Image Rotation without cropping - c++

With the below code, I rotate my cv::Mat object (I'm not using any Cv's functions, apart from load/save/convertionColor.., as this is a academic project) and I receive a cropped Image
rotation function:
float rads = angle*3.1415926/180.0;
float _cos = cos(-rads);
float _sin = sin(-rads);
float xcenter = (float)(src.cols)/2.0;
float ycenter = (float)(src.rows)/2.0;
for(int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++){
int x = ycenter + ((float)(i)-ycenter)*_cos - ((float)(j)-xcenter)*_sin;
int y = xcenter + ((float)(i)-ycenter)*_sin + ((float)(j)-xcenter)*_cos;
if (x >= 0 && x < src.rows && y >= 0 && y < src.cols) {<cv::Vec4b>(i ,j) =<cv::Vec4b>(x, y);
else {<cv::Vec4b>(i ,j)[3] = 0;
I would like to know, How I can keep my Full image every time I want to rotate it.
Am I missing something in my function maybe?
thanks in advance

The rotated image usually has to be large than the old image to store all pixel values.
Each point (x,y) is translated to
(x', y') = (x*cos(rads) - y*sin(rads), x*sin(rads) + y*cos(rads))
An image with height h and width w, center at (0,0) and corners at
(h/2, w/2)
(h/2, -w/2)
(-h/2, w/2)
(-h/2, -w/2)
has a new height of
h' = 2*y' = 2 * (w/2*sin(rads) + h/2*cos(rads))
and a new width of
w' = 2*x' = 2 * (w/2*cos(rads) + h/2*sin(rads))
for 0 <= rads <= pi/4. It is x * y <= x' * y' and for rads != k*pi/2 with k = 1, 2, ... it is x * y < x' * y'
In any case the area of the rotated image is same size as or larger than the area of the old image.
If you use the old size, you cut off the corners.
Your image has h=1, w=1 and rads=pi/4. You need a new image with h'=sqrt(2)=1.41421356237 and w'=sqrt(2)=1.41421356237 to store all pixel values. The pixel from (1,1) is translated to (0, sqrt(2)).


Bilinear interpolation in 2D transformation Qt

I'm currently working on 2D transformations (translation, scaling, shearing and rotation) in Qt. I have a problem with bilinear interpolation, which I want to use to cover the 'black pixels' in output image. I'm using matrix calculations to get new coordinates of pixels of input image. Then I use reverse matrix calculation to check which pixel of input image responds to output pixel. Result of that is some float number which I use to interpolation. I check the four neighbour points and calculate the value (color) of output pixel. I have checked my calculations 'by hand' and they seem to be good.
Can anyone find any bug in that code? (I cut out the parts of code which are responsible for interface such as sliders).
Geometric::Geometric(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) {
resize(1000, 800);
displayLogoDefault = true;
a = shx = shy = x0 = y0 = 0;
scx = scy = 1;
tx = ty = 0;
x = 200, y = 200;
paintT = paintSc = paintR = paintShx = paintShy = false;
img = new QImage(600,600,QImage::Format_RGB32);
img2 = new QImage("logo.jpeg");
Geometric::~Geometric() {
delete img;
delete img2;
img = NULL;
img2 = NULL;
void Geometric::makeChange() {
displayLogoDefault = false;
// iteration through whole input image
for(int i = 0; i < img2->width(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < img2->height(); j++) {
// calculate new coordinates basing on given 2D transformations values
//I calculated that formula eariler by multiplying/adding matrixes
x = cos(a)*scx*(i-x0) - sin(a)*scy*(j-y0) + shx*sin(a)*scx*(i-x0) + shx*cos(a)*scy*(j-y0);
y = shy*(x) + sin(a)*scx*(i-x0) + cos(a)*scy*(j-y0);
// tx and ty goes for translation. scx and scy for scaling
// shx and shy for shearing and a is angle for rotation
x += (x0 + tx);
y += (y0 + ty);
if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < img->width() && y < img->height()) {
// reverse matrix calculation formula to find proper pixel from input image
float tmx = x - x0 - tx;
float tmy = y - y0 - ty;
float recX = 1/scx * ( cos(-a)*( (tmx + shx*shy*tmx - shx*tmx) ) + sin(-a)*( shy*tmx - tmy ) ) + x0 ;
float recY = 1/scy * ( sin(-a)*(tmx + shx*shy*tmx - shx*tmx) - cos(-a)*(shy*tmx-tmy) ) + y0;
// here the interpolation starts. I calculate the color basing on four points from input image
// that points are taken from the reverse matrix calculation
float a = recX - floorf(recX);
float b = recY - floorf (recY);
if(recX + 1 > img2->width()) recX -= 1;
if(recY + 1 > img2->height()) recY -= 1;
QColor c1 = QColor(img2->pixel(recX, recY));
QColor c2 = QColor(img2->pixel(recX + 1, recY));
QColor c3 = QColor(img2->pixel(recX , recY + 1));
QColor c4 = QColor(img2->pixel(recX + 1, recY + 1));
float colR = b * ((1.0 - a) * (float) + a * (float) + (1.0 - b) * ((1.0 - a) * (float) + a * (float);
float colG = b * ((1.0 - a) * (float) + a * (float) + (1.0 - b) * ((1.0 - a) * (float) + a * (float);
float colB = b * ((1.0 - a) * (float) + a * (float) + (1.0 - b) * ((1.0 - a) * (float) + a * (float);
if(colR > 255) colR = 255; if(colG > 255) colG = 255; if(colB > 255) colB = 255;
if(colR < 0 ) colR = 0; if(colG < 0 ) colG = 0; if(colB < 0 ) colB = 0;
paintPixel(x, y, colR, colG, colB);
// x0 and y0 are the starting point of image
x0 = abs(x-tx);
y0 = abs(y-ty);
// function painting a pixel. It works directly on memory
void Geometric::paintPixel(int i, int j, int r, int g, int b) {
unsigned char *ptr = img->bits();
ptr[4 * (img->width() * j + i)] = b;
ptr[4 * (img->width() * j + i) + 1] = g;
ptr[4 * (img->width() * j + i) + 2] = r;
void Geometric::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) {
QPainter p(this);
p.drawImage(0, 0, *img);
if (displayLogoDefault == true) p.drawImage(0, 0, *img2);

Transform images with bezier curves

I'm using this article: nonlingr as a font to understand non linear transformations, in the section GLYPHS ALONG A PATH he explains how to use a parametric curve to transform an image, i'm trying to apply a cubic bezier to an image, however i have been unsuccessfull, this is my code:
OUT.aloc(IN.width(), IN.height());
//get the control points...
wVector p0(values[vindex], values[vindex+1], 1);
wVector p1(values[vindex+2], values[vindex+3], 1);
wVector p2(values[vindex+4], values[vindex+5], 1);
wVector p3(values[vindex+6], values[vindex+7], 1);
//this is to calculate t based on x
double trange = 1 / (OUT.width()-1);
//curve coefficients
double A = (-p0[0] + 3*p1[0] - 3*p2[0] + p3[0]);
double B = (3*p0[0] - 6*p1[0] + 3*p2[0]);
double C = (-3*p0[0] + 3*p1[0]);
double D = p0[0];
double E = (-p0[1] + 3*p1[1] - 3*p2[1] + p3[1]);
double F = (3*p0[1] - 6*p1[1] + 3*p2[1]);
double G = (-3*p0[1] + 3*p1[1]);
double H = p0[1];
//apply the transformation
for(long i = 0; i < OUT.height(); i++){
for(long j = 0; j < OUT.width(); j++){
//t = x / width
double t = trange * j;
//apply the article given formulas
double x_path_d = 3*t*t*A + 2*t*B + C;
double y_path_d = 3*t*t*E + 2*t*F + G;
double angle = 3.14159265/2.0 + std::atan(y_path_d / x_path_d);
mapped_point.Set((t*t*t)*A + (t*t)*B + t*C + D + i*std::cos(angle),
(t*t*t)*E + (t*t)*F + t*G + H + i*std::sin(angle),
//test if the point is inside the image
if(mapped_point[0] < 0 ||
mapped_point[0] >= OUT.width() ||
mapped_point[1] < 0 ||
mapped_point[1] >= IN.height())
IN.getPixel(j, i));
Applying this code in a 300x196 rgb image all i get is a black screen no matter what control points i use, is hard to find information about this kind of transformation, searching for parametric curves all i find is how to draw them, not apply to images. Can someone help me on how to transform an image with a bezier curve?
IMHO applying a curve to an image sound like using a LUT. So you will need to check for the value of the curve for different image values and then switch the image value with the one on the curve, so, create a Look-Up-Table for each possible value in the image (e.g : 0, 1, ..., 255, for a gray value 8 bit image), that is a 2x256 matrix, first column has the values from 0 to 255 and the second one having the value of the curve.

c++ YUYV 422 Horizontal and Vertical Flipping

I have a uint8_t YUYV 422 (Interleaved) image array in memory and I want to be able to flip it both vertically and horizontally. I have successfully implemented a vertical flip but I'm having a problem with flipping both horizontally and vertically at the same time.
My code for the vertical flip, below, works perfectly.
int counter = 0;
int array_width = 2; // YUYV
for (int h = (m_Width * m_Height * array_width) - m_Width * array_width; h > 0; h -= m_Width * array_width)
for (int w = 0; w < m_Width * array_width; w++)
flipped[counter] = buffer[h + w];
However, the following vertical and horizontal flip code appears to work but there is a loss of definition. To better understand what I am referring to, please see my sample images.
int x = 0;
for (int n = m_Width * m_Height * 2 - 1; n >= 0; n -= 4)
flipped[x] = buffer[n - 3]; // Y0
flipped[x + 1] = buffer[n - 2]; // U
flipped[x + 2] = buffer[n - 1]; // Y1
flipped[x + 3] = buffer[n]; // V
x += 4;
As you can see, I am moving the YUYV components and keeping them in the same order. I don't believe that I am dropping pixels so I don't understand why I am losing definition. To reiterate, I don't see this problem when flipping vertically (Using the first code snippet).
Here is the reference image, please note the stem of the lamp:
This is the flipped image, the stem of the lamp has lost definition:
You also need to swap Y0 and Y1 in your loop.
int x = 0;
for (int n = m_Width * m_Height * 2 - 1; n >= 3; n -= 4)
flipped[x] = buffer[n - 1]; // Y1->Y0
flipped[x + 1] = buffer[n - 2]; // U
flipped[x + 2] = buffer[n - 3]; // Y0->Y1
flipped[x + 3] = buffer[n]; // V
x += 4;
While I was at it, since you're accessing n - 3 I changed the loop condition to be absolutely sure it was safe.
m_Width * m_Height * 2 is not a multiple of 4 (the number of data blocks in YUYV format. Try changing '2' into '4', an also array_width.

Formula of rotating matrix/image 90 degree C++

Let's say I have image, which I need to rotate 90 degrees in any direction and I just can't understand how to do that clear. I need to work with matrix, where Width - it's X, and Height - it's Y. I've already done rotating an image 180 degrees, but can't figure out 90 degrees.
Here are the examples. Let's say I have an image 3x4 pixels. Width = 3, Height = 4, the amount of data in each cell - N = Width * Height = 3 * 4 = 12. Let's make the matrix:
The formula to easily go through the matrix is y*Width + x. And the formula for our rotating 180 degrees is:
N - Width + x - y * Width
So we have:
DataOut [y * Width + x] = DataIn [N - Width + x - y * Width]
Using this formula we get:
But I can't come up with the formula of rotating 90 degrees. Can you help me, please?
you can simply rotate the matrix by this:
for(int i=0; i<cols; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=rows; j++)
datOut[i][j]= datIn[rows-j][i];
and in 1-D array:
for(int i=0; i<cols; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=rows; j++)
datOut[i * rows + j]= datIn[(rows-j) * cols + i];
You can easily convert the (x + y * width) to a simpler (x, y) representation.
using P = point_data_type;
P point(int x, int y){
return DataIn[x + y * width]; // N - ...?
Now a right angle rotation is just a coordinate switch and maybe a sign correction.
P rotate90(int x, int y){
return point(y, x);
This is a positive rotation in a left-handed system.
Subtract x from Width if the rotation is in the wrong direction.

How do I draw a cylinder in OpenTK(.Glu.Cylinder)?

How do I draw a cylinder with OpenGL in OpenTK?
Sample code from an older project of mine. This creates an "uncapped" cylinder (top and bottom are empty).
int segments = 10; // Higher numbers improve quality
int radius = 3; // The radius (width) of the cylinder
int height = 10; // The height of the cylinder
var vertices = new List<Vector3>();
for (double y = 0; y < 2; y++)
for (double x = 0; x < segments; x++)
double theta = (x / (segments - 1)) * 2 * Math.PI;
vertices.Add(new Vector3()
X = (float)(radius * Math.Cos(theta)),
Y = (float)(height * y),
Z = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(theta)),
var indices = new List<int>();
for (int x = 0; x < segments - 1; x++)
indices.Add(x + segments);
indices.Add(X + segments + 1);
indices.Add(x + segments + 1);
indices.Add(x + 1);
You can now render the cylinder like this:
foreach (int index in indices)
You can also upload vertices and indices into a vertex buffer object to improve performance.
Generating the geometry for a cylinder is quite simple (let's consider a Z-aligned cylinder). Let me use pseudocode:
points = list of (x,y,z)
where x = sin(a)*RADIUS, y = cos(a)*RADIUS, z = b,
for each a in [0..2*PI) with step StepA,
for each b in [0..HEIGHT] with step StepB
About the indices: Let us assume N equal to the number of "levels" or "slices" of the cylinder (which depends on HEIGHT and StepB) and M equal to the number of points on every "slice" (which depends on StepA).
The cylinder contains some quads, each spanning 2 neighbouring slices, so the indices would look like:
indices = list of (a,b,c,d)
where a = M * slice + point,
b = M * slice + (point+1) % M,
c = (M+1) * slice + (point+1) % M,
d = (M+1) * slice + point
for each slice in [0..N-2]
for each point in [0..M-1]
If you need normals for the cylinder, they are simple to generate:
normals = (x/RADIUS,y/RADIUS,0)
for each (x,y,z) in points
That's it for the round part of the cylinder, you might also want the "caps" but I believe they are easy to do.
I'll leave the fun part of translating my pseudocode into your language of choice for you. :)
The rest is to create/bind the VBO, load up the geometry, set pointers, use your shader of choice and call glDrawArrays(...) - any OpenGL 3 tutorial should cover this; are you familiar with that part?