BI reports in this Web Application using Secure Embed Option.
Whenever a user logs into the web application, he sees a separate sign in button on the Power BI reports after successful login into Web Application.
Is there a way to automatically signin into Power BI reports using the currently logged in user.
Currently logged in user has access to both Azure AD as well as Power BI.
Secure embed option is used to embed a report in a given iframe where every user would need to sign-in within the iframe.
In order to provide a single sign-on experience, you would need to use the user login authentication to generate an access token.
Generating access tokens -
C# - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/developer/get-azuread-access-token
JS - (Using ADAL) https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-js
This access token can then be used to embed reports within an HTML container (for example, a div element) using the Power BI embedded JS library.
When the token is created as per the different users logging in, then such implementation is called as 'User Owns Data'.
Sample code and summary - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/developer/embed-sample-for-your-organization
Embed setup tool for user owns data: https://app.powerbi.com/embedsetup/UserOwnsData
I have created an native app enabling powerbi service permissions in azure portal going through azure active directory -> app registration. Now I want to create power bi reports, workspace on that created app but if I go to https://app.powerbi.com I can't see that created app on my power bi app.
I am confused here actually how to add power bi reports under that app because I want to access power bi rest api using adal.js lib where I need app id and want to access reports under that app.
Anybody can clear my confusion here?
Your confusion is with the terms "Apps" in Power BI. The app you registered has nothing in common with these. It is a guid, used from Power BI to identify your native app.
When you create a native app, you register it (what you did) and Power BI REST API uses this appID (also called ClientID) to identify your app and the permissions it has. When you call the API, you need an access token. It will be acquired in the context of some user. This user must have rights for the reports you want to access. So simply make a workspace, grant rights to users and publish your reports there. Then you will be able to embed them in your app.
I have embedded power bi report public access url in my web application, which is not authenticated. Is their any way i can authenticate the report without using Azure AD? Please do reply with solution.
Thanks in Advance
Are you talking about 'Publish-To-Web' solution (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/service-publish-to-web), if so - no, there is no way to authenticate access to such published report.
For getting authenticated access to embedded report, you should use PowerBI embedded (see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/power-bi-embedded)